Neuroscience and Multilingualism CEFR Proficiency Testing in the Context of Cognitive Neurolinguistics Dr. Edna Andrews Duke University Defining human language Where language is NOT equal to speech and There is NO language in the ONE Human language is a … Dynamic, learned, hierarchical, relatively autonomous system of meaning-generating paradigmatic and syntagmatic signs that signify and communicate to self and others via speech communities and communities of practice throughout the life cycle. Understanding variation Language is not a monolith in the human brain. ...культура представляет собой коллективный интеллект и коллективную память, т.е. надындивидуальный механизм хранения и передачи некоторых сообщений (текстов) и выработки новых.... Память культуры не только едина, но и внутренне разнообразна. Это означает, что ее единство существует лишь на некотором уровне и подразумевает наличие частных «диалектов памяти», соответствующих внутренней организации коллективов, составляющих мир данной культуры.... (Память в культурологическом освещении, Из. ст. I, с. 200, 1992) 4 Central controversies of the field of Brain and Language Learned/innate (predispositions) Degree of localization (modularity and connectivity) Appropriate definitions of critical periods (specificity, plasticity, complexity) Central disciplines of the field of Brain and Language Neuroanatomy Ojemann, Dowling, Rose, Parnavelas, Huttenlocher Neurophysiology Ojemann, Rose, Huttenlocher Biochemistry Rose, Ojemann, Huttenlocher Neurofunctionality Poeppel, Fabbro, Rosenfield Neurolinguistics Lieberman, Poeppel, Fabbro, Andrews, Jakobson Neuroimaging Huettel, Poeppel, Ojemann Central topics of the field of Brain and Language Linguistic theory Jakobson, Bolinger, Lieberman, Poeppel, Vygotsky Lesion-deficit tradition Fabbro, Rosenfield, Damasio, Skotko/Andrews/Einstein, Sacks, Luria Cultural anthropology Donald Language, culture & identity Jakobson, Donald Language and Memory (& collective memory) Rose, Jakobson, Donald, Squire, Rosenfield Development neurobiology Dowling, Rose, Parnavelas, Ojemann, Huttenlocher Evolutionary biology Lieberman, Donald Imaging technology (EEG, ERP, fMRI, PET, MEG, TMS, CSM) Ojemann, Poeppel, Huettel Developmental cognitive psychology (consciousness/ metaconsciousness) Vygotsky Phonology Jakobson, Bolinger, Rosenfield, Fabbro, Lieberman Multilingualism Jakobson, Fabbro, Ojemann, deBot, Hernandez, Perani Poeppel/Hickok 2004, “Towards a new functional anatomy of language” “1. Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area are no longer viewed as monolithic or homogeneous pieces of tissue. Rather, there are attempts to define, subdivide, and functionally interpret both of these cortical regions. It is particularly noteworthy that no paper in the present collection focuses on or attributes any special role to Broca’s area or Wernicke’s area. 2. The fractionation of STG and its functional role is a very active area of imaging research, with a major proposal being that functionally and anatomically distinct parallel dorsal and ventral pathways originate in the STG. 3. There is a dramatic increase in attention to cortical areas outside the traditional perisylvian language zone. Some of these regions include the middle and interior sectors of the temporal lobe for its role in word-level processes, the anterior STG for its role in the construction of phrases as well as intelligibility, and subcortical structures (basal ganglia, cerebellum) for their role in linguistic computation. 4. There is increasing interest in the relation between perception/comprehension and production and the potential role of posterior temporal and inferior parietal cortex in D. Poeppel, G. Hickok / Cognition 92 (2004) 1–12 9 the auditory–motor interface. There is a hypothesis that a Sylvian parieto-temporal area (Spt) drives an auditory–motor interface, as well as proposals that areas 7 and 40 perform subroutines of verbal working memory. 5. The right hemisphere, the ugly step-hemisphere in brain-language models, is being rehabilitated. There is broad consensus that, at least in speech perception, the right temporal lobe plays an important role, and, more generally, one of the main consequences of imaging research has been to highlight the extensive activation of the right hemisphere in language tasks. On balance, a modification of the virulent left hemisphere imperialism characteristic of the field is in order.” *importance of ecological validity Hickok & Poeppel Model of Brain & Language (2007) 9 •Revelations of language function from CSM results (Cortical stimulation mappings) from Corina et al. 2010) “Semantic paraphasias are