Student Expectation #1 Read, Write and Communicate Effectively Reading Rubric Students reach designated levels of mastery by demonstrating one or more of the specified criteria. Level #4: Advanced Works independently with minimal teacher direction and input Ideal command of vocabulary in reference to the following: *decoding *utilization * comprehension Exemplary understanding of concrete and abstract ideas that enable the student to make connection to prior knowledge and/or make predictions based on information Ability to critically evaluate an author’s purpose, theme and technique exceeds expectations Level #3: Proficient Works with limited and/or some teacher direction and input Appropriate command of vocabulary in reference to the following: *decoding *utilization * comprehension Consistent understanding of concrete and abstract ideas that enable the student to use previously learned information in a meaningful way Level #2: Needs Improvement Works with considerable teacher direction and input Level #1:Deficient Works with constant teacher direction and input Developing command of vocabulary in reference to the following: *decoding *utilization * comprehension Minimal command of vocabulary in reference to the following: *decoding *utilization * comprehension Inconsistent understanding of concrete and abstract ideas that enables the students to organize learned material, rephrase it, or describe it in his/her own words Limited understanding of concrete and abstract ideas, based primarily upon the stated facts and concepts Fails to critically evaluate an author’s purpose, theme and techniques Ability to evaluate critically an author’s purpose, theme and techniques meets expectations Ability to evaluate critically an author’s purpose, theme and techniques is approaching expectations The following are defined as: Decoding – determine meanings through context clues (definition/statement clues, restatement/synonym clues, contrast/antonym clues, inference clues) Utilization- correct oral and written application of vocabulary Comprehension- understanding the nature of words 1 Student Expectation #1 Read, Write and Communicate Effectively Writing Rubric Students reach designated levels of mastery by demonstrating one or more of the specified criteria. Level #4: Advanced Works independently with minimal teacher direction and input Level #3: Proficient Works with limited and/or some teacher direction and input Ability to logically organize compositions with clear, well developed ideas and supporting details is extraordinary. (concise thesis Ability to organize compositions with clear ideas and supporting details is appropriate. supported by fresh or engaging details) Ability to maintain the reader’s interest with sentence variety, rich vocabulary, and control of writing conventions meets expectations Ability to maintain the reader’s interest with sentence variety; rich, natural, yet succinct vocabulary; and control of writing conventions exceeds expectations Writing shows exemplary ability to use previous learning to create original compositions that reflect a synthesis of information Writing shows the ability to use previous learning to create original compositions that reflect a synthesis of information 2 Level #2: Needs Improvement Works with considerable teacher direction and input Level #1: Deficient Works with constant teacher direction and input Ability to organize compositions with clear ideas and supporting details is inconsistent. Ability to organize compositions with clear ideas and supporting details is limited. Ability to maintain the reader’s interest with sentence variety, rich vocabulary, and control of writing conventions is approaching expectations Ability to maintain the reader’s interest with sentence variety, rich vocabulary, and control of writing conventions fails to meet expectations Writing shows a basic comprehension of information through the ability to rephrase or describe in his/her own words Writing shows recognition and recall of basic concepts and information Student Expectation #1 Read, Write and Communicate Effectively Communication Rubric (For the purpose of the rubric, communication refers to the delivery of information) Students reach designated levels of mastery by demonstrating one or more of the specified criteria. Level #4: Advanced Works independently with minimal teacher direction and input Level #3: Proficient Works with limited and/or some teacher direction and input Level #2: Needs Improvement Works with considerable teacher direction and input Level #1: Deficient Works with constant teacher direction and input Clarity of communication and awareness of purpose exceed expectations Clarity of communication and awareness of purpose meet expectations Clarity of communication and awareness of purpose are approaching expectations Clarity of communication and awareness of purpose fail to meet expectations Exemplary organization, transitions and relevant examples Consistently well-organized with transitions and relevant examples Inconsistent organization, transitions and relevant examples Minimal organization, transitions and relevant examples Always listens and solicits the ideas of others Nearly always listens and solicits the ideas of others Listens and solicits the ideas of others most of the time Occasionally listens and solicits the ideas of others Advanced usage of media tools Successful usage of media tools Rare usage of media tools Satisfactory usage of media tools *Media tools may include the following: blogs, wikis, emails, infinite campus, and other appropriate web based and software programs. 