Chapter 10 Review Name Section 1 – France in the Age of

Chapter 10 Review
Name ______________________
Section 1 – France in the Age of Absolutism
1. In order to unite France, Henry IV became a ________________________ and issued
the ______________________ that ended religious persecution in France.
2. King Louis XIII’s advisor was ___________________________. He strengthened the
monarchs power by __________________ the power of the nobles.
3. __________________________ were King Louis XIV’s representatives in the French
4. ____________________________ was the beautiful palace built by Louis XIV.
5. The Thirty Years’ War was ended by the _________________________, France
benefitted because it ______________ the Holy Roman Empire.
6. ________________________________ was the financial advisor of Louis XIV.
7. What is divine right of kings?
8. Fearing France’s strength and aggression, other European nations united to
help create a _________________________________.
9. European nations feared the impact of Louis XIV’s grandson’s inheritance of
the Spanish throne, leading to the ________________________________.
10. The Treaty of Utrecht ruled that France and Spain could not be united, and
gave French North American colonies to __________________________.
Section 2 – Russia in the Age of Absolutism
11. In 1613, ____________________________ was elected czar by the Russian national
12. ______________________ ruled over Russia for over 200 years.
13. Russia’s religion is ___________________________ not Roman Catholic.
14. Russia used the _____________________ alphabet which made it difficult to
communicate with Europe.
15. _____________________________ was built has the new capital city of Russia.
16. _______________________________ was the Russian leader known for westernizing
17. _______________________________ was the new system of nobility in which rank was
determined by performance in government service in exchange for land.
18. ________________________________ ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796. Her greatest
power was in _____________________ policy by expanding the size of Russia.
Section 3 – Central Europe in the Age of Absolutism
19. The ______________________________ allowed Maria Theresa to inherit Habsburg
lands, but she could not become empress until her husband became emperor.
20. The Habsburg Empire’s main rival was ____________________________.
21. Frederick William, known as the _____________________________, rule
Brandenburg-Prussia at the end of the Thirty Years’ War.
22. Frederick I gathered all the land in northern Germany under his rule and
took the title _____________________________.
23. Frederick I tried the emulate the court of ________________________ by keeping a
large, extravagant court.
24. Frederick William I concentrated on creating a powerful _________________.
25. The War of Austrian Succession was the result of the ____________________
invasion of Silesia.
26. The Diplomatic Revolution saw Great Britain switch its allegiance from
_______________________ to Prussia.
27. The Seven Years’ War actually began in ___________________________, where it was
called the French and Indian War.
28. The Seven Years’ War ended when European countries began to
Section 4 – The English Monarchy
29. ___________________________ was the first Tudor king.
30. Henry VIII established the ______________________ church.
31. __________________________ tried to return England to Catholicism.
32. _________________________ long rule saw England maintain its power and flourish.
33. _________________________ plotted Elizabeth’s assassination to return England to
34. __________________________ was the fleet that tried and failed to invade England.
35. __________________________ believed the Anglican Church needed to be simplified.
36. __________________________ were landowners, who could serve in the House of
37. __________________________ were merchants and professionals, who were able to
serve in the House of Commons
38. __________________________ was the ruler from the Stuart family who had an
uneasy relationship with Parliament.
39. _____________________________ succeeded Henry VIII but only ruled for six years.
40. __________________________ was the mother of Mary and _________________________
was the mother of Elizabeth beheaded for treason.
Bonus – How many wives did Henry VIII have?