Assessment Workshop I Creating and Evaluating High Quality Assessments Dr. Deborah Brady Do Now Good Morning! Please make sure you sign in (table at left with printer) Look over the 2 handouts: the PowerPoint and the Agenda/Handout Sit with team members if possible Please set your cell phones to vibrate Coffee and… are at table at back; help yourselves; thank you Central Mass Readiness Center and Tahanto District Norms Processing Partners Movement Exit Slips Planning next class Questions, Deborah resources Brady Information Overload Ahead! Agenda Introductions: Overview I. Break at about 10, lunch at about 11:30, session ends at about 3:00 II. Morning presentation (with frequent processing breaks) and afternoon time for beginning to plan High quality Assessments (DESE criteria) II. III. I. I. Tools to evaluate assessments II. Tools to track all educators’ DDMs I. Quality Tracking Tool II. Educator Alignment Tool Measuring Student Growth Direct measures I. I. Local alternatives to determine growth II. Pre-/Post, Holistic Rubrics, Measures over time, Post-test only III. “Standardization” an alternative, but not required IV. Indirect measures IV. Piloting, preparing for full implementation in SY 2015 V. TIME to work Where Are You in This Journey? “Living” Likert Scale • Adapting present assessments • Creating new assessments • Writing to text? Developing Assessments Assessing Quality • Alignment of Content • Rigorous and appropriate expectations • Plus • Security • Calibration of standards • Rubric quality • Analysis of results: HighM-Low Growth Piloting 2015 Full Implementation • 2 DDMs per educator • Directions for teachers • Directions for students • Organizing for the actual assessments • Storing, tracking the information • Data storage • Data Analysis • L-M-H Growth Interpreting the results Student Impact Carousel Walk/Living Likert Scale 1) CAROUSEL WALK Take a walk past each of the phases in this process 2. Put a check to the left of each area that you have addressed (even partially) 1. 3. Put an 4. Put a 5. Add ! next to each bullet/category that you have some concerns about ? Next to any area that seems problematical or is unfamiliar to you + if you see something missing that is a concern 2) LIVING LIKERT SCALE 1. After your walk, stand by the stage of DDM development where you (and your team, school, or district) are. Developing Assessing quality Piloting Fully Implement Interpreting the Results Potential as Transformative Process When Curriculum, Instruction or Assessment is changed…. Elmore, Instructional Rounds, and the “task predicts performance” Assessment Instruction Curriculum District Determined Measures DEFINITION DDMs are defined as: TYPES OF MEASURES Portfolio assessments “Measures of student learning, growth, and achievement related to the Curriculum Frameworks, that are comparable across grade or subject level district-wide” Approved commercial assessments District developed pre and post unit and course assessments Capstone projects The Role of DDMs To provide educators with an opportunity to: Understand student knowledge and learning patterns more clearly Broaden the range of what knowledge and skills are assessed and how learning is assessed Improve educator practice and student learning Provide educators with feedback about their performance with respect to professional practice and student achievement Provide evidence of an educator’s impact on student learning Bottom Line: Time to do this is critically important! District Determined Measures Regulations: Every educator will need data from at least 2 different measures Trends must be measured over a course of at least 2 years One measure must be taken from State-wide testing data such as MCAS if available (grades 4-8 ELA and Math SGP for classroom educators) One measure must be taken from at least one District Determined Measure which can include Galileo, normed assessments (DRA, MAP, SAT) The Development of DDMs Timeline 2013-2014 District-wide training, development of assessments and pilot 2014-2015 All educators must have 2 DDMs in place and collect the first year’s data 2015-2016 Second year data is collected and all educators receive an impact rating that is sent to DESE Performance & Impact Ratings Performance Rating Ratings are obtained through data collected from observations, walkthroughs and artifacts Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory 4 Standards plus 2 Goals Impact Rating Ratings are based on trends and patterns in student learning, growth and achievement over a period of at least 2 years of data gathered from DDM’s and Statewide testing High Moderate Low Summative Rating Exemplary Proficient 1-yr SelfDirected Growth Plan 2-yr Self-Directed Growth Plan Needs Improvement Directed Growth Plan Unsatisfactory Improvement Plan Low Impact Rating on