3 Student Expectation #2 Use Technologies Effectively Computers and Technology Rubric Students reach designated levels of mastery by demonstrating one or more of the specified criteria. Level #4: Advanced Works independently with minimal teacher direction and input Level #3: Proficient Works with limited and/or some teacher direction and input Uses technological resources in solving problems and tasks independently or cooperatively with minimal teacher direction and input Uses technological resources in solving problems and tasks independently or cooperatively with limited teacher direction and input Commendable level of creativity when integrating technology across the curriculum Ample creativity when integrating technology across the curriculum Appropriate use of technology to enhance and support communication Exemplary use of technology to enhance and support communication Ideal understanding of and adherence to the ethical and legal issues involved in the use of technology Ability to critically evaluate digital sources exceeds expectations Level #2: Needs Improvement Works with considerable teacher direction and input Level #1: Deficient Works with constant teacher direction and input Uses technological resources in solving problems and tasks independently or cooperatively with considerable teacher direction and input Uses technological resources in solving problems and tasks independently or cooperatively with constant teacher direction and input Creativity when integrating technology across the curriculum is suitable Creativity when integrating technology across the curriculum is nominal Inconsistent use of technology to enhance and support communication Fails to use technology to enhance and support communication Satisfactory understanding of and adherence to the ethical and legal issues involved in the use of technology Limited understanding of and adherence to the ethical and legal issues involved in the use of technology Ability to critically evaluate digital sources is approaching expectations Fails to critically evaluate digital sources Considerable understanding of and adherence to the ethical and legal issues involved in the use of technology Ability to critically evaluate digital sources meets expectations 4 Student Expectation #3 Apply Critical Thinking Skills Identify – to ascertain the origin, nature, or characteristics of; synonyms: diagnose, distinguish, pinpoint, place and recognize Define – to make distinct, clear, or detailed in outline; synonyms: prescribe and assign Analyze – to study or determine the nature or relationship of the parts by analysis; synonyms: breakdown, dissect Solve – to find an answer or solution for; synonyms: resolve or work out Students reach designated levels of mastery by demonstrating one or more of the specified criteria Level #4 Advanced Works independently with minimal teacher direction and input Level #3 Proficient Works with limited and/or some teacher direction and input Level #2 Needs Improvement Works with considerable teacher direction and input Level #1 Deficient Works with constant teacher direction and input Reaches application level of mastery: *applying learning from one area to a similar but novel situation * using previously learned information to solve a problem Reaches comprehension level of mastery: * having a basic understanding of facts, ideas and meaning *organizing material, rephrasing and describing it in his/her own words Reaches basic knowledge level of mastery: *memory, recall or recognition of basic concepts and information Appropriate ability to identify, define, analyze and solve problems Satisfactory skill in identifying, defining, analyzing and solving problems Marginal ability to identify, define, analyze and solve problems Shows ability to recognize reasons, causes, and/or motives to support solutions and conclusions Shows ability to acquire a basic understanding of the facts and ideas surrounding a problem and to bring about a solution Shows ability to memorize, recall or recognize basic concepts in problem solving with limited ability to apply these principles Reaches synthesis level of mastery: *Combining parts, ideas or related information to create a whole *producing original communications * making predictions based on several bits of information *solving problems using several sources *taking parts of information to create a new whole *make relevant interdisciplinary connections Exemplary ability to identify, define, analyze and solve problems Displays ability to judge the merits of a solution 5 Student Expectation #4 Explore and Express Ideas Creatively Students reach designated levels of mastery by demonstrating one or more of the specified criteria. Level #4: Advanced Works independently with minimal teacher direction and input Level #3: Proficient Works with limited and/or some teacher direction and input Level #2: Needs Improvement Works with considerable teacher direction and input Exemplary use of reflective thinking when engaged in the creative process Appropriate use of reflective thinking when engaged in the creative process Explores or contributes ideas and expands on original ideas in an innovative way Attempts to explores or contribute ideas and expands on original ideas in an innovative way Creation, composition and synthesis in a given medium is commendable Effective skill in the manipulation of media and technologies Commendable ability to express themes through the chosen medium Inconsistent use of reflective thinking when engaged in the creative process Limited use of reflective thinking when engaged in the creative process Somewhat explores or contributes ideas and expands on original ideas Fails to explore or contribute ideas and expand on original ideas Creation, composition and synthesis in a given medium is suitable Creation, composition and synthesis in a given medium is nominal Basic skill in the manipulation of media and technologies Nominal ability to express themes through the chosen medium Creation, composition and synthesis in a given medium is successful Considerable skill in the manipulation of media and technologies Adequate skill in the manipulation of media and technologies Ample ability to express themes through the chosen medium Suitable ability to express themes through the chosen medium 6 Level #1: Deficient Works with constant teacher direction and input Student Expectation #5 Participate in learning both individually and collaboratively Students reach designated levels of mastery by demonstrating one or more of the specified criteria. Level #4: Advanced Works independently with minimal teacher direction and input Level #3: Proficient Works with limited and/or some teacher direction and input Level #2: Needs Improvement Works with considerable teacher direction and input Level #1: Deficient Works with constant teacher direction and input Commendable participation during class in a manner that relates to the discussion specific to that lesson Significant participation during class in a manner that relates to the discussion specific to that lesson Adequate participation during class in a manner that relates to the discussion specific to that lesson Limited participation during class in a manner that relates to the discussion specific to that lesson Always listens and solicits the ideas of others Nearly always listens and solicits the ideas of others Listens and solicits the ideas of others most of the time Occasionally listens and solicits the ideas of others Ideal study habits and achievement Successful study habits and achievement Suitable study habits and achievement Nominal study habits and achievement Completed assignments go beyond expectations Completed assignments meet expectations Completed assignments are generally correct Completed assignments show basic knowledge 7 Student Expectation #6 Demonstrate Personal, Social, and Civic Responsibility Students reach designated levels of mastery by demonstrating one or more of the specified criteria. Level #4: Advanced Level #3: Proficient Level #2: Needs Improvement Level #1: Deficient Extraordinary adherence to school rules Successful adherence to school rules Satisfactory adherence to school rules Limited adherence to school rules Always exhibits positive character traits (e.g. tolerance and respect for others, trustworthiness, honesty, integrity) Nearly always exhibits positive character traits (e.g. tolerance and respect for others, kindness, trustworthiness, honesty, integrity) Exhibits positive character traits (e.g. tolerance and respect for others, trustworthiness, honesty, integrity) most of the time Occasionally exhibits positive character traits (e.g. tolerance and respect for others, trustworthiness, honesty, integrity) Always exhibits productive character traits (e.g. cooperativeness, patience, thoroughness, work ethic) Nearly always exhibits productive character traits (e.g. cooperativeness, patience, thoroughness , work ethic Exhibits productive character traits (e.g. cooperativeness, patience, thoroughness, work ethic) most of the time Occasionally exhibits productive character traits (e.g. cooperativeness, patience, thoroughness, work ethic). Always adheres to classroom deadlines Nearly always adheres to classroom deadlines Adheres to classroom deadlines most of the time Occasionally adheres to classroom deadlines Commendable participation in school and community activities Substantial participation in school and community activities Adequate participation in school and community activities Limited participation in school and community activities Understands implications of global issues with minimal teacher input Understands implications of global issues with limited/and or some teacher input Understands implications of global issues with considerable teacher input Understands implications of global issues with constant teacher input 8