Project Management September 16, 2005 James R. Matt Technical Fellow General Motors Corp Conventional Wisdom: A Rogue’s Gallery “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” Ken Olson, President, Chairman and Founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977 “640K ought to be enough for anybody.” Bill Gates, 1981 “What do 13 people in Seattle know that we don’t?” Ross Perot when presented with a proposal for EDS to acquire Microsoft, 1980 Conventional Wisdom: A Rogue’s Gallery “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.” Western union internal memo, 1876. “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?” David Sarnoff associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s. “The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a ‘C,’ the idea must be feasible.” – A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith’s paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp. Dominant Positions in Business Who would you have bet on 15 or 20 years ago? • • • • • • GM GTE Siemens Caterpillar Philips Pan Am or or or or or or Honda? NEC? Hitachi? Komatsu? Matsushita? British Airways? Key Thoughts & Simple Tools Coarse to Fine Product Development Select Organize & Prioritize Needs & Ideas Proof of Concept Production Readiness Manufacturing & Production Technical Solution Development Customer and Market Feedback (data from: Marketing, Sales, Quality, Benchmarking, Customers) The Force Field Model Improved Future State Forces Resisting Change [Constraints] Today’s Equilibrium Forces Supporting Change [Needs] Today State The Force Field Model Minimize Affect of Constraints Improved Future State Forces Resisting Movement towards Vision Movement Towards the Desired Future. Increase Forces Supporting Movement towards Vision Today State ‘Needs’ Map Importance vs: Satisfaction High High Importance Satisfied High Importance High Dissatisfaction Insure No Loss or Degradation Highest Priority Importance Low Importance Satisfied Improve if Easy and Low Cost (Then, Sort for Easy vs Difficult) Lower Importance High Dissatisfaction Capture & Work Low High Low Lack of Satisfaction ‘Needs’ Map Importance vs: Satisfaction Clearly Understand “Big Wins” High High Importance Already Satisfied High Importance High Dissatisfaction Insure No Loss or Degradation Highest Priority Importance (Then, Sort for Easy vs Difficlut) Low Importance Lower Importance But also not Satisfied High Dissatisfaction Improve if Easy and Low Cost Capture & Work Low Insure you are solving the ‘Right’ problem. Translate ‘Needs’ into Technical Requirements. Be careful to Prioritize properly based on customer expectations. Watch out for errors in ‘Trade-off’ decisions. High Low Lack of Satisfaction Spider Chart Performance Targets and Key Wins Smaller Size Faster Speed Durability Life Today’s Product or Situation Best in Class Competition Targets for new Design Spider Chart Performance Targets and Key Wins Smaller Size Faster Speed Durability Life Key Wins Today’s Product or Situation Best in Class Competition Targets for new Design Market Positioning for #### Design Feature #### -- Projected Strategic Positioning Parity Focus Win Break-Out Metrics Consumer Metrics “Insider” Technical Metrics Brand Reputation Selling Features Parity Focus Win Roadmap Example Technology Specific Technical Solution - tbd zzzz Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Tolerant Controls Integrated Subsystem Controls Integrated Vehicle Controls 200X GMTZZZ 2006 GMTQQQ Utilities 2006 GMTXXX Pickups 2002 Ford Explorer 2001 Mercedes S500 2004 BMW 7 Series Legend High Priority Resourced Game Changer System or Technology – Lifecycle Plan Long Range Mid - Term NA991189 Steering EPS (High Voltage) GME991612 Steer By Wire Near-Term Performance NA991508 Multi-Link Front Suspension, Full Size Trucks NA002168 Smart Tire (Sensor in Tire) NA991217 Alternative Spring C’ Spring Key NA002186 Rear Steer (IRS Compatible) Current Project NA991398 Suspension RR- IRS Truck W/QS4 NA991190 Brakes Dry Interface Corner Brake System NA97041 Suspension AntiRoll DCSSS 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Investigation