Student Performance Moderate High Rating of Impact on Student Learning Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 14 What kinds of assessments will work for administrators, guidance, nurses, school psychologists? Use School-wide Growth Measures Use MCAS growth measures and extend them to all educators in a school Use “indirect measures” such as dropout rates, attendance, etc., as measures Use Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Or create measures Pre- and post-tests are generally required to measure growth except with normed assessments Indirect measures of student learning, growth, or achievement provide information about students from means other than student work. These measures may include student record information (e.g., grades, attendance or tardiness records, or other data related to student growth or achievement such as high school graduation or college enrollment rates). To be considered for use as DDMs, a link (relationship) between indirect measures and student growth or achievement must be established. For some educators such as district administrators and guidance counselors, it may be appropriate to use one indirect measure of student learning along with other direct measures; ESE recommends that at least one of the measures used to determine each educator’s student impact rating be a direct measure. Indirect Measure Examples Consider Student Support Team (SST) Process for a team High school SST team example—increase in-depth studies Child Study Team example—make the process consistent district-wide RTI team example—follow the referral process High school guidance example Subgroups of students can be studied (School Psychologist group example)—school anxiety Social-emotional growth is appropriate (Autistic/Behavioral Program example)—saying hello Number of times each student says hello to a non-classroom adult on his or her way to gym or class Number of days (or classes) a student with school anxiety participates Assess level of participation in a class “Spot-check,” for example every Friday for 15 minutes Increase applications to college IEP goals can be used as long as they are measuring growth (academic or social-emotional) GROWTH SCORES for Educators Will Need to Be Tabulated for All Locally Developed Assessments MCAS SGP (for students) in this example 244/ 25 SGP 4503699 230/ 35 SGP 225/ 92 SGP What are the requirements? 1. Is the measure aligned to content? Does it assess what is most important for students to learn and be able to do? Does it assess what the educators intend to teach? Bottom Line: “substantial” content of course At least 2 standards ELA: reading/writing Math: Unit exam Not necessarily a “final” exam (unless it’s a high quality exam) 19 2. Is the measure informative? Do the results of the measure inform educators about curriculum, instruction, and practice? Does it provide valuable information to educators about their students? Does it provide valuable information to schools and districts about their educators? Bottom Line: Time to analyze is essential 20 Five Considerations (DESE) 1. Measure growth 2. Employ a common administration procedure 3. Use a common scoring process 4. Translate these assessments to an Impact Rating 5. Assure comparability of assessments (rigor, validity). 21 Comparability Comparable within a grade, subject, or course across schools within a district Identical measures are recommended across a grade, department, course Comparable across grade or subject level district-wide Impact Ratings should have a consistent meaning across educators; therefore, DDMs should not have significantly different levels of rigor 22 Two Considerations for Local DDMs, 1. Comparable across schools Where possible, measures are identical Easier Do to compare identical measures identical measures provide meaningful information about all students? Exceptions: When might assessments not be identical? Different content (different sections of Algebra I) Differences in untested skills (reading and writing on math test for ELL students) Other accommodations (fewer questions to students who need more time) NOTE: Roster Verification and Group Size will be considerations by DESE 23 “Common Sense” The purpose of DDMs is to assess Teacher Impact The student scores, the Low, Moderate, and High growth rankings are totally internal DESE (in two years) will see MEPIDS L, and M or H next to a MEPID The important part of this process needs to be the focus: Your discussions about student learning with colleagues Your discussions about student learning with your evaluator An ongoing process Writing to Text and PARCC The Next Step? The 2011 MA Frameworks Shifts to the Common Core Complex Texts Complex Tasks Multiple Texts Increased Writing A Giant Step? Increase in cognitive load Mass Model Units—PBL with