Classroom Jeopardy Vocab. 1 Vocab. 2 Today’s Cell Shapes Categories… Name that organellediagram Created by - Tara LaChapell Name that organelledefinition Vocab. 1 Vocab 2 Shapes Diagram Definition. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Final Jeopardy Quit 000 000 000 000 000 000 Vocabulary 1 100 Threadlike structures that contain information about the characteristics of the animal. What are chromosomes? Back to Menu Vocabulary 1 200 A covering that holds the animal cell together and separates it from its surroundings. What is cell membrane? Back to Menu Vocabulary 1- 300 Group of similar cells working together to perform the same function (job). What is tissue? Back to Menu Vocabulary 1 - 400 The taking in of oxygen and food in order to produce energy for the cell What is cellular respiration? Back to Menu Vocabulary 1 - 500 The organelle in which cellular respiration occurs. What is the mitochondria? Back to Menu Vocabulary 2 - 100 Rigid layer that supports and protects a plant cell. What is a cell wall? Back to Menu Vocabulary 2 - 200 Organelles found inside the nucleus – contain DNA. What are chromosomes? Back to Menu Vocabulary 2 - 300 These connect muscles to bones. What are tendons? Back to Menu Vocabulary 2 - 400 This system’s job is to support our body and protect our organs. What is skeletal system. Back to Menu Vocabulary 2 - 500 This system works with the muscular system to tell the muscles how to move the bones. What is nervous system? Back to Menu Cell Shapes - 100 This cell shape helps the cell move easily through a blood vessel. What is round? Back to Menu Cell Shapes - 200 Skin cells are an example of this shaped cell. What is a flat cell? Back to Menu Cell Shapes - 300 A red blood cell is an example of this cell shape. What is round? Back to Menu Cell Shapes - 400 This shape allows signals to travel quickly to the brain. What is branching? Back to Menu Cell Shapes - 500 Nerve cells are an example of this cell shape. What is branching cell. Back to Menu Name that Organelle - 100 #4 What is cytoplasm Back to Menu Name that Organelle - 200 #5 What is vacuole. Back to Menu Name that Organelle - 300 #6 What are chloroplasts? Back to Menu Name that Organelle - 400 #8 What is a mitochondria? Back to Menu Name that Organelle - 500 #2 What are the chromosomes? Back to Menu Name that Cell - 100 Controls what goes in and out of the cell. What is cell membrane? Back to Menu Name that Cell - 200 Organelles that store food, water and/or wastes. What are vacuoles? Back to Menu Name that Cell - 300 The organelle that determines all of an animal cell’s activities and the production of new cells. What is the nucleus? Back to Menu Name that Cell - 400 Organelles that make food for the plant cell. What are chloroplasts? Back to Menu Name that Cell - 500 The jelly-like substance that contains many chemicals to keep the cell functioning. What is cytoplasm? Back to Menu Final Jeopardy Organs How many points are you willing to wager? Plants have organs – name 3 of them. 1. Stem 2. Leaf 3. Root Back to Menu Hope you enjoyed playing Classroom Jeopardy!! Good Luck on your test!! Created by Tara LaChapell Quit