Unit 5 Quiz Study Guide

Unit 5 Vocabulary and Presidents of Texas Quiz Review
Match the terms below to the appropriate definition by drawing a line:
Manifest Destiny
The granting of land from one country to another
The process of one country taking over part or all of another
The belief popular in the US in the 1800’s that the country had
the right to expand its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean
Executive Branch
The philosophy that the government is created by and subject
to the will of the people (“By the People, For the People”)
Legislative Branch
The branch of government responsible for interpreting laws
Judicial Branch
A country that is governed by elected representatives and by
an elected leader (such as a president) rather than by a King or
Popular Sovereignty
The branch of government responsible for making the laws
The branch of government charged with the execution and
enforcement of laws and policies
A system in which nation and local (state) governments share
Checks and Balances
The division of the functions of government among branches in
order to prevent any one branch from having too much power
Separation of Powers
A system in which each branch has the power to block the
actions of another
Individual Rights
A governing body whose power exists only within predefined limits that are established by a constitution (or
other source of authority)
Limited Power (of Government)
The liberties of each individual to pursue life and goals
without interference from other individuals or the
Using your “Republic of Texas 1836-1845” Notes, answer the questions below:
1. List all 4 Presidents of Texas below, in order (Hint: 4 presidents, 3 people!)
2. Describe in the space below, how Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar differed (4
differences, I have provided you with ONE as an example):
Sam Houston
-Peace with Mexico by avoiding conflict
Mirabeau Lamar__________
–Peace with Mexico by using FORCE
3. Anson Jones aided in which of the following events?
A. Cession of Texas
C. Native American Peace Agreements
B. Annexation of Texas
D. Getting Texas out of debt
4. What was the main goal of the Santa Fe Expedition and who sent Jose Navarro
(President name)?
5. ______________ ___________ was known as the “Father of Education”.
6. _______________ ___________ successfully signed 11 peace treaties with Native
tribes in Texas.