Introduction - SNS Courseware

UNIT – 1
Dr. A. Mohamed Riyazh Khan
SNS. College of Engg.
Its deals with Production, Consumption, Distribution &
Major discussion:
Financial Market (Including interest)
Country position (high income .. Poor..)
Business Cycle
Inflation.. Unemployment
International Trade
Govt Policies
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
The themes of economics
Economics is the study of how societies use scare
resources to produce valuable commodities and
distribute them among difference people.
Good are scare and that society must use its resource
1. Scarcity
2. Efficiency
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Scarcity: good are more scare due to huge demand
and less quantity level.
If the good is available through value of money that
we can call as a Economic good.
With the use of small quantity resources we will
gain fuller satisfaction,
Eg (Cure oil, Essential food and water also)
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Unlimited wants reflect human nature. The limitation
of resources is imposed upon us by nature.
Therefore, unlimited wants competing for limited
resources creates the basic economic problem
Unlimited wants and limited resources has been
called economic problem.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
it denotes the most effective use of a society’s resources
in satisfying people’s want and needs.
When the maximum number of goods and services are
produced with a given limited level of inputs.
It means lowest amount of inputs to create the greatest
amount of outputs.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Economic efficiency means the best way while
minimizing waste and inefficiency.
In terms of production, goods are produced at their
lowest possible cost, as are the variable inputs of
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Fundamental problems of Economics
Three fundamental Economic Problems
What to produce
How to produce?
Whom to produce?
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Basically three problems occurs in organisation.
What to do?
How to do?
Whom to do?
These are the crucial problems in organisation..
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
What commodity? And what quantity?
Will we produce pizzas or shirts today?
A few high quality shirts or many cheap shirts?
Will we use scare resource to produce many
consumption good or investment goods?
Most of the investors are willing to produce
profitable business.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
How to produce?
Although the rich countries use advance technology in
their production of good and services, in fact most of
the UDC’s countries using labour effort to produce the
goods and services.
In advance countries there are using robots are being
used in factories, hospital and office.
If you use modern machinery it will create
unemployment problem.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Most of the poor country using labour force due to
abundant level of human resource and they give the
Rich country- using technology oriented
Poor country- using labour-intensive technology
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Whom to produce?
The rich people think about, who have money and are
willing to purchase them. Here there in no hesitation to
The rich have several cars, mansions and elegant
clothes and jewelleries.
Their children are studying foreign university.
They can buy all goods and services that money can
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
The poorest, purchasing goods and services it
based on purchasing power.
Some people do not eat three times a day.
First we can identify who is our target group?
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Production Possibility Frontier
It shows the different combination of the quantities of
two goods that can be produced (or consumed) in an
economy at any point of time, subject to limited
availability of resources.
The alternative combination of two goods that an
economy can produce with given resources and
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
The Production Possibility Curve for an
A production possibility curve measures the maximum
combination of outputs that can be achieved from a
given number of inputs.
It slopes downward from left to right.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
According to Lipsey, “ the production possibility
curve is that curve shows the possible combinations
of two goods that can be produced by an economy,
given available resource and technology”
Two economic goods, guns and butter. The butter
stands for civilian gun for military purpose.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Assumption of Production Possibility Curve
1. Resources are used to produce one or both of only
two goods.
2. The quantities of labour, capital, land and
entrepreneur resources do not change.
3. The maximum possible production is obtained from
resource inputs.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
As we go from A to B…to F, we are transferring labour, machine
and land from gun industry to butter and can hereby increase
butter production.
Production Possibilities Curve (Frontier)
.D .I
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
A schedule of possibilities is given in table combination
F shows the extreme, where A depicts the opposite
extreme, where all resource go into guns. In between at
E,D,C and B increasing amounts of butter are given up
in return for more guns.
Points outside the frontier “I” are infeasible or
Any point inside the curve, such as “M” indicates that
the economy has not attained productive efficiency.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Poor Nations
High-income nation
Necessary goods
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
The first curve shows, it must devote almost all its
resources to food and enjoy few comforts.
The second curve shows, growth of inputs and
technological change shift out the PPF. With
economic growth, a nation moves from A to B,
expanding its food consumption little compare with
its increase luxury consumption.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Economic Efficiency
The term economic efficiency refers to the process by
which resources are maximized to generate more
productive value than they use,
Every resource is optimally allocated to serve each
person in the best way while minimising waste.
the term economic efficiency refers to the use of
resources so as to maximize the production of goods
and services.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Productive Efficiency
Productive efficiency occurs when the economy is
utilizing all of its resources efficiently. The concept is
illustrated on production possibility frontier (PPF)
where all points on the curve are points of maximum
productive efficiency (i.e., no more output can be
achieved from the given inputs).