GME991612 Steer By Wire 2011 Not Staffed 2012 Brainstorming • Creative thinking • • • • Creative is highly non-linear Synergy - Ideas tend to feed off each other and lead to bigger ideas Do not rank ideas, or find fault with suggestions at this time Needs time spent early in project for Creative Thinking • Creative Capture method • Use Yellow Sticky Notes • Define Categories and repeat process on each – – – – – Write ideas as fast as possible Limit the time spent, go fast Review and discuss (do not judge merit just yet) Consolidate and re-word for concise and clear Group into patterns • Set aside as data needed for Project Planning and Risk Management Fishbone (Ishikawa) Diagram Man Difficult to assemble Method Not Repeatable Process Sources of error Tends to break down High Temp Humidity Environment Machine Set Priority Map Issues & Enablers High Important, Urgent High Priority (Then, Sort for Easy vs Difficlut) Urgency Important, Not Yet Urgent Capture & Work Low Low Importance High 5 Phase Problem Resolution 1. Problem Definition 2. Containment, Immediate Corrective Action 3. Root Cause 4. Irreversible Corrective Action 5. Verification Gantt chart – Critical Path Timing Activities time Define Initial Project Task 1 Task 2 Etc 1 Define Requirements 2 Concept Generation & Selection 3 Detail Concept 4 Optimize 5 Gantt chart – Critical Path Timing Activities are Groups of Tasks that support a Milestone or a key decision point Activities time Define Initial Project Task 1 Task 2 Etc 1 Define Requirements 2 The Red Line is the ‘Critical Path’. The Critical Path is the linkage path of tasks in time that if these tasks ‘slip’ the end point of the project duration becomes longer. Tasks on the this timeline are called ‘on the Critical Path’. Concept Generation & Selection 3 Milestone isDetail key point in time where certain Activities or Concept Task are planned for completion. The most important Milestones are often called ‘Gates’ (this example has five Gates in the green diamonds.) Optimize Gates are major decision points where the project Key stakeholders approve, redirect, or stop the project. Decisions from Gates must be clear, the issues and decision documented. 4 5 Example Gantt Planning & Resources Chart 2005 2006 2007 RASIC J F MA M J J A S ON D J F MA MJ J A S ON D J F MA MJ J A S ON D R A S name name name Activities: IDENTIFY DEFINE INVESTIGATE and SYNTHESIZE DEVELOP and VERIFY VALIDATION TESTING X X XX XXXXX name XXXXXX XXXXXXX est. XXXXXXXX Resources: Staffing (# people) Veh Center Eng Center-Chassis Eng Center-Electrical PE Design R&D Powertrain Mfg Center Supplier (estimated) Purchasing Avg. Annual Manpower Spending ($K) Veh Center Eng Center-Chassis Eng Center-Electrical PE Design R&D Powertrain Mfg Center Supplier (paid by GM) Purchasing Total Annual Expenses Q1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 Q3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $0.0K Q4 2.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.1 Q1 5.7 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 2.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 11.2 15.9 15.5 16.2 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.3 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 6.0 10.0 9.8 9.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 12.1 58.2 24.8 34.4 36.3 26.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 27.5 14.0 24.0 26.0 3.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 $118.5K Q2 Q3 4.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $36.3K Q4 4.0 2.