The Adventures of Beowulf - Teaching with Technology Home Page

The Adventures of Beowulf
• This story of our hero,
Beowulf, was written
about 1000 A.D.
• It is an exciting story
about a soldier from
Southern Sweden who
assists King Hrothgar and
his country of Denmark
from a terrible monster
called Grendel.
California Content Standards
• Language Arts
• Subject: English
• Topic: Norse Mythology
• Grade Level: 9 - 12
Reading / Language Arts
• Vocabulary and Concept Development:
• 1.3. Identify and use knowledge of the origins
of Greek, Roman,and Norse mythology to
understand the meaning of new words.
Reading / Language Arts
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level
Appropriate Text:
• 3.3. Analyze interactions between main and
subordinate characters in literary text and how
they affect the plot.
• internal and external conflicts, motivations,
relationships, and influences.
Assessment Worksheet
Name: _______________
Teacher: Ms. Boldizar
What I Know
What I Want To Learn
What I Have Learned
Subject: Reading Pretest
Date: April 25, 2001
Reading / Language Arts
• Literary Criticism:
• 3.12. Analyze how a work of literature is
related to the themes and issues of its
historical period. (Historical Approach)
Name _____________________________ Date ______________
Resources for Studying Beowulf
Type in the address below after you have logged in to the Internet.
What picture d you? Draw an example of the picture or describe what
you see using descriptive words.
Type in the address below after you have logged in to the Internet.
Read the first 4 paragraphs under the title, Beowulf.
Paragraph 1
When was this poem written?
The story of Beowulf took place in which century?
Paragraph 2
What does the word epic mean?
Paragraph 3
What happened to many pages of the manuscript of Beowulf?
Paragraph 4
Where is the Beowulf manuscript today?
Writing Strategies
• Writing Organization and Focus:
1.1. Establish a controlling impression or
coherent thesis that conveys a clear and
distinctive perspective on the subject and
maintains a consistent tone and focus
throughout the piece of writing.
Name: ________________________
Criteria Points (4 – 3- 2-1)
Date Submitted: ___________
Writing Rubric
Sequence of information is difficult to follow.
Reader has difficulty following work because student jumps around.
Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow.
Information in logical, interesting sequence which reader can follow.
Content Knowledge
Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about
Student is uncomfortable with content and is able to demonstrate basic concepts.
Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate.
Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required).
Grammar and Spelling
Work has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
Work is Illegible.
Work has three or four areas that are sloppy.
Work has one or two areas that are sloppy.
Work is neatly done.
Work displays no references.
Work does not have the appropriate number of required references.
Reference section was completed incorrectly
Work displays the correct number of references, written correctly.
Teacher Comments:
Writing Strategies
• Writing Organization and Focus:
• 1.2. Use precise language, action verbs,
sensory details, appropriate modifiers, and
active rather than passive voice.
Writing Strategies
• Research and Technology:
• 1.3. Use clear research questions and
coherent research methods (e.g., library,
electronic media, personal interview) to
elicit and present evidence from primary
and secondary sources.
Writing Strategies
• Revising and Evaluating Strategies:
• 1.9. Revise writing to improve the logic
and coherence of the organization and
controlling perspective, the precision of
word choice, and the tone, taking into
consideration the audience, purpose, and
formality of the context.
Writing Strategies
• Writing Applications:
• Genres and their Characteristics
• 2.2a Write responses to literature to
demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of the
significant ideas of literary works.
Listening and Speaking Skills
• Organization and Delivery of Oral
• 1.7. Use props, visual aids, graphs, and
electronic media to enhance the appeal and
accuracy of presentations.
Character 1: Beowulf
Character 2: The Angry Dragon
Characters 1 & 2 50 years later: The Dead Dragon and Beowulf
Our Star: Grendel
Student Activities
• Introductory
• Students will describe
qualities that make
characters a hero or a
Student Activities
• Introductory Activity
• Students will list stories
and movies that contain
heroes and villains.
Student Lesson Plan
This website on Beowulf is
dedicated to all my students
at Windsor High School who
are now taking English 9-10,
English 11-12, and Reading.
The Adventures of Beowulf
• Let us join Beowulf on his
adventure from Geatland
to Denmark and back
home to Southern Sweden
once again.
The Adventures of Beowulf
• Beowulf leaves his home to
assist King Hrothgar in
Denmark from the monster,
Grendel and later Grendel's
The Adventures of Beowulf
• After once again returning
home to Geatland, King
Beowulf will fight his last
battle with the Dragon.
The Adventures of Beowulf
• What does this legend
teach you?
• Who are the heroes?
• Who are the villains?
Beowulf, Geat soldiers, and Grendel
• The legend of Beowulf
was written approximately
1000 A.D.
• Through the centuries the
story has changed as it was
• You will read this legend
and learn about the characters,
their personalities,their flaws,
their reasons for behaving as
they did.
• Decide for yourself who
the heroes and villains
truly are after you study
this great epic.
Question 1: Heroes or Villains?
Question 2: Heroes or Villains?
Question 3: Hero or Villain?
Question 4: Hero or Villain?
5: When was the legend of Beowulf written?
6: Where did the battle
between Beowulf and
Grendel take place?
7: What is the result of
this battle?
Beowulf Web Resources
This PowerPoint presentation of Beowulf is dedicated to
Kathy Angell.
Kathy, thanks for all the hours you have worked with us.
Gloria Boldizar