Culinary Project-Based Learning Methods and Best Practices Thursday July 16th 2015 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Session #365 Location: Auditorium I Presenter: Chef Sherry Billings Culinary Arts & Hospitality Instructor Career Center WSFCS FOOD ENTREPRENEURSHIP FH08.00 Analyze a Product for a Live Entrepreneurial Project Summarize project concerns and options Set goals for an entrepreneurial project within the classroom Plan an entrepreneurial project within the classroom Evaluate the entrepreneurial project conducted by students Implement a Food-Related Live Project Within the Classroom for a Target Audience Summarize Project Concerns and Options. Create a teacher made list of potential food related project opportunities Open a student led class discussion brain storming possible ideas Research Vendor/Purveyor Options in your area - EG Forrest , Sysco, US Foods, Foster Cavanas, Costco, Sam's Club, Chefs Mart, Part City….. Research resources in your area – Local Restaurant Owner/Operators, Local Culinary School Chef Instructors, Community Business Leaders, Local ACF( American Culinary Federation) Chapter, Contract Food Service Companies( Aramark, Compass Group, Sodexo), Non Profit Organizations, Local Food Critics, Local Radio Stations , Local Sports Arenas/Coliseum Owner/Operator, Local New Station Representatives…. Research resources within your school /school district – Fellow FACS Teachers – Specifically Marketing/Digital Media Teacher, Photography Teacher, Foods/Pro Start/ Culinary program teachers, Music Programs including Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Music Theory, Media Center Coordinator, Admin Staff, CTE Director, Learn NC Moodle, FCCLA…… Know the limitations of your programs abilities to successfully run a food event. Do you have the resources, support, funds, proper kitchen equipment, knowledge and confidence to lead your students? Are you and your students prepared to commit the extra time and energy needed to make this food event a success? How will you document this event? Confirm volunteers to picture taking, video filming ect…. Set Goals for an Entrepreneurial Project Within the Classroom Create a successful student led food event Link food event to course blueprint and FCCLA projects Grow FACS program within your school district Network with community leaders Gain opportunities to host, plan, coordinate and run future food events Student growth in globally competitive marketability skills Plan an Entrepreneurial Project Within the Classroom Brainstorming Ideas For Student-Led Culinary and Hospitality Events FUNDRAISER EVENT CATERING EVENT HIGH SCHOOL PROM AWARD CEREMONY – FCCLA, SCHOLARSHIPS, LETTERMAN BANQUETS, SENIOR GRADUATION PRACTICE LUNCHEON AP EXAM SNACKS, CARNIVAL EVENT SCHOOL CLUB MEETINGS,ATHLETICS CLUB FUNCTIONS, BRANDING OR REBRANDING EVENT FACULTY AND STAFF MEETINGS, COOKOUTS, CELEBRATIONS, PRINCIPAL LUNCHEONS/MEETINGS Evaluate the Entrepreneurial Project Conducted by Students Rubric - Individual Student Work Rubric – Group/Team Work Rubric – Student Participation during Food Event Student Feed Back Survey Guest Feed Back Survey Teacher Based Reflection Summary Implement a Food-Related Live Project Within the Classroom for a Target Audience 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Create schedule and checklists for event Catering pack out list Student schedule for FOH & BOH brigade positions Schedule for food prep Schedule for event day - cooking, plating and serving , table setting, beverage station set up Timeline Food and Supply deliveries – what day items need to be in the kitchen for prep RSVP Deadline – Guest list needed for effective food ordering Confirmation of entertainment , professional volunteers, student volunteers, Confirmation of donations for silent auction table, food and supplies Steps Used Creating The Inaugural Senior Show Case Event 2014-2015 School Year 1. Create Teacher Made list of food based events Combined culinary classes buffet themed event VS Individual culinary class buffet themed event Combined culinary classes plated dinner event VS Individual culinary class plated dinner event Food theme to be diversity driven - students research culture heritage/background, create portfolio project with geographic area, horticulture information, cuisine types, create 12 course menu from your area, drawing and recipe for dish selected to be showcased in the dinner event, participate in assigned group work