Academic Support Scheduling Graduation Plans Post High School Planning Career Development Personal/Social Development We can help with challenges that come up in your life Problem solving We can help connect you and your family with outside support 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What are the names of your group members Define “high school credits” Why do high school credits matter? How many credits does a student need to graduate from Kentwood High School? When do credits get posted to your permanent record? What is the document called that acts as a complete record of all high school courses taken and grades earned? What is the lowest passing grade you can earn to receive your credit? True or False: Student X earned an “A” in Health; Student Y earned a “D” in Health. They earned the same amount of credit. KWHS Credit Check Graduation Requirements - Class of 2019 and beyond English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Contemporary World History Contemporary World Issues U.S. History Civics .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Algebra I-2 Geometry Algebra 3-4 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Integrated Science 1-2 Integrated Science 3-4 Science Elective .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Physical Education 1.5 Credits .5 .5 .5 Health .5 Credit .5 Occupational Ed. 1.0 Credit .5 .5 Fine Art 2.0 Credits .5 .5 .5 .5 World Language 2.0 Credits .5 .5 .5 .5 Electives 4.0 Credits .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 TOTAL 24.0 Credits Additional Graduation requirements: □ SBA ELA □ SBA Math □ Science EOC □ High School and Beyond Plan □ Washington State History Transcript - Passing Transcript-Failing Must pass Smarter Balance Assessment in ELA & Mathematics or State-Approved Alternatives Science exams are End-of-Course exams Integrated Science 3-4 Collection of Evidence (COE) Passing scores on one or more of the national tests (SAT, ACT) Passing score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement tests What is the general schedule change policy? › All schedule changes must be completed by the 10th day of the semester. › Any changes made after the 10th school day will result in a (F) for the semester, no new courses can be added after the 10th school day! › Class changes are completed for the semester only, no quarter changes. Academic Courses: › All academic courses are required for graduation. › No class period changes. Elective Courses: › Semester changes only. › Changes can be made during an elective period ONLY. › All changes need to be made by the 10th day of the new semester. Teacher Changes: › Classes are randomly selected by the computer. › Classes will not be adjusted to meet a teacher change request, without previous interventions and principal approval. Ability Level Change: › Teacher initiated change, they may recommend an ability level change for you. High School Courses H.S. Graduation 4-year college admissions/minimum Language Arts 4 years 4 years Social Studies 3 years 3 years Math 3 years (Algebra 3-4 at KW or higher) 3 years (Algebra 3-4 at KW or higher) Senior Year Math-Based Quantitative Course (Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics, chemistry or physics). Science 3 years 2 years of lab science Including 1 credit of chemistry or physics Occupational Ed. 1 years Not Required Fine Arts 2 year 1 year Health/PE 2 years Not Required World Language 2 years 2 years (same) Electives 4 credits Plan for the Year Ahead Meet with your counselor Challenge yourself academically Go to a college fair Get more involved with extracurricular activities (ASB, CONK Crew, Leadership, Clubs, Athletics) Club Art Book Break Dancing College Bound Conks DECA Fashion Club Film Club Green Team Hands Up Club Japan Club Journalism Club KICK Club Key Club Language Club Latinos Model United Nations National Honor Society Pokemon & Games Club Robotics Club Science Fair Club Slack Line Club Room 117 Library New Gym Library 151 304 162 832 561 832 808 163 822 162 803 152 515 168 518 822 Outside Date/Time Wednesdays 2:15 – 3:15 Fridays 2:10-3:00 Mondays 2:30-4:00 Thursdays 2:15-3:00 Tuesdays-Wednesdays-Thursdays 2:15-4:30 Wednesdays 2:20-3:30 Tuesdays 2:10-3:20 Alternating Wednesdays 2:15-3:15 Wednesdays 2:20 – 3:30 Mondays 2:30-3:30 Thursdays 2:30-3:30 Fridays: 2:20 – 3:00 Alternating Mondays: 7:15 – 7:30 & 2:15-2:30 Thursdays 2:10-3:30 Thursdays: 2:30 – 4:00 Fridays: 2:15 – 3:15 Alternating Thursdays 7:15-7:30 & 2:20-2:40 Wednesdays 2:10 – 3:20 Thursdays 2:20 – 3:50 Alternating Fridays 2:30-3:30 Thursdays 2:30-4:30 Fall Season: August 24 Football August 19 Registration: Cross Country (B/G) Ken Paul Cheer Kim Kawachi Dance Julie Holmberg Football (V/JV/9) Michael Bush Boys Golf (V/JV) Mike Landry Girls Golf (V/JV) Cheryl Havener Girls Soccer (V/JV/9) Aaron Radford Girls Swimming (V/JV) Sharon Wright Boys Tennis (V/JV) Ingrid Bakke Volleyball (V/JV/9) Bil Caillier Winter Season: November 16 Registration: due by November 12 B. Basketball (V/JV/9) Blake Solomon G. Basketball (V/JV/9) Lisa Ashley Gymnastics (V/JV) Ann Diaz Boys Swimming (V/JV) TBD Wrestling (V/JV/9) Kendall Anderson Spring Season: February 29 Registration: due by February 25 Baseball (V/JV/C) Mark Zender Fastpitch (V/JV/C) Jason Wisor Boys Soccer (V/JV/C) Aaron Radford Girls Tennis (V/JV) Ingrid Bakke Boys & Girls Track (V/JV) TBD Boys & Girls Judo (V/JV) Leslie Mizuki Meet with Your Teacher Turn in late work, retest, study ideas Attend school daily Form study groups Class “Buddy”- ask questions, gather info Conks 4 Success (tutoring, get an application in the counseling center) › Monday, Wednesday & Thursday › 2:30-3:30PM STAMP Testing: if you are bi-lingual you can take a language test and earn up to 4 credits. Summer School: if you fail a class, the best way to make it up is during summer school. Credit Recovery: we offer credit recovery in academic core classes before or after school. Get involved get involved get involved! The best and most memorable time I had at Kentwood was when I did sports. Relationships in high school stay in high school, they will not last. We are still young so enjoy your time being a kid don't worry about being or getting serious with someone else. Be a nice person. Say hi and be friends with every type of person instead of being in a "clique." Your kindness will go a long way. Stay out of drama, your friends now won't be your friends by senior year. Maybe one or two of them, if you're lucky. Take advantage of the running start program. It's an amazing opportunity and you experience the great feeling of freedom and independence.