CIS101 week 05 honors

Introduction to Computing
Week 05
Your questions
CIS101 Survey
Introduction to the Internet & HTML
Online HTML Resources
Using the HTML editor 1st Page 2000
HTML Project One
Agenda cont.
Uploading a file to your web space
using WS-FTP
Resume Project
This week online
Next class
Discussion Board
This week’s forums are
Jennifer & Meredith
Plan to post several topics when it is
your turn (3 or more)
Please check your Pace e-mail on a
regular basis
CIS101 Anonymous Survey
This is a pilot for revised CIS101
Your feedback will help us assess and
improve CIS101
Click on link in announcement and
complete the survey
What is the Internet?
Global network of computers that are
connected and communicate via a
series of Protocols
Protocols are rules that specify the
transmission of data
Internet protocols
TCP/IP – network protocols that govern
how data moves around the Internet
FTP – allows files to be transferred
HTTP –transmits of Web pages
What is the World Wide Web?
The youngest part of the Internet
Part of the Internet that supports
multimedia and consists of a collection
of linked documents
Multimedia supported with HTTP
(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Web Servers
Computer connected to the Internet that
stores and sends Web pages and other files
Any computer with server software and
Internet connection can be a server
Copying Web pages to a server is called
Once a Web page has been published it can
be viewed on any computer with an Internet
Internet traffic
These Web sites display the global
distribution of the Internet:
To view internet traffic
To trace the connection to a server
Web sites
Related collection of Web pages created
and maintained by an individual,
company, educational institution or
other organization
Each Web site has a starting document
(usually index.html)
Every Web site is stored on or runs
from one or more Web servers
Web browser
Software that interprets and displays
Web pages
Input ->HTML
Output ->Graphical Display
Web page location is defined as a URL
(Uniform Resource Locator)
URL is made up of protocol (ftp, http,
etc), Web server, and (optional) Web
Example (Excel Quick Reference):
Web documents
Web documents contain text,
multimedia, and links to other
Also know as Web pages, are written in
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
What is HTML?
Platform independent page description
Will display on any computer
HTML describes what a Web document will look
Uses special instructions called tags to define
the structure and layout of a Web document
Web document combines HTML tags and text
HTML Resources
Go to Blackboard site, click Course
Text web site
Web Design Group HTML Reference (zip
file you can download to your computer),
or see Web site at
Barebones Guide to HTML
Elements of HTML document
HTML elements include headings,
paragraphs, hyperlinks, lists, images,
and other graphical elements
Most HTML elements follow this
start tag
content end tag
<b>This is now bold</b>
Web editors
In order to create HTML documents you
need to be able to create a text file with
an extension of .htm or .html
Can use HTML editor or any text editor
Text uses Notepad, available on most
This class will use HTML editor 1st Page
2000 (free download)
1st Page 2000
Will use this software in class for HTML
and JavaScript
If you want to install 1st Page 2000 on
home computer go to Blackboard, Web
Sites, Software for download link
Start up 1st Page 2000 in Normal mode
1st Page Startup
Select New Documents
Select blank document for HTML Project
For other projects and resume
assignment can select HTML document
(includes standard HTML tags)
The elements of a Web page
Title – first thing you see
Displayed in bar above browser
Used when bookmarking Web page
Body – content that displays in browser
Background – like wallpaper in
Windows, can be color or picture
Elements cont.
Normal text – the bulk of most Web
Lists – bulleted or numbered
Formatted text – bold, italic, fonts
Graphical elements – HR (horizontal
rule), images
Hyperlinks – connection to another
Project One
Will produce a Web page using
headings, a list, text, and a background
We will use 1st Page 2000 rather than
Notepad to create file
Viewing your Web page
Use preview tab in 1st Page 2000 or
Open up page in browser (IE or
Netscape) to view
Click File Open and select document
Start entering text (p. 1.11)
Save file and upload
Save your work following instructions in
text (p. 1.17, save as page1.htm)
Now start WS-FTP to upload this page
to your Web space
Pace Webspace
Access your Pace e-mail and print out
e-mail confirmation of Webspace
Access your web site:
where account is your email id ALL
Set up WS-FTP
Profile Name: WS_FTP32 (or anything
else you like)
Host Name/Address:
Host Type: Automatic detect
Set up cont.
User ID: yourID (the one you receive in your
registration confirmation email, ALL CAPS)
Password: ******** (also found in the
registration confirmation)
Account: (leave blank)
Comment: (leave blank)
Also, click on the Startup tab - In Initial
Remote Site Folder:
Upload file
Left side displays file directory for the
computer you are sitting at, right side is
Locate your HTML file on the left side
First find the desktop folder, it should be inside the
folder “Documents and Settings”
Your file should be inside the desktop folder
Upload by clicking arrow going into
Test Upload Using Browser
Go to your Web page, URL is
where account is your email id ALL
You should see the page1.htm file you
uploaded listed in the directory (hit reload button if it does not appear)
Click to open it
The Resume Project
Over the course of the next four weeks you
will be producing an online resume and
posting it to your Web space
Each week you will add new HTML elements
from the week’s lab
This week’s Resume Instructions are in
Course Docs, week 05, Introduction to Web
Course Docs, week 05, HTML Project One
This week online
Introduction to HTML
Project One: Creating and Editing a Web Page
This week’s Quiz
HTML Project One
Next class meeting
Bring your HTML book to class
Upload your resume homework, class
will use your URLs to look at your work
next week
Go to Course Materials to see
everyone’s Web link