Performance-Based Assessments (CEPAs) PARCC assessments require matching multiple texts 2. Comparable across the District Aligned to your curriculum (comparable content) K-12 in all disciplines Appropriate for your students Aligned to your district’s content Informative, useful to teachers and administrators “Substantial” Assessments (comparable rigor): “Substantial” units with multiple standards and/or concepts assessed. (DESE began talking about finals/midterms as preferable recently) See Core Curriculum Objectives (CCOs) on DESE website if you are concerned / Quarterly, benchmarks, mid-terms, and common end of year exams NOTE: All of this data stays in your district. Only HML goes to DESE with a MEPID for each educator. Approaches to Measuring Student Growth Pre-Test/Post Test Repeated Measures Holistic Evaluation Post-Test Only 27 Pre/Post Test Description: The same or similar assessments administered at the beginning and at the end of the course or year Example: Grade 10 ELA writing assessment aligned to College and Career Readiness Standards at beginning and end of year with the passages changed Measuring Growth: Difference between pre- and post-test. Considerations: Do all students have an equal chance of demonstrating growth? 28 Repeated Measures Description: Multiple assessments given throughout the year. Example: running records, attendance, mile run Measuring Growth: Graphically Ranging from the sophisticated to simple Considerations: Less pressure on each administration. Authentic Tasks 29 Repeated Measures Example Running Record Running Record Error Rate 70 60 50 # of errors 40 Low Growth 30 High Growth Mod Growth 20 10 0 30 Date of Holistic Description: Assess growth across student work collected throughout the year. Example: Tennessee Arts Growth Measure System Measuring Growth: Growth Rubric (see example) Considerations: Option for multifaceted performance assessments Rating can be challenging & time consuming 31 Holistic Example 1 No improvement in the level of detail. One is true * No new details across versions * New details are added, but not included in future versions. Details * A few new details are added that are not relevant, accurate or meaningful 2 3 4 Modest improvement in the level of detail Considerable Improvement in the level of detail Outstanding Improvement in the level of detail One is true All are true All are true * There are a few details included across all versions * There are many examples of added details across all versions, * On average there are multiple details added across every version * At least one example of a detail that is improved or elaborated in future versions * There are multiple examples of details that build and elaborate on previous versions *Details are consistently included in future versions * The added details reflect the most relevant and meaningful additions * There are many added details are included, but they are not included consistently, or none are improved or elaborated upon. * There are many added details, but several are not relevant, accurate or meaningful *The added details reflect relevant and meaningful additions Example taken from Austin, a first grader from Anser Charter School in Boise, Idaho. Used with permission from Expeditionary Learning. Learn 32 more about this and other examples at Post-Test Only Description: A single assessment or data that is paired with other information Example: AP exam Measuring Growth, where possible: Use a baseline Assume equal beginning Considerations: May be only option for some indirect measures What is the quality of the baseline information? 33 MCAS Has 2 Holistic Rubrics Topic/ Developm ent Conventi ons 6 5 4 4 5 6 Rich topic/idea development Careful, subtle organization Effective rich use of language Full topic/idea development Logical organization Strong details Appropriate use of language Moderate topic/idea development and organization Adequate, relevant details Some variety in language Rudimentary topic/idea development and/or organization Basic supporting details Simplistic language Limited or weak topic/idea development, organization, and/or details Limited awareness of audience and/or task Little topic/idea development, organization, and/or details Little or no awareness of audience and/or task Control of sentence structure, grammar, usage, and mechanics, (length and complexity of essay) provide opportunity for student to show control of standard English conventions) Errors do not interfere with communication and/or Few errors relative to length of essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics Errors interfere somewhat with communication and/or Too many errors relative to the length of the essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics •Errors seriously interfere with communication AND •Little