errors in which the patient substitutes a semantically related or associated word for the target word. Iconic examples of semantic paraphasias include producing the word ‘horse’ for the target image cow, or producing the word ‘car’ when the correct target is train.” “Performance errors include form-based distortions that are slurred, stuttered, or imprecisely articulated.” (Corina, 2010) from Corina et al. 2010) from Corina et al. 2010) “Phonological paraphasias are characterized by unintended phonemic epenthesis, omission, substitution, metathesis, and repetition. In production models of language, phonological paraphasias are believed to involve phoneme selection. Unlike neologisms, phonological paraphasias bear a resemblance to the intended target. […] Neologisms (e.g., fish ? ‘herp’) are form-based errors which are ‘‘possible but nonexistent words” that generally follow the phonotactics of the language” (Corina 2010) from Corina et al. 2010) from Corina et al. 2010) “Circumlocution errors are responses in which the subject talks about or ‘around’ the target in lieu of naming it. The subject may describe attributes of the target, describe its use (e.g., chair ? ‘sit down’), or talk about the target in a roundabout manner (e.g., shoe ? ‘cover foot’).” “No-response errors are cases in which stimulation leads to the lack of naming response. We differentiate these no-response errors from errors of speech arrest that occur due to stimulation of ventral motor regions associated with speech articulation. In clinical practice, these latter areas are determined by having the patient perform an automatic counting task.” (Corina 2010) from Corina et al. 2010) Subcortical areas identified as relevant to neurological representations of human language 1. Fabbro (1999) Basal ganglia – caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus Thalamus - ventral anterior nucleus (VA), ventral lateral nucleus (VL), Pulvinar (P) and dorsomedial nucleus (DM) Substantia nigra Cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop (inner putamen-pallidus pathway) Cortico-striato-subthalamo-cortical loop (outer putamen-pallidus pathway) 2. Lieberman (2006) Basal ganglia – caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus Cerebellum Hippocampus 3. Poeppel/Hickok (2004), Hickok/Poeppel (2004) and Shalom/Poeppel (2008) Anterior superior temporal lobe Middle temporal gyrus Basal ganglia Many right-hemisphere homologues Ventral stream – posterior middle temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus (bilaterally) (from STS (superior temporal sulcus) to pITL (posterior inferior temporal lobe) Dorsal stream – posterior Sylvian fissure (area Spt – Sylvian parietal temporal) (toward the parietal lobe and on to frontal regions) 4. Duffau (2008: 927-934) and Menjot de Champfleur et al. (2013: 151-157) – Subcortical white matter fiber tracts important in language processing: [measured using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), a non-invasive approach to study white matter, can only provide anatomical [not functional] information; however, when pre-operative and post-operative DTI are combined with intraoperative subcortical mapping, the results are “reliable anatomo-functional correlations” (Duffau 2008: 928).] IFOF - inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus (also called inferior frontal occipital fasciculus) AF – arcuate fasciculus Lateral SLF – superior longitudinal fasciculus MdLF – middle longitudinal fasciculus (connecting the angular gyrus (AG) and superior temporal gyrus (STG) 17 Multilingual aphasia recovery data Fabbro (1999: 115): “With the exclusion of cases of individuals bilingual since infancy, the mother tongue is often the most familiar and the most automatized language preferred for …. By analyzing all clinical cases of bilingual and polyglot aphasics published so far, I have calculated that around 40% of patients present parallel recovery of all languages, 32% present a better recovery of the mother tongue, and the remaining 28% present a better recovery of the second language.” 18 Language and Culture: There is no language in the one The important difference between grammatical and lexical categories in language and the meanings produced by these categories in human language is a focal point of Jakobson’s analysis ([1967]1985: 110): Grammatically, languages do not differ in what they can and cannot convey. Any language is able to convey everything. However, they differ in what a language must convey. If I say in English (or correspondingly in Japanese) that “I spent last evening with a neighbor”, you may ask whether my companion was a male or a female, and I have the factual right to give you the impolite reply, “It is none of your business.” But if we speak French or German or Russian, I am obliged to avoid ambiguity and to say: voisin or voisine; Nachbar or Nachbarin; sosed or sosedka. I am compelled to inform you about the sex of my companion not by virtue of a higher frankness, openness, and informativeness of the given languages, but only because of a different distribution of the focal points imparting information in the verbal codes of diverse languages. 