Unit 4 Family and Friends What’s Your Family Like? Pg. 121 To camp To play Sometimes Signing About Family Pg. 122 Watch on the student DVD the dialogue between Sean and Kelly about their families. What is different about their shoulders? Page 122 Family Size Pg. 122 Big, large Family Same as, like This “like” means “I have a shirt like that.” NOT “I like your shirt.” Medium Only Small Page 123 Family Members Pg. 123 All, everybody Child Children To have Parents People Classroom Exercise A Pg. 123 Look at the pictures of the families In complete sentences tell about each family How many children are in each family? Who are the hearing and Deaf members of each family? How many people are in your family? Using the information shown practice signing how many people are in your family. Page 125 Family Signs Pg. 125 Mother Aunt Sister Grandmother Father Uncle Brother Grandfather Baby Cousin Relatives Step Total, to add up Twins Classroom Exercise B pg. 124 YOUR FAMILY HAVE DEAF ? Yes, my mother is Deaf. YES, MY MOTHER DEAF No, there are no Deaf people in my family. NO, MY FAMILY ALL HEARING All my family is Deaf. MY FAMILY ALL DEAF Yes, my sister and brother are Deaf. YES, MY (dir 1)sister (dir 2)BROTHER DEAF. Classroom Exercise B pg. 124 MY DEAF FRIEND My Deaf friend lives in LIVE NEW-YORK New York. MY MOM H.O.H. MY My mom is hard of DAD DEAF. THEY hearing and my dad is LIVE FLORIDA Deaf. They live in Florida. MY BROTHER LIKE LEARN ASL My brother likes to study sign language. Page 127 Related Signs Pg. 127 To be dead (alternate sign also--more common here!) Missing To divorce To marry Older, tall, adult Younger, short Use the signs older and younger as seen, even if an older sibling is shorter or a younger sibling is taller than you. (Alternate signs for OLDER and YOUNGER – more ENGLISH, but used) ASL Up Close Pg. 128 Gender Distinction in ASL Look at the picture on page 128 In ASL the top half of the face is used for Male signs and the bottom half is used for the Female signs. Just by placing the sign “Cousin” in a gender distinction area you will know whether they are male or female. BOY, MAN, MALECOUSIN, UNCLE, FATHER, GRANDFATHER MASCULINE WORDS Upper Part of Face/Head FEMININE WORDS Lower Part of Face/Head GIRL, WOMAN, FEMALECOUSIN, MOTHER, AUNT, GRANDMOTHER Page 128 ASL Up Close Pg. 128 Girl Niece Daughter Cousin (Female) Woman Boy Nephew Son Cousin (Male) Man What’s Your Family Like? Pg. 121 Watch on the student DVD how Sean signs about his family. What new signs do you see??? Classroom Exercise E pg. 128 My cousin Joseph lives in Florida. Her niece was born yesterday. My sister married a man who has two daughters. MY COUSIN J-O-S-E-P-H LIVE FLa. YESTERDAY HER NIECE BORN MY SISTER MARRIED MAN HE HAVE TWO DAUGHTER Did you know? Pg. 129 Read on page 129 about what CODA means. C CHILD O OF D DEAF A ADULTS Read page 131 silently to yourself. What is Shoulder-Shifting? When do we use Shoulder-Shifting? Constructive Structure (Pg. 130) Using shoulder shifting to ask and answer questions that incorporate more than one detail or piece of information. This generally takes place of the word “and”. ASL Up Close (Pg. 131) Shoulder Shifting is used for: Contrasting: Multiple topics or pieces of information in the same sentence Comparing: what more than one person says or does Separating: More than one idea or concept in the same sentence. DVD: Using Shoulder-Shifting Let’s watch the DVD about how to use Shoulder-Shifting. YOU ANIMAL! Add a snap! P. 133 Household Pets (Pg. 133) Bird Cat Dog Fish Accent Step (pg. 133) Many words in ASL are Compound Signs, which are two separate signs combined to make an additional meaning. Combing the signs for mother and father creates parents. When using compounds, sign each portion quickly and smoothly in one motion. Signing Age (Pg. 135) Age Spot: the spot on your chin where someone’s age is signed. When signing “How old are you?” use your WH-Face and sign “old”. AGE SPOT In ASL-GLOSS is would read… OLD YOU? VIDEO TIME!! ASL Up Close (pg. 135) Place a number sign at the Age Spot and then move the hand shape away from the chin in one movement. You do not need to twist your wrist inward for ages involving the #1-5. Moving the # away from the Age Spot conveys the meaning years old, so you do not need to add separate signs for year and old after the #. The AGE SPOT showing AGE-2 (two years old) AGE SPOT Eyes on ASL pg. 134 All age signs originate at the Age-Spot and face outward. Using separate signs for 10, year and old is sloppy and incorrect. Four things to know about signing age: 1.) Ages 1-9 always follow the Rule of 9 (look on page 136 for example) 2.) Ages 10-100+ except 13,14,15 follow either variation, depending on the style in your area. 3.) Generally the age numbers are signed like this… (look on page 136) 4.) Ages 13, 14, 15 are signed like this… LOOK ON PAGE 136 FOR EXAMPLES Page 136 Classroom Exercise I (Pg. 137) Practice signing ages on #1 and #2 in this classroom exercise. (see next slide) LOOK ON THE PAPER!!!!!! Age-Related Signs (pg. 137) ASL Close Up (Pg. 138) The Listing and Ordering Technique: