Kinematics Unit Outline

SPH4U Kinematics Plans:
In the top right corner of each day’s lesson are the coded curriculum expectations and the
associated textbook sections.
UNDERLINE AND BOLD indicates due date or summative (count for marks) evaluations.
Anything bolded should be completed for homework.
Text 1.3
Unit 1 Day 1: Introduction
1. Seating plan.
2. General introductions: Website, Course Overview, Calendar, Mark tracking, Textbooks
3. Rounding, scientific notation, significant figures, and unit conversions (Text 1.3) review
4. Get first day sheet signed and bring it to class tomorrow.
B2.1, B2.2
Text 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5
Unit 1 Day 2: Basic Kinematics Review
1. Note on kinematics definitions
2. Drawing vectors, vector addition, and vector subtraction with examples
3. Discuss: What does the negative mean w.r.t. position, displacement, velocity, & acceleration?
4. Text p. 55 # 1 – 5, 17, 22, 23, 25, 26
B2.1, B2.2
Text 1.6 – 1.7
Unit 1 Day 3: Kinematic Equations & Extension
1. Note deriving kinematic equations and use in free fall questions.
2. Review problem solving method (GRASP).
3. Examples of free fall, stressing that gravity is constant throughout. Pay attention to signs!
4. Extension: Examples of two variable problems (review solving by substitution or elimination).
5. Text p. 57 # 27 – 34. Note that these will be very challenging! If you’d like extra practice,
try p. 18 # 1 – 8 (these are not necessary and will not be checked for homework).
6. Read Lab 1.2, Text p. 62.
A1.1, A1.2, A1.4, A1.5, A1.6, A1.8, A1.12, A1.13, B2.3, B2.4, B2.5
Text p. 62
Unit 1 Day 4: Inclined Plane Lab (1.2)
1. Lesson on error measurements (+/- 1mm).
2. Uniform Acceleration Down an Incline Plane Lab.
3. Review how to mark and measure ticker tapes (60 Hz/interval, 6 intervals = 0.1s).
4. Review how to determine acceleration from ticker tapes (Excel).
5. Work on Lab 1.2.
B2.3, B2.4, B2.5, B3.2
Text 1.9 – 1.14
Unit 1 Day 5: Newton’s Laws
1. Note reviewing Dynamics, FBD’s (including friction), and Newton’s laws.
2. Discuss advantages/disadvantages of friction.
3. Start first set of homework questions in groups using whiteboards.
4. Text p. 39 # 4, 5 and Text p. 42 # 1, 3. Assigned with whiteboards, rest for later.
5. Text p. 59 # 44 – 46 and Text p. 60 # 48 – 50 and Text p. 60 # 51, 53.
B2.3, B2.4, B2.5
Text p. 62
Unit 1 Day 6: Lab 1.2
Computer Lab
1. Spreadsheet tutorial with emphasis on error analysis.
2. Class period to work on Lab 1.2.
3. Work on Lab 1.2.
Unit 1 Day 7: Catch-up/Review
1. Catch-up/Review
2. Introduce Unit 1 Assignment and have students choose groups & topics.
B2.3, B2.4, B2.5
Text 2.1 & 2.2
Unit 1 Day 8: Vector Review and Relative Motion
1. Note reviewing vector components, addition, and subtraction.
2. Note on relative motion.
3. Example p. 77 # 1, 2.
4. Text p. 77 # 3 and p. 116 # 22, 25.
B2.3, B2.4, B2.5
Text 2.3 & 2.4
Unit 1 Day 9: Projectile Motion and Newton in 2D
1. Review of projectile motion and practice questions p. 84 # 2, 4.
2. Challenge Problem: Projectile motion question with two unknowns (theoretical) or determine
the initial speed of the launcher (hands-on).
3. Review linking Newton’s laws and components.
4. Examples p. 89 # 1, 2
5. Text p. 84 # 3 and Text p. 116 # 22, 25.
6. Text p. 89 # 4 and p. 117 # 31, 34.
A1.3, A1.7, A1.9, A1.10, A1.11, A2.1, B1.1, B1.2
Unit 1 Day 10: Unit 1 Assignment
Computer Lab
1. Class period to work on the Unit 1 Assignment.
2. Work on Unit 1 Assignment.
B2.3, B2.4, B2.5
Text 2.5 & 2.6
Unit 1 Day 11: Inclined Planes & Pulley Problems
2. Examples on board of inclined plane, Text p. 92 # 1, 4.
3. Examples of pulley problems, Text p. 98 # 1abd.
4. Text p. 119 # 44, 45, 46, 50, 51.
Unit 1 Day 12: Catch-up/Review
1. Catch-up/Review
Text 2.7 & 2.8
Unit 1 Day 13: Uniform Circular Motion and Centripetal Forces
Computer Lab
1. Instructions for logging onto OERB and finding SPH4UC Unit 1, Activity 7.
2. Complete “Around We Go”.
B2.6, B3.1, B3.3
Text 2.7 & 2.8
Unit 1 Day 14: Uniform Circular Motion and Centripetal Forces
1. Note on circular motion and forces, pulley problems (no angles) and banked centripetal.
2. Examples Text p. 102 # 1, 4, 6 and Text p. 111 # 1, 4, 6.
3. Text p. 120 # 53, 55, 57, 58, 60.
Unit 1 Day 15:
1. General information about the test.
2. Review activities: Key terms list, key diagrams, key formulas, major & minor concepts.
3. Study for test & prepare binders for submission.
Unit 1 Day 16:
1. Full period unit test.
2. Submit binders for evaluation of organization and homework completion.
3. Finish Assignment and practice presentations.
Content (B1.1, B1.2), Skills (A1.3, A1.7, A1.9, 2.1)
Unit 1 Day 17:
1. Assignment presentations & peer evaluations.