20 Signification & Memory Donald identifies the key to understanding human language as a collective phenomenon when he notes that: “[t]he isolated brain does not come up with external symbols. Human brains collectively invent symbols in a creative and dynamic process” (2004: 43). And symbols are invented, according to Donald, by means of executive skills “that created a nervous system that invented representation out of necessity” (ibid.). It is the human ability to collectively invent innovative and dynamic external symbols that the field of linguistics calls signification. Without signification as the initial and primary ability that underlies human language and all of human cognition, there can be no nonhereditary collective memory. Signification always requires the translation from one system into another, and the process is potentially infinite and unbounded (Jakobson 1985: 206, Peirce 4.127). This fact will become especially relevant in understanding speech acts and the construction of linguistic meaning. Donald singles out autocueing, the uniquely human ability to voluntarily control memory recall, that provides freedom from the hic et nunc. It would have been a prerequisite to the development of human language, which requires volitional actions, including retrieval of linguistic forms and their modification (2004: 45). Also, the many different living systems are able to communicate with other living beings within and beyond their species and the environment, but signification and autocueing are the critical pieces for human language. With these two primary abilities—signification/invention of creative and dynamic external symbols and voluntary control of memory retrieval—the evolution of human language becomes possible. Tomasello’s insights about linguistic reference as a “social action” is an important corollary to the phenomenon of signification (1999: 97). At the point at which children begin participating in the signification process as learners of linguistic symbols, they can tap into not only the richness of “preexisting” knowledge, but also participate in the uniqueness of linguistic symbols and their inherent polysemic nature, where one can cognitively embrace an event or object at multiple levels simultaneously (cf. “a rose, a flower, and a gift”) (1999: 107). 21 Signification and Communication in Action: Building Blocks for a Theory of Language and Brain via Modeling Speech Acts (Jakobson, Lotman, Searle and Tomasello) Jakobsonian speech act model (all factors/functions doubled in Lotman’s rendering) Factors Context Contact Addresser Addressee Code Message Functions Referential Phatic Emotive Conative Metalingual Poetic 22 What is important to know about speech acts? 1. All speech acts are multifaceted events embedded in the cultural context. 2. Meanings of speech acts are always negotiated (they are never given as a priori categories). Meanings are negotiations, not a priori categories (cf. It’s cool—meaning (1) the weather is chilly, (2) there is no problem, everything is fine, (3) something is interesting, neat, etc.). Given this fact, it may be more productive to imagine that the neural image of a word is multisensory and obligatorily involves cross-modal effects (cf. MarslenWilson 2007, Watkins et al. 2003, Massaro and Cohen 1995, McGurk/Madonald 1976, Lieberman 2006). By suggesting that word meanings are multisensory, I am implying an approach that is deeply informed by the cognitive linguistic paradigm, but the result is more like that found in Mahon and Caramazza (2008) but with important synergies with the “embodied” approach given in Gallese and Lakoff (2005). Meaning is indeed the fundamental condition that any unit on any level must fulfill in order to obtain linguistic status. We repeat: on any level. - Émile Benveniste (1971: 103) 3. It matters who is talking and who is listening. 4. Speakers and hearers are always members of multiple and changing speech communities and communities of practice. 5. All speech acts require translation between and among the factors and functions that define them. 6. There is no such thing as a single speech act. They always occur as multiplicities. 