SKIN & SOFT TISSUE INFECTIONS Ruth Anne Rye MSIPC Fundamentals October 2015 Manifestations Classification of wounds n Surgical: acute, chronic n Non-surgical cellulitis scalded skin syndrome pressure ulcers venous insufficiency ulcers - diabetic neuropathy ulcers Varicella and Zoster - PRESSURE ULCERS DEFINITION: A pressure ulcer is a localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and/or friction. Best practices for pressure development: Implementing a guideline-based recommendation provides the best opportunity for improving outcomes including the incidence of pressure ulcers. Numerous federal and professional organizations have published evidenced-based guidelines to prevent pressure ulcers. RISK FACTORS and CONTRIBUTING FACTORS for pressure ulcer development n n n n n n n n n n n n Altered arterial and/or venous blood flow Cognitive impairment Decreased sensory impairment Dehydration Diabetes External device - brace, cast, dressing, Friction, Immobility Incidence of previous pressure ulcer Inadequate nutritional intake and weight loss Moisture Shear Unrelieved pressure Vascular insufficiency PRESSURE ULCER STAGING National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, Feb 2007 n Stages I, II, III, IV, Unstageable/Unclassified. “Never” event. PRESSURE ULCER PREVENTION n Risk assessment - Identify patient at risk - on admission, at defined periodic intervals, and if significant change in status - Utilize assessment tool: Braden Scale or Norton Scale - Analyze risk factors continued n Develop an individualized plan of care - Identify problem based on risk factors - Realistic, time-framed goals - Interventions that address risk factors n Provide education - healthcare personnel, patients, families IMPLEMENTATION AND DOCUMENTATION OF INTERVENTIONS n n n n n Maintain personal hygiene Relieve or reduce pressure (pressure redistribution) Inspect skin daily Measure (assess) impact of interventions Modify interventions as indicated by analysis of assessment Using evidence to effect positive outcome, i.e. preventing p.u. n Summary: St. Vincent Medical Center developed a comprehensive, interdisciplinary set of guidelines, known as the SKIN bundle, to provide staff with a synergistic group of interventions to implement for the prevention of pressure ulcers in all patients with a Braden score of 18 or less. n SKIN: S = surface, K = keep turning, I = Incontinence management, N = Nutrition and hydration management n Results: The program reduced the incidence of pressure ulcers by more than 90%, including completely eliminating state 3 and 4 facility-acquired pressure ulcers for a significant amount of time. Regulation related to pressure ulcer prevention: Skilled Nursing facilities n n Federal Tag 314 - …must ensure that (1) A resident does not develop pressure sores unless … (2) A resident having pressure sores receives necessary treatment and services …. Federal Tag 309: Synopsis – The facility must provide the necessary care and services to attain or maintain his/her highest practical level of physical, mental and psychosocial well-being …. Regulation, continued n Michigan Nursing Home Rule R 325.20707 Nursing care and services n Rule 707 (i) A patient shall receive skin care as required according to written procedures to prevent dryness, irritation, itching, and decubitus References and Resources n n n n n n National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel ( serves as authoritative voice for improved patient outcomes in pressure ulcer prevention and treatment through public policy, education, and research. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) – How-to Guide: Prevent Pressure Ulcers Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) Wound Ostomy & Continence Nurses Society (WOCN) And others SCABIES Prevention and Control Sarcoptes scabei, commonly known as scabies is a parasitic mite that causes intense pruritis (itching),rash and lesions. Infestation is not life threatening, but a nuisance disease that is commonly found is health care facilities, schools and other settings,and can result in crisis, fear, and panic. DIAGNOSIS/CONFIRMATION * Suspicion * Definitive - skin scraping RECOVERY * Microscopic evaluation * Ink test (not widely used/accepted) Incubation period 1. Primary infestation: 2-6 weeks 2. Re-infection: Symptoms may appear almost immediately after exposure Symptoms • Intense itching • Red rash and bumpy eruptions • Pus-filled lesions and nodules TREATMENT Permethrin cream 5%(Elimite) • 90% effective after one treatment. • May require two treatments for eradication Ivermectin • Oral, dosed according to person’s weight • Use alone or in combination with permethrin Lindane 1% (Kwell)- MDCH does not recommend use TREATMENT protocol • Isolation precautions - private room unless treating roommate • HCW - wear PPE • Bathe and dry • Apply scabicide • Washed off? Reapply • Leave on recommended time – usually 12 hrs. • Remove by washing thoroughly • Re-examine at 2 and 4 weeks ENVIRONMENT 1. Change all linens 2. Bag all items worn in last week, and wash 3. Non-washable items - dry clean, or hot dryer 20 min, or seal 5-7 days 4. After scabicide removed, change all linens, towels, and clothing and wash 5. Disinfect mattress, pillow covers, floors, multiple-use items, bedside equip 6. Discard topicals used by symptomatic Assessment of treatment failure • Poor application technique • Continued contact with untreated persons • Failure of resident to respond • Continued use of steroids during tx • Failure to kill scabies mite in clothes, upholstered furniture or carpeting NORWEGIAN SCABIES • Referred to as crusted scabies • Hundreds to millions of mites • Very contagious • Itch - minimal or absent, or extreme • Most often occurs in the elderly Precautions: Standard plus contact & airborne until lesions dry and crusted SCABIES PREVENTION STRATEGIES • Skin assessments – define intervals • Suspect? Immediate search for new/ additional cases • Education - HCW, patients, families, and others RESOURCE Michigan Scabies Prevention and Control Manual. Michigan Department of Community Health 2005 _Michigan_Scabies_Prevention_and_ Control_Manual_131983_7.pdf SHINGLES (HERPES ZOSTER) Shingles is a painful localized skin rash often with blisters caused by the varicella virus (VZV). Anyone who has had chickenpox can develop shingles. REVIEW THE FACTS n n n n Virus remains dormant or inactive in nerve cells of the body after the infection clears About 20% who had chickenpox will get zoster Most get only once More common over age 50, immunosuppressive drugs, immune system not working properly SYMPTOMS n n n n n n Burning pain, tingling or extreme sensitivity one area of body, usually one side (trunk, buttocks, also arms, legs, eye) 1-3 days later rash at that site May have fever or headache Rash becomes blisters - last two to three weeks Followed by pus or dark blood, then crust/scab, disappears Pain often severe RISK FACTOR? weakened immunity n n n n Cancer, lymphoma, trauma, AIDS Chemotherapy, radiation Anti-rejection drugs Long-term cortisone therapy Distribution on the skin Localized • Linear distribution on the skin following nerve pathways (dermatome) • Usually unilateral Disseminated (facility decision) • Greater than 2 dermatomes involved OR • Generalized disruption of more than 10-12 extradermal vesicles TRANSMISSION causes chickenpox LOCAL n Via skin-to-skin contact with fluid from blisters DISSEMINATED n May be by airborne route (viral shedding high) COMPLICATIONS n n n Post-herpetic neuralgia (BHN) Bacterial infection of blisters Systemic spread over body or to internal organs TREATMENT n n n n Oral antiviral drugs Pain relievers - topical, oral, or IV, and cool compresses Corticosteroids for severe infections Nerve blocks STRATEGIES TO CONTROL LOCAL n Standard precautions if lesions covered n Lesions covered by clothes? No restriction DISSEMINATED n Personnel: Chickenpox-negative (no history of disease or neg titer) should not enter room n Patient: Standard Precautions plus Contact and Airborne until lesions dry and crusted PREVENTION Reduce risk of shingles and associated pain in persons 60 and older Zostavax n Resources: Prevention of Herpes Zoster.Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR June6, 2008 / 57(05);1-30 CDC Vaccines and Preventable Diseases Shingles (Herpes Zoster Vaccination EMPLOYEE HAS ZOSTER? n n n n Cover local lesions? Work Refer for clinical management Disseminated - Don’t work until all lesions dry and crusted Include in personnelWork Restriction Policy Note: HICPAC revision of Personnel Health guidelines due any time! Pediculosis - LICE Pediculosis is an infestation of lice, not an infection. It does not pose a significant health hazard and is not known to spread disease. It can occur on the head, body, or pubic area. Symptoms n Pruritis (itching): Caused by an allergic reaction to lice bites n Sores on the head n Tickling sensation n Sleeplessness and irritability Identification of head lice – Inspection method n n n Use applicator stick to inspect hair and scalp by carefully parting the hair and examine for crawling lice or nits (eggs attached to the hair shaft). * Most recently laid will be opaque, white, shiny, and located on a hair shaft ¼” from scalp * Empty nit cases are more visible and are dull yellow in color Inspect nape of neck and area behind the ears Nits are firmly attached and not easily removed Questions? Refer to local health department, or school nurse or teacher familiar with lice Treatment consider only if lice or viable eggs observed n Mechanical removal (time consuming) * Lice or nit combs - remove lice and eggs. Electronic combs useful n Treatment with pediculocides - Follow with nit removal * Permethrin 1% (Nix) – Shampoo. Carefully follow label directions. Recommended by American Academy of Pediatrics Treatment of the Environment n n n n n Check all household/patients prior to cleaning Launder personal items - clothing, bedding, towels, toys. Wash at least 10 min, dry high heat 30 min. Can’t wash? Seal in plastic bag for 14 days; or freeze 24 hours Vacuum - everything possible Inspect hairbrushes, combs, etc. and clean wash, boil, or Lysol (refer to manual) Resource n Michigan Head Lice Manual. A comprehensive guide to identify, treat, manage, and prevent head lice. Updated August 2013 Bed Bugs Bed bugs are small, wingless insects about the size of an appleseed. They are attracted to carbon dioxide from living organisms, and to body heat and feed on human blood when possible – also on pets. They come out to feed at night. They can live for more than a year without food (blood meal). Both male and females feed on blood. No evidence that they transmit disease to humans. Some people can experience skin irritation from bed bug bites, sometimes respiratory symptoms in areas of high infestation, but but many do not react to bites at all. Resurgence of bedbugs in recent years – eradicated by DDT,then… resistance developed, ?? increase in world wide travel, underground economy, increases in secondhand merchandise, changes in bed bug habits, people don’t recognize bed bugs or signs of infestation. Recognize - Report DETECT Mattresses – seams. Tufts, folds Furniture – cracks in bed frame, head board, underneath, in dressers/bedside stands General – Behind baseboards, around window casings, behind electrical plates, in telephones, radios, TVs, clocks n n n n n Dark spotting and staining Eggs, eggshells, molted skin of maturing nymphs Rusty or reddish spots of blood Bed bugs themselves Sometimes a sweet, musty, or “buggy” smell REPORT to person authorized to act Respond: Recommendations Develop Bed bug Management Plan: n n n Policy, include person/title of person responsible/ authority to act Procedure from recognition to response Regular resident skin assessment, environmental awareness and “inspection”, preventive strategies, treatment, Education – personnel, resident, family, volunteers Include in facility Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) Interventions n n n n n n Judicious use of effective pesticide(s) Steam Ambient heat Freezing Canines – detection Countless others – with varying degrees of effectiveness! References and Resources n Michigan Manual for the Prevention and Control of Bed Bugs. Comprehensive guidance to identify, treat, manage and prevent bedbugs. MDCH 2010 Download: seases/Bed_Bug_Manual_v1_full_reduce_326605_7. pdf n n Joint Statement on Bed Bug Control in the United States from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2010 National Pest Management Association (NPMA) Guidelines. Response to Bed Bugs in Medical Facilities.