Variations on Scientific Methodology 1. Observe some regularity 2. Hypothesize an explanation (cause?) 3. Test that hypothesis via experiment & observation 4. Refine hypothesis & start over with (1) Hypotheses? Observation as tool for establishing regularities & delineating phenomena What is Correlation? Simpsons How do we establishing a correlation: Intervention (Experimentation) Non-Intervention (Observation) Delineating Phenomena w/in ‘Memory’ Raise your hand if you had: • • • • • • • • BAG DOG FAN GAS HAT KID LOG PAD • • • • SOD VEX WIN ZIP Characteristics of Observational Research • Make some sort of record and analyze data obtained from it • Does NOT manipulate or ‘intervene’ in the scenario. Naturalistic Observation • Observations made in the ‘natural’ setting of the organism. • Researchers must immerse themselves in the setting. • Task: to describe the setting, events, individuals observed w/out influencing the situation • Often Qualitative, not Quantitative • Often NOT a matter of testing a hypothesis, but rather gathering data to develop a testable hypothesis. Data • Field notes, journal entries, interviews, recording ‘artifacts’ Famous Naturalistic Observations • Jane Goodall • Charles Darwin • Survivor? Goodall • ‘Termite fishing’ and tool-use • Click Here Darwin • Sexual dimorphism is caused by three possible mechanisms: 1. mechanisms of sexual selection, 2. fecundity selection 3. ecological causation, e.g., resourcepartitioning Darwin confirmed Naturalistic Study 1 • • • • • • Marmots Cows Horses Hare Squirrel Deer Problems for Systematic Observation • • • • • Equipment (Nielson ratings) Reactivity of subjects Reliability (Mate selection in Blue Tit) Sampling Confirmation Bias Complexity of Observation • Expectations & Perception – Anomalous playing cards – Multi-modal feedback (Data from lyric study) – Underdetermined Perception • Influence of early hypotheses – Ratman study data • Extending Perception w/ Instruments – Galileo / Golgi (carl) / Hale-Bopp Anomalous Playing Cards • Link Lyrics Study • Wash U • UCSD Ramones Correct Ramones Incorrect Systematic Observation • Careful, often quantitative, observations of one or more specific behaviors. • Observations made in ‘quasi-natural’ setting • Researchers often do NOT immerse themselves in the setting • Quantitative, not qualitative (using coding systems) • Often a matter of testing a hypothesis Coding Systems • Marmots 2 Sampling • Continuous • Time Sampling • Event Sampling Correlation Final Score & Post Test v Reading Report 35 30 Final Score 25 20 Post Test Score Final Score 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 Number of modules read 200 250 300 Final Grade v. Questions Final Score & Post Test v Question Report 35 30 Final Score 25 20 Post Test Score Final Score 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 Number of Question Attempts 1000 1200 1400 Final Grade v. Post Test PostTest v. Final 35 30 25 Final 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Post Test 12 14 16 18 Sleep Study @ UCSD Establishing Correlation 1. Intervention (experimentation) 2. Non-Intervention (observation) Vitamin E! Types of Variables (review) • Independent (manipulated) a variable of interest that is suspected to have a causal impact on the dependent variable, and is manipulated in an experiment to put this to the test. • Dependent a variable of interest that is suspected to be affected by the independent variable, and is measured after (and possibly before) the independent variable is manipulated to put this to the test. Types of Variables (2) • Controlled Confound variables that have been dealt with: extraneous variables in the same system that may be causally related to the IV or DV and therefore must be controlled. – Procedural most often controlled by constancy – Subject most often controlled by randomization Setting up a study • Consider the following: Research at the University of Pennsylvania and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia indicates that children who sleep in a dimly lighted room until age two may be up to five times more likely to develop myopia (nearsightedness) when they grow up. The researchers asked the parents of children who had been patients at the researcher’s eye clinic to recall the lighting conditions in the children’s bedroom from birth to age two. Of a total of 172 children who slept in darkness, 10 percent were nearsighted. Of a total of 232 children who slept with a night light, 34 percent where nearsighted. Of a total of 75 who slept with a lamp on, 55 percent were nearsighted. The lead ophthalmologist, D. Graham E. Quinn, said that, “just as the body needs to rest, this suggests that the eyes need a period of darkness” Operationalize the Variables Operationalization Part 2 Assign possible values to the variables: Explanation 1: A Direct Causal Link Internal Validity and Confounding Variables. • Internal Validity is the extent to which the study’s design ensures that its results correspond to reality. – In other words, the experiment is internally valid if there are no confounding variables that may explain the correlation of the IV and DV. A Confounding Variable is one that covaries with the IV