Training Launch Form

RIU6 Training and Consultation Launch
This is a training request ☐
This is a consultation request ☐
Complete Sections 1 & 2
Complete Sections 1 & 3
A Training Launch must be submitted for each professional development request (please submit Training Requests at
least 30 days in advance) and sent to the Secretary to the Director of Special Education, Tammy Starcher
( The Director of Special Education will assign requests based on the information below and staff
availability. The TaC member assigned to a training will contact the LEA directly to confirm details. Consultations will be
scheduled by mutual agreement between the LEA and Consultant.
LEA requesting
LEA Contact (name and information)
Description of training
Anticipated goal/outcome of training
CSPD Area (Assistive Technology, Autism,
LRE, Transition, RtII, Behavior)
Intended audience and approximate
number of participants
Training location (building and room)
Requested date and length for training
Requested trainer
Type of consult (teacher or student)
Description of concern
Requested consultant
District has requested Permission to Evaluate Date:
District has a returned Permission to Evaluate Date:
To be completed by the Secretary to the Director of Special Education:
Date Received:_____________ Submitted by: ______________________LEA: ______________
Trainer Assigned: __________________________________ Date Trainer Notified: _____________
To be completed by trainer after training has taken place: Return completed form to the Secretary for the Director of
Special Education within 48 hours of the training.
Date training took place: __________________
Number of Participants :___________________