DNA Replication Enzymes


Chapter 9

DNA: The Genetic Material

Section 1: Identifying the Genetic Material

Section 2: The Structure of DNA

Section 3: The Replication of DNA

Section 1

Identifying the Genetic Material


Relate Griffith's conclusions to the observations he made during the transformation experiments.

• Summarize the steps involved in Avery's transformation experiments, and state the results.

Evaluate the results of the Hershey and Chase experiment.

Section 1

Identifying the Genetic Material


• Griffith’s Experiments

Griffith discovered that harmless bacteria could turn virulent when mixed with bacteria that cause disease. He discovered what is called transformation, a change in genotype when cells take up foreign genetic material.

• Avery’s Experiments Avery’s work demonstrated that

DNA is the genetic material responsible for transformation.

Section 1

Identifying the Genetic Material

Viral Genes and DNA

• DNA’s Role Revealed

Hershey and Chase used the bacteriophage T2 and radioactive labels to show that viral genes are made of DNA, not protein. DNA stores the information that tells cells which proteins to make and when to make them.

Section 2

The Structure of DNA


Describe the three components of a nucleotide.

Develop a model of the structure of a DNA molecule.

Evaluate the contributions of Chargaff, Franklin, and Wilkins in helping Watson and Crick determine the double-helical structure of DNA.

Relate the role of the base-pairing rules to the structure of DNA.

Section 2

The Structure of DNA

The Structure of DNA

A Winding Staircase DNA is made of two strands of nucleotides twisted into the form of a double helix.

• Nucleotides Each nucleotide in DNA is made up of the sugar deoxyribose, a phosphate group , and one of four nitrogen bases. The four nitrogen bases are found in DNA are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine

(G), and cytosine (C).

Section 2

The Structure of DNA

Discovering DNA’s Structure

Chargoff’s Observations Chargoff’s data showed that for each organism the amount of adenine always equaled the amount of thymine. Likewise, the amount of guanine always equaled the amount of cytosine.

Wilkins and Franklin’s Photographs Wilkin’s and

Franklin’s X-ray diffraction photographs supported that DNA is a tightly coiled double helix.

Section 2

The Structure of DNA

Discovering DNA’s Structure continued

Watson and Crick’s DNA Model

Watson and Crick determined the double helix structure of DNA in

1952 with the help of data gathered by Wilkins,

Franklin, and Chargoff.

Pairing Between Bases The two strands of DNA are complementary—each A on one strand pairs with a T on the opposite strand, and each G on one strand pairs with a C on the opposite strand.

Section 3

The Replication of DNA


Summarize the process of DNA replication.

Describe how errors are corrected during DNA replication.

Compare the number of replication forks in prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA.

Section 3

The Replication of DNA

Roles of Enzymes in DNA Replication

DNA Replication Before a cell divides, it copies its

DNA by a process called DNA replication. The results of DNA replication is two exact copies of the cell’s original DNA. Each new double helix is composed of one original strand and one new DNA strand.

DNA Replication Enzymes In DNA replication, enzymes work to unwind and separate the double helix and add complementary nucleotides to the exposed strands.

Section 3

The Replication of DNA

Roles of Enzymes in

DNA Replication continued

Checking for Errors DNA polymerase proofreads DNA during its replication so that very few errors occur.

Section 3

The Replication of DNA

The Rate of Replication

Replication Forks Eukaryotes meet the challenge of replicating all its DNA with multiple replication forks working in concert.
