Byzantine Crossword


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Byzantine Crossword Puzzle (Pages 96-102)



4. Highest church official

6. scholarly and cultural blossoming of Italy due to many Greek scholars and artists of Constantinople

7. the Byzantine Empire evoked the presence of God and gave viewers a sense of personal contact with the sacred

8. Emperor of the Byzantine empire who brought it to its peak by recovering the lands of ancient Rome

9. great church that was rebuilt by Justinian and served as a great symbol of Roman glory

12. great ruler of the Turkish Ottoman Empire who took over Constantinople

13. Holy image of Christ, Mary or a saint venerated in the Easter Orthodox Church

14. The capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires; now called Istanbul

15. Wife of Justinian who served as an adviser and co-ruler to Justinian and even pursued her own policies.


1. The ottoman empire took the city and renamed it Istanbul, which became a center for Muslim culture

2. A form of the bubonic plague that nearly destroyed Constantinople and changed the fortunes of the empire

3. Justinian's reform of Roman law for the Byzantine Empire, that served as a model for the Catholic


5. Formed the Byzantine empire and formed the capital Constantinople

10. Sole ruler with complete authority, who also had the power of the church

11. the church divided into two, an Eastern Roman Church and a Western Byzantine church, where the two differed in terms of holy days, the clergy's right to marry, official language of the church and the church's authority
