OVERALL CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED // FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY // LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY SENSITIVE Joint Task Force North Command Brief to Civil Air Patrol National Conference 2015 Maj Stephen Painter, USMC MAJ Bryan Jones, USA 26 August 2015 1 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO USNORTHCOM Vision Mission With our trusted partners, we will defend North America by outpacing all threats, maintaining faith with our people and supporting them in their times of greatest need. The United States Northern Command partners to conduct homeland defense, civil support, and security cooperation to defend and secure the United States and its interests. “WE HAVE THE WATCH” Center of Gravity = Trusted Partnerships Command Relationships Mission Spectrum 2 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Joint Task Force North Vision History • 1989 National Defense Authorization Act – President commits DoD to the War on Drugs JTF-4: Key West, FL JTF-5: Alameda, CA JTF-6: El Paso, TX Be the most effective integrator of DOD capabilities for Law Enforcement Agencies in support of homeland defense (now JIATF South) (now JIATF West, Honolulu) (now JTF North) • August 1995: AOR expanded to include the Continental United States (CONUS) • October 2002: U.S. Northern Command established • June 2004: Commander USNORTHCOM directs JTF-6 transformation to JTF North • September 2004: JTF-6 redesignated JTF North Expanded Mission and AOR • October 2008: NORTHCOM AOR expanded to include Bahamas, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands Mission Joint Task Force North supports Drug Law Enforcement Agencies in the conduct of Counter Drug/Counter Narco-Terrorism operations in the USNORTHCOM area of responsibility to disrupt trans-national criminal organizations and deter their freedom of action in order to protect the homeland. Priorities: • Advance the C-TOC Approach • Improve the JTF-N Intelligence Support to LEA • Facilitate DOD-DHS Tactical/Operational Planning • T10/T32 Collaboration • Strengthen Relationships with LEA Partners • Health and Climate of the Command 3 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Commanders’ Areas of Responsibility AO 19 Nov 13 4 UNCLASSIFIED JTF North Organization CG SEL DCO DCO COS NM/WTX SJA IG Protocol J1 J2 MIL PERS JISE CIV PERS J22 SJS PAO J3 J32 PLANS MOBILITY POLICY LOG PLANS & OPS TSC J35 J23 J36 J24 J37 J25/6 J5 PROCUREMENT J34 EPIC Analysts Safety J4 J33 STC AZ CTF REQs J6 J8 J9 USCG Ops JIATF-S HQ IA KM SEDENA NG-AZ NG-CA NG-NM NG-TX ENG NGA Authorizations: 111 Military 53 Civilians JTF-N LNOs to: NORTHCOM AMOC NSA 5 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Forward Deployed - Regional Support Teams This is a concept requiring NORTHCOM and the DoD Joint Staff’s approval (SEP - DEC 2014) • Phased implementation beginning as early as 1st QTR, FY2015 to be complete by FY2016 • Redistribution of 20 billets from the JTF-N HQs to Forward Deployed RSTs and LNO positions • RSTs and LNOs embedded with CTOC Mission Partners (Federal LEA – Unified Commands and ACTTs) Proposed RST Composition TEAM CHIEF J OPERATIONS NCO PLANS OFFICER J INTEL OFFICER MSN PLANNER J INTEL PLANNER NORTHCOM Strategic J CG 6 PAX – Joint Support Team at Full Operational Capability LNO • • LNOs ( CA / VIPR) employed as bridging strategy to future teams in (FY 17 or later). LNOs to be absorbed into RST as Msn Planner upon success. “Trusted partnerships are our Center of Gravity” - GEN Jacoby, NORTHCOM CDR JTFN HQ Staff AMOC LNO EPIC (SPT) Operational SOCNORTH LNO NORTHCOM LNO LNO RST RST RST LNO (CA) (AZ) (NM / WTX) (STX) (VIPR) Tactical “We (JTF-N) must shift the weight of our effort away from the headquarters (JTFN HQs) to our supported partners in the field.” - BG Lehr, JTF-N CDR J Joint Service (J-DAL) Billet 6 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Categories of Support OPERATIONAL SUPPORT INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT 1- Aviation w/ FLIR 1- Develop standing & emergent intelligence requirements to meet LEA needs 2- Ground Sensors 3- Air & Maritime Surveillance Radar 4- Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2- Develop and maintain threat assessments 5- Aviation Recon 3- Provide tailored, responsive support from the strategic intelligence community GENERAL SUPPORT INTERAGENCY SYNCHRONIZATION 1- Mobile