Science, Biology, and Life


Warm-Up 9/10

Teach the Teacher: What is the best thing about school?

Review: What are the three types of learning styles?

Warm-up 9/11/13

Teach the Teacher: What is the best restaurant in Rapid City?

Review: What specific things do good students do?

Warm-up 9/12/13

Teach the Teacher: What is the best utensil to eat macaroni and cheese with? How do you like your mac’n’cheese?

Review: In what ways were the crime scene activity and science the same?

Missing Computer Chip







Cart Doug








Guard Jim











Warm-up 9/13/13

Teach the Teacher: What is the scariest movie you have watched and why?

Review: What was the hypothesis of the mythbusters for the cell phone causing an explosion at a gas station?

Grading Rubric

Grade Sheet

Binder Organization

Grade Sheet


Orange Notes

Assignments (Mandala,

Classroom Scavenger Hunt,

Lab Safety Questions)



What is science?

In latin= knowledge

In knowledge of the physical or material world gained through





Science is…


Unbiased observations

Unbiased: free from prejudice or favoritism

Fact vs. opinion

Developing theories through experimentation

(pseudoscience: astrology)

Science is...(continued)

Expanding scientific knowledge

Challenging accepted theories

Testing Claims

Undergoes peer review

Uses Latin and the Metric


Physical Science

Any of the sciences, such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology, that study characteristics of



Read more: cal-science#ixzz25hevqIga

Scientific Method: What scientists do!

Ask a Question/determine a purpose

Comes from observing

Form a hypothesis=educated guess

Collect data

Control group=the group not receiving the factor being tested, nothing is done to this group

Independent variable=one part of an experiment that can change, determines the outcome

Dependent variable= factor being measured in an experiment

Analyze the Data

Graphs, tables, charts, etc.

Report Conclusion

What do scientists do?




Science vs. Engineers


•Ask questions about the world

•Test theories



•Chemist: finds out information about elements or chemical reactions, does experiements


•Define problems

•Test possible solutions

•Design and Build

•Chemical Engineer: design water wells, design plastics, cleaning supplies, design solutions for oil spills, ect.

Science and Engineering Love


Explain things that we can’t see

Allow for us to test hypothesizes

Are not perfect representations

Communicate through


Evidence vs. Claim

Claim: a statement that answers the question

Evidence: scientific data that supports the claim

Living or Nonliving Trash Bball

Living or


Living or Nonliving?

Living or Non-Living

Living or Nonliving?

Living or Nonliving?

Living or Nonliving?

Living or Nonliving?

Living or Nonliving?

Living or Non-Living

Flash Card

On the front:



On the Back:

Study of energy and non-living matter (things)

Flash Card

On the front:

On the Back:


Variable 

The part of an experiment that changes

Flash Card


Variable 

The part of the experiment that you measure

Flash Card

Control Group

The part of an experiment that nothing is done to

Warm-Up 9/10

Teach the Teacher: What was the best concert you have ever been to, or if you could have any band come to Rapid City who would it be?

Review: Tell me as much as you can about science and/or physical science.


Warm-up 9/11/12

Teach the Teacher: What is the funniest TV show?

Review: List as many non-living things as you can.

The Case of The Missing

Computer Chip

To Turn in: 1. Sheet with all clues written on it in the order they were drawn 2. sheet with all hypothesis 3. heading w/ all names on both

Clue writer


Hypothesis writer


The Case of The Missing

Computer Chip Wrap-Up

Every group needs to have at

LEAST 5 hypothesis

Star the hypothesis that you think is the best explanation for the theft

Have your best hypothesis to share with the class (runner shares)

Warm-up 9/12

Teach the Teacher: If you could have someone make you breakfast, what would you want?

Review: What is the scientific method?

Warm-up 9/13/12

Teach the Teacher: If you could go anywhere for vacation where would you go?

Review: What do you need to

“play” science?

Ice Cube melting…

Glass Dish

Glass Beaker

Cheese cloth

Tin foil

Styrofoam cup

Black blocks (basalt and wood)


Teach the Teacher: What is your strength? What is your weakness?

Review: What is a hypothesis?

Flash Card

On the Front:

The moral for learning

On the Back:

Eat well

Sleep lots


Breathe deeply


Think Positively

Flash Card

On the Front:



On the Back:

 a method used to test a hypothesis,

The rules of science

(IV, DV, & CG


Flash Card

On the Front:


On the Back:

Take the total

(sum) divided by the number of items

The rest of the Conclusion

Questions for Ice Cube Lab

1. What is the independent variable?

2. What ice cube was in the control group?

3. What was the dependant variable?

4. What was the average for the sample you tested?

5. What could be experimental error, or how could times be off from group to group and class to class?

6. What other samples would be interesting to test (besides fire)?

Warm-up 9/17

Teach The Teacher: What is the best kind of candy to get at a movie theatre.

Review: What is the part of an experiment that you measure?

Warm-up 9/18/12

Teach the Teacher: Who do you admire the most among your family and friends? Why?

Review: Name as many of the six keys as you can.

