1 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar – Fall 2015 Instructor: Lynn Greenwood Course and Contact Information Class Time and Online Location: Office: Founder’s Hall, Room 217L Office Hours: Email: Tuesdays 4pm-7pm; Wednesdays 10am-1pm; or by appointment lgreenwood@tamuct.edu – when emailing, always identify yourself and the course number. In general, when communicating electronically, you should use complete sentences and be very clear about what you are asking or saying to avoid miscommunication. I do not check Blackboard email regularly. Phone: Mobile: 512-525-9173 – if texting or leaving voicemail, please identify yourself and the course number. This is my mobile number; I do not regularly check or answer my office phone. Preferred Mode of Communication: I prefer emails or office visits to phone calls, unless absolutely necessary. Catalog Description: This is a capstone course that will assist the student in completing their knowledge of the criminal justice system through a study of current practice related to operations, recruitment, testing, training, law, and other issues to prepare the student for entry into a criminal justice profession. Prerequisites: Course is restricted to Senior Criminal Justice Majors. Expanded Course Description: This course is intended for senior level students. CJ 498 is a study of emerging issues in law, justice policy, operational techniques, human resources flow, and the application of social and demographic trends to criminal justice operations. Students will be required to demonstrate oral and written competencies appropriate to senior level standing. Course Objectives: 1. Students will demonstrate writing skills appropriate to the discipline of Criminal Justice. 2. Students will demonstrate proficiency in use of technology appropriate to the discipline of Criminal Justice. 1 2 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the value of ethics in Criminal Justice. 4. Students will demonstrate multi-cultural awareness and respect for cultural diversity. 5. Students will demonstrate understanding of basic theoretical perspectives of Criminal justice. 6. Students will apply theoretical perspectives in Criminal Justice to create operational strategies and formulate justice policy. Required Textbooks: There is no required textbook for this class. All course materials will be in the form of articles/websites provided by the instructor via Blackboard. Additional readings may be required for assignments involving research. Supplementary Materials: Students will receive additional reading and viewing materials throughout the semester to enhance, expand on, and aid in discussions. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. To insure you comply with the standards of academic integrity set forth by TAMUCT, please read the following information, and follow the links. By now you should all understand what plagiarism is and is not. If you are unsure, please follow the link I’ve provided and read all material on the subject. Any student caught plagiarizing will receive a 0 (zero) for that assignment and may be referred to the university for further discipline. Academic Integrity Texas A&M University - Central Texas expects all students to maintain high standards of personal and scholarly conduct. Students found responsible of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. The faculty member is responsible for initiating action for each case of academic dishonesty and report the incident to the Associate Director of Student Conduct. More information can be found at http://www.tamuct.edu/departments/studentconduct/facultyresources.p hp. 2 3 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 Plagiarism Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism, most simply defined, is not properly crediting your sources of information through the use of textual citations and the provision of a works cited list. If something is not your own original idea, thought, words, or the product of your original data collection and analysis, you need to cite your source in the text. You may expand on work you have submitted in other classes. If you would like to do so, please contact me to discuss the terms. To learn more about plagiarism, please visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/02/ Mode of Instruction and Course Access: This course is a 100% online course and uses the TAMUCT Blackboard system. To be able to successfully complete this course, the student must have reliable and frequent access to a computer and to the Internet. In addition, the student must be able to access Blackboard. Online learning requires students to be very self-disciplined, so be sure you understand and are prepared to comply with all required class assignments and deadlines. If you are unfamiliar with Blackboard, there is a Blackboard Student Orientation link under the My Courses tab. There is also a link to Blackboard Help. Please utilize these features of Blackboard before contacting your instructor with noncourse related issues regarding Blackboard. In addition, you must claim and use your university email. All announcements made