Chapter Questions

1. Identify the categories of food crops.
2. Explain how humans have increased food production in the world.
3. Describe non-food uses of plants.
4. Summarize the contributions of plants to the environment.
5. Describe the ways that plants interact with other organisms.
6. Explain how some plants can cause harm.
1. What characteristics do all plants have in common?
2. a. What is an adaptation?
b. Describe three ways that plants have adapted to living on land.
c. Give at least three examples of various plant adaptations (sketch the adaptations)
3. a. Explain the difference between nonvascular and vascular plants.
b. What is xylem and what is its function?
c. What is phloem and what is its function?
4. a. Define bryophyte.
b. Give two examples of bryophytes.
5. a. Define tracheophyte.
b. Give two examples of tracheophytes.
6. a. Give three characteristics of typical gymnosperms.
b. Give two example of gymnosperms.
7. a. What defines an angiosperm?
b. Give two examples of angiosperms.
8. Compare and contrast monocots and dicots in at least two ways.
1. Sketch and describe the three types of plant cells.
2. List and describe the three types of plant tissue systems.
3. Diagram a typical cross-section of a monocot and dicot stem (label the xylem and phloem in each).
4. Diagram a typical cross section of a monocot and dicot root (label the xylem and phloem in each).
5. Diagram a typical cross section of a dicot leaf (label the vascular bundle, epidermis and mesophyll layers).
6. State the major purpose or function of the following three main parts of plants.
a. Roots
i. What is a taproot? What is a fibrous root?
b. Stem
c. Leaves
7. a. What is a cuticle used for on a plant?
b. Where can a cuticle be found on a plant?
8. Sketch a leaf showing palmate venation and sketch another leaf showing parallel venation.
(Label the petiole, blade, margin and apex of the leaf)
9. a. What are stomata used for on a plant and where can stomata be found?
b. Predict what would happen if a leaf did not have stomata.
10. a. What defines a succulent leaf or plant?
b. Give two examples of succulent plants.
11. Sketch a branch showing opposite budding and sketch another branch showing alternate budding.
1. Give the function of all of the following parts of a typical flower.
a. Sepals
b. Petals
c. Stamen (include information about the filament and anther here)
d. Pistil (include information about the style and stigma here)
e. Ovary
2. a. Is pollen part of the male or female structures of a plant?
b. Where is pollen found?
3. Sketch a typical flower labeling the following parts: sepals, petals, stamen, filament, anther, pistil, style, stigma,
and ovary.
4. What is a fruit? List the different types of fruits.
5. Sketch and example of a monocot, diocot and gymnosperm seed. What is a seed?
6. a. What is the definition of an annual plant?
b. Give two examples of annual plants.
7. a. What is the definition of a perennial plant?
b. Give two examples of perennial plants.
8. a. What is Wisconsin’s state tree?
b. Provide a picture of this tree.
9. Briefly describe the process of photosynthesis (include the inputs and outputs of this process in your answer).
10. Briefly explain why humans are dependent on plants for survival (What is the importance of plants)