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 RASIC Choices Bob Eng #1 Sue Mfg Eng S - Supplier Tom Emily etc etc 0.0 NOTE: Cost estimates not real 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Trade-off study matrix Design Option #3 Design Option #2 Design Option #1 Example Criteria Performance Cost Mass Quality Volume / Size Risk Durability Summation Key: “++” = Much Better “+” = Somewhat Better “0” = No Improvement “-” = Worse “ - - ”= Much Worse Trade-off study matrix Example Criteria Design Option #1 Design Option #2 Design Option #3 Performance ++ + + Cost -- ++ + - + 0 ++ 0 0 0 - 0 Risk -- + ++ Durability ++ + - +1 +5 +3 Mass Quality Volume / Size Summation Key: “++” = Much Better “+” = Somewhat Better “0” = No Improvement “-” = Worse “ - - ”= Much Worse ‘Risk’ Types of Risk (things gone ‘wrong’, or critical items not going ‘right’) • Business • Timing • Technical Quantify Relative Risk Risk f(L,M) = (Likelihood) X (Magnitude) Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Brainstorm Potential Problems Define Likelihood of Occurrence (1 -10 scale) Define Magnitude should problem occur (1-10 scale) (Risk Priority Number) RPN = (Likelihood) X (Magnitude) Rank order into a bar chart (Pareto Diagram) Define Countermeasures Pareto Diagram Higher RPN (Risk Priority Number) Focus on the high RPN Risk items and put in place Countermeasures Must Insure -‘Bang for the Buck’ (limited resources cause the need to Focus) Lower Specific Potential Problems Team Work Breakdown Structure Roles and responsibilities can and should be shared, moved and adjusted to assure a fair balance and to handle spikes in work. Metrics should be set up to monitor the quality and timely delivery of work elements Five Person Team Team Leader Planning & Timing Customer Contact Design Build & Tooling Availability Monitor and assess Progress Recorder & Scheduling Research Simulation Prototype Build Gate Review Preparation Gather Metrics Procurement & Cost Estimation Trade-Off Study Prototype Test Balance Work Load Open Issue Management Requirements, Specifications Results Documentation Results Documentation Team Work Breakdown Structure Four Person Team Team Leader Planning & Timing Customer Contact Design Build & Tooling Availability Monitor and assess Progress Recorder & Scheduling Research Simulation Prototype Build Gate Review Preparation Gather Metrics Procurement & Cost Estimation Trade-Off Study Prototype Test Balance Work Load Open Issue Management Requirements, Specifications Results Documentation Results Documentation Team Work Breakdown Structure Three Person Team Team Leader Planning & Timing Customer Contact Design Build & Tooling Availability Monitor and assess Progress Recorder & Scheduling Research Simulation Prototype Build Gate Review Preparation Gather Metrics Procurement & Cost Estimation Trade-Off Study Prototype Test Balance Work Load Open Issue Management Requirements, Specifications Results Documentation Results Documentation Engineering Project Management Coarse to Fine Product Development Select Organize & Prioritize Needs & Ideas Proof of Concept Production Readiness Manufacturing & Production Technical Solution Development Customer and Market Feedback (data from: Marketing, Sales, Quality, Benchmarking, Customers) Technical Solution Level Indication of Risk and Time needed to bring to Market. 1 Production: 2 Verification: 3 Development: 4 Feasibility: 5 Idea: Known, Proven, in Production, Refinement of existing. Known, Proven, in Competitive Production, ‘Tribal Knowledge’ exists Needs Verification to specific Requirements. Known, Proven, Needs modification to meet requirements. Known, Not Proven, Concept Demonstrated, No Production Applications, Needs Significant Engineering Design/Analysis/Development. Unknown, Invention required, Understand Market Pull, Need Technical Direction, Need Technical Solution, Optimal Solution Unknown. ‘ IDDOV & Product Development DFSS Determine Needs, Technology Select Projects. Planning & Assign Teams Phase 00 Product Development Define Requirements, Key Interfaces, & Constraints 1 2 Approve Project Plan, Team, and & Deliverables I - Identify Generate Concepts 3 Requirements Agreement Optimize & Verify Detail Concept Select & Approve Design Concept 4 5 Approve Detail Concept Approve Concept Verification Design for Six Sigma IDDOV D1 Define Requirements D2 – Design Concept O - Optimize V - Verify Project Tasks and Gate Reviews Phase 00 Product Development Define Requirements, Key Interfaces, & Constraints Determine Needs, Technology Select Projects. Planning & Assign Teams Define Initial Project Tasks: •Determine Perf & Manf Requirements •Define Business Targets •Define Needs Define Requirements Key Interfaces & Constraints Tasks: •Establish Project