Training Teams 2- Transportation 3- Sustainment 1- Support interagency planning process 2- Facilitate interagency and binational info sharing 3- Point of Integration Operations ENGINEERING SUPPORT 1- Personnel Barriers 2- Vehicle Barriers 3- Lights 4- Roads 5- Bridges TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 1- Leverage DoD S&T investment 2- Ground/ Air/ Maritime sensor integration 3- Information Efficiency and Networks 4- Biometrics 5- Tunnel Detection 7 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO CD/CNT Authorities Statutes 10 U.S.C. §124 – Designates DOD as the single lead federal agency for D&M of maritime and aerial illicit narcotics trafficking. 10 U.S.C. §§371-382 – Permits JTF-N to provide specific types of support to domestic law enforcement agencies, but §377 requires reimbursement by that agency, or a waiver of reimbursement. NDAA FY 91, § 1004(b)(1-10), as amended – Permits JTF-N to provide specific types of support to domestic law enforcement agencies on a non-reimbursable basis. NDAA FY 06, § 1022: Authorizes JTFs, that provide support to law enforcement agencies conducting counterdrug activities, to support law enforcement agencies conducting counterterrorism activities. Policies DepSecDef Memo 2 Oct 2003 – Permits DoD support to domestic law enforcement agencies performing CD/CNT activities. DepSecDef Memo 24 Dec 2008 – Permits DoD support to international law enforcement agencies performing CD/CNT activities. CJCSI 3710.01B (Jan 2007) – This instruction details the types of counterdrug support DoD is authorized to provide to LEA. JCS CD EXORD 0120020ZOCT07 (S) – Delegates SECDEF CD/CNT authorities to geographic combatant commander (GCC). *All page numbers in this brief refer to the above compilation USNORTHCOM CD/CNT EXORD 091845ZMAR2009 (S) – Re-delegates GCC CD/CNT authorities to JFLCC, with it to be re-delegated to the GOFO of JTF-N. 8 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Benefits of JTFN Missions • 24 Years of support • Developed Relationships • TTPs directly applicable to contingency ops Value to LEAs: - Military Unique Capabilities - Intelligence assets and analysis - Increased operational reach - Border denial in remote areas • High Return on Investment • Operation against “thinking adversary” • Directly impacts National Security Value to the Nation: Value to DOD: - 90% METL Correlation - Significant drug seizures - Increased Readiness - DOD Investment of <$10 Million / yr - Go To War Tasks - Real-world Mission - Disrupt TCOs - Federal cooperation in contingency ops - Operational opportunity - AOR similarity on SWB Defense of the Homeland 9 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Drug Trafficking Organization (DTO) Operations Spheres of Influence and U.S. Presence • DTOs operating in 1,286 U.S. cities; 46 shown here Seattle Portland Boise • 90% of US-bound drug traffic transits Mexico Reno - Includes SOUTHCOM AOR “Secondary Flow” of cocaine plus MX domestic outputs (heroin, marijuana and meth) Billings Salt Lake City Casper Rock Springs Denver Sacramento San Francisco Las Vegas Phoenix Minneapolis Detroit Sioux Falls Buffalo Des Moines Cincinnati Colorado St. Louis Springs Oklahoma City Albuquerque Memphis Knoxville Tucson Charlotte Columbia Atlanta Dallas El Paso • < 10% of flow(s) interdicted at US/MX Border (POE/BPOE) Jacksonville New Orleans Laredo • < 5% of total flow interdicted at sea Baltimore Wilson Corinth Los Angeles Boston New York Philadelphia Chicago Omaha Kansas City Gulf Port Tampa Houston Miami < 1% • DTOs staging areas aligned with UCP Boundary and near US/MX Border (seams) • 3 US JTF’s vic MX: JIATFS, JTF-N, JTF-B JIATF-S Maritime Tracks (FY2012) < 5% Reviewed: 30NOV13 <10% JIATF-S Air Tracks (FY2012) Beltran-Leyva (30) 49% Gulf (37) 489 Events Los Zetas (37) 110 Tracks Juarez (33) La Familia (27) 478 Events Sinaloa (75) Tijuana (21) 80% of Cocaine Flow 46% 20% of Cocaine Flow (#) – Present in # of Cities **Sources of information include the National Drug Intelligence Center, the 2011 Interagency Assessment of Cocaine 10 Movement , and multiple source reporting** UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO JTFN FY 15 CONOPS AMOC: North/East Support Area 1. 2. Puerto Rico / U.S.V.I. / Bahamas Support Area 1 x LSTAR Platoon: 2Q OP PANTHER AWACS Support: FY15 JFC-AZ / AZ ACTT: MI 1. 