control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics Post-Test Only A challenge to tabulate growth Portfolios Measuring achievement v. growth Unit Assessments Looking at growth across a series Capstone Projects May be a very strong measure of achievement 35 Selecting DDMs “Borrow, Buy, or Build” PRIORITY: Use Quality Tool to Assess Each Potential DDM to pilot this year for your school (one district final copy on a computer) CCOs will help if this is a District-Developed Tool If there is additional time, Use Educator Assessment Tool to begin to look at developing 2 assessments for all educators for next year “Tools” to Support the Process For determining what is important (Core Curriculum Objectives) For determining adequacy for use as DDM (Quality Tool) “Shifts” of Common Core examples and rubrics For making sure each educator has 2 DDMs (Educator Alignment) For assessing rigor (Cognitive Complexity Rubric, CEPA Rubric) Checklist Grade and Subject or Course _____________________ Potential DDM Name_____________________________ Potential DDM Source Developed within district From another district—indicate which one Commercial—indicate publisher Type of assessment Tracker On-Demand (specific time for administration) Performance/Project Portfolio Hybrid Other Item types Selected Response (Multiple choice) Constructed Response (written, oral) Performance/Portfolio Two or more Other Alignment to Curriculum Well-aligned Moderately aligned Poorly aligned Not yet aligned Alignment to Intended Rigor Well-aligned Moderately aligned Poorly aligned Not yet aligned MCAS and PARCC The Curriculum/Assessment Shifts MCAS ORQs Math: Application of Concepts ELA: ONLY comprehension not writing quality PARCC Shifts to CC MC at MUCH HIGHER cognitive level All writing is assessed as writing (unlike ORQs) Personal narrative, persuasive essay, literary analysis of any novel NEW Text Types—Writing at far higher level: Narratives, Informational Text, Arguments MC questions some application Emphasis on content Math—Processes, depth of understanding, beyond application Emphasis on content plus Literacy in ELA, math, social sciences, science, technology Critically Important! 1)Rigor and 2)Alignment to Curriculum Aligned to District curriculum Rigorous 2011 Massachusetts Frameworks Shifted to new expectations Common Core Shifts Shifted from MCAS expectations Consider PARCC This is a district decision Complex texts Complex tasks Writing to text Shift in Persuasive Essay (Formal Argument) Shift in Narrative (More substantial and linked to content) Shift in Informational Text (organization substantiation) Math, Science , History/SS frameworks Gradual increments? Giant steps? Understanding the Research Simulation Task • Students begin by reading an anchor text that introduces the topic. • EBSR and TECR items ask students to gather key details about the passage to support their understanding. • Students read two additional sources and answer a few questions about each text to learn more about the topic, so they are ready to write the final essay and to show their reading comprehension. • Finally, students mirror the research process by synthesizing their understandings into a writing that uses textual evidence from the sources. 42 Use what you have learned from reading “Daedalus and Icarus” by Ovid and “To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Triumph” by Anne Sexton to write an essay that provides an analysis of how Sexton transforms Daedalus and Icarus. As a starting point, you may want to consider what is emphasized, absent, or different in the two texts, but feel free to develop your own focus for analysis. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both texts. Be sure to follow the conventions of standard English. Thus, both comprehension of the 2 texts and the author’s craft are being assessed along with the ability of the student to craft a clear argument with substantiation from two texts. 43 Texts Worth Reading? Range: Example of assessing reading across the disciplines and helping to satisfy the 70%-30% split of informational text to literature at the 9-11 grade band (Note: Although the split is 70%-30% in grades 9-11, disciplines such as social studies and science focus almost solely on informational text. English Language Arts Teachers will have more of a 50%-50% split between informational and literary text, with informational text including literary non-fiction such as memoirs and biographies.) Quality: The texts in this set about Abigail Adams represent content-rich nonfiction on a topic that is historically significant. Complexity: Quantitatively and qualitatively, the passages have been validated and deemed suitable for use at grade 11. 