in Blackboard will also be emailed to students – these emails only go to university email accounts. The same applies to all university-level announcements. You may miss out on vital announcements and information if you do not check your university email regularly. You can have your university email forwarded to your personal email. Accessing Blackboard: Logon to https://tamuct.blackboard.com to access the course Username: your MyCT username (xx123 or everything before the “@” in your MyCT email address) Initial password: MyCT password Select Senior Seminar from the course list Technology issues are not an excuse for missing a course requirement. Make sure your computer is configured correctly and address issues well in advance of deadlines. If you have problems with your personal computer and/or Internet, you have access to the computer lab in Warrior Hall (Room 104). Operating times and days can be found on the TAMUCT website. 3 4 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 Technology Support For technology issues, students should contact Help Desk Central. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Email: helpdesk@tamu.edu Phone: 254-519-5466 Web Chat: http://hdc.tamu.edu When calling for support please let your support technician know you are a TAMUCT student. For issues related to course content and requirements, contact your instructor. Student-Instructor Interaction: Since this is an online class, most communication between the instructor and students will be electronic in nature; however, all students are welcome and encouraged to attend office hours or make an appointment for an office visit. I will be checking and replying to student emails on a daily basis - students should expect a response within 24 hours during the week. Emails sent on a weekend will be responded to the following Monday, unless it is a holiday. Deviations from this will be announced on Blackboard. During office hours, emails will be responded to more quickly, and Blackboard chat, Skype, Facetime, or some other method of communication can also be utilized if pre-arranged. If the answer to a student question applies to all students, an announcement will be made to the entire class. Conduct: Mastery of course content is greatly enhanced through professional conduct in the classroom. Although this is an online class, professional conduct must still be observed in your written communication. You will be expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times in this class. As in many criminal justice and social science courses, the issues of racial and ethnic diversity must be considered part of the course content. In addition, topics may come up in class that not everyone will be comfortable with or agree upon. Civility and courtesy to everyone in the class, including the instructor, is expected. Incivility or discourtesy to anyone in the class will not be tolerated and may result in your expulsion from the course. Netiquette – Communication Courtesy Code: All members of the class are expected to follow rules of common courtesy in all email messages, threaded discussions and chats. If I deem any of them to be inappropriate or offensive, I will forward the message to the Chair of the department and the online administrators and appropriate action will be taken, not excluding expulsion from the course. _______________________________________________________________________ 4 5 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 REQUIRED COURSE WORK: Students will be required to participate in discussion boards throughout the semester, conduct independent research, and submit several writing assignments. Expectations and requirements for coursework are listed below. I. Class Discussions 0-25 points, for a total of 175 points There will be seven (7) discussion topics posted in Blackboard throughout the semester. In order to properly answer the discussion questions/prompts, you will be required to read or view additional material. These additional materials will be posted with the discussion question/prompt. You will earn points for your submission if you answer discussion questions/prompts on time, adequately, and completely. Students are required to post their initial response (typically about one-half page, single-space type) to the issue and comment on a minimum of two other student responses. Students may respond to more than two student responses, but are required to respond to a minimum of two. Quality of Discussion Posts: The responses to other student posts are usually only a few sentences. Some students provide very well-thought-out, comprehensive answers to each question, along with thoughtful responses to other student answers. However, many students provide only a cursory answer (2 or 3 lines) for their initial response and follow-up with “I agree….” or “I disagree….” responses to other student answers. This is not acceptable. I expect to see substantive responses, approximately one-half page to the Blackboard discussion question for an initial response from a student. The two comment responses that you are required to make do not have to be lengthy, but more substantive than 5-6 words of “I agree with you on that.” Students should provide support for their opinions, pro or con, with appropriate reference citations tied to the respective course materials, websites, etc. The discussion question will typically be posted by Sunday at midnight; you will be required to post your response by Sunday of the same week, no later than midnight. Proofreading your discussion board postings will also increase readability for others; you should also be checking for grammar, spelling, and content to make sure others would understand your point. In addition, please make discussion postings relevant to the topic under discussion. 