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Opportunity cost
the opportunity cost of a choice is the value of the
best alternative forgone, in a situation in which a
choice needs to be made between several mutually
exclusive alternatives given limited resources.
Assuming the best choice is made, it is the "cost"
incurred by not enjoying the benefit that would be
had by taking the second best choice available.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Economic Growth & Stability
Economic growth is the increase in the amount of the
goods and services produced by an economy over
time. It is conventionally measured as the percent rate
of increase in real gross domestic product, or real GDP.
 Factors:
1. Growth of Per capita income
2. The rate of return to capital
3. Providing full employment
4. Capital Formation
5. Technological change and Innovation
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Economic Stability:
An economy with fairly constant output growth and
low and stable inflation would be considered
economically stable.
Spending and tax rates (fiscal policy) or managing the
money supply and controlling the use of credit
(monetary policy)
1. Balance between full employment and price level
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
2. High growth: with higher growth, the govt will
receive more tax revenue- people earn more and
so pay more income tax.
Modify the monetary policy and Fiscal policy.
Accelerate the Productive expenditure (Develop the
infrastructure, industry and control the deflation and
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Micro Economics
It is the is a branch of economics that studies the
behaviour of individual households and firms in making
decisions on the allocation of limited resources.
1. How resource are allocated to the production of
particular goods and service
2. How goods services are distributed among the
people, and
3. How efficiently they are distributed.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Definition of micro economics
According to Prof. K.E. Boulding, “Micro-economics is
the study of particular firm, particular household,
individual price, wages, incomes, industries and
particular commodities.”
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
1.Individual Behaviour Analysis
2. Resource allocation
3. Price Mechanisation (on basic of demand and supply)
4. Economic Policy
5. Demand, supply, and equilibrium
6. Costs of production
7. Consumer demand
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Macro Economics
Macro economics is the study of aggregates covering
the entire economy, such as total employment, national
income, output, total investment, total saving, aggregate
supply, aggregate demand and general price level.
It is concerned with the problems of unemployment,
economic fluctuations, inflation or deflation,
international trade and economic growth.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Important of Macro economics
1. Determination of income and employment
2. Determination of general level of prices
3. Economic growth
4. Macro-economic and Business cycle
5. International Trade
6. Unemployment
7. Macro economic policy
8. Global Economic system
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Difference Between Micro & Macro
Study on: Individual and Small Group.
Particular Household
Study on: Aggregate, output
and national output.
Demand side is to maximize utility .
Supply side is to minimize profit and cost.
Full employment, Price stability,
Eco growth and BOP.
Driving Force
Price mechanism which operates with the
help of demand & supply forces.
National Income, output &
employment determined
aggregate demand &supply.
Time element
Equilibrium conditions is analysed at a
particular period. Its considered as a
static analysis.
Its based on time lags, rates of
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Role of Market and Government
What is Market?
it a mechanism through which buyers and sellers
interact to determine prices and exchange good &
Market Equilibrium:
A market equilibrium represents a balance among all
the different buyers and sellers. Depending upon the
price, household and firms all want to buy or sell
different quantities.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Government and market in a country in many ways
are interrelated and interdependent on each other.
Role of Market:
Transaction of product. Service and money
Provide place for market
Generate of Employment
Supply versus Demand Adjustment
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Role of Govt..
Govt.. Plays a crucial role in promoting rapid economic
1. Regulatory role of govt..
2. Direct Administration
3. Indirect controls (fiscal Monetary)
4. Encourage saving & investment
5. Encourage investment from abroad (FDI, portfolio
6. Promote health and nutrition.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Role of Govt.. And Market
Both the things are important for market equilibrium.
Govt.. Focus for regulate the market.
Market equilibrium is required (Demand & Supply)
Role of the govt.. is levied taxes, regulated the policy,
accelerate the business growth and stabilized the
economic growth.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Externalities are a loss or gain in the welfare of one
party resulting from an activity of another party,
without there being any compensation for the losing
Externalities are an important consideration in costbenefit analysis.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
They are defined economist as third party effects of
any transaction between a consumer and a firm.
Externalities can either be positive or negative.
 Positive Externalities:
The govt.. Invested in the provision of clean piped water.
This had an obvious direct benefit. (contribute better
standards of health, less illness and disease, and
greater productivity)
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
External benefit
D1- is external benefit.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Negative Externalities
Negative externalities are significant to economic
arguments about the strengths and weakness of the
market system because their existence places
additional costs on other member of society.
Smoking tobacco and a range of serious diseases.
A negative good, the cost to society is greater than
the cost consumer is paying for it.
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
External Costs
In other words , a freely operating
market would lead to lower price and
higher output of goods which have
harmful environment and social
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg
Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan, SNS college of Engg