What’s Eating You?
Fatima Chaudhry
Types of Eating Disorders:
* Anorexia Nervosa
* Bulimia Nervosa
Most Common
* Binge Eating
* Anorexia Athletica
* EDNOS – (Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified)
Anorexia Nervosa
Inability to maintain weight within a normal range for height and
age (more than 15 percent below ideal body weight)
●Fear of getting fat
●Distorted body image
●Leads to decreased or diminished menstrual periods
●May lead to heart failure and death
Bulimia Nervosa
Binging and Purging
Loss of control
Weight loss with use of:
● Vomiting
● Laxatives
● Enemas (the fluid injected)
Binge-Eating Disorder
Consume unusually large amounts of food quickly or in short time
Embarrassing behavior
Loss of control and inability to stop
Causes of Eating Disorders
* One of most common causes of an eating disorder
is low or lack of self-esteem.
* Women tend to compare themselves with the
models and celebrities on magazine covers or on
* Media portrayal of the “perfect woman” as being
Eating disorder in Men
Women are not alone, men may also suffer from
eating disorders
* Males with the illness have a distored sense of body
image and often have muscle dysmorphia, a type of
disorder that is characterized by an extreme concern
with becoming more muscular.
* Eating disorders in males may be an obsession with
either weight loss or gain
* Males who think they are too small are at a greater
risk for using steroids or other dangerous drugs to
increase muscle mass.
* Males with eating disorders exhibit the same types of
emotional, physical and behavioral signs and
symptoms as females.
Eating Disorder Statistics
About 7 million girls and women struggle with eating
o 1 million boys and men struggle with eating
Amount of people affected by specific eating disorders in the United
* 0.5% - 3.7% of females suffer from Anorexia Nervosa in their lifetime
* 1.1% - 4.2% of females suffer from Bulimia Nervosa in their lifetime
* 2% - 5% of the American population experience Binge Eating Disorder
* 10%-25% of all those battling anorexia will die as a direct result of the
eating disorder
* Up to 19% of college aged women in America are bulimic
Age at onset of an eating disorder:
* 10% report onset at 10 years or younger
* 33% report onset between ages of 11-15
* 43% report onset between ages of 16-20
* 86% report onset of illness by the age of 20
Risk Factors
Eating disorder-related hospitalizations increased 18 %.
Anorexia nervosa hospitalizations increased 17%.
Bulimia nervosa hospitalizations decreased 7% and all other
eating disorder hospitalizations increased 38%.
Eating disorder-related hospitalizations for children under age 12
increased 119%.
For men, hospitalizations due to eating disorders increased 37%.
Total hospital costs for eating disorders increased 61%.