5 6 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 Grading criteria for Blackboard discussions: 10 or below – Unacceptable Does not meet the intent of the assignment; student does not reply to other students’ responses 15 – Acceptable/Weak Meets the intent of the assignment, but lacks detail, clarity, or specifics 20 – Acceptable Meets the intent of the assignment; shows understanding of class content 25 – Excellent/Superior Meets the intent of the assignment and goes beyond the required/expected performance; e.g., bringing in outside resources; provided detailed and specific examples of concepts and ideas being discussed II. Issues Papers 0-50, for a total of 250 points Students will be responsible for completing five (5) issues papers on the assigned articles included in this syllabus and available on Blackboard. Students may choose only from the articles provided. These papers are not opinion pieces. Your paper should reflect all sides of the issue. Students are expected to: (1) Thoroughly read the article provided and identify the main points the article is making. Identify what sources the authors use to support their claims. (2) Find those sources and read the research. For example, if the article cites crime statistics, find those crime statistics. If they quote research, find the original source of the research. If they cite anything as fact, find sources supporting or refuting that fact. (3) Demonstrate research skills appropriate to a BS in criminal justice, objectivity in your writing, and critical thinking. EACH ISSUE PAPER SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING PARTS (IN SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS): What are the main points in the article? And, what does the research and statistics say about the topic? How does the issue affect the area of criminal justice it falls into (this is indicated on the side bar – there are 5 areas)? Who has an interest in the issue, the problem causing it, or the solution? And who does the problem directly and indirectly affect? What solutions are presented? ISSUE PAPERS MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 2-4 pages in length Double-spaced, 12-point font Must be produced in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx format) Must be submitted on Blackboard via the Turnitin assignment link 6 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 Name and issue listed at the top of the page Cite sources according to APA standards. In-text citations and reference page are required for all submissions. No more than one quotation; quotations must include the page number in the citation Proofread carefully: grammar, spelling, mechanics, citations, etc. will be part of your grade. Grading Criteria for Issue Papers Content – up to 35 points Did the student answer all of the prompts? Does the paper cover the topic adequately and appropriately? Were all sides presented, including counter arguments? Is the level of thought, logic, and reasoning appropriate to the level of the course? Mechanics – up to 15 points Grammar, spelling, and vocabulary are appropriate for the level of the course. Proper use of APA format for citations and reference list ARTICLES The articles you have to choose from for the issue papers are listed below and posted on Blackboard. I suggest you review all articles to find topics you will enjoy researching. LAW Law entries should focus on issues related to a specific law and the effects of that law on law enforcement. 1. Study: Marijuana legalization doesn't increase crime http://www.msnbc.com/all/does-marijuana-lower-the-crime-rate 2. Don’t support laws you are not willing to kill to enforce http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokhconspiracy/wp/2014/12/05/dont-support-laws-you-are-not-willing-to-kill-toenforce/ 3. With so many laws, we could all be felons http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/commentary/ct-eric-garnerlaws-felons-chokehold-perspec-1125-20141204-story.html Law enforcement entries should focus on the issue and it’s effect on policing, specifically law enforcement officers. LAW ENFORCEMENT 7 4. Senators Criticize Growing Militarization of Local Police Departments Democrats, Republicans Question Federal Programs Giving Military-Style Gear to Local Law Enforcement http://www.wsj.com/articles/senators-criticizemilitarization-of-local-police-departments-1410287125 7 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 5. Feds release profiling restrictions http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/12/08/racial-profilingfeds/20074329/ 6. First scientific report shows police body-worn-cameras can prevent unacceptable use-of-force http://phys.org/news/2014-12-scientific-policebody-worn-cameras-unacceptable-use-of-force.html COURTS Courts entries should focus on issues related to trials, sentencing, and the rights of the accused. 