Did You Know???

Did You Know???
 92% of students say they will attend college…
 Of those students, only 32% of those students know
what classes are needed to take in high school that will
allow them to go to college.
Did You Know???
 93 % of Middle School Students say that there
is “No Chance” that they will drop out of High
 29% of New Yorkers ages 18-24 Lack a High
School Diploma.
Careers, Careers,
Intro to Technology
Mr. Scaramellino
Why Middle School Career
 Career Development is an ongoing lifelong
process, and its challenges must be addressed
beginning in elementary and middle school.
 Most Middle School Students have only a
shallow understanding of of how school relates
to work.
Jobs Are Broken Into Sectors
 Primary Sector= obtaining and processing raw
 Secondary Sector= changing raw and
processed materials into a product each us us
can use.
 Tertiary Sector= delivering and servicing the
Primary Sector
 Raw Materials- Materials that come from nature
 Renewable Materials- come from plants and
animals, forests and trees.
 Non- Renewable materials- 3 types: Fossil Fuels,
non metallic minerals, and metallic minerals
 Fossil Fuels- coal, peat, petroleum, natural gas
 Nonmetallic Minerals- sand, gravel, building
 Metallic Minerals- iron, copper, aluminum
Careers in the Primary Sector
 Farmers- Plant fertilize cultivate and harvest
 Ranchers- breed, feed, and care for animals
 Horticulturists-grow and maintain plants shrubs,
and trees
 Forestry Workers- cut transport and process
trees for paper making, construction and
furniture making.
Careers in the Primary Sector
 Miners & Oil Riggersoperate machinery to extract
raw materials
 Oceanographers- study plant
and animal life in the ocean
 Environmentalists- try to find
solutions to problems relating
to land use, pollution,
conservation of natural
resources and preservation
of wildlife
Secondary Sector:
Manufacturing Products
 Changes raw materials into useful products:
Plastics, computers, jet planes, glue,
medications, gum
 The Construction of structures: houses, towers,
stadiums, roads, tunnels, bridges and dams
Secondary Sector:
Manufacturing Products
Individual Artisan
 One Person made the
 Used Hand Methods.
Machinery & Mass
 Assembly Line- assembly
of parts in a planned
 Mass Production- making
a large number of
products in an assembly
 Automation- computers,
Robots & other machines
control machine
operations. Can assemble
them at high speeds in
correct sequence.
 Work better in hot noisy and
dangerous conditions
 If machine breaks or
malfunctions, products are
 Loss of jobs
 Improved quality of work
 Increased production
 Decreased waste material
 If one thing goes wrong, the
whole system could be
Computer Numerical Control
 CNC= A system in
which machine
movements and
operations are
controlled by a
computer program.
 Flexible Manufacturing
 A grouping of machine
tool, controlled by a
computer program that
can perform a series of
operations on a single
manufactured part.
 By reprogramming the
computer, the tools can
make a different part.
Production Systems:5 Basic
 1. Designing: making original plans and drawings of
 2. Planning: organizing a system in which personnel,
material and equipment can work together.
 3. Tooling Up: acquiring and setting up tools and
machines for production
 4. Controlling: Production using machines to make a
 5.Packaging & Distribution: packing, storing, and
transporting the product.
Tertiary Sector
 Providing Sector
 Entrepreneur- a person
who organizes,
manages, and assumes
the risks of starting a
 Careers
 Business + Office
 Communication
 Health
 Hospitality +
 Public and Social
 Transportation
 Marketing +
Career Poster Project
 Homework make a list of 5 careers that you are
interested in.
 Write down what they are
 Define those careers
 Gather materials to make a poster to hand in.