Plan •Obtain Lessons Learned •Define Project Plan & Resources Required Review with key Stakeholders Optimize & Verify Detail Concept Concept Generation & Design Selection Tasks: •Generate & Assess Alternative concepts Robust Assessment & Purchasing Tasks: •Develop purchasing info •Conduct Robust assessment •Optimize Concepts •Perform Evaluations •Draft Initial Specifications •Develop Commercial Approach • Generate Concepts •Concept Tradeoff Study • Conduct Peer Review •Refine Specifications & Robust Eng Plan (DOE) •Conduct Gate Review #1 1 Approve Project Plan, Team, and & Deliverables • •Update all Business, Technical, and Project Documents Conduct Concept Review and Approve Design Concept 2 Requirements Agreement • • Finalize Development &Test Plan • Construct, Build, and Test Prototype •Verify Hardware, Software to Technical Requirements •Define Interfaces, Constraints •Gather Information to determine Requirements Optimize & Validate Tasks: •Develop Design •Update all Business & Technical Documents Approve Details Concept • Conduct Final Design Make Purchasing Decisions Review 3 Select & Approve Design Concept 4 Approve Detail Concept 5 Approve Concept Verification Five Objectives of Every Gate Review 1) Explain the Benefits of the Technical Solution or Technology 2) Show the Technical Feasibility of approach and solution 3) Show the Balance of Performance to Business Imperatives 4) Explain the Risks: a) Business. b) Application Timing. c) Technical. 5) Explain the Expected Engineering Expenses & Costs. Five Objectives of Every Design Project Review 1) Explain the Benefits of the Technical Solution or Technology (& how alternatives ‘Stack up’ and why we should do one approach or another) 2) Show the Technical Feasibility of approach and solution 3) Show the Balance of Performance to Business Imperatives 4) Explain the Risks: (& Risk Mgt Plan, Consider Risk of doing or Not doing) a) Business. b) Application Timing. c) Technical. Define what can, (should, is) being done to Reduce the Risk! 5) Explain the Expected Engineering Expenses & Costs. (Required vs: Available -- Manpower, Materials,…) Example Upper Strut Mount Design For Six Sigma Example Robust Design to ‘Band-width’ What is the ‘Better’ Design, A or B? Performance Variation Operating Conditions Design A Design B Define the Basic Functions • Brainstorm a list of Basic Functions the Product must provide. “What does this thing need to do?” – Use Verbs: • • • • • • • • React Position Isolate Filter Rotate Limit Amplify etc Orient & Position Stays in place over life (loaded position, dynamic & static) Stays in place during suspension travel Positions correctly at initial assembly Service orientation (ex: side-load compensation) Isolate Quiet over life (no undesired contacts: metal to metal, contacts – click/clank, no rubber to rubber/metal relative motion - squeak, Maintains desired Rate curves (over life, throughout travels, dynamic frequency) Must have mating part stiffness/mobility React & Distribute Loads Limit Wheel Travel Impact Forces (limit Doming of shock tower) Maintain Suspension Geometry - React Suspension Forces (Camber, Jounce, Rebound, Spring Side Loads) Spring, Strut Rod, Jounce Bumper – all to Body Brake Force Reaction Allow Rotation & Coning while steering Low Friction Smooth & Quiet Low Hysterisis Sufficient Coning Clearance & Compliance Limit Travels Design Travel Objective not violated (specifically: MEJ, Rebound) Facilitate Assembly Avoids Mis-Builds, or difficult Builds (provisions for alignment, operator adis, no interferences, retention adequate, GD&T adequate) Tune-ability Wide range of linear axial rates Independently tune axial to radial rate Volume of Rubber (shape of rate curve, and dynamic isolation) Functions Orient & Position Stays in place over life (loaded position, dynamic & static) Stays in place during suspension travel Positions correctly at initial assembly Service orientation (ex: side-load compensation) Isolate Quiet over life (no undesired contacts: metal to metal, contacts – click/clank, no rubber to rubber/metal relative motion - squeak, Maintains desired Rate curves (over life, throughout