7. Grand Juries Should Be Abolished http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2014/12/abo lish_grand_juries_justice_for_eric_garner_and_michael_brown.html 8. Prosecuting preteens as adults defies logic http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/1/juvenilejusticeuscourtschildrencriminalprosecution.html 9. "Kids for Cash" Judge Ciavarella Found Liable for Enactment of Zero-Tolerance Policies and Violation of Kids' Constitutional Rights in Federal Civil Rights Action http://www.jlc.org/news-room/press-releases/kids-cash-judgeciavarella-found-liable-enactment-zero-tolerance-policies-a CORRECTIONS Corrections entries should focus on finances, staffing, and prisoner rights. 10. There's A Huge Financial Drain on US Prisons Nobody Is Talking About http://www.businessinsider.com/theres-a-huge-financial-drain-on-us-prisons2014-8 11. Are private prisons better or worse than public prisons? http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokhconspiracy/wp/2014/02/25/are-private-prisons-better-or-worse-than-publicprisons/ 12. California female inmates sterilized illegally http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/06/20/californiafemale-inmates-sterilized/11037129/ Policy entries should focus on the effect of a policy on one of the other areas the criminal justice system. POLICY 8 13. Criminal Immigrants? Americans believe newcomers ”legal and illegal" are more likely to commit crimes. Research suggests the opposite is true http://reason.com/archives/2014/09/07/criminal-immigrants 14. New reports give conflicting takes on Colorado marijuana legalization http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_27268184/new-reports-giveconflicting-takes-colorado-marijuana-legalization 8 9 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 15. Eric Garner Was Choked to Death for Selling Loosies http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/03/the-policies-behind-ericgarner-s-death.html III. Research Paper 0-100, for a total of 100 points Each student will prepare a research paper on a new or emerging technology, program, law, or some other innovation in the field of criminal justice. RESEARCH PAPERS SHOULD ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING: Information about the technology/program/innovation (who, what where, why, how) The area of criminal justice that would be/is affected Challenges to implementation (expected or known) (e.g. costs, problems with adoption) Benefits to the field of criminal justice RESEARCH PAPERS MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 4-5 pages in length Double-spaced; 12-pt font Grammatically correct and free from proofreading errors Paragraph, narrative format – no lists Name and topic listed at the top of the page Must be submitted on Blackboard via the Turnitin assignment link Cite sources according to APA standards. In-text citations and reference page are required for all submissions - this includes websites Free from quotations Grading Criteria for Research Papers Content – up to 75 points Does the paper cover the topic adequately and appropriately? Were all sides presented, including counter arguments? Is the topic appropriate to the assignment/course? Is the level of thought, logic, and reasoning appropriate to the level of the course? Mechanics – up to 25 points Grammar, spelling, and vocabulary are appropriate for the level of the course. Proper use of APA format for citations and reference list 9 10 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 IV. Area Content Achieve Test (ACAT) 0 or 25 points Students will complete the ACAT in Criminal Justice. The ACAT is a testing program intended to evaluate criminal justice seniors nationwide. Students will not be graded on how well they do on the ACAT. If you take the ACAT, you will receive 25 points towards the final grade. More information on this will be provided in Blackboard later in the semester. There are no optional assignments for extra credit and late discussion posts or writing assignments are not accepted. Grading Criteria Rubric and Conversion: Final course grades will be assessed on the following scale: Assignment Discussions (x7) Issue Papers (x6) Research Paper ACAT Total POINT SCALE 537-600 477-536 417-476 357-416 0-356 Points 175 (7x25) 300 (6x50) 100 25 600 PERCENT CONVERSION 89.5%-100% 79.5%-89.4% 69.5%-79.4% 59.5%-69.4% 59.4% and below My Grade LETTER GRADE A B C D F 10 11 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 Course Calendar: Subject to revision, if necessary, during the semester Due Dates Materials Due August 30, 11:59pm Discussion 1 September 6, 11:59pm Issue Paper 1 September 13, 11:59pm Discussion 2 September 20, 11:59pm Issue Paper 2 September 27, 11:59pm Discussion 3 October 4, 