
LEA & RESA Special
Education Plan
Annual Application for IDEA, Part B,
Preschool and State Aid for
Exceptional Children
Application Contents
LEA Application
Part I – Allocations
Part II – Assurances
Part III – Private Schools
Part IV – Data Analysis & Entry
Part V – Goals/Objectives/
Part VI – Itemization of Equipment
Part VII – Maintenance of Effort
Part VIII – FY 16 Budget Amount
Part IX – Excess Cost
Part X – CEIS
RESA Application
Part I – Submission
Part II a & b – Assurances
Part III – Articles
Part IV – Data Analysis & Entry
Part V – Service Delivery Pages
Part VI - Budget
• April 1, 2015 – Applications available
• July 1, 2015 – Applications due to WVDE
– Submit by email to Shana Clay
• Applications will be reviewed in the order that
they are received
• WVDE will begin issuing grant awards
beginning on July 1, 2015, however the
applications may be approved before
When to use FY16 funds
• Funds may not be obligated prior to July 1 or the
date a substantially approvable application is
submitted, whichever is last.
• All funds must be obligated by September 30,
• Spend IDEA FY 14 and 15 carry over first
Part I - Allocations
• LEA enters amounts from the allocation tables
– State Aid for Exceptional Children (Table 4)
• Be sure to enter the entire amount allocated to the LEA,
including the amount that will be deducted for OOS students.
The OOS amount must be included on the budget.
– IDEA Part B School Age (3-21) (Table 1)
– IDEA Preschool (3-5) (Table 3)
• The LEA official submitting the plan must type their
name on the “CERTIFICATION” line and the plan
must be submitted from their email address
Part I - Allocations
Part II – Assurances
• Assurances are for review only
“As a condition of eligibility for assistance
under IDEA Part B for the fiscal year, the local
educational agency (LEA) hereby submits a
plan that provides assurances the LEA meets
each of the conditions and requirements cited
Part III – Private Schools
• LEA enters child count amounts
• Allocation populates from Part I
• Amount to budgeted and spent will be
• Must check “NO” box if the LEA does not
have any parentally place private school
students within the district
Private Share Calculator
Part IV A – Data Analysis
– Data Analysis minimum sources
• Achievement on previous WESTEST2 and
• Dropout, graduation
• District Self Assessment/ADA findings and
• ADA improvement plans
• Other monitoring report corrective actions
Part IV A – Data Analysis
• Each topic should be covered in a narrative form
• LEA must include a discussion on ALL listed items
– An area is provided for each topic
“Below, enter a brief summary of the LEA special
education data, including Annual Desk Audit data;
ESEA Flexibility Request accountability data (priority
and/or focus schools as applicable to students with
disabilities) or other relevant data pertaining to student
achievement; graduation; dropout; results and behavior;
monitoring findings, if any.”
Part IV B – Data Entry
• LEA will be responsible for entering their
own actual data in the highlighted cells
– These records will assist the LEA in seeing
their progress over the years as well as how
they compare to the state data and result
Part IV B – Data Entry
Part IV B – Data Entry
Part V – Goals/Objectives/Activities
Measurable Objectives
• Enter at top of Part V spreadsheet
• Write a measureable objective for at least
one of your priority strategic issues for
improving an outcome for students with
– What indicator, area or skill are you working to
– How will improvement be measured?
– How much do you expect to move the
measurement in the next year?
Part V – Goals/Objectives/Activities
Action Steps and Subtasks
• GOAL and ACTION STEPS for each budget
section are provided and may be edited.
• Subtasks clarify specific activities/expenditures
within the Action Step
• Specify the activity being funded and indicate
amount in the column for the source of funds
(IDEA B, IDEA Preschool, State aid); specify it is
for students with disabilities, if it is not obvious
• For each item, provide program function code
and object code from Chart of Accounts
Part V – Goals/Objectives/Activities
Specific Information Needed
For all Steps: Include program/function
code, object code and amount
• Personnel – FTE and type of position
(e.g. 1.0 FTE multicategorical sp. ed
teacher, 0.5 FTE speech language
pathologist, 1.0 FTE teacher of autism)
Part V – Goals/Objectives/Activities
• Services
– Include type of service, budget codes and amounts
• Professional Development
– Include PD topics and target audience in the
– Indicate type of expenditure and amount as a
subtasks with applicable program/function code,
object code and amount
• Materials, Supplies, Equipment
– Indicate items to be purchased for SWD (or gifted
21271, state funds only)
Part V – Goals/Objectives/Activities
• Facilities
• Other
• Students Parentally Placed in Private
– Required amount must be budgeted and spent for
services agreed to in the plan developed through
– These amounts (school age and preschool) must
be included in the budget under program/function
code 51510
Part VI – Itemization of Equipment
• Part VI – Itemization of equipment is
required for item costing $5,000 or more
for single item
• Provide the detail requested
Part VII – Maintenance of Effort
• Supplement, not supplant
– If the LEA maintains (or exceeds) its level of
local, or state and local, expenditures for
special education and related services from
year to year, either in total or per capita, then
the Part B funds are supplementing those
local, or state and local, expenditures and the
LEA has met its MOE and supplement/not
supplant requirements.