travels, dynamic frequency) Must have mating part stiffness/mobility React & Distribute Loads Limit Wheel Travel Impact Forces (limit Doming of shock tower) Maintain Suspension Geometry - React Suspension Forces (Camber, Jounce, Rebound, Spring Side Loads), Spring, Strut Rod, Jounce Bumper – all to Body Brake Force Reaction Allow Rotation & Coning while steering Low Bearing Friction Smooth & Quiet Low Rubber Hysterisis Sufficient Coning Clearance & Compliance Limit Travels Design Travel Objective not violated (specifically: MEJ, Rebound) Facilitate Assembly Avoids Mis-Builds, or difficult Builds (provisions for alignment, operator adis, no interferences, retention Tune-ability Wide range of linear axial rates Independently tune axial to radial rate Volume of Rubber (shape of rate curve, and dynamic isolation) Amount of axial pre-load (linearity, amount of linear range, rate build up) Consider Classis Failure Mechanism that Cause Failure Modes • Creep (relaxation and flow over time, plastic movement, often • • • • • • • • accelerated with heat or high loads) Fracture (brittle failure due to sudden physical overload, cracking) Yield (Tensile or bending failure, permanent deformation) Physio-Chemical Instability (Chemical change in material properties, Corrosion, UV instability, chemical attack of solvent or lubricants, heat aging of rubber) Dimensional Incompatibility (Stack up of tolerances, mispositioning, flexing of base or bracket, too big, too small) Contamination (dirt, grit, dust, mixed materials) Vibration and Mechanical Shock (mechanical or electrical high frequency, surge, sudden overload) Environmental (hot, cold, humid, submersion) Wear (repeated cyclic load causing material removal) Vibration and Mechanical Shock Dimensional Incompatibility Physio-Chemical Instability Matrix Functions vs Failure Mechanisms – Evaluate Risk due to Sensitivities React Position Isolate Functions Filter Rotate Limit Amplify Wear Environmental Contamination Yield Fracture Creep Failure Mechanisms React Position High Isolate Med Filter High High Rotate Limit Amplify Med High Wear Environmental Vibration and Mechanical Shock Contamination Dimensional Incompatibility Physio-Chemical Instability Yield Fracture Creep Matrix Functions vs Failure Mechanisms – Evaluate Risk due to Sensitivities Matrix Assessment – Knowledge Gathering The Forward Pass Energy Functions: In Position, Isolate, React Loads Out Desired Functional Characteristic Noise Factors Left to right -- The Forward Pass Evaluate the Primary Functions and the Likelihood of the Failure Mechanisms allowing a weakness in the product design to manifest as a loss in the Desired Functional Characteristic. Think of loss due to Noise Factors as a Signal to Noise ratio. If energy is lost in the system, then the Signal to Noise ratio must not be Unity. Attack the sensitivity of the design to the probable Noise Factors that are likely to degrade the performance. A ‘Robust’ design is insensitive to Noise DFSS - Front Upper Strut Mount Functions: Energy Position, Isolate, React Loads Desired Functional Characteristic Position Stays in place over life Tolerant of misaligned mating parts Noise Factors (Failure Mechanisms cause Failure Modes) Environment Contamination Yield Fatigue Fracture Vibration / Mechanical Shock Wear Electrical / Software Compatibility Physio-Chemical Instability Creep Dimensional Incompatibility Isolate Quiet over life Noise Transmission is good React Loads Rate Curve is within Bandwidth Structure handles load with out excessive Damage The Forward Pass Functions: Position, Isolate, React Loads Noise Factors Likelihood of Primary Function being affected by a specific Failure Mechanism Primary Functions Likelihood: of compromise of a “Primary Function” due to a Sensitivity to “Failure Mechanism”. Strong Likelihood = “ + ” Neutral = “ 0 ” Not Sensitive = “ – ” Position Isolate React Loads Environment Contamination Yield Fracture Vibration / Mechanical Shock Wear Electrical / Software Physio-Chemical Instability Creep Dimensional Incompatibility Primary Function Failure Mechanisms Energy The Reverse Pass learn for what has happened before Functions: Position, Isolate, React Loads Anticipated or Historic Problems Historic – ‘Things Gone Wrong’ Risk concerns based on Historical Failures Applications Corrective Action Greater deflection than planned, In bearing seal (clam shelling), allowed contamination. Lead to wear, roughness, and noise. Increase metal thickness (stiffness), added lip seals, anti-corrosion race way, orient bearing to spring axis. Large bearing diameter allowed large clam shelling - Lack of bearing retention resulting in displacement due to side loading corrective action: add location features to locate and retain bearing. Material Handling forces cause bearings to separate and balls fall out. Add, extend snap fit tabs to keep balls in place during handling for robustness. Fatigue life of rubber after vehicle durability test, EOL tearing Rubber compound not as strong for new supplier. Decrease stress by Increasing rubber thickness, add volume. And changed shape. As Loaded position of mount was not comprehended in design, redesign to offset strut rod to allow proper position at curb height. Need to know loading position as accurate as possible, and change in load from vehicle to vehicle. Tick noise on mount. Plastic retainer cup. Stick/slip/slapping caused a Teflon washer to be added. Click due to hard jounce bumper cup to striker plate and strut mount, on excessive coning. Jounce bumper cup interface integrated into top mount. Retention of jounce bumper and dust tube inadequate (rod hugger) allowed dust tube to slide down and expose rod. Corrosion of rod due to exposure. Could also cause noise. Positive retention of dust boot and jounce bumper to strut mount, avoid rod hugger (snap fit, fastener, clamp, etc). Long Jounce bumpers with dust boot attached to tip of jounce bumper (with large deflections) can allow dust boot to slide off at extremes of travel. The Reverse Pass learn for what has happened before Functions: Position, Isolate, React Loads Anticipated or Historic Problems Link Historic Problems to Failure Mechanisms Environment Contamination Yield Fatigue Fracture Vibration / Mechanical Shock Wear Electrical / Software Compatibility Physio-Chemical Instability Creep Dimensional Incompatibility The Reverse Pass Functions: Position, Isolate, React Loads Linkage of Failure Mechanisms to Anticipated Problems Historic and anticipated Problems Failure Mechanism ‘Link’ to Problem : Strong Link = “ + ” Moderate / Not Sure = “ 0 ” Not Linked = “ – ” Noise at the end of life Loss of attachment Bearing Drag Non-linear road feel Environment Contamination Yield Fracture Vibration / Mechanical Shock Wear Electrical / Software Physio-Chemical Instability Creep Dimensional Incompatibility Noise Factors Failure Mechanisms Anticipated Problems Now think in terms of the design Components (and for competing design options) D E C F B G A H A – Inner Metal B – Primary/Shear Isolator C – Upper Rate Washer D – Reaction Washer E – Reaction Isolator F – Outer/Compression Isolator G – Main Stamping H – Lower Rate Washer Design For Six Sigma - Front Upper Strut Mount Desired Functional Characteristic Orient & Position Energy Stays in place over life (loaded position, dynamic & static) Transfer Function Stays in place during suspension travel Positions correctly at initial assembly Service orientation (ex: side-load compensation) Isolate Quiet over life (no undesired contacts: metal to metal, contacts – click/clank, no rubber to rubber/metal relative motion - squeak, Components: Spring Seat Inner Metal Primary Isolator Main Stamping Outer Compression Rubber In-Molded Metal Stamping Upper Rate Washer Lower Rate Washer Bearing Top Reaction Washer Nuts (2) Jounce Bumper Cup Jounce Bumper Dust Boot Maintains desired Rate curves (over life, throughout travels, dynamic frequency) Must have mating part stiffness/mobility React Loads Rate Curve is within Bandwidth Define Structure handles load with out excessive Damage 1)Measurement Strategy for Desired Functional Characteristics, 2) using Failure Mechanisms as Noise Factors, 3) consider the components involved for various design Concepts Energy Functions: Forward Pass Position, Isolate, React Loads