11:59pm Issue Paper 3 October 11, 11:59pm Discussion 4 October 18, 11:59pm Issue Paper 4 October 25, 11:59pm Discussion 5 November 1, 11:59pm Research Paper November 8, 11:59pm Issue Paper 5 November 15, 11:59pm November 22, 11:59pm Discussion 6 ACAT Issue Paper 6 Thanksgiving Week Nothing due Discussion 7 due by 11:59pm via Blackboard November 29, 11:59pm December 6, 11:59pm Other important dates: August 26 Add/Drop/Late registration ends August 31 Last day to drop 1st 8-week class with no record September 7 Labor Day – University Closed September 9 Last day to drop 16-week class with no record September 25 Last day to Q-drop or withdraw from a class (1st 8 weeks) October 2 Deadline for fall graduation application October 23 TAMUCT Picnic October 30 Last day to Q-drop or withdraw from a class (16-weeks) November 11 Veteran’s Day – University Closed November 26-27 Thanksgiving – University Closed December 11 Last Day of Fall 2015 classes December 11 Commencement – 7pm at Bell County Expo Center Dec 24-Jan 1 Winter Break – University Closed 11 12 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 Please review and become familiar with our TAMUCT policies. In addition to TAMUCT policies, I included sections on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism. Please review both of those sections and visit the links provided. Any student caught plagiarizing receives a zero for that particular assignment and may receive a zero for the course. COURSE AND UNIVERSITY PROCEDURES AND POLICIES UNILERT Disability Support Services Tutoring Library Services Drop Policy Emergency Warning System for Texas A&M University – Central Texas UNILERT is an emergency notification service that gives Texas A&M University-Central Texas the ability to communicate health and safety emergency information quickly via email, text message, and social media. All students are automatically enrolled in UNILERT through their myCT email account. Connect at www.TAMUCT.edu/UNILERT to change where you receive your alerts or to opt out. By staying enrolled in UNILERT, university officials can quickly pass on safety-related information, regardless of your location. If you have or believe you have a disability and wish to self-identify, you can do so by providing documentation to the Disability Support Coordinator. Students are encouraged to seek information about accommodations to help assure success in their courses. Please contact Vanessa Snyder at (254) 501-5836 or visit Founder's Hall 114. Additional information can be found at http://www.tamuct.edu/departments/disabilitysupport/index.php. Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and online. Subjects tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Writing (APA). Tutors are available at the Tutoring Center in Founder's Hall, Room 204, and also in the Library in the North Building. Visit www.tamuct.edu/AcademicSupport and click "Tutoring Support" for tutor schedules and contact info. If you have questions, need to schedule a tutoring session, or if you're interested in becoming a tutor, contact Academic Support Programs at 254-501-5830 or by emailing cecilia.morales@tamuct.edu. Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for almost any subject on your computer! Tutor.com is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMU-CT students to login and receive FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides tutoring in Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Calculus, and Statistics. To access Tutor.com, click on www.tutor.com/tamuct. Information Literacy focuses on research skills that prepare individuals to live and work in an information-centered society. Librarians will work with students in the development of critical reasoning, ethical use of information, and the appropriate use of secondary research techniques. Help may include, yet is not limited to: exploration of information resources such as library collections and services, identification of subject databases and scholarly journals, and execution of effective search strategies. Library resources are outlined and accessed at http://www.tamuct.edu/departments/library/index.php. If you discover that you need to drop this class, you must go to the Records Office and ask for the necessary paperwork. Professors cannot drop students; this is always 12 13 CJ 498 – Senior Seminar (ONLINE) – Fall 2015 the responsibility of the student. The record’s office will give a deadline for which the form must be returned, completed, and signed. Once you return the signed form to the records office and wait 24 hours, you must go into DuckTrax and confirm that you are no longer enrolled. If you are still enrolled, you must FOLLOW-UP with the records office immediately. Should you miss the deadline or fail to follow the procedure, you will receive an F in the course. Graduation Application Graduation Date Deadline to Apply for Degree & Commencement Deadline to Apply for Degree Conferral Only Spring 2015 November 21, 2014 May 14, 2015 Summer 2015 April 17, 2015 August 5, 2015 Fall 2015 June 26, 2015 December 9, 2015 Ceremony Date May 16, 2015 August 8, 2015 December 11, 2015 13