Warm-up 9/19/12

Teach the Teacher: Who is your favorite sports player or who is your favorite actor/actress?

Review: What is the part of an experiment that you change?

Warm-up 9/20/12

Teach the Teacher: What would you like to be when you grow up?

Review: What is the average of

10, 20, 30


Performance/Creativity: was it understanable? Did it flow? Was the rapping/singing and moves/dancing well performed?

Content: Did this video actually help you understand chemistry better? Where the steps clear?

What vocab words were used?

You could win!

If you find a video and email it to me, and it makes it into the final round, You Could earn a free signature card!

I won’t tell people its your video

I have veto power

Scientific Method Chem Idol

Scccientific Method (7x)

They Might Be Giants: You need a test

 scientific metttttttthhhhod

Scientific Method Chem Idol

Scccientific Method (7x)

They Might Be Giants: You need a test

 scientific metttttttthhhhod

Grade Sheets per. o4

#7. SM Flash Card Check

#8. M&M Lab

#9. Sponge Bob

10 metric mania

11 Us to Metric Conversion

12 Brainstorm- pts. Possible= 0

Warm-up 9/21/12

Teach the Teacher: How many

Spanish words do you know?

Review: What is the part of the scientific method that measure? (look at flashcards)

Warm-up 9/24/12

Teach The Teacher: What is your favorite holiday?

Review: What are the two things you will study in physical science?

Warm-up 9/25/12

Teach the Teacher: List all the books you remember reading, star the ones that are your faves.

Review: What is the part of the scientific method that you do nothing to.

Myth Busters


Through Concrete wall

Different ways of constructing the launch tube




How much it went through the concrete wall

First construction


Power a speedboat

Different ways/angles of shooting off the rocket

Speed of the boat

First trial


Warm-up 9/26/12

Teach the Teacher: What did you learn at freshman impact or what did you have for breakfast this morning?

Review: list as many flash card words as you can

Grade Sheet Grades G1

1. Most Important Mandala

2. Lab Safety Rap Questions

3. Orange Lab Safety

4. People Bag

5. Ice Cube Lab

6. M&M Lab

7. Sponge Bob SM

8. Search and Rescue

9. Brainstorm-O

Grade Sheet Grades G4

1. Most Important Mandala

2. Lab Safety Rap Questions

3. Orange Lab Safety

4. People Bag

5. Ice Cube Lab

6. M&M Lab

7. Sponge Bob SM

8. SM Flow Chart

9.Search and Rescue

10. Metric Mania

11. US to Metric (english )

12. Brainstorm- points possible= O

Grade Sheet Grades G3

1. Most Important Mandala

2. Lab Safety Rap Questions

3. Orange Lab Safety

4. People Bag

5. Ice Cube Lab

6. M&M Lab

7. Sponge Bob SM

8. Metric Mania (boxes)

9. Search and Rescue

10. Us to Metric Conversion

11. Brainstorm- points possible 0

Flash Card/Notes Check #1

1. What is the rule book of science?

2. What is the part of the experiment that you do nothing to?

3. What is knowledge in Latin?

4. List one thing that is good for learning.

5. What is the part of an experiment that changes?

6. What is the part of an experiment that you measure?

Grade Sheet Grades G1

1. Most Important Mandala

2. Lab Safety Rap Questions

3. Orange Lab Safety

4. People Bag

5. Ice Cube Lab

6. M&M Lab

7. Sponge Bob SM

8. metric mania

9. Search and Rescue

10. Us to Metric Conversion

11.Brainstorm-total pts. 0

Ms. Uhre is trying to see if music changes the heart rate of Schwiggitty.

First I take Schwiggitty’s heart rate when she is resting. Then I play rap music for an hour, and take her heart rate again. Then I play classical music for an hour and measure her heart rate again.

7. What is the independent variable?

8. What is the dependent variable?

9. What is the control group?

Warm-up 9/27/12

Teach the Teacher: NO NAMES, but what is something annoying that teachers do?

Review: Science in latin means what?

10.If Schwiggitty had a mass of 15kg, how much would that be in oz?

Warm-up 9/28/12

Teach the Teacher: What is the best kind of fried food

(potatoes, pickles, macaroni, etc.)

Review: What was the hardest part of the test?

Test info: SY4AY

Warm-up 10/1/12

Teach the Teacher: What is the best way to study for a test?

Review: Why do I use flash cards?

Design Your Own Question




Procedure (how):

Data : (just identify the below)

Dependant Variable:

Independent Variable:

Control Group:

Don’t Say It! (Educational


Find a partner, Pound it!

Introduce yourself

Whoever is taller goes first: looks at other person’s back gives a clue as to what the word is

Second person looks at the other person’s back and gives clues as to what the word is

Keep giving clues until the music starts, DON’T Guess until the end!

Don’t say the word on the card! (or what it sounds like or starts with)

When music starts find a new partner (can’t use the same partner more then once)

Green Grade Sheet

 metric mania

Search and Rescue

Us to Metric Conversion

Brainstorm-total pts. 0