7. All speech acts (and all language) are ambiguous and redundant to varying degrees. 8. The Jakobsonian model of speech acts gives the minimum number of factor and functions. There may be more in a given instance, but there are never less than 6. 9. Speech acts may be the ecologically-valid minimal unit of human language. 10. Human language is not the product of a single brain but rather a product of multiple brains in sync with each other and embedded in the cultural context. 11. Any language can say anything, but some languages make you say certain things. 23 Skotko, Andrews, Einstein 2005 24 H.M.’s Discourse Skotko, Andrews, Einstein 2005, Andrews 2014: 90 When looking at H.M.’s usage of language from a more broadly based discourse perspective, it becomes clear (1) where H.M. demonstrated higher competency than his peer group and (2) where he demonstrates deficits. If we now implement Jakobson’s speech act model as discussed previously, we can characterize H.M.’s speech and writing in terms of the six functions (metalingual, conative, poetic, emotive, referential, phatic) in the following manner: 1. H.M.’s metalingual function is highly developed and exceeds expectations for healthy subjects of his educational background and age group; 2. H.M.’s conative responses, whether they be verbal answers to questions or subsequent actions responding to requests, are robust; 3. H.M.’s use of the poetic function is developed, especially in punning and humorous turns of phrase, and merits special attention; 4. H.M.’s emotive function is appropriate in terms of his affect, sense of humor, laughter, eye contact with interlocuters, body language, gestures accompanying speech, but his desire to share verbally is more reactive than initiatory; 5. H.M. makes limited reference to the extralinguistic context surrounding his discourse, but on occasion did make direct reference to persons and things; thus, his referential function was operative; 6. The weakest area of discourse for H.M. in terms of the speech act model is his lack of use of the phatic function, including his reluctance to initiate or continue conversation, to reinitiate a previously given topic of conversation, or to interact with his interlocutor’s narrative if a question to him is not involved. (Note that there are exceptions to this characterization, but they are quite infrequent.) 25 LfMRI SLAM •Longitudinal fMRI Study of SecondLanguage Acquisition and Multilingualism • Unique longitudinal fMRI study where scan data is correlated with subject-based proficiency testing data and behavioral data using a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) • experimental design structured to follow the acquisition of Russian language in a study that combines, for the first time, BOLD fMRI data with empirical language proficiency data (CEFR) and course-based behavioral data • Six central issues relevant to appropriate presentation of data on multilingualism: (1) intensity of contact, (2) motivation to learn the new language, (3) language aptitude, (4) attitudes by learners toward the L1, L2, L3, etc., (5) other languages learned by subjects prior to the study, and (6) degree of literacy of subjects (summarized from de Bot 2008:118-120) Critical Periods – fiction and fact For neuroscientists, the notion of critical periods is much more complex and nuanced than the primitive rendition we often see through the prism of linguistics. In fact, any neuroscientist recognizes that different cortical areas may require different definitions of sensitive or critical periods. For example, the visual cortex has a very well-defined critical period as seen in studies of the cat eye and light deprivation, but even in visual cortices, the environment can modify the critical period itself (Dowling 2004: 46-51). In contrast, there are other cortical areas that do not demonstrate any clear beginning or end of what Dowling calls “periods of more susceptibility” (ibid.: 51). As Dowling states: “The general notion of critical periods in cortical development has been questioned, because often there is neither a sharp start nor a sharp end of such sensitive periods. Some investigators believe, rather, that cortical modifiability is a continuum, with, at most, periods of more susceptibility….In addition, critical periods can be modified by environment” (ibid.: 50-51). He explains, “It is clear that a variety of mechanisms can alter synaptic strength and circuitry in the adult brain – from simple synaptic excitation and inhibition, to strengthening or weakening of synaptic strengths by neuromodulatory mechanisms, to neurons sprouting new branches and forming new synapses by mechanisms such as LTP” (ibid.: 106). 