Reverse Pass Desired Functional Characteristic Anticipated Problems Noise Factors Chart the probability of each Failure Mechanism contributing to historic problems and loss of desired Functions Failure Mechanisms Environment Contamination Yield Fracture Vibration / Mechanical Shock Wear Electrical / Software Physio-Chemical Instability Creep Dimensional Incompatibility In this case, Contamination, Yield, Wear, and Dimensional Incompatibility are the high Occurrence Failure Mechanism that are anticipated as the dominate Noise factors. Top Mount Bearing Create a DOE: Contamination Wear Physio-Chemical Instability Dimensional Incompatibility X Non-linear road feel Bearing Drag Loss of attachment Noise at the end of life React Loads Isolate Failure Mechanisms Position •Consult with a DOE expert •Set up a Component Development Test •Look for sensitivity at the end of life for Failure Mechanisms: Contamination, Physio-Chemical Instability, and Dimensional Incompatibility X X X X X DOE: •Partial Factorial Matrix experiment •Expert Knowledge, seek help in creation •Garbage in Garbage out (usually due to bad assumptions) Contamination Wear Physio-Chemical Instability Dimensional Incompatibility X Non-linear road feel Bearing Drag Loss of attachment Noise at the end of life React Loads Isolate Failure Mechanisms Position •Want a simple lab fixture(s) to run a fast DOE to understand design sensitivity to Noise factors. •Run carefully Created samples to test for interactions X X X X X Example Multifunction Headlamp Switch Functions Headlamp On / Off Headlamp High / Low Customer Turn Signal Cruise Control Set, On, Off Electrical Control Component test plan was designed to test each function as independent variables All part passed the lab test without incident Example Multifunction Headlamp Switch Functions Headlamp On / Off Customer Headlamp High / Low Turn Signal Cruise Control Set, On, Off Electrical Control However: Mechanical Interaction Inside the Multifunction Switch caused the headlamp contact carrier to slightly rock when the Turn Signal was used. This caused a voltage spike and high resistance path and heat in the switch. Example Multifunction Headlamp Switch Headlamp On / Off Headlamp High / Low Customer Electrical Control Turn Signal DOE factors for test matrix Cruise Control Set, On, Off 1) Type of Lubricant in the switch 2) Contact Material 3) Contact Plating 4) Spring Pressure The optimal combination was found and the design was quickly changed. No field issues were found Causes of Problems Basic Principles – Friction, transient loads, moments, unforeseen interactions, manufacturing processes and true capabilities, marginally stable systems, static electricity, grounding Wrong Assumptions (independence of functions in switch example) Lack of parts available on time Components cost more than estimated Stack up of tolerances – reality is not design nominal Murphy’s Law, Chaos Theory, probability and statistical theory at work False or unachievable accuracy – How close is close enough or what can you actually obtain in the real world Ideas to Help Set up a good project plan with Milestones and Gate Reviews Clearly defined Deliverables Set up a budget (with a 10% contingency) and obtain good cost estimates and availability of materials, manpower, and facilities Front Load your efforts – get off to a good start Assign tasks to team members based on skill sets and personal preferences Make progress visible, create a temporary War Room Wall and require that team members post their progress Use Standard parts and commonly available materials - Do not invent what is already available. Focus invention on what does not already exist and yet is essential to the project. Do your homework take time to study and learn as much as you can about the basic principles involved, what has been done before, what has been written, what is the current State of the Art. Benchmarking – what is the competition doing? Brainstorm Alternatives – do not jump to the answer Allow for Experimentation – this takes twice as long as you think. Expect that ‘Things will not work right the first time’ – allow recovery time (Slack Time)