2. San Francisco ReCoM USCG District 11 California Corridor Unified Command 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. LA & SD ReCoMs: 1. SEMAR Cooperative Plng ISO USCG OP GREEN FLASH: 3rd Qtr Aviation Recon/645 AESG (BR #1): FY15 Aviation Recon/Civil Air Patrol: FY15 2-13 AVN (UASTB): FY15 VMU-1/2: FY15 Ground Recon: 3rd QTR 1 x Nogales Road Construction 2 x Engineer Design Teams: FY15 Joint Field Command TD 1. 2. CON CON C3: DES DES JSTARS: FY15 1 x GSP NG CD State Support AZ Alliance to Combat Transnational Threats AMOC Los Angeles ReCoM San Diego ReCoM CBIG: NM/WTX ACTT: New Mexico/West Texas 1. Alliance to Combat 2. Transnational Threats 3. MI MI 1 x GSP: 2nd Qtr 204 MI Fixed Wing Recon: FY15 Aviation Recon/Civil Air Patrol: FY15 CON MI 1. 2. 3. Tunnel Detection San Diego: FY15 2 x ELC Road Construction Aviation Recon/Civil Air Patrol: FY15 STC / CC ReCoM: MI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. EPIC/BIFS Support: 13 Analysts (up to 21) Aviation Recon/645 AESG (BR #2) (6 Mos): 01 Feb – 31 July 15 Aviation Recon/645 AESG (BR #2) (3 additional Mos): TBD Aviation Recon/339th MI: Oct-Dec 14 Aviation Recon/Civil Air Patrol: FY15 3 x GSP STC: 2nd , 3rd , & 4th Qtr 2 x RGV Road Construction 1 x Engineer Design Team: FY15 SEDENA Cooperative Plng ISO CBP OJT V: 3rd Qtr SEMAR Cooperative Plng ISO USCG OP SEA SERPENT IV: 4th Qtr South Texas Campaign DES CON CON MI MI MI Corpus Christi ReCoM USCG District 8 11 11 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO JTFN FY 16 CONOPS NG CD State Support North/East Support Area Puerto Rico / U.S.V.I. / Bahamas Support Area JTF-W AZ / AZ ACTT: MI San Francisco ReCoM USCG District 11 California Corridor Campaign Los Angeles/ Long Beach ReCoM JTF-W, CC: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AMOC 2 x ELC Road Construction ENG Tunnel Detection Aviation Recon/Civil Air Patrol: FY16 1 x TTX 3 x MTT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Joint Field Command DES MI San Diego ReCoM 1. 2. 3. 1 x GSP: 2nd Qtr 1 x TTX 3 x MTT JTF-W NM/WTX NM/WTX ACTT: AZ Alliance to Combat Transnational Threats TD CON CON CBIG: Ground Recon BN (60days) ENG Design ENG TD Airborne ISR Multi Sensor: (5-10 Mos) FY16 Aviation Recon/Civil Air Patrol: FY16 2-13 AVN (UASTB): FY16 VMU-1/2: FY16 1 x TTX 4 x MTT New Mexico/West Texas Alliance to Combat Transnational Threats TD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ground Recon BN (60days) 1 x GSP: 2nd Qtr Aviation Recon/Civil Air Patrol: FY16 1 x TTX 4 x MTT CON MI MI JTF-W STC / CC ReCoM: South Texas Campaign Operational Assets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. JSTARS: FY16 GFMAP 204th MI Fixed Wing Recon: FY16 GFMAP AWACS: FY16 GFMAP Global Hawk Block 30 & 40: FY16 GFMAP 7th Operations Group: FY16 USAF NIB EPIC/BIFS Support: 9 Analysts (up to 21) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2 x GSP STC: 2nd & 3rd Qtr 1 x Laredo Road Construction 1 x ENG Des Airborne ISR Multi Sensor: (4-6 Mos) FY16 Aviation Recon/Civil Air Patrol: FY16 1 x TTX 4 x MTT DES CON MI MI Corpus Christi ReCoM USCG District 8 12 12 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO JTFN / CAP Integration 2014-2016 In late 2013, JTFN approached CAP to integrate their Counter-Drug Operations with JTFN operations. Since 2014 CAP and JTFN have been able to plan and execute numerous named operations along the South West Border. 2014: - California: CAP Supporting Imperial HIDTA in El Centro, CA - Operation Raptor: Yuma to Douglas (Stateline), AZ - Silent Seeker I: New Mexico and West Texas CAP - Silent Seeker II: New Mexico and West Texas CAP - Operation Skyline: Texas CAP (Laredo, Del Rio) - Operation Sea Serpent: Texas CAP Supporting Del Rio, Laredo and Brownsville, TX 2015: - Silent Seeker II: New Mexico and West Texas CAP - California: CAP Supporting Imperial HIDTA in El Centro, CA - Operation Raptor and Scorpion: Yuma to Douglas (Stateline), AZ - Operation Fusion 1.5: Texas CAP Supporting Del Rio, Laredo and Brownsville, TX 2016: - California: CAP Supporting Imperial HIDTA in El Centro, CA - Operation Raptor: Yuma to Douglas (Stateline), AZ - Silent Seeker III: New Mexico and West Texas CAP - Operation Fusion 2.0: Texas CAP Supporting Del Rio, Laredo and Brownsville, TX 13 Civil Air Patrol (El Centro, CA) 01 Jan 15 – 31 Dec 15 N CA MX DOD IS AN ENABLER TO LEA AND DOES NOT APPREHEND UDAS OR SEIZE NARCOTICS. UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Successes Direct: - Seizures = None to date - Apprehensions = None to date Indirect: - 15 