including invitation creations, reservation list, name & theme of event, color scheme, table setting, front of schedule/training, collect donations for silent auction table, costing food items, ordering food and supply items, budgeting to include guest prices, 2. Class discussion and research for possible food based events Students voted for the individual culinary class plated dinner event – wanted the opportunity to show case their recipe research and plated dish to family members at the event 3. Set time frame – year long project with anticipated date of food event 4. Align food event with curriculum standards – create lesson plans, portfolio based project, team work, FCCLA project opportunities within content area Steps Used Creating The Inaugural Senior Show Case Event 2014-2015 School Year Continue 5. Create grading rubrics - individual work, group/team work, event participation, feed back survey and teacher based reflection document… 6.Name and theme of food event – location, colors, table settings, center pieces 7. Marketing, networking, donations - create invitations and email to school facility/staff , district and state staff , students and family members, local business owners/ build relationships with local food and hospitality businesses gaining professional volunteers and donations. 8. Cost out food menu and supplies - savvy purchasing strategies utilizing warehouse type distribution centers for food and supply needs 9.Involve culinary arts and hospitality 1 classes - to participate in front of house and back of house needs 10. Reflection - Did the food event promote growth and awareness of the FACS program in my school and district? Does post student assessment reflect mastery aligned with curriculum content ? Did I create opportunities for students participation in real life situations, developing critical thinking skills, deepening creative thinking skills. Am I creating globally competitive students soon to be entering the work force/higher education setting? Career Center Culinary Arts and Hospitality Events BE3-6D87-4130-8424D8E4E9ED6C2A&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=177047&PageID=1450&GroupByField=&GroupYear=0&GroupMonth=0&Tag= BE3-6D87-4130-8424D8E4E9ED6C2A&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=181428&PageID=1450&GroupByField=&GroupYear=0&GroupMonth=0&Tag= BE3-6D87-4130-8424D8E4E9ED6C2A&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=176735&PageID=1450&GroupByField=&GroupYear=0&GroupMonth=0&Tag= Example Donation Letter Tax ID Number: 12345678 Dear Donator: The Culinary Arts and Hospitality Program at Career Center are hosting the Inaugural Chef Billings Senior Showcase event February 27th 2015@ 6:00 pm at the Career Center in the Culinary Arts & Hospitality Instructor commons area. The event consists of passed Hor d’oeuvres from 6:00 to 6:30 with a silent auction and a 12 course plated tapas size dinner beginning at 6:30 pm. The culinary Career Center students have researched regions all around the world and created a recipe item to serve. 910 Highland Court Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336-727-8181 January 25, 2015 Your donation to the silent auction table or gift card to purchase food for the event will help offset the cost of this large event. Thank you so much for your generous donation to the Senior Culinary class at the Career Center. We hope that you will be able to take part in the Inaugural Senior Showcase that we are offering this year and experience first hand the pride we take in our culinary class. Attached are complementary tickets to attend the event February 27th 2015. With the generous support of people like you, we are able to create events like this each year. Thank you again, and we look forward to your continued support. Sincerely, Chef Billings – Culinary Arts & Hospitality Instructor Tips and Resources Creating a Food Event SUPPLY COMPANIES & FOOD PURVEYORS EG FOREST US FOODS SYSCO FOSTER CAVANAS CHEFS MART COSTCO SAMS CLUB PARTY CITY HAUSER RENTAL NETWORK RESOURCES FOR SUPPORT AND DONATIONS ACF ( American Culinary Federation)– LOCAL CHAPTER ARAMARK, COMPASS GROUP, SODEXO (CONTRACT FOOD SERVICE COMPANIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION) LOCAL RESTUARNT OWNERS GROCERY STORE MANAGER (WHERE YOU SPEND ALLOTMENT MONIES FOR FOOD LABS) LOCAL COMMUNITY BUSINESS OWNERS FACS/CTE TEACHERS IN SCHOOL DISTRICT LOCAL NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS CHEF BILLINGS -