How to Make Your Own E-Commerce Site:
Step by Step
Marjan Mihanovic, marjanm@eunet.yu
Dusan Dingarac, dingo@sk.co.yu
Zoran Horvat, zoranh@eunet.yu
Miodrag Stefanovic, mik42@yahoo.com
Ivana Vujovic, ile@eunet.yu
Prof. Dr. Veljko Milutinovic, vm@etf.bg.ac.yu
What will you learn from this tutorial?
This Tutorial will guide you through the following sections:
– You will become familiar with some basic techniques and terminology.
YAHOO! Store
– The easiest way to make your business Internet-enabled
– Software package, intended for creating more advanced eCommerce
solutions, still very easy to use.
Microsoft Site Server Commerce Edition
– The most powerful tool,
for the large and most advanced e-commerce solutions.
MBA for B2C
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Introduction to E-Commerce
E-Business - The shape of things to come
The most interesting part of E-business over the Internet
(also called I-business)
is E-commerce over the Internet (I-commerce)
 Over 170 000 000 people,
that were using Internet on 1.1.2000.,
can be potential customers
 Number of Internet users doubles every three years
 The most important thing for I-commerce is web store;
a place where you can show and sell
your goods to Internet users.
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Web store
Your store is working non-stop:
 24 hours per day
 7 day per week
 365 (366) days per year
 Your customers from all over the world
can spend their money without any time-zone limits.
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Web store
Let us see what is needed to open a new web store:
 1. Getting an Internet Merchant Bank Account
(account that enables credit card transactions over the Internet)
 2. Web Hosting
(getting WWW space with some Internet provider)
 3. Obtaining a Digital Certificate
(obtaining initial keys for encryption, etc…)
 4. Finding a Provider of Online Transactions
(middleman between your customer and your bank)
 5. Creating or Purchasing a Shopping Cart Software
(getting hold of the web store infrastructure: sw-shelves, etc…)
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Internet Merchant Bank Account
In order to be able to accept
credit cards over the Internet,
you must apply to your bank
for an Internet Merchant Bank Account
 Depending on which country you live in
and what bank you are with,
this can be relatively easy or somewhat difficult.
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Web Hosting
Web hosting is a very important step in this process
 This is how you gain a presence on the Internet
in the first place
 It is important that the web hosting company
is capable of providing you with the level of service
that you need to maintain your Web store
 A few things to look for are:
Good uptime (over 99,5% guarantied)
Good technical support (your store is working non-stop)
Fast connection to the Internet
Staff that is knowledgeable about E-commerce
Compatibility with major E-commerce providers
Classified statistics of access to your Web site
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Obtaining a Digital Certificate
If you are a larger company, however,
you may want to get your own digital certificate
(for CC processing and/or for processing of sensitive data)
 A certificate costs about $150.00 per year
and can be obtained from
– Verisign (http://www.verisign.com)
– Thawte (http://www.thawte.com)
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Provider of Online Transactions
There are a lot of online transaction providers
 They offer all kinds of packages
 Decide on a provider's package that fits your needs
 This is perhaps the most important aspect
in creating an E-commerce Web site.
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Shopping Cart Software
Generally it is possible to find
three different types of Web store
 Three types of Web store creating and shopping cart software are
best represented with three examples
discussed later in this tutorial:
• 1) Yahoo! Store
• 2) EcBuilder
• 3) Microsoft Site Server Commerce Edition
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Credit Card
The most widely used way of purchasing
over the Internet is Credit Card
 The consumer surfs the Internet to the merchants Web site,
where he/she decides he/she wants to buy something.
 The consumer is moved to the online transaction server,
which ensures security.
 Transaction (credit card billing) is passed
through private gateway to a CC Processing Network,
where it is completed (or denied).
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Credit Card
System of validating card data
and making a transaction is shown on this picture
Other Merchant Sites
Other Merchant Sites
Private Gateway
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issuing and acquiring
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Electronic Cash
Contrary to Credit Card,
Electronic Cash is informational equivalent
of physical banknotes and coins.
 It is perfect for so-called micropayments
(such as paying $0.10 for the one-time use of software
or $0.19 for reading a literary essay)
 Electronic Cash can offer such benefits as
– anonymity of the buyer
– global acceptance...
but Credit Card will be dominant for at least the next few years.
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Yahoo! Store
Introduction to Yahoo! Store
Basic disadvantages
– Cannot create original look of the e-Commerce site;
sites on Yahoo! Store look similar to each other
no matter what effort was taken for visual design.
