The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn
Chapters 17 - 19
Presented By: Kelsie Sollinger and Ben Borodawka
English 10 CP - C Block
Basic Events Chapter 17-19
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Huck is brought into the
house of Saul and Rachel
Huck meets and befriends •
Buck, another boy about
his age
Huck wonders about
Buck takes a shot at Harney •
Sheperdson and misses
Huck and family horseback
ride to church
Miss Sophie gets Huck to
run back to the church
because she forgot her book •
Huck follows his slave to a
marsh and finds Jim
Miss Sophia runs off to
marry Harney
A big fight breaks loose,
Buck dies
Huck finds Jim and quickly
leaves the county
Chapter 19
Huck and Jim raft for days
Huck takes a side trip down
a stream and meets two
runaway men
The men tell Huck and Jim
they are Duke's and King's
The men are lying, they are
just poor men
Characters in Chapters 17-19
George Jackson- Huck's alias when he is on the property of Saul's
Saul- The house owner also known as Col.Grangerford, the man who calls Huck when he
was in the yard
Rachel Grangerford- Gives Huck some food when he came into their house
Betsy- Saul and Rachel's slave who cooks food for Huck
Buck Grangerford- a boy about Huck's age and Huck sleeps in his room
Emmiline Grangerford- a dead girl, an artist and poet that wrote beautiful poetry about
dead people
Bob, Tom, Miss Charlotte and Miss Sophia Grangerford- three other beautiful
Grangerford children
Harney Sheperdson- one of the rival family Sheperdson who Buck shoots at
Duke of Bridgewater and King of France- young men Huck and Jim meet
Chapter 17 Quotes
"'Well, if you knowed where he was,
why did you ask me for?" pg. 89
Huck is answering a riddle that Buck
tells him. Buck starts joking around
with Huck right away, right when they
met. Buck is obviously comfortable
enough to throw a joke into
conversation. Huck does not
understand the joke, and this qote
clearly shows his awkwardness and
innocents in his situation.
"... and my sister Mary Ann run off and
got married and never was heard of no
more." pg. 90
This quote that Huck completely made
up is weirdly similar to what happens
in the next chapter when Miss Sophia
runs off to get married and Huck does
not stick around long enough to hear
of her again. I think Mark Twain put
this in the book to see if anyone could
catch it.
Chapter 18 Quotes
"My nigger had a monstrous easy
time, because I warn't used to having
anybody do anything for me." pg. 96
This quote has two major meanings:
Huck is not used to having anybody do
anything for him, and Huck doesn't
want a slave. Huck is not used to his
father do anything for him, so it is easy
to see that having a personal servant
would not come naturally to him. Huck
doesn't want a slave because he sis
not agree with it entirely, he has been
friends with Jim and does not want to
turn him in anymore.
"... I reckoned was to blame,
somehow...I never felt easy till the raft
was two mile below there and out in
the middle of the Mississippi." pg. 104
This quote shows how much the
Grangerford family affecting Huck
within only a few days. Huck did not
want to have anything to do with the
two feuding families anymore. Huck
also felt as though the feud was his
fault, even though the feud has been
going on for decades. Huck is a little
self conscious and beats himself up
too much.
Chapter 19 Quotes
"Jim said the moon could 'a' laid them
(stars); well, that looked kind of
reasonable, so I didn't say nothing
against it." pg. 107
This quote shows how much Huck has
changed from his reactions to when
Jim was talking about King Solomon to
when he says a comment about the
moon. Huck does not try to listen to
what Jim says about Solomon which is
a good point but Huck agrees with the
ridiculous comment about the moon
laying stars. Huck is starting to respect
Jim more.
"It didn't take me long to make up my
mind that these liars warn't no kings
nor dukes at all." pg. 113
Huck and Jim were gullible enough to
be fooled by two poor men lying to get
a free ride and food. Huck finally
figures it out and does not make it a
big deal and assumes Jim does not
already know. Huck is very passionate
thinking that just letting the men have
their fun and food is better than
arguing and fighting and making a
mess out of their relationship, a very
mature thought.
Themes for Chapters 17 - 19
Friendship is very important
Ex. Huck crying over Buck when he died
Understanding others situations is critical
Ex. Huck not squealing on the poor men
How do you think Huck and
Jim will break off from the two
poor men?
Do you think Huck will
eventually turn Jim in? Why
or Why not?
Photograph. BlogSpot. Web.
Drawings and Book cover
Photograph. Gutenburg. Web.
Question people
Photograph. Buissnessweek. Web.