Office of Sponsored Programs - T-Square

Office of Sponsored Programs
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Research Administration Buzz
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Office of Research Integrity
Barbara Henry
Office of Research Integrity Assurance
AnnaMarie Lee
Research Associate, IACUC
Office of Research Integrity Assurance
Office of Sponsored Programs
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The office formerly known as
Research Compliance
is now the
Office of
Research Integrity Assurance
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Export Control
– Include DOC ID or PeopleSoft number in subject line
Institutional Review Board
Institutional Biosafety Committee
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
– CITI module refreshers required every three years
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Jilda Garton
Vice President of Research,
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Office of Sponsored Programs
Candice Ferguson
Research Education &
Communications Manager
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Significant Changes:
–Revised Merit Review Criteria
–New Proposal Certifications
–Revised Biosketch Requirements
–Cost Sharing
–Indirect Costs
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Merit Criteria Guidance Principles
All NSF projects should be of the highest quality and
have the potential to advance, if not transform, the
frontiers of knowledge
NSF projects, in the aggregate, should contribute more
broadly to achieving societal goals.
Meaningful assessment and evaluation of NSF funded
projects should be based on appropriate metrics,
keeping in mind the likely correlation between the effect
of broader impacts and the resources provided to
implement projects.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Changes to Merit Review Criteria
Intellectual Merit: Encompasses the
potential to advance knowledge
Broader Impacts: Encompasses the
potential to benefit society and contribute
to the achievement of specific, desired
societal outcomes
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Five Review Elements
The following elements should be considered in the review of both criteria:
1. What is the potential for the proposed activity to:
Advance knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields
(Intellectual Merit); and
Benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes (Broader Impacts)?
To what extent do the proposed activities suggest and explore
creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts?
Is the plan for carrying out the proposed activities well-reasoned, wellorganized, and based on a sound rationale? Does the plan
incorporate a mechanism to assess success?
How well qualified is the individual, team, or institution to conduct the
proposed activities?
Are the adequate resources available to the PI (either at home
institution or through collaborations) to carry out the proposed
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Project Summary
No longer separate headings for broader impacts and
intellectual merit
3 separate textboxes (not to exceed 4600 characters) in
– Overview
– Statement on Intellectual Merit
– Statement on Broader Impacts
Proposals with special characters may upload Project
Summary as a PDF document
Still one page limitation
Textboxes must be filled out or a project summary must
be uploaded or Fastlane will not accept the proposal
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Project Description
Must contain a separate section with a
discussion of the broader impacts of the
proposed activities
Results from prior NSF support (if any)
must address intellectual merit and
broader impacts
– Includes current NSF funding
– Regardless if directly related to proposal
– Whether or not salary support was provided
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Annual and Final Reports
Must address activities intended to
address the Broader Impacts criterion that
are not intrinsic to the research
Office of Sponsored Programs
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New certification regarding
Organizational Support
Requires AOR certification that
organizational support will be made
available as described in the proposal to
address the broader impacts and
intellectual merit activities if undertaken
Office of Sponsored Programs
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“Publications” section renamed “Products”
Products may include (but not limited to):
– Publications
– Data Sets
– Software
– Patents
– Copyrights
Office of Sponsored Programs
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References Cited
If no references cited then a statement to
that effect should be included in this
section of the proposal and uploaded to
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Cost Sharing Update
Budget Section A
Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Cost Sharing Update
Inclusion of voluntary committed cost share is prohibited
in solicited & unsolicited proposals
Only 6 programs have been approved to require cost
Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)
Robert Noyce Scholarship Program
Engineering Research Centers (ERC)
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC)
Experimental Programs to Stimulate Competitive Research
6. Innovation Corps (I-Corps)
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Senior/Key Personnel
– If no person months and no salary requested, person
cannot be listed in Section A of budget
– Consistency with NSF’s Cost Sharing Policy
– GT personnel listed in Section A of NSF proposed budget
should adhere to the GT 1% minimum effort policy
– If no person months and no salary requested, remove from
Section A. Their names will remain on Cover Sheet
– Role should be described in Facilities, Equipment, and
Other Resources section of the proposal
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
New format in Fastlane
Consistency with NSF’s Cost Sharing Policy
No reference to cost, date of acquisition, and
whether the resources are currently available or
would be provided upon receipt of the award
If no resources to describe, then a statement to
that effect should be included in this section of
the proposal and uploaded to Fastlane
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Subawards with Foreign Entities
– Ineligible for indirect cost recovery unless
subawardee has a previously negotiated rate
agreement with a US Federal agency that has
a practice of negotiating rates with foreign
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Research Performance & Progress Report
Result of a government-wide effort to
create greater consistency in the
administration of federal research awards
by streamlining and standardizing
reporting formats
– Replace other performance reporting formats
currently in use by other agencies
Office of Sponsored Programs
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RPPR Components
Mandatory Category:
– Accomplishments: What was done? What was learned?
