
Classification Study Guide Questions Answer Key
1. Taxonomy is the study of classification.
2. Name two reasons for classifying things:
Organize Order Categorize to group
Who was the first person to classify living organisms?
4. Aristotle grouped animals according to –
__where they lived (air, land, water)______________________
5. __Linnaeus_ developed the second classification system.
6. Linnaeus based his classification system on physical traits.
7. What is binomial nomenclature?
two –part naming system using genus and
8. What are the two parts (in order) of an organism’s scientific name? Genus and
9. The first letter of the first part of an organism’s scientific name must be capitalized.
10.In what language are all scientific names written?
11. Invertebrate does not have a backbone
12. What are the eight levels of classification from largest to smallest?
Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
13. What is the entire classification of a human?
Eukarya, Animalia, chordate, mammalia, primate, hominid, Homo sapiens
14. What modern scientific knowledge has shown the classification system of Linnaeus to be
limited? DNA sequences (molecular studies or genetics)
15.What relationship between two different species is shown by genetic similarities?
common ancestry
16.Carl Woese classified organisms into 3 domains:
1. Bacteria
2. Archaea
3. Eukarya
17. What domain and kingdom do the single-celled prokaryotes found in your mouth belong?
18. Bacteria can be classified by traits, such as their shape, their need for __oxygen_,
and whether they cause __disease_.
19. The single-celled prokaryotes in this domain and kingdom are known for their ability to
live in extreme environments: _Archaea_
20. The organisms in this domain have a distinct nucleus and membrane – bound organelles:
21. Name the four kingdoms in the domain Eukarya:
4. _Fungi_
22. What are the characteristics of organisms in the animal kingdom?
1. multi-_cellular_
2. Cells have a __nucleus__
3. _Consumers
4. ___Mobility
23. What are the characteristics of organisms in the plant kingdom?
1. Multi-_cellular_
2. Cells have a __nucleus_
3. __Producers___(autotroph)
4. Cells have a _cell wall made of cellulose_
24. What are the characteristics of organisms in the fungi kingdom?
1. Multi-__cellular______________ (Except for _yeast_).
2. Cells have a __nucleus________
3. Feeds by ____absorbing____ its _surroundings_ (Decomposers)
4. Cells have a __cell wall____ made of ___chitin__
5. Examples mushroom and molds
25. What are the characteristics of organisms in the kingdom Protista?
1. Most are _uni_-cellular
2. Can be a _producer_ or a _consumer_
3. Cells have a nucleus
4. __Mobility_
5. Example: amoeba
26. A tool used to identify an organism that is made up of paired statements is called a
_____dichotomous key__.
27. A _cladogram_ is an evolutionary tree that suggests how species may be related.
Study and know how to interpret the following:
Taxonomy chart in worksheet packet page 16 “How Scientists Classify”
Dichotomous key
Taxonomy diagram
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