Physiology Semester 1 Review

Physiology Semester 1 Review
1. Draw 2 water molecules. Label the atoms in each, the bonds within each molecule and the
bonds that form between the molecules. 2 pts
2. List and describe 3 types of chemical reactions. 3 pts
3. Explain the difference between ionic and covalent bonds. 1 pt
4. Define buffer. 1 pt
5. Discuss acids, bases and the pH scale; give examples to help your discussion. 3 pts
6. Make a table that describes the 4 molecules of life, the elements they contain, examples of each
and their functions. 4 pts
7. Define ATP. 1 pt
8. Write a 4 (minimum) step procedure to test the insulating power of a lipid. Be creative – this
does not have to be something you do in the HS lab! 5 pts
1. List 5 parts of a cell and describe the function of each. 2.5 pts
2. Draw a diagram of the plasma membrane labeling at least 5 parts. 2.5 pts
3. Describe 3 types of transport across the plasma membrane and list one molecule that moves
using each method. 3 pts
4. Write the overall chemical equation for cellular respiration. 1 pt
5. Describe the process of protein synthesis. Be sure to state where each part of the process takes
place and list the important molecules involved. 2 pts
6. Draw a figure to illustrate the cell cycle. Name each phase, what is occurring in each. 2 pts
7. Name of Disease or condition that is prevalent in the DRC. 1 pt
8. Describe the people who are affected by this disease. 1 pt
9. Describe a challenge with treating or preventing this disease. 1 pt
10. Describe a solution to this challenge. 1 pt
11. List and describe 5 functions of skin. 5 pts
12. Draw a figure showing the 3 layers of the skin. Show the layer where blood vessels are located
and the layer where fat is located.5 pts
13. Describe the process by which your skin helps regulate body temperature. 2 pts
14. List and describe 3 common infectious skin disorders. Name the organism that causes each and
the symptoms. 3 pts
Match the following 1/2 pt each
15. Immovable joint______
16. Slightly moveable joint________
17. Hinge joint _______
18. Ball and socket joint _________
Match the following types of movement 1/2 pt each
19. flexion __________
20. extension _________
21. abduction _________
22. adduction _________
23. rotation __________
24. elevation _________
A. increase in the angle of bones forming a joint
B. movement of a bone around its longitudinal
C. movement of a bone away from mid-line
D. decrease in the angle of bones forming a
E. movement of a body part upward
F. Movement of a bone toward the mid-line
Draw figures to show the difference between the following types of fractures:
25. Complete vs incomplete 1 pts
26. simple vs compound 1 pts
27. transverse vs longitudinal 1pts
28. Discuss osteoporosis – include symptoms, cause, and prevention. 2 pts
29. Discuss arthritis – include cause and symptoms. 1 pts
30. Describe a sprain. 1 pts
For numbers3 1-38, match the definition with the letter A-H
31. A bone cell that deposits matrix
32. Cartilage covering the ends of bones
forming a joint
33. A joint formed between two bones
34. Dense bones tissue formed of
numerous tightly packed osteons
35. A band or cord of fibrous connective
tissue that joins bones together at
moveable joints
36. The enlarged ends of a long bone
37. Bone tissue that contains numerous
spaces filled with red marrow
38. The shaft of a long bone
Epiphysis ___
Ligament ____
Diaphysis ____
Articular cartilage ___
Articulation _____
Compact bone ____
Osteoblast _____
Spongy bone ______
39. List and describe 5 functions of bone. 5 pts
40. Describe the process of ossification. 2 pts
41. Describe the role of exercise in homeostasis of bone. 2 pts
42. Describe how the axial skeleton protects vital organs. 1 pt
For numbers 1-5, match the definition with the letter A-E 3 pts
43. A single muscle cell
44. A molecule that stores oxygen in a
muscle fiber
45. The smallest contractile unit of a
46. One of many muscle fibers within a
muscle cell
47. A narrow band of connective tissue that
attaches a muscle to a bone
48. The amount of oxygen required to
oxidize the accumulated lactic acid
Myoglobin ___
Myofibril ____
Oxygen debt _____
Tendon ______
sarcomere ____
Muscle fiber ___
49. Put the following terms in order from smallest to largest: 2 pts
muscle fiber muscle
50. Make a table that compares and contrasts the structure and function of 3 types of muscle. 3 pts
51. Describe the process of a sarcomere contracting (sliding filament theory). 2 pts
52. Describe what training does to muscle fibers. 1 pts
53. Explain what occurs during strenuous exercise inside muscle cells. Be specific in reference to the
parts of cellular respiration. 2 pt
54. List 3 ways that endurance training enhances the efficiency of aerobic respiration. 2 pts
For numbers 55-59, annotate the drawing to show the 4 arm muscles listed below. 4 pt
55. Trapezius
56. Deltoid
57. Biceps brachi
58. Brachialis
For numbers 5-8, annotate the drawing to show the 4 leg muscles listed below. 4 pt
59. Iliacus
60. Tensor fasciae (abductor)
61. Quadriceps
62. Adductor
63. Discuss cramps: definition, cause, prevention and treatment. 2 pts
64. Define sprain and strain, differentiating them. 2 pts
65. Discuss muscular dystrophy: symptoms, cause and treatment. 2 pts
66. Discuss myasthenia gravis: cause, symptoms and treatment. 2 pts