Part VII – Maintenance of Effort
• To be eligible for plan approval and to receive a
grant award for FY 16, the LEA must submit a
FY16 LEA budget that assures MOE will be met
• Medicaid funds spent for students with disabilities
are not counted as local funds for MOE (CFO
reports to WVDE and codes Medicaid revenues
and expenditures in WVEIS for FY16)
• Use of Medicaid funds for special education
provides flexibility year to year without affecting
Part VII – Maintenance of Effort
• Four Tests to Meet MOE – LEA needs to
meet only ONE of the following comparison
1)Local & State expenditures in total for SWD
2)Local Only expenditures for SWD
3)The per student amount of Local & State
expenditures for SWD
4)The per student amount of Local Only
expenditures for SWD
Part VII – Maintenance of Effort
MOE Determination
• Programmer is working to create online
MOE application
– Will be available through WVEIS on the Web
• Expenditures will be pulled by the app,
however, other adjustments will be needed
to complete calculation
– More information will be made available when
the app is complete
Part VII – Maintenance of Effort
MOE Reduction
• Districts not meeting MOE must provide
and document allowable reasons why a
reduction should be approved.
Part VII – Maintenance of Effort
MOE Reduction
• Allowable Reasons to Reduce MOE
The voluntary departure, by retirement or otherwise, or departure for
just cause, of special education or related services personnel (paid
with state funds and replaced with less costly personnel or not
A decrease in the enrollment of children with disabilities (for the years
in question)
The termination of the obligation of the agency, consistent with Part
B, to provide a program of special education to a particular child with
a disability that is an exceptionally costly program
The termination of costly expenditures for long-term purchases, such
as the acquisition of equipment or the construction of school facilities
The assumption of cost by the high cost fund operated by the SEA
under 34 CFR §300.704(c).
Part VIII – Budget Amount
MOE Eligibility
• Enter amount in state/local funds
budgeted for students with disabilities for
the coming year
• Enter December 1, 2014 child count for
comparison purposes
• Actual amount will be based on the
December 2015 count, which is not yet
Part IX – Excess Cost
IDEA funds may only be used to pay
the excess costs of providing special
education and related services for
children with disabilities
See 34 CFR §300.202(a)(2)
Part IX – Excess Cost
• Excess costs are those costs for the education of an
elementary school or secondary school student with a
disability that are in excess of the average annual per student
expenditure in an LEA during the preceding school year for an
elementary or secondary school student.
• Includes general education, so it does not compare directly to
MOE, which is special education only
• CSBO and special education director review information in
Excess Cost screen pulled from WVEIS and provide assurance
that excess cost will be met in 2015-2016
• Enter the amount calculated in the online plan screen separately
for elementary education and secondary education
Part X – CEIS
• Instructions for required information is
included in the application
• Please call the OSP for assistance
Part I - Submission
• RESA enters amounts from the allocation tables
– State Aid for Exceptional Children
– IDEA Part B Discretionary School Age
– IDEA Part B Discretionary
• The application must be signed by the RESA
Executive Director and Special Education Director
– Applications should be submitted by email, but a hard
copy mailed in to OSP with original signatures
Part I - Submission
Part II a&b – Assurances
• Assurances are for review only
Part III – Articles
• Articles detail the agreement between the RESA
and WVDE
– Conditions and requirements of the grant are listed
– Must be signed by the RESA Executive Director and
Special Education Director
– Once submitted will be signed by Dr. Martirano
Part IV A – Data Analysis
• Each topic should be covered in a narrative form
• RESA must include a discussion on ALL listed items
– An area is provided for each topic
“Below, enter a brief summary of the RESA special education
data, including ESEA Flexibility Request accountability data
(priority and/or focus schools as applicable to students with
disabilities) or other relevant data pertaining to student
achievement; graduation; dropout; results and behavior;
Cohort 1 Graduation 20/20 LEAs.”
Part IV B – Data Entry
• RESA will be responsible for entering their
own actual data in the highlighted cells
– These records will assist the RESA in seeing
their progress over the years as well as how
they compare to the state data and result
Part IV B – Data Entry
Part IV B – Data Entry
Part V – Service Delivery Pages
• Goals and proposed activities to improve results for
students with exceptionalities (SWE)
– Support teachers of SWE in meeting or exceeding state,
national and international curriculum standards
– Support opportunities for SWE to exit school college,
career and community ready
– Ensure teachers of students with exceptionalities are
prepared for post-secondary education and career
success through personalized pathways and guidance
• Personnel
• Itemization of Equipment
Part VI – Budget
• For all Steps: Include program/function
code, object code and amount
– Same process as LEA Part V in above slides
• Include associated “Activity Key” that
corresponds to the matching Service
Delivery Page
Plan Review
• OSP coordinator, Shana Clay, will review all plans
• SE Director will receive an e-mail from the
reviewer with the results and a review checklist
• Resubmit the plan by e-mail with the corrections.
• When approved, an e-mail will be sent to the
special education director.
• Plan is either fully approved or approved pending
(WVEIS) budget revision
OSP Fiscal Resources Web Page
Shana Clay, CPA
Office of Special Programs
(304) 558-2696