ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING AND LEARNING THROUGH VIDEO Emily Scida, Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese Yitna Firdyiwek, ITC, Advanced Technology Group RESEARCH QUESTIONS How can video technologies address the challenges faced by educators in promoting teacher reflection? How does video-based reflection interact with other types of pedagogical tools for reflection such as journaling, peer observations, action research, and portfolios? PARTICIPANTS AND CONTEXT Teaching Foreign Languages graduate seminar, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, Fall 2009 13 GTAs teaching beginning and intermediate Spanish and Italian COURSE ACTIVITIES: REFLECTION THROUGH VIDEO Activity 1: Best Practices Activity 2: Self and Peer Observation Activity 3: Action Research Paper Use of Video Self-videotaping Video editing Embedding of video clips in written work Online Teaching Portfolio TECHNOLOGY E-Folio Submission of essays and video Collaboration and peer review Video editing tools Teaching portfolio FlipCams Training Sessions Session 1: video editing and submission of work Session 2: teaching portfolios STUDENT WORK: BEST PRACTICES STUDENT WORK: SELF/PEER OBSERVATION STUDENT WORK: PEER REVIEW STUDENT WORK: TEACHING PORTFOLIO STUDENT WORK: PORTFOLIO COVER LETTER DATA SOURCES Primary data – 65 reflective entries total Best practices essays Self/peer observation essays Action research papers Secondary data Online anonymous survey Videotaped group feedback session Final reflective essay of portfolio Course evaluations DATA ANALYSIS Hatton & Smith’s (1995) Levels of Reflection Descriptive Dialogic Critical Contextualized RESULTS Amount and type of reflection depends on: Nature of activity Focus on self or other in clip Intended audience of essay/clip Timing of assignment Active use of video results in: More specific and accurate reflections Support with concrete visual evidence FUTURE APPLICATIONS TA training in other departments/schools Professional development opportunities As a model for TAs to apply to own classrooms Peer mentorship Portfolio as a reflective activity CONTACT INFORMATION Emily Scida Yitna Firdyiwek