or DV. Experimental design controls confounding variables. • The goal of an experiment is to show that the only possible cause of the values of the DV is the IV: New studies reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicate that vasectomy is safe. A group headed by Frank Massey of UCLA paired 10,500 vasectomized me with a like number of men who had not had the operation. The average follow-up time was 7.9 years, and 2,300 pairs were followed for more than a decade. The researchers reported that, aside from inflammation of the testes, the incidence of diseases for vasectomized men was similar to that in their paired controls. A second study done under federal sponsorship at the Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers in Seattle compared heard disease in 1,400 vasectomized me and 3,600 men who had not had the operation. Over an average follow-up time of fifteen years, the incidence of heart diseases was the same among men in both groups. A Confounding Variable? Controls: Setting up the groups • First, we must create a control group: – there must be some kind of comparison condition that will enable us to say that the DV depends solely on the IV. Poor Design as a Result of Poor Control Group • Fallacy 1: No Control Group • Fallacy 2: Nonequivalent Control Groups. • Pre-Test Post-Test Pitfalls: History Maturation Testing Instrument Decay Statistical Regression Independent Groups Design • Simple Random Assignment Just what it sounds like: randomly assign each subject to one of the groups (a coin flip is sufficient for two groups). • Matched Pairs Assignment First match subjects into pairs based on some characteristic related to the IV. Then randomly assign the members of each pair to one of the two experimental groups. Repeated Measures Design • The same individuals participate in both experimental conditions, after which the dependent variable is measured. – Advantages: Fewer individuals are required. – If training (or acclimatizing) is required, this design can save valuable resources. – As the individuals in the experimental conditions are identical, more confounds are controlled. Problems with Repeated Measures Design • Order effects The order in which the measures are administered affects the DV. – Practice effect – Fatigue effect – Contrast effect Problems for Many Sciences. • How do we observe / experiment on the internal workings of something (I.e. cognition)? Sternberg’s Experiment Sternberg’s Results Response Time = 398+38(S) Gravitational Force = (A constant called G) x (mass of first object) x (mass of second object) (the square of the distance between them) Mechanism Mechanism Mechanism Mechanism Mechanism Models & Mechanisms: • Mechanism: entities and activities organized to produce a phenomenon (teleological?) • Entities and activities organized in such a way as to realize a functional role. ‘Model’? • A Model is a description of some phenomena / on A model is verdical insofar as corresponds to the actual phenomena it seeks to model. A model, just like a ‘law’ or a ‘theory’ explains phenomena / on and can be used to make predictions about novel / unobserved aspects of the phenomena it seeks to model. Therefore, it is plays the same roll as ‘law’ or ‘theory’ in the H-D method or D-N model of explanation. Models Categorization of different Models / Systems: Scientific Reasoning Conclusion If I’m right that the main structure of explanation in scientific inquiry is the investigation of underlying mechanisms, then… 1. Correlational / observational studies are primarily used for establishing the parameters of the mechanism’s behavior. 2. Modeling is a fundamental, essential part of scientific activity. 3. Models serve the same roll in scientific inquiry as Popper’s ‘laws’ – they entail falsifiable predictions. 4. The line between science & pseudoscience is more clear: Psychology v. Astrology Phenomenon explained / predicted: human behavior and personality. Mechanism: beliefs and desires interact to determine human behavior, which beliefs and desires get precedence in any one choice is influenced by the hodge-podge of previous experiences and genetic dispositions we call ‘personality’. Phenomenon explained / predicted: human behavior and personality. Mechanism: the forces of the planets at time of birth. Biology v. Creation Science Phenomenon to be explained: Variation of species over time and space. Mechanism: Natural Selection (random mutations are replicated if they help the creature reproduce by (a) increasing survival in the environment (b) changing the number of offspring the creature has or (c) increasing the chances that that will creature Phenomenon to be explained: Variation of species over time and space. Mechanism: ? Evaluating Competing Mechanism: Evaluating Competing Mechanisms Ptolemaic Astronomy Copernican Astronomy Phenomenon: Phenomenon: Parameters: Fit the location of the planets & stars in the sky (They’re equal on this one) “Other” Values: The Copernican system is far simpler and more elegant. Venus Venus Galileo deduced that: If the Ptolemaic system is correct, then Venus should not show phases. And If the Copernican system is correct, the Venus should show phases. Venus