Optional Categories:
– Products: What has the project produced?
– Participants & Other Collaborating Organizations: Who has been
– Impact: What is the impact of the project? How has it
– Changes/Problems
– Special Reporting Requirements (where applicable)
– Appendix 1: Demographic Information for Significant
Office of Sponsored Programs
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RPPR Benefits
RPPR is a new service of
A consolidated project reporting dashboard that includes
Annual, Final, Interim, and Project Outcomes Reports
Reduction of PI/co-PI burden through use of more
innovative mechanisms to pre-populate parts of the
More structured collection of the project reports data for
enhanced NSF use
Adoption of a federal-wide data dictionary to increase
consistency of implementation across agencies
Office of Sponsored Programs
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RPPR Implementation
December 2012
– NSF-wide Fastlane Freeze on new project reporting in
– Project due dates have been changed to March 15, 2013
January 2013
– Migrated all institutions to
– Resume regular project report review and approval
Target Launch Date: March 2013
– All NSF Awards and Institutions
– NSF-wide Fastlane Freeze
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Office of Sponsored Programs
Michelle Powell
E-Commerce Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Cayuse Mandatory for PHS Agencies
Upcoming classes:
– December 10 & 11
– January 15 & 16
1-on-1 and Group Sessions Available
Please contact Candice Ferguson at:
Online information can be found at
Office of Sponsored Programs
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PHS Agencies
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Indian Health Service (IHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA)
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New Sponsor
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
501(c)3 non-profit (not a federal entity)
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is authorized
by Congress to conduct research to provide information about the best
available evidence to help patients and their health care providers make
more informed decisions. PCORI’s research is intended to give patients a
better understanding of the prevention, treatment and care options
available, and the science that supports those options
Reminder: PCORI is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental
organization. All PCORI funding announcements will be posted
here. PCORI funding announcements will not be published in the
Federal Register.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Key Dates: PCORI Funding Announcements 1-4
Cycle I
Cycle II
Cycle III
PFA Release Date
Online System
Opening Date
May 15
September 17
January 15
Letter of Intent
(LOI) Due Date
June 15
October 15
February 15
Webinars (Specific
dates to be posted
July – August
October –
February – March
August 15
December 17
April 15
Merit Review Dates
September –
January – March
May – July
Awards Announced December/January
Earliest Start Date
Deadlines are at 5:00 PM EST. If deadlines fall on a weekend or a Federal holiday,
the deadline will be the following Monday or the next day after the Federal holiday.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Final Reports & the GT Library
Pending any Invention Disclosure or Publication Restrictions delays, all
Final Reports are submitted to the GT Library. The Library then includes
the report in the SMARTech Repository within one to two months of receipt.
The SMARTech Repository is publically accessible database of reports that
is searchable via various search engines.
This is done to ensure our 501(c)3 status by making knowledge
generalizable to the public. Additionally the Library is the Institutional
repository for research results from the campus.
This is not a change in policy. Paper RRAS forms and final reports have
always been sent to the Library. However with the repositiory being online,
the reports are becoming more visible.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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The text just reviewed
will be on this screen
for the PD/PI’s
awareness. There will
be a link to the
SMARTech Repository.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Grants and Contracts Accounting
Sandy Mason
Director, Grants & Contracts Accounting
Office of Sponsored Programs
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G&C Updates
ARRA Reporting – Quarter ending 12/31/12
 PI Quarterly Update Deliverables
 Timely submission by stated OSP deadlines – The reports
must be filed by the Federal deadline
 OMB Guidance – Acceleration of Unspent Funds
 Federal Agencies have been directed to take steps to
complete ARRA projects by September 30, 2013
 NSF – NSF has corresponded with each PI to let them know
if their award (with a current term date after 9/30/13) was
included in the waiver request
 ARRA funded sub-awards to GT
 Make sure properly identified with “ARRA:” in award title and
“S” fund assigned
Office of Sponsored Programs
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G&C Updates
Subrecipient Monitoring
 Roles and Responsibilities detailed in OSP policy –
 Assess risk
 Correlation between programmatic progress and
financial progress
 Cost Sharing documentation, if applicable
 G&C Accounting can provide assistance
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Research Admin Buzz