Crash Movie Lesson Plan

Kevin Murphy
Student Teaching
Curie High School
Observation Lesson Plan #2
Name: Race and Ethnicity
Class/Subject: Senior Sociology
Date: February 19, 2013
Student Objectives/Outcomes:
Students will identify key characteristics about race, prejudice, and discrimination while
comparing and contrasting them with each other.
Students will compose ideas about any differences and similarities they may see among their
beliefs about certain groups and how they are portrayed in the media
Content Standards:
ILS 16.A.4a: Analyze and report historical events to determine cause-and –effect relationships.
ILS 16.E.4b: Describe different and sometimes competing views, as substantiated by scientific fact,
that people in North America have historically held towards the environment (e.g., private and public
land ownership and use resource use vs. preservation).
Teacher Goals:
To help develop students understandings about race and ethnic relationships that exist in the
United States
To illustrate the importance and effect that discrimination and prejudice can cause as seen in
a media depiction of it
Start of Class:
Teacher will begin class by having students tell a recap of the movie and to help distinguish
important ethnic groups. The teacher will then make sure that the students understand the
importance of the movie and why it is being shown in class.
Introduction of Lesson:
Teacher will go over with the students key terms that have been discussed in class and make
sure they understand them. Terms will include ethnicity and stereotypes. Teacher will then ask
students to find instances of them in the movie.
Lesson Instruction:
Teacher will play the movie “Crash” for the students. The movie helps to illustrate the
importance of race relations in America. It also is a good illustration of the different types of
prejudice and discrimination that exists in America. Teacher will stop the movie throughout
and have the students discuss important issues and see how well they grasp the material.
Teacher will also make sure to point out important terms and phrases that students have
learned in class.
Assessment/Checking for Understanding:
Teacher will assess the students in two ways. First the teacher will have the students fill out a
movie guide so that students are paying attention to the movie and picking up on key plot
movements. Second, on the last day, the teacher will distribute a character analysis sheet that
students must complete on one or two of the different characters that discuss key terms that
have been discussed in class.
Race and ethnicity is an important part of society and it is a crucial part of the world that every
sociologist must study. By seeing how the media represents different races and ethnicities
along with the relations that exist among them, students will have a better understanding of
how race relations work in society.