44 Text Types, their Shifts, Rubrics for each Text type Narrative Shifts with the Common Core No longer personal story; content bearing CC Rubric links Essential Elements • Bears content _Arts/writing_rubrics.shtml • Story elements or support content The 1.0 Guidebook to LDC or Informational Content area articles, Text non-fiction, biography, even literary historical • Provides _Arts/writing_rubrics.shtml information or The 1.0 Guidebook to LDC • Many genres or • Scientific article, language-artsliteracy/grades-6-11-generic-rubricsfeature story, draft biography, speech Argument • Balanced _Arts/writing_rubrics.shtml presentation of Or The 1.0 Guidebook to LDC multiple points of or language-artsliteracy/grades-6-11-generic-rubrics- • Claims/Evidence draft • Citations Not persuasive essay with one voice, but a more academically balanced multiple perspective, but with claims and evidence by the writer Shifted Analytical Writing Claims Evidence Use of textural evidence Multiple perspectives Template for the Argument from They Say/I Say They Say (major claims, quoted) I Say (What does this mean) Template Template The character says This means More simply, this means Connecting what they say it to a paragraph Connecting your interpretation to a paragraph When Sidney Carton says, “It is a far, far better….” He is declaring that his sacrifice is something new for him, and this martyrdom will bring him to a better place, his own resurrection, than he has ever experienced in his corrupt life before this final act. Your analysis as it connects to the thesis of the paper The hope that Dickens’ sees for soc justice is shown in Carton’s selfless act to save Darnay. In A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens uses the characters to represent the corruption and the hope for social justice in England and France. The final chapter shows the hope that Dickens sees despite the corruption. When Sydney Carton says, “It’s a far, far….known” ( ), he symbolizes the possibilities for reform and redemption. Carton is declaring th his sacrifice is new for him and that he will find a better place, his own resurrection, than he has ever experienced i his corrupt life. Templates to scaffold a smoothly written analysis or argument James Burke) They Say I Say What others say about this claim and topic I make a claim for the whole argument I explain what “they say” Quoted appropriately I am responsible for organizing the claims, the evidence, and my explanations Cited appropriately Worked into whole essay smoothly I am responsible for making links between/among the sources using transitional sentences and transitional words. In contrast,…. Like….. Somewhat similar to… Shifted Informational/Explanatory Writing Conveys information accurately Serves one or more of the following purposes: Increase a reader’s knowledge about the subject Helps readers understand a procedure or process Provides readers with an enhanced comprehension of a concept Appendix A CC p 23 Shifted Narrative Examples In the service of information Science—read article and retell the story from the perspective or the scientist who was in disagreement with the evidence Math—look at the solution to this problem which has some problems. Create a dialogue between you and this student in a peer discussion in which you tell a peer what is good about and what he needs to do to improve his work History—read the newspaper article written during Lincoln’s time written by one of his rivals. Write a narrative of a meeting between him and President Lincoln in which Lincoln answers some of this person’s objections to his policy based upon the information in the Gettysburg Address Delaware Rubrics K-12 Argument Rubrics K-12 Informational Writing Rubrics K-12 Narrative Writing Rubrics NOTE: Holistic rubric for faster scoring Multiple criteria provides more points No point system for rubrics is perfect; you’ll need to validate the results with student work. Standards Based versus Common Core Gatsby Unit Examining Author’s Purpose and Point of View How Great is Gatsby? Living Likert Scale Partnered evidence and counter argument Living Likert; partnered evidence gathering Individual Essay Fitzgerald’s purpose in writing the novel Filtered through Nick’s perspective Interpreted by movies Thesis Argument with rating (110) Counter Argument Conclusion Academic Critique Scripts, words Images Modifications Authentic writing: Rotten Tomatoes Writing to Text Student Side of Notebook Daisy as distant dream/as foil Gatsby is distant and never truly close to his dream though he doesn’t realize it. DeCaprio’s intensity is too strong for the cool dreamer. Writing to Text Sample Classroom Side of Notebook How Great Was Gatsby? Fitzgerald’s purpose Nick’s point of view Daisy as dream/foil Evidence from novel Three movie versions Select a scene, image, chapter, or a series of scenes. Which of the images portrays Fitzgerald’s Gatsby? Thesis: 