That is because all sites are forced to have the same structure,
and only graphical elements and their arrangement on the screen
may be partially different
– Company still needs its own server
in order to use most advanced capabilities of Yahoo! Store
(e.g. custom functions for tax and shipment calculation).
If company owes a server (virtual or real),
it can use other tools (such as ecBuilder)
to create more flexible e-Commerce site.
– Yahoo! Store certainly cannot fulfill all e-Business demands
asked by big companies
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Creating the Store
Suppose at this moment that we
are featuring a company named
Raspberries, Inc., which offers
ecological fruit: raspberries,
blackberries, and strawberries.
 Each fruit is offered in a number
of forms: fresh, frozen, juice, etc.
 First we want to create the store
for our company: we may type
rasp in the ID field, and
Raspberries, Inc. in the name field.
 Thus, our WWW address will be:
and heading on our front page
will read Raspberries, Inc.
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Preparing to Edit the Store
After signing
with Yahoo!,
the screen
with options
will be
 The key page;
each one of
the 8 sections
contains links
to vital
 Only manager
can access
this page; not
the shopper.
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Page Variables
If we click the Edit
button at the front
page, another page
with properties of the
front page will load.
 Properties are referred
as Variables.
 Each page contains a
number of variables
that describe all
relevant details of its
look and structure.
 The site creation
activity boils down to
the changing of the
values of relevant
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Changing Some Variables
At this step, we will enter the page title and the logo message.
Let page title be: Green food from Serbia.
If no page title is entered, store title will be used instead
(in our case, Raspberries, Inc.).
Message might be assumed as company motto,
e.g. Our fruit knows of no chemistry.
We also may upload a title image by pressing
the Upload File button at the appropriate row.
If this image is loaded, it will be used instead of the store title,
i.e. instead of Raspberries, Inc.
Note that page loading time will be longer when the uploaded
image is bigger. It is highly recommended to upload
images smaller than 20kB, in order to keep high performance.
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Creating New Section
Now we may create sections on our front page.
 We will make three sections:
– Fresh Fruits
– Frozen Fruits
– Finished Products
In order to create a section,
you should click onto the New Section button on the menu bar.
 Then, you will be prompted for name and caption
of the new section.
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Creating New Section
To finish section creating,
click the Update button.
 In the same manner,
another two sections
can be created.
 After each section is
created, appropriate
section page is loaded.
 In order to return to the
front page, click Home
button at the left margin
on the section page.
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Selecting General Look of the Page
Figure shows one possible look of
our front page (style Soft on the
menu bar). It is important to know
that all pages (currently our three
section pages) will share the same
 Note that the menu on the left
margin contains three buttons,
each of them leading to one
of our sections.
 It is highly recommended that all
pages on the site have the same
general visual properties, in order
to set impression of stability and
consistency to the customer.
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Adding an Item to the Section
Now, we may try to add items into
our store. Menu bar on section
pages contains New Item option.
 After clicking to New Item option
(say, on the Fresh Fruits section
page), a form will be loaded.
 Four properties of the new item are
asked for: name, caption, code
(this is internal code of the item),
price in US Dollars.
 After clicking to the Update button,
our item will be added
to the Fresh Fruits section.
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Full Look of the Item
After an image is uploaded,
it will be shown both on the
item (upper figure) and the
section pages (lower figure).
 Note that image is shown
in full size on the item page,
and as a thumbnail at the
section page.
 Also, there is an Order button
at the item page. User will be
able to order our product by
clicking on that button.
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Final Look of Fresh Fruits Section
In the same manner,
we can add other items
to our Fresh Fruits page.
 Figure shows possible look
of the Fresh Fruits page
after four items were added.
 By clicking either on the name
or the image of any item,
appropriate item page will be
loaded: then, the user can order
the wanted amount of the
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Product Name:
Software inc.