Years of support to Imperial Valley HIDTA resulting in excellent relationships - Crews have good understanding of area and knowledge of BP reference points - Aerial Imagery Hours flown for FY 15 = 375.7 14 Civil Air Patrol (Tucson, AZ) Operation Raptor 01 Jan 15 – 31 Dec 15 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO N AZ MX DOD IS AN ENABLER TO LEA AND DOES NOT APPREHEND UDAS OR SEIZE NARCOTICS. Successes Direct: - Seizures = None to date - Apprehensions = 7 - Provide aerial imagery for CBP Indirect: - Relationship building - Situational Awareness - Deterrence - All operations are coordinated with the CBP Liaison and CBP Intel team - All CAP operations are coordinated with the weekly ATO for CBP and JTFN/W - Bi-weekly meeting w/ CBP to coordinate and deconflict other Aerial assets (ATO) - Changing mission times as much as possible to avoid pattern detection Hours flown for FY15 = 222.0 15 Civil Air Patrol (NM/WTX/DEL) Operation Silent Seeker II 01 Jan 15 – 31 Dec 15 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO N AZ NM TX MX DOD IS AN ENABLER TO LEA AND DOES NOT APPREHEND UDAS OR SEIZE NARCOTICS. Successes Direct: - Seizures = 90 LBS MJ - Apprehensions = 73 Indirect: - Relationship building - Situational Awareness - Deterrence - All operations are coordinated with the CBP Liaison and CBP Intel team - All CAP operations are coordinated with the weekly ATO for CBP and JTFN - Bi-weekly meeting w/ CBP to coordinate and deconflict other Aerial assets (ATO) - Changing mission times as much as possible to avoid pattern detection - CAP assistance with weekly airspace meeting Hours flown for FY15: NM = 296.1 El Paso = 137.2, Del Rio = 90.6 16 Civil Air Patrol (Laredo, TX) Operation Fusion 1.5 01 Jan 15 – 31 Dec 15 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO N MEXICO DOD IS AN ENABLER TO LEA AND DOES NOT APPREHEND UDAS OR SEIZE NARCOTICS. Successes Direct: - Seizures = 0 - Apprehensions = 18 Indirect: - Relationship building - Situational Awareness - Deterrence - All operations are coordinated with the CBP Liaison and CBP Intel team - All CAP operations are coordinated with the weekly ATO for CBP and JTF-N - Bi-weekly meeting w/ CBP to coordinate and integration with Aerial assets (ATO) - Changing mission times as much as possible to avoid pattern detection Hours flown for FY15 = 313.317 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO CAP / JTFN TTP Successes • JTFN-CAP TTP conference; First one held February 2015 at JTFN • Continuity with Law Enforcement Riders; experience lends to more apprehensions • Involve CAP early on in the mission planning process • Receiving an Intelligence brief/ daily update prior to CAP flights • JTFN partnership expands CAP utilization by integrating into layered operations with additional DOD/LEA air and ground assets • ATO integration with CBP/ReCoM/DOD increases situational awareness, flexibility and safety of flight • CAP assets remain as flexible as possible to change mission times to avoid predictable patterns for the Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) to detect • CAP aircrews have become familiar with CBP “Ten-Code” and reference points which helps SA and response times • Office of Air and Marine, CBP, JTFN and CAP have created an airspace SOP to help coordinate efforts and develop a weekly flight schedule (ATO) – Currently in draft and only for NM/WTX 18 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Way Ahead / Future Operations • JTFN will continue to seek support from CAP along the Southwest Border for FY16 and beyond Counter-Drug Operations • JTFN will host a TTP conference at JTFN with our CAP partners in 2016 • JTFN is working with CBP to help train their riders to build more expertise/continuity in the aircraft for better SA • JTFN would like to integrate South West Border CAP assets in other combined JTFN mission like Marine Ground Sensor Platoon (GSP) missions for real-time air to ground integration/Apprehensions • JTFN is planning a military “boots on the ground” mission which will include patrolling and Observation Posts; integrating CAP into this mission-set will help with real-time reporting from the ground to the CAP asset for immediate confirmation of Illegal activity leading to faster apprehensions • JTFN will be purchasing ROVER downlink capabilities to share with CBP partners to allow them to view FLIR downlink video feeds from DOD assets (CAP?) 19 Questions and Takeaways 20