Working+with+the+NSF - Georgia Institute of Technology

Office of Sponsored Programs
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Working with the NSF
An Overview of the National
Science Foundation and NSF
Office of Sponsored Programs
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NSF: A History
Created by the National Science
Foundation Act of 1950
– “To promote the progress of science, to
advance the national health, prosperity, and
welfare by supporting research and education
in all fields of science and engineering.”
Receives about 40,000 proposals annually
– 11,000 are funded
Introduction to Sponsored Programs
The NSF and Georgia Tech
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Introduction to Sponsored Programs
The NSF and Georgia Tech
Contracting Officers
– Stacey Oliver-Johnson: COE (except MSE),
ARCH, Ivan Allen
– Tanya Blackwell: COC, COS, GTRI and
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Office of Sponsored Programs
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NSF Organizational Structure
Director, Cora Marrett
National Science Board
Office of the Inspector General
Offices and Directorates
– Offices
– Directorates
Office of Sponsored Programs
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– Standard Grant: NSF provides a specific level of
support for a specified period of time, no intent to
provide add’l support w/o submission of another
– Continuing Grant: Support provided at a specific level
for an initial period (1 year) statement of intent to
provide add’l support of add’l periods, provided funds
are available and results warrant add’l funding
Office of Sponsored Programs
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– Grantee: Organization that receives a grant and assumes legal
and financial responsibility for awarded funds and performance
of grant-supported activity.
– Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR): Administrative
official who on behalf of the proposing organization is
empowered to make certifications and assurances and can
commit the organization to the conduct of a project that NSF is
– Principal Investigator/ Project Director (PI/PD): Individual
designated by Grantee and approved by NSF responsible for the
scientific and technical direction of the project.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Proposal Preparation and Submission
Proposals must be submitted through NSF
– Proposal Preparation, File Update,
Submission and Status Checking, Project
Reporting, and Post-award Administrative
Grant Proposal Guide for Guidance
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Proposal Preparation and Submission
Types of Submissions: Letter of Intent
– Some programs request this prior to
submitting a full proposal, non-binding, helps
NSF gauge the size of competition. Contains
PIs names, proposed title, list of possible
participating orgs, synopsis. Can be submitted
via Fastlane.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Proposal Preparation and Submission
Types of Submissions: Preliminary Proposal
– Requested by NSF to:
1. Reduce proposers unnecessary effort when chance to
advance is small
2. Increase overall quality of the full submission
– Prepared in Proposal Preparation Module in Fastlane
On Cover Sheet, PI clicks “Preliminary Proposal” check box
– A decisions
Invite/ Not Invite- decision is final
Encourage/ Discourage- decision is advisory
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Proposal Preparation and Submission
Types of Submissions: Full Proposal
– Should present
Objectives and scientific, engineering, or
educational significance
Suitability of methods
Qualifications of PI and Grantee
Effect on infrastructure of science, engineering,
and education
Amount of funding required
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Rules of Thumb
No double jeopardy
– Same work/proposal cannot be funded twice
Biological Sciences Directorate (ONLY)
– No duplicates to any other Federal agency at the
same time
Special Instructions for High-resolution graphics
– Cannot produce proposals containing color
Fastlane cannot be accessed without NSF ID
Allow 6 months for review
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Proposal Basics
Use GPG for pagination instructions
– Arial, Courier New, or Palatino Linotype 10 points or
– Times New Roman, Computer Modern (family) 11
points or larger
– Font size of 10 points or less for formulas, equations,
figures, tables, and captions
No more than 6 lines within 1 inch
Margins must be at least 1 inch
Single column format
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Project Summary
Three text boxes in FastLane
Total of 4600 character maximum
If using special characters, you can upload a one page
document under Supplementary Documents
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Project Summary
– Overview: self-description of activity written in 3rd person
– Intellectual Merit: importance to advancing knowledge and
understanding within its own field or across different fields,
qualifications of the proposer, suggest and explore creative,
original, or potentially transformative concepts, conception and
organization is the proposed activity, access to resources
– Broader Impacts: advance discovery, promote teaching,
training, and learning, broaden the participation of
underrepresented groups, enhance the infrastructure for
research and education, results be disseminated broadly to
enhance scientific and technological understanding, benefits of
the proposed activity to society
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Project Description
Clear statement of work including period,
methodology, and long-term goals
15 page limit (visual materials included)
Self-Contained URLs should not be used
Office of Sponsored Programs
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NSF Data Management Plan
All proposals submitted to NSF on or after
January 18, 2011.
Purpose: Address how proposed research
will meet NSF Policy on Dissemination
and Sharing of Research Results
DMP tool available through the GT Library
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Data Management Plan (DMP)
Supplementary document entitled Data
Management Plan (no more than 2 pages)
Not included in 15-page limit for proposal
What if it won’t fit into 2 pages?