3-5 examples So what? Example of a Strong and Weak Text Set Strong Text Set Weak Text Set Anchor Text: Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury Anchor Text: Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury Related Texts: Related Texts: • “You Have Insulted Me: A Letter,” Kurt • “‘Chaos:’ Gunman Ambushes, Kills Two Vonnegut (Informational) Firefighters at New York Blaze,” Catherine • “Burning a Book” by William Stafford (Poem) Shoichet and Greg Botelho (CNN) (Informational) • “The Book Burnings,” United States Holocaust • “Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press,” Memorial Museum (Informational) Mary Bellis ( (Informational) • Excerpts from The Book Thief, Marcus Zusak • Fahrenheit 451, Francois Truffaut (Film) (Appendix B Exemplar) • “About Ray Bradbury: Biography” (Informational) • “Learning to Read and Write,” Frederick • “The Pedestrian,” Ray Bradbury (Literary) Douglass (Informational) • The Children’s Story, James Clavell (Literary) • “Learning to Read,” Malcolm X (Informational) • “Unto My Books So Good to Turn,” Emily Dickinson (Poem) • “The Portable Phonograph,” Walter Van Tilburg Clark Other Subjects and Courses These assessments include both traditionally tested and non-tested grades. Districts may choose to select a DDM that meets the traditionally non-tested grade/subject or course minimum pilot requirement from this collection. Math ELA ELA Literacy Assessments ELA CCOs History and Social Sciences Math Assessments Math CCOs Science and Technology History & Social Studies Assessments History & Social Studies CCOs Arts Science and Technology Assessments Science and Technology CCOs Foreign Language Arts Literacy Assessments Arts CCOs Comprehensive Health Foreign Language Assessments Foreign Language CCOs Comprehensive Health Assessments Comprehensive Health CCOs Communications & Information Sciences Other Subjects Assessments Core Curriculum Objectives (CCOs—partial list for Writing to Text) # Objective 1 Students analyze how specific details and events develop or advance a theme, characterization, or plot of a grade 9 literary text, and they support their analysis with strong and thorough textual evidence that includes inferences drawn from the text. 2 Students analyze how the structure, syntax, diction, and connotative or figurative meanings of words and phrases inform the central idea or theme of a grade 9 literary text, and they support their analysis with strong and thorough textual evidence that includes inferences drawn from the text. 3 Students analyze how specific details, concepts, or events interact to develop or advance a central idea of a grade 9 informational text, and they support their analysis with strong and thorough textual evidence that includes inferences drawn from the text. 4 Students analyze how cumulative word choice, rhetoric, syntax, diction, and the technical, connotative, or figurative meanings of words and phrases support the central idea or author’s purpose of a grade 9 informational text. 5 Students produce clear and coherent writing to craft an argument, in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to their task, purpose, and audience, using such techniques as the following: introducing precise claim(s), distinguishing the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and creating an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence; developing claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns; using words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims; establishing and maintaining a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing; providing a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented; and demonstrating command of the conventions of Standard English. ELA-Literacy — 9 English 9-12 Assessment Hudson High School Portfolio Assessment for English Language Arts and Social Studies Publisher Website/Sample Designed to be a measure of student growth over time in high school ELA and social science courses. Student selects work samples to include and uploads them to electronic site. Includes guiding questions for students and scoring criteria. Scoring rubric for portfolio that can be adapted for use in all high school ELA and social science courses. Generalized grading criteria for a portfolio. Could be aligned to a number of CCOs, depending on specification of assignments. Traditional Assessment Non-Traditional Assessment Administration/ Scoring Traditional End-of-Grade Assessment Pre/Post or Repeated Measures Paper/Pencil Traditional End-of-Course Assessment Performance Task Rubric Computer Supported Selected Response Portfolio or Work Sample Rubric Computer Adaptive Short Constructed Response Project-Based Rubric Machine Scored Writing Prompt/Essay Observation Rubric or Checklist Scored Locally Other: Scored Off-Site Other Tools: MA Model Curricula and Rubrics CEPAs ( Also, Delaware rubrics for specific text types) 1 Topic development: The writing and artwork identify the habitat and provide details 2 Little topic/idea development, organization, and/or details Little or no awareness of audience and/or task Limited or weak topic/idea development, organization, and/or details Limited awareness of audience and/or task Evidence and Content Accuracy: writing includes academic vocabulary and characteristics of the animal or habitat with details Little or no evidence is included and/or content is inaccurate Use of evidence and content is limited or weak Artwork; identifies special characteristics of the animal or habitat, to an appropriate level of detail Artwork does not contribute to the content of the exhibit Artwork demonstrates a limited connection to the content (describing a habitat) 3 Rudimentary topic/idea development and/or organization Basic supporting details Simplistic language 4 5 6 Moderate topic/idea development and organization Adequate, relevant details Some variety in language Full topic/idea development Logical organization Strong details Appropriate use of language Rich topic/idea development Careful and/or subtle organization Effective/rich use of language Use of evidence and content is included but is basic and simplistic Use of evidence and accurate content is relevant and adequate Use of evidence and accurate content is logical and appropriate A sophisticated selection of and inclusion of evidence and accurate content contribute to an outstanding submission Artwork is basically connected to the content and contributes to the overall understanding Artwork is connected to the content of the exhibit and contributes to its quality Artwork contributes to the overall content of the exhibit and provides details Artwork adds greatly to the content of exhibit providing new insights or understandings Sample DDMs—Local Digital Portfolio Hudson, MA Buy, Borrow, Build Each sample DDM is evaluated Hudson’s Evaluation: Designed to be a measure of student growth over time in high school ELA and social science courses. Student selects work samples to include and uploads them to electronic site. Includes guiding questions for students and scoring criteria. Scoring rubric for portfolio that can be adapted for use in all high school ELA and social science courses. Generalized grading criteria for a portfolio. Could be aligned to a number of CCOs, depending on specification of assignments. Many are standardized assessments Educator Alignment Tool School Grade Subject Course HS MEPID Last First Name Name 07350 Smith Abby Course Potential ID DDM1 01051 MCAS ELA 10 NO Potential Potential DDM2 DDM3 10 ELA Grade 10 ELA HS 07350 Smith Abby 9 ELA World Studies 01058 Writing to text 9 HS 07350 Smith Abby 9 ELA Grade 9 ELA 01051 HS 07352 Smith Brent 10 Math IMM 2 HS 07352 Smith Brent 10 Math IMM 1 MCAS MATH10 NO HS 07353 Smith Cathy 11 Science Physics Physics (singleton) Writing to text 9 Next Class: Protocols to Use Locally for Inter-Rater Reliability; Looking at Student Work Possible focus: Developing “text sets”: resources, on-line and texts Developing effective rubrics for large-scale assessment Developing exemplars Calibrating scores Looking at Student Work (LASW) Sample for Developing Rubrics from an assessment Pilot Steps: 1. Prepare to pilot 2. Test 3. 4. Build your team Identify content to assess Identify the measure Aligned to content Informative Decide how to administer & score Administer Score Analyze Adjust 64 Where to Begin Today Quality Checklist Tool Quality Alignment Tool Alignment to content/curriculum Alignment to rigor If the assessment passes these criteria: Then validity and reliability Then instructions, procedures for assessment, etc. Educator Alignment Tool Preparing for June 1, 2014 report All educators 2 DDMs A pause to remember what we are doing here Tentative (HowTopics changing Exit Slips assessment positively can bring a positive change in Instruction and curriculum) Testing protocols for consistency across grades, teams, departments, schools Protocols to maintain inter-rater reliability (blind assessment) Mock assessment using rubric/exemplars Rubric quality (I’ve found this to be a concern when I’ve looked closely at some assessments.) Data organization, analysis, assigning “scores” to teachers Determining “cut” scores with local assessments Organizing for June report to DESE (2 assessments per educator) Planning for implementation of these many assessments in 2015 When Accommodations Windows for assessment Security Do singleton teachers assess their assessments? Time to develop local protocols and directions What is your priority? What do you need to be successful? “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Voltaire