30 Regions of interest in our fMRI SLAM were selected based on the following principles: (1) regions that are frequently mentioned in the fMRI literature for sentence comprehension (Price 2010: 68) or CSM literature (Corina et al. 2010: 107-111) and (2) regions that showed significant change across the language acquisition scans. MTG – medial temporal gyrus STG – superior temporal gyrus MFG – middle frontal gyrus IFG – inferior frontal gyrus PrG – precentral gyrus PoG – postcentral gyrus HeG - Heschl’s gyrus SMG – supramarginal gyrus AnG – angular gyrus (adapted from Corina et al. 2010) LfMRI SLAM at a glance Subjects for LfMRI SLAM are 7 subjects (3 males and 4 females). The subjects began the study at the ages of 19 and 20 years of age. Handedness was not a criterion for elimination from the study, although all longitudinal participants are right-handed. Andrews et al. 2013 covers scans conducted between April 2011 and April 2012. All LfMRI SLAM subjects have participated in multiple testing sessions using the official Russian language proficiency exam for the Russian Federation Ministry of Education (TRKI). TRKI is an instrument that meets the requirements of the language proficiency exams developed through the Council of Europe, CEFR (Breiner-Sanders et al 2001, North 2000). They have also been involved in course work and class examinations at both Duke University and St. Petersburg State University (Russia). Time table of fMRI scans and proficiency testing. Scan 1 Apr-Aug, 2011 (pre-program) Scan 2 Dec, 2011 Scan 3 Mar-Apr, 2012 Scan 4 Oct, 2012 Scan 5 Mar, 2013 Scan 6 Mar-Apr, 2014 34 35 CEFR/TRKI Proficiency Testing Levels: A2, B1 (different versions) Types of tests: listening comprehension, grammar, reading, writing, speaking Published study: Focus on first 3 scans (2011/2012) 36 Stimuli and Procedure This experiment uses the CIGAL (Voyvodic, 1999; Voyvodic et al., 2011) software package for auditory and visual stimulation as well as real-time recording of subject responses, cardiac and respiratory physiological oscillations, and eye-tracking behavior. Subjects listen to no fewer than 24 ~30-second digitized auditory segments in four languages during a 30 to 60 minute session. Subjects are asked to close their eyes and not use any sub-vocalizations during the sessions. Directly following the sessions, subjects participate in a debriefing session including a list of questions (cf. number 9 in design section iii). Imaging parameters Imaging is performed using a General Electric LX 3T Signa scanner using head restraints to reduce motion. All scans discussed herein were conducted on the same BIAC3 scanner at Duke University Hospital. The subject's head is positioned along the canthomeatal line. For functional scans, a total of 30 slices with a 5mm thickness are obtained using a TR of 1500ms, a TE of 35ms, a 64x64 matrix, and a spiral pulse sequence. Slices are axial, taken parallel to the plane of the anterior and posterior commissures with the most inferior image level with the top of the pons. High resolution dual echo proton density and T2-weighted anatomical images are acquired in the same slice planes as the functional scans. A high resolution 3D fast spoiled GRASS T1-weighted scan covering the whole brain with isotropic 1mm cubic voxels is acquired to allow structural visualization in any orientation (256x256x166 voxels). In each run, the audio stimulus files are played in 30-second blocks followed by 10-second rest periods for four minutes. Run 1 is English-Russian, Run 2 is Spanish-English, Run 3 is Russian-Spanish, and Run 4 is EnglishGeorgian. Languages alternate within each run. There are samples in four different languages, three of which will be known (to varying degrees) to the subject while the fourth will be entirely unknown and generally unidentifiable to the subject. The audio stimulus consists of short narratives of no less than 50 sentences in four languages. The voices for each language will be different (including male and female voices at an indeterminable age but with native pronunciation. In the longitudinal study, subjects hear the same protocol across scans. Some recognition of voice is probably by the fourth longitudinal scan. The ordering of auditory segments will vary, with 3 segments of two languages alternating in each segment with a total of 6 segments. Participants will not be excluded based on handedness. This section of the functional scan will involve only auditory comprehension. Reading comprehension, which was recently added to the protocol, is given at the end of the scan. Each 30-second audio segment consists of unique utterances — no repetitions of content between or among languages. There is a 10 second rest period following each audio segment. There is a post-scan interview with a free-response questionnaire. Subject 1, Russ-rest Subject 1, Russ-rest, visit 2 Subject 1, Russ-rest, visit 3 Sample Data Subject 1 – Eng-Rest Scan 1 Sample Data Subject 1 – Eng-Rest Scan 2 Sample Data Subject 1 – Eng-Rest Scan 3 Sample Data Subject 1 – Russ-Rest Scan 1 Sample Data Subject 1 – Russ-Rest Scan 2 Sample Data Subject 1 – Russ-Rest Scan 3 AMPLE Normalization Voyvodic, J. T. (2006). Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 24(9), 1249-1261. same subject doing the same English sentence comprehension task under different scanning conditions over a 6-year period MANCOVA analysis of LfMRI SLAM study (2013) The multivariate analysis of covariance used in our analysis is based on proficiency testing measurements and fMRI ROI measurements (12 regions of interest) generated under two pairs of conditions: (1) English-rest and (2) Russianrest. The raw data are the percentage of voxels in each region whose activity levels are above threshold. Additionally, to provide an internal benchmark, we also used fMRI readings from the Middle Occipital Gyrus, a region which would not be relevant in a listening comprehension condition. The primary model used in this analysis was MANCOVA, where the vector of responses (the percents of non-zero voxels by time, region, hemisphere, and subject) is modeled as the additive effects of two categorical variables (hemisphere and region) and one continuous covariate (proficiency score): Y = mean + region effect + hemisphere effect + score effect The analysis treated the two pairs of conditions (English-rest, Russian-rest) separately. Although all four conditions could be handled simultaneously in one MANCOVA model with more complicated repeated measures structure, we analyzed the two conditions by fitting the same form of the MANCOVA model each time. This simplifies the interpretation of the results, and reduces the risk of misleading results due to failure of model assumptions (such as non-normal residuals) or some aberrant situation in one of the test conditions. In reporting the results from these two MANCOVA models, we use Pillai's trace to test all hypotheses. Alternative statistics, including Wilks’ lambda, Hotelling’s trace and Roy’s largest root, found nearly identical results. We also note that tests of sphericity or specific pattern matrices for the correlation structure were generally rejected, implying that the covariance matrix is complex. 50 Primary Results of the MANCOVA Analysis The primary results included the following: 1. The score effect for the repeated measure is significant for the condition Russian-rest. Pillai’s trace has p-values where p = 0.01. As expected, the score effect is not significant for English-rest, where the p-value equals 0.47. This supports the research hypothesis that language acquisition is associated with characteristic activations found in the Russian conditions. Furthermore, the fact that it was insignificant for the English-rest condition strongly supports the belief that non-normal residuals are not distorting the analysis in any important way. 2. The time effect is significant; activation levels change across the three different sets of measurement. 51 Secondary Results of the MANCOVA Analysis Secondary results included the following: 1. The time effect is significant for Russian-rest; average activation levels change across the different sets of measurements. 2. The time effect is not significant for English-rest; average activation levels do not change across the different sets. 3. There is a significant hemisphere effect. 4. The Middle Occipital Gyrus, used as an internal statistical standard, shows a lack of effect as expected. 5. Different regions show variation in activation patterns. 52 Preliminary Statistical Data on Reading Scans In parallel with results obtained from the auditory scans under the Russianrest and English-rest conditions, a MANCOVA analysis was run based on five regions of interest (IFG, STG, MTG, Lingual Gyrus and Precuneus) across three time points for Russian-rest and English-rest during a reading task using proficiency results for each subject as before. The score effect for the repeated measure is significant for the condition Russian-rest. Pillai’s trace has p-value 0.017. Here again, as expected, the score effect is not significant for English-rest, where the p-value equals 0.22. This supports the research hypothesis that language acquisition is associated with characteristic