– May use part of 15-page Project Description
for additional DMP information
– DMP may not be used to circumvent Project
Description 15-page limitation
Office of Sponsored Programs
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2 page limit
Required for each individual identified as senior
Professional Preparation
Appointments (in reverse chronological order)
Products: 5 most closely related, 5 other significant
Synergistic Activities: 5 examples to demonstrate broader impact
of individuals’ professional activities
– Collaborators & Other Affiliations (if none please indicate)
Collaborators and Co-Editors
Graduate Advisors and Postdoctoral Sponsors
Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate Scholar Sponsor
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Current and Pending Support
The proposed project and all other
projects requiring a portion of PI time
– Total award amount
– Source
– Number of person months
– Includes ongoing projects and continuing
Office of Sponsored Programs
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NSF 1030 and Budget Requirements
Voluntary Committed Cost Share is Prohibited!!!!!
– Senior Personnel: 2 month cap
– Administrative: Usually indirect cost
– An item of property ≥ $5000
– Excluded from indirect cost base
Foreign Travel
– Fly American Act
– Domestic Travel: US, its possessions, Puerto Rico, Canada,
and Mexico
Office of Sponsored Programs
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NSF 1030 and Budget Requirements
Participant Support
– Participants and Trainees (NOT employees)
– Transportation, per diem, stipends, and other related
costs to attend NSF-sponsored conferences,
meetings, symposia, training and workshops
– Excluded from indirect cost base
Materials and Supplies
Publication/ Documentation/ Dissemination
Office of Sponsored Programs
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NSF 1030 and Budget Requirements
Consultant Services
Computer Services
– Identified in the proposal, along with a description of
work, and basis of selection
– Include indirect cost on first $25000
– Tuition Remission
– Interdivisional Transfers
Office of Sponsored Programs
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NSF Post Award
See Award Administration Guide for
Office of Sponsored Programs
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NSF Post Award Definitions
Effective Date: date specified in grant notice on
or after which (except for fixed amount awards)
expenditures may be charged. Once an award
is made this date cannot be changed, but
awardees have the authority to incur pre-award
Expiration Date: Date where after expenses may
not be charged except to satisfy commitments
made on or before that date. Can be changed
through No Cost Extension.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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No-Cost Extension (Grantee-Approved)
– Grantee may authorize a 1 time extension of up to 1
year to assure adequate completion of original scope
of work. Grantees cannot extend an award with a
zero balance. Submitted via Fastlane.
NSF-approved Extension
– Additional time beyond the NCE. Formal request
submitted via Fastlane at least 45 days prior to
expiration date.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Additional Support
Renewed Support (Standard Grants)
– Add’l funding for a support period following the period
of a standard grant. Renewals funded in form of a
new grant (new grant number).
Continuing Support (Continuing Grants)
– High priority, not considered in competition w/ new
grants or renewed support for a standard grant
– Each increment funded at level indicated in the
original award
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Additional Support
Supplemental Support
– Small amounts of supplemental funding up to 6
months of additional support may be requested to
assure completion of original scope of work
– Submitted via Fastlane
Summary of proposed work
Justification for need to supplemental funds
Budget, highlighting use by budget category of
add’l funds
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Project Changes
– Requires NSF approval
– Proposed by PI/PD with approval from AOR
Changes in PI/PD
– Short term absence (< 90 days)
Grantee to notify NSF of arrangements for conduct
of the project
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Project Changes
Changes in PI/PD
– Long term absence
Plans to return- Arrangements for oversight sent to
NSF for approval
30 days before departure
If not approved, grant may be terminated
– Change in Person Months
Reduction of 25% time
Consult with CO and NSF Program Officer
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Project Changes
Changes in PI/PD
– Withdrawal PI/PD
Notify NSF through Notification and Request
Module in Fastlane
Initiate transfer of the grant
Nominate a substitute (Provide PI/PD name,
qualifications, and current and pending support)
Initiate grant closeout through submission of final reports
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Budget Changes
Grantees may transfer funds from budget
category to another .
– AAG Exhibit II-1, highlights changes that may require
When a change requires approval, request
made via Fastlane
If Federal funds authorized by NSF exceed the
requirements of project by more than $5000 or
5% grantee will notify NSF
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Cost Sharing
Voluntary committed cost sharing is
Mandatory cost sharing
– Legally binding and subject to audit
– Failure to meet obligation by grantee my
result in
Termination of NSF award
Disallowance of award costs/ refund of award to
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Reporting via
Annual RPPR
– Due at least 90 days prior to end of current budget
Final RPPR
– Due 90 days following the expiration date
Project Outcomes Report
– Due 90 days following the expiration date
– Brief summary prepared for the public, no personal
confidential information, data that may negative
impact publication and copyright activity
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Questions or Requests for NSF ID
Candice Ferguson
– 404-894-0410
Thomas Capitano
– 404-385-2542