This technique is often used when providing details about one or more person or thing. The Non-Dominant Hand forms a list with each new bit of information signed by the Dominant Hand. Look On Page 138 for examples. p. 138 Let’s watch the video! REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To camp To play Sometimes Big, large Family Like, same as Medium Only Small All, everybody Child Children To have Parents People Aunt Baby Brother Cousin REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Father Grandfather Grandmother Mother Relatives Sister Step Total, to add up Twins Uncle To be dead Missing To divorce To marry Older, tall, adult Younger, short Boy Daughter REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cousin (Female) Cousin (Male) Girl Man Nephew Niece Son Woman Bird Cat Dog Fish Teenager To be young P. 142 Life Events (pg. 142) But College To get (something) To graduate High school License To pass down, descendants Should To vote Video Time: p. 143 Take a look at the questions on Classroom Exercise “M”. We will watch the video 3 times…regular speed, slow speed, and then regular speed again. Answer the questions on a sheet of paper. This will be for a grade. Accent Step (pg. 147) The sign SINCE means “for” but only when signing about a period of time: “I’ve know him for five years” uses since, but not “Tell her for me.” p. 145 Friendship (Pg. 145) Best friend Boyfriend To get together Girlfriend To go out, leave Good friend Since, for To be single Sweetheart, honey Classroom Exercise O (Pg. 145) She is my best friend. Her name is Andrea. SHE MY BESTFRIEND. NAME SHE fs-A-N-D-R-E-A I’ve know him for four years. ME KNOW HIM SINCE 4 YEAR I met my sweetheart ME MEET at work. SWEETHEART WORK ME p. 149 Relationships (Pg. 149) Verbal fight Together, be together To argue To break up To date Love To fall in love Relationship To flirt To get along ASL Close Up (Pg. 147) The basic form of the verb “to go to” is modified when used in the plural form. Look on page 147 (next slide) for examples of how to sign “to go to” in the plural form vs. the singular form. Practice under Classroom Exercise P P. 147 Accent Step Pg. 148 Don’t confuse the signs “love” and “love-it”. “Love” is used for romantic emotions, while “love-it” shows and emotional or sentimental attachment to a person or thing. Expressions Corner pg. 148 ASL distinguishes between a literal, physical fight and a heated exchange of words, know as a verbal fight. Look closely at the sign; can you see why the sign is appropriate in a signed confrontation? Accent Step pg. 149 This is one of the more common signs for to break up, though there are many others. Look closely at the sign for “relationship”: How could you make break up using this sign? I Want to Know… (Pg. 150) How do I fix mistakes signs… Oops Slip-mind Wave-no Wrong Um, uh Expression Corner (Pg. 159) Dive-in: someone who becomes completely involved with an activity or group. Deaf World: the Deaf Community’s clubs, sporting competitions, and social events where Deaf peoples form the majority and ASL is the language everybody knows, uses and cherishes. Break time: Watch videos “Pronouns and Numbers” and “Eyes on ASL #10” p. 159 Personality Traits Cute pretty,beautiful Smile Ugly Annoy,bother Annoyed Arrogant friendly Funny Laugh Mean Mischievous Shy Sweet Boring Interesting Personality Traits Lazy Motivated Negative Outgoing Positive Smart Stupid Positive Smart Stupid Work hard Unit 4 Review of all the signs!!! Adult All, everybody Annoy, bother Argue Arrogant Aunt Baby Best friend Big, large college Bird Boring Boy Boyfriend Break up Brother But Camp Child children Unit 4 Review of all the signs!!! Cousin (female) Cousin (male) Cousin (general) Cute Date Daughter Dead Missing Divorce Dog Fall in love Family Father Fish Flirt Friendly Funny Get Get along Get together Girl Girlfriend Unit 4 Review of all the signs!!! Go out, leave Go to (plural) Good friend Graduate Grandfather Have High school Interesting Laugh Lazy License Like, same as Love Man Marry To be Mean Medium Mischievous Mother Motivated Negative Nephew Niece Older Unit 4 Review of all the signs!!! Only Oops Outgoing Parents Pass down, Desecdents People Positive Pretty, beautiful Relationship Relatives Short Should Shy Since, for Single Sister Slip-mind Small Smart Smile Son Sometimes StepSweet Sweetheart, honey Unit 4 Review of all the signs!!! Teenager Those-four Those-three Those-two Together Total Twins Ugly Uncle Us-four Us-three Us=two Verbal-fight Vote Wave no Woman Work hard You-four Young Younger You-three You-two Unit 4 Review!!! Where is the female gender distinctions located? Bottom half of your face; nose down Where is the male gender distinctions located? Upper half of your face; nose up Where is the Age Spot located? Your chin Unit 4 Review!!! What does CODA stand for? Children of Deaf Adults When do you use Shoulder Shifting? Use shoulder shifting to ask and answer questions that incorporate more than one detail or piece of information. What is a Compound Sign? Two signs used to create one sign Review Back over your Numbers!!