activations found in the Russian conditions for reading as well as auditory comprehension. In addition to the MANCOVA analysis, we added a regression analysis to determine if faster reading speeds by subjects in the English condition would correlate with their proficiency achievements in the acquisition of Russian. In fact, as anticipated, the regression finds a very significant and positive relationship between these two factors (p = 0.027, R=0.804 [where R is the correlation between the speed of reading and the proficiency scores], explaining 65% of the variation 53 Profile summary for longitudinal subjects (prior to April, 2011) SUBJECT L1/proficiency L2/proficiency Subject 1: Eng/C2 Fr/C1, AP 5, SAT II-800, It/B1 Subject 2: Eng/C2 Ger/B2/C1, AP 5, IB HL-6, Arab/B1 Subject 3: Eng/C2 Fr/B1, Rus/B1 Subject 4: Eng/C2 Latin/A2, Heb/A1 Subject 5: Eng/C2 Fr/A1, It/A1 Subject 6: Eng/C2 Sp/A2 Subject 7: Eng/C2 Sp/SAT II, AP 5 Conclusions and Future Directions Conclusions and Future Directions In our study, we set out to collect a robust set of data acquired longitudinally using both fMRI and behavioral and proficiency data on subjects who begin their intensive study of a second language during the study. By coordinating proficiency testing and fMRI scanning, we could analyze the degree to which fMRI can track language acquisition within subjects. From the behavioral and proficiency data we could derive empirically valid information about the achievements of the subjects in a range of measurements that are available by task (listening comprehension, reading, grammar/lexicon) as a component of the analysis of the fMRI scan data for a listening comprehension task. Using a multivariate analysis of covariance allows us to determine if there is a significant relationship between the changes in activations in the ROIs for each subject across the 3 scans/time points by comparing those activation changes to changes in proficiency for each subject. The result produced a p value = 0.01, which supports the fundamental research hypothesis that language acquisition is associated with characteristic activations found in the Russian conditions. Furthermore, the lack of significance for the English-rest condition (where p = 0.47) strongly supports the belief that non-normal residuals are not distorting the analysis in any important way. Finally, time effect is significant for the Russian conditions and shows activation levels changing across the three sets of longitudinal measurements. The importance of understanding invariance in variation has been one of the central concerns of theoretical linguistics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The construction and conducting of imaging studies that include protocols of language that are not only ecologically valid and coupled with behavioral and proficiency data, but also allow for multiple comparisons across and within subjects longitudinally, may provide a new perspective on how to answer some of the most challenging issues about brain and language, as well as formulate new questions that can deepen the research paradigms in cognitive and neurolinguistics. 55 Contribution of longitudinal fMRI analyses of language acquisition with general linear models While our study is only one contribution to the longitudinal study of multilingualism and second language acquisition, it serves as one more important component leading to a prescient model that more deeply integrates behavioral information, empirical testing and proficiency data with computational data provided from fMRI studies embedded in appropriate statistical analysis. 56 Reassembling the Pieces: Languages and Brains 1. The importance of culture in the evolution of human cognition and language 2. Key to understanding human language as a collective phenomenon: “the isolated brain does not come up with external symbols. Human brains collectively invent symbols in a creative & dynamic process.” (Donald 2004: 43) 3. Reading as a game changer (cf. Bolinger’s “visual morphemes”) 4. Multilingualism through the life cycle: change as essential, not essentialist 5. Reuniting lesion-deficit studies with healthy subject research 6. Utility of imaging research in the field of cognitive neurolinguistics 57 Abrams, A. (1973). Minimal auditory cues for distinguishing Black from White talkers. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), City University New York, New York. Bibliography Abutalebi, J. (2008). Neural aspects of second language representation and language control. Acta Psychologica, 128(3), 466-478. Abutalebi, J., & Green, D. (May 01, 2007). 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