shows phases. Therefore, the Ptolemaic system is not correct. Scientific Revolutions The Ptolemaic system dominated western and eastern science from 388BC until the 16th century. So why the change? Chemistry: Lavoisier Biology: Darwin Physics: Newton -> Einstein -> Quantum (Bohr / Heisenberg) -> String Theory REVOLUTION! ‘Real’ Revolutions as metaphor. • Scientific Revolutions are those ‘noncumulative developmental episodes in which an older paradigm is replaced in whole or in part by an incompatible one’ Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Analogical points: 1. Revolutions are inaugurated by a ‘growing sense, often restricted to a segment of the political community, that existing institutions have ceased to adequately meet the problems posed by an environment that they have in part created’ 2. Revolutions often seem revolutionary only to those whose paradigms are affected to them. 3. Success of a revolution necessitates, in part, the ‘relinquishment of one set of institutions in favor of another, an in the interim, society is not governed by institutions at all.’ Conclusion: • Well, that’s the point: – During revolutions, society is divided into competing camps or parties – one seeking to defend the old, others seeking to replace it with new. – (There may be competing new camps as well) – Once that kind of polarization occurs, political recourse fails. • The parties are fighting over the legitimacy of institutions by which political decisions can be made – for that very reason, there is no political mechanism for adjudicating between the parties. • So, the parties must ‘take to the streets’ – appeal to something other than political will (such as God, history, etc) or resort to force. • The success of the winner is determined not by political institutions, but by extrapolitical institutions – by the very fact that they replace those institutions by which they legitimize themselves. Therefore, by analogy… • Scientific revolutions gain legitimacy not by factors internal to science, but by extra-scientific methods, such as social factors. And this is precisely because the issue at stake is the legitimacy of factors internal to science. Modeling Formulae relating observables ‘Mathematical Models’ in Psych V = d/t Investigation of underlying structure Discovered Models ‘Experimental Systems’ Invented Models Mathematical Symbolic Neural Network F=ma 1st use: positing unobservables Performed by Jameson and Hurvich in 1957. A test light is shown to a subject. If the light appears greenish, a redappearing light is added until the test light no longer appears at all greenish. Jameson and Hurvich Results Cone Sensitivity Curves Mathematical Transformation of Cone Sensitivity Functions • We decorrelate the responses of the L, M and S cones by weighting each signal with a constant, and combining those results: C1(l) = 1.0L(l) + 0.0M(l) + 0.0S(l) C2(l) = -0.59L(l) + 0.80M(l) + -0.12S(l) C3(l) = -0.34L(l) + -0.11M(l) + 0.93S(l) Opponent Processing Model Modeling Formulae relating observables ‘Mathematical Models’ in Psych V = d/t Investigation of underlying structure Discovered Models ‘Experimental Systems’ Invented Models Mathematical Symbolic Neural Network F=ma 2nd use: relating observables • The most simple use of a mathematical model is to fit a mathematical function to some data collected in an experiment. That function can then be used to make predictions about novel or unobserved behavior. • Sternberg’s Memory Scanning Model – Response Time = 398 + 38(Memory Set Size) • De Castro and Brewer – Intake of food = s(Number of People Present)0.22 Sternberg’s Results Response Time = 398+38(S) Gravitational Force = (A constant called G) x (mass of first object) x (mass of second object) (the square of the distance between them) The importance of Mathematical Models: Quick: what is the most famous mathematical model in the US right now? The BCS Formula • ‘Fit’? • Data: team record, opponent’s record (‘strength of schedule’), poll rankings over the season, team losses & ‘quality wins’. Example: Oklahoma 2000? • AP & Coaches poll end of season rank = 1. • Average rank over the course of the season= 1.86. • Average of AP & Coaches poll + average over season = 2.86. • (Thanks to Richard Billingsley at ESPN for the explanation). Strength of schedule • Add the opponent’s records together = 73 Wins, 62 losses. • Drop wins against teams that were not 1-A, and you have 70W. • Drop losses from opponent’s schedule that were against OK, and you get 50 losses. • Total: 70 Wins, 50 losses. Opponent’s winning %. • The winning percentage is 70/120 = 58.3% or 0.583. • 0.583 * 2/3 = 0.3889 • Do the same ‘opponent’ calculation for each of the opponent’s opponents and weight it by 1/3 = 0.1749 • Add these 2 together and you get 0.5638 Now… • Rank all the teams according to this ‘strength of schedule’. OK is 11th • Finally, take that rank / 25 = 0.44. • Add ‘Team losses’ (0 for OK) and ‘Quality wins’ (0 for OK). • Add that to ‘Poll average’ and you get 3.30. ‘Mathematical’? – Obvious: algebra / calculus – Recursive functions – Game Theory • Other kinds of models – Physical (geology) – Virtual • Neural Network • Symbolic – Animal • In Vitro • In vivo