The Good, The Bad, the Ugly of Scheduling The Academies of Jefferson City High School Simonsen and Jefferson City HS Demographics 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Enrollment 8,690 8,880 8,896 8,932 Asian Percent 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.60 Black Percent 17.90 18.30 18.40 18.70 Hispanic Percent 4.90 5.00 5.30 5.80 Indian Percent 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Multi-race Percent 4.60 5.10 6.00 6.80 Pacific Islander Percent 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 White Percent 70.60 69.90 68.50 66.80 Free/Reduced Lunch (FTE) Percent 50.3 52.2 53.7 55.2 Jefferson City HS and Simonsen serve over 2500 students. Our District, spans 230 square miles and two counties. The Beginning…. Committee started in 2009-10 and met 5 years before implementation Built academy business partners Visits to academy high schools across three states (Texas, Indiana, Kansas, Tennessee) Academies started in 2014-15 at Simonsen (9th Grade) This year 9th and 10th grade implementation The Good… Switched schedule to accommodate giving more students electives Use Infinite Campus Created academy specific course numbers in order to ensure purity within classes…resulted in highest ran schedule by academy with most students completed schedules Science, English, Social Studies and academy courses are pure The Bad… Honors Courses/ AP course placement…universal Integrated courses - Integrated courses make it difficult when scheduling If a student transfers in with Biology, but their academy integrates this course, then they have to go to a different academy to take course. Also makes it difficult with the honors track of students. FAST class Transfer students Schedule changes Early Grads...can we have more options for seniors for the 4th English credit Open Junior/Senior electives to sophomores such as Entre A, Mystery Suspense and Horror, Psychology, Sociology, ect. if a student is a strong student. Courses that need to travel--Possible match with a FAST for students traveling to business sites.....74 minutes not long enough Simonsen Bad… Simonsen Concerns: (the above is the same, but a few extra particularly to our building) Honors at the same time as higher level math (can't change because of performing arts classes) Really need all math to be all fats or all skinny's Feel honors needs to be embedded to open up flexibility in students schedules FAST needs to be more flexible (not just 2 & 4 block) (can't because of choir, band, orchestra) Need more elective choices, especially if students take PE/Health in summer school The Ugly… Every year is different, so always changing…process is never the same Never a perfect schedule Will never schedule a 100% of students scheduled Singletons (ex. Band, choir, orchestra) FAT/Skinny Classes Trying to make ALL happy Other Ugly Thoughts…. Having two buildings…sharing teachers and busing students Why we switched from a 4x4 block to a 10 block A/B schedule Academy changes Keeping academies equal in number Keep sections according to academy 100 Fine Arts 200 Business…. Next year changing to 1111S1BU English I August Compile list of scheduling conflicts from prior year Start academy planning committee meetings (Asst Secondary Sup., principals, head counselors, academy director, curriculum director, planning and assessment staff) Process for new academy templates September Academy planning committee meets to discuss pathways (too many?) Academy informational night’s at middle schools Start skeleton timeline of what enrollment will look like this year (see form) Academy principals update personal plans of study by pathways (see form) Students/Staff traveling between buildings Jefferson City High School Academy: Business Management and Technology Grade Math (3.0 credits) Science (3.0 credits) Social Studies (3.0 credits) Required Pathway Courses 9 POC (Eng I, Citizenship, Tech 101) Algebra 1 or Higher Physics 1st POC (Eng I, Citizenship, Tech 101) Intro to Business 1.0 10 English II or Honors English II Geometry or Higher World Bio: (Biology & World History) World Bio: (Biology & World History) Accounting I 1.0 Algebra II or Higher Chemistry or Principles of Technology American Commerce 1.5 (US History and Economics) Comp Applications 0 .5 Accounting II 1.0 Personal Finance or Honors Personal Finance 0.5 Choose at least one: Principles of Banking Services 0.5 Real Estate and Investments 0.5 Dual Credit or AP Course 11 12 Language Art (4.0 credits) Pathway: Finance English III English IV Business Statistics, Business Math, or AP Statistics Government .5 Recommended Pathway Electives Courses shaded in gray are required of this pathway. Core requirements list below may replace a required course. Please see your counselor for any changes or replacements. DE = Dual Enrollment Course AP Eng Lang & Comp D AP English Lit English 101 DE English 102 DE Pre AP Eng Lit Electives: Red &Black) Yearbook AP Calculus AB I AP Calculus AB II DE AP Calculus BC DE AP Statistics DE College Algebra DE Algebra Topics Intro To Geometry Intro to Geometry Lab Business Math AP Physics DE AP Biology DE Pre AP Chemistry College Prep Physics DE Principles of Tech I Principles of Tech II Human Biology Intro to Astronomy Med Phy for Athl Perf Ag Sci/Bio AP AP AP AP US Govt & Pol DE Human Geography Euro History US History DE Electives: American Civil War Revolution and War The Middle East The American West Legislative Seminar We the People Geography AAA Geography N/S America Psychology AP Psych DE Sociology I / Sociology II Intro to Econ Military Leadership I DE Military Leadership II DE 2 World Languages Business Technology .5 Business Law I .5 Entrepreneurship A & B .5/each Leadership .5 Business Law I .5 Business Law II .5 Global Business .5 Psychology Sociology Required Credits/ Competencies CAPSTONE PROJECT PE 1.0 Health .5 Speech .5 Fine Arts 1.0 Personal Finance .5 Practical Art 1.0 October Academy jamboree nights Academy selection starts (see form) New courses go through approval process Updating Academic Planning Guide to update course descriptions, etc PLTW Certification Meetings (3 academies use PLTW) MS counselors use MO Connections for interest inventories survey November Sophomores are finalizing pathways Sophomore and Junior updating PPS Freshman updating PPS Principal/Lead Teacher conversations regarding building program due to low numbers December Sophomore and Junior updating PPS Freshman updating PPS Finalizing new enrollment card for academy enrollment ALL cards are color coded by academy Simonsen cards all the same HS cards differ based on academy January Incoming freshman academy placement meeting Send letters home about students academy placement Sophomore/Junior Enrollment Get lists from previous school on sped, study skills, performing arts, etc Application/interviews finalized on NCC programs and courses February Freshman Enrollment – enroll by academy through F.A.S.T (similar to an advisory) 8th Grade Enrollment – enroll by academy (information goes home for parent approval before turned in) Start looking at numbers and number of sections we need Looking at FTE positions Parochial Night for incoming freshman Take math test, MO Connections and complete enrollment paperwork March Principal/Head Counselor build skeleton of master schedule What considerations do we look at: Singletons Performing arts Fats and skinny’s (refer back to conflicts slide) Simonsen build by academy first (consider shared teachers) Get input from lead teachers Review lead teacher input Math placement test for incoming freshman oard mplate April Take everything into consideration and start building master Common plan for PLC teams Class balance and equal class offering for students Coaches and who needs what block off HIT run button! 80% or better is GOOD! Mail home student requests Work on individual schedules as needed Lock in sped schedules and performing arts classes Sophomore Readiness Night Freshman Readiness Night May…AND through summer Make any changes to schedule or students schedules as needed Questions??? Contact Info High School – Carrie Welch 573-659-3063 Simonsen – Jaime Marshall 573-659-3129