Desktop PC
with Microsoft
system and
Microsoft IE 4.0
or Netscape 4.0
Product URL: http://www.ecbuilder.com
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Payment processing
ecBuilder provides full support for online credit card processing
 Credit card paying process is security sensitive
 The merchant (you) takes care of delivering the bought goods
 ecPlace takes care of CC payment processing
(3) Customer enters Credit card number
(1) Makes Shopping List
(2) Shopping List encrypted
with Public Key Technology
(4) Payment request submitted
via secure connection
(6) Encrypted eMail with results
(5) Transaction
(7) eMail with results
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ecBuilder First step : Site Structure
ecBuilder will generate several HTML pages,
and will correctly hyperlink them
 In this step you should choose
which additional pages your site will contain
 The choices are:
Content Pages
Your Products or Services Catalog
Feedback Form
Contact Information Page
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ecBuilder First step: Site Structure
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ecBuilder Second step - Company Address
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ecBuilder Third step - Site Builder Profile
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ecBuilder Fourth step - Contact Person Profile
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ecBuilder Fifth step - Business Classification
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ecBuilder Sixth step - Company Identity
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ecBuilder Seventh step - Web Site Content
By checking the 'Content Pages' checkbox in Step One,
you caused ecBuilder to generate a page
with the default title 'background'
 A link to that page can be found
on the main page of the site
 This 'background' page contains
up to 100 links to other pages
of your choice and content,
which are also generated by ecBuilder
 You may use this option to add anything
you find relevant to your eBusiness,
or the site in general.
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ecBuilder Eighth step - Payment Methods
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ecBuilder Ninth step - Online Processing
Other Merchant Sites
issuing and acquiring
Other Merchant Sites Private Gateway
The ecBuilder adds one more stage
into the generalized e-Business pipeline: The ecPlace
 It is a ready-to-use interface to OTP;
you do not have to create your own one inside the Merchant Site
 Private Gateway = SSL or VPN or anything else to provide security
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ecBuilder Ninth step - Online Processing
Here you must select the third party
online transaction processing (OTP) company you intend to use
As of this moment,
ecBuilder supports E-xact and InternetSecure
transaction processing companies;
the ecPlace is nothing else but software to interact with the OTP
After you have obtained a merchant account,
you must obtain a separate account
with one of the supported OTP companies
Go to http://www.ecbuilder.com/client/merchantaccount
for more info on obtaining an account
with an online transaction processing company
Remember: OTP = TGP (transaction gateway provider)
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ecBuilder Tenth step - Catalog
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ecBuilder Eleventh step - Advertising &
This Step gives you three options to select:
– Top Page Banner
– Bottom Page Banner
– Hit Counter
Banners are used primarily for link exchange
between sites of similar interest
in order to boost up hit ratios,
and for some additional cash source
(pay per clickthrough banners, for example): e.g., 1cent/click
 Hit counters are used for tracking
visitor statistics for your site,
which can be useful when planning
your future market strategy
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ecBuilder Twelfth step - Order & Inquiry Fields
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ecBuilder Thirteenth step - Site Design &
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ecBuilder Thirteenth step - Site Design &
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ecBuilder Fourteenth step - Security Options
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ecBuilder Fifteenth step - Search Engines
ecBuilder can submit your new site
to eight (as of ‘this’ moment) search engines,
to make sure your E-business site is easy to be found
 The data and keywords you entered in previous steps
will be used in the submit process
 You may visit an independent Submit-It service provider at:
 For a small fee they will submit your site
to hundreds of search engines
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ecBuilder Fifteenth step - Search Engines
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ecBuilder Sixteenth step - Upload Your Site
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ecBuilder Sixteenth step - Upload Your Site
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Site Server Commerce Edition
A Technological Survey
Pipeline Editor
Pipeline Editor is a visual tool
for creating pipeline files (.pcf).
Pipeline is graphically presented
as a vertical pipe broken into
sections representing stages
 Every horizontal section (valve)
represents an OPP COM object
in the corresponding stage
 This software enables user to
add and configure OPP objects.
Also, user can create or remove
stages from the pipeline.
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Every ‘item’ object
has fields for
calculating the price
and the additional
expenses tied to that
 The ‘items’ is an
object implemented
as a collection of
‘item’ objects
 Each ‘item’ includes
no methods (only
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Product Pipeline
Aim of this type of pipeline is
to gather information about
products, and shows it on the
product.asp page
 This page shows info on the
products offered for sale
 This stage, among other
things, is used for a
preliminary single item price
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Plan Pipeline
Plan pipeline is a
superset of the
Product pipeline
 It is used for
complete price
calculation based on
various parameters
 What follows is only
the NEW stages, not
mentioned before, in
the product pipeline
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Purchase Pipeline
This type of pipeline accepts
the OrderForm object already
processed through the Plan
pipeline and completes the
order processing by
performing financial
 This pipeline, among other
things, performs the cc
authorization and completes
the purchase
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Issues in Modern Management
and Business Administration
The Three Approaches to Business
Common Sense
 Fast Knowledge
 Formal MBA
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The MBA Issues of Importance
 Essence
 Morale of the Story
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