Reading Questions Chapter 2 part 1 pp. 25

Reading Questions Chapter 2 part 1 pp. 25-32 “Virginia” (stop-exception being
the visuals on p.33)
1 P. 25 Opening Quote – Who? Subject? When?
2 p. 26 Portrait – Who? Served which British ruler? “important colonizing failures”how were his failures important? (inference)
3 p. 27 painting – what 3 things do you notice in this piece? Who? Nickname?
4 p.28 Brown Box and p. 29 Brown Box and brown box p.33 and advertisement p.
33… …what is the subject of all 4? 2 points of disagreement? What do YOU think
accounts for the disagreement?
5 p 28 Map – the dark green areas on the map are a main source of the migrants to
“New England’ during the Great Puritan Migration from 1620 – 1650… what
industry do most of the inhabitants of the green areas work according to the
Map…In the 3rd and 4th sentence of the 1st paragraph under “England on the Eve of
Empire” it explains why these people might leave… why?
6 p. 30 Brown Box.. it seems as if “freedom of speech” was not a “right” of the early
Jamestown inhabitants… what evidence in the box tells you this?
7 p. 30 Portrait and p. 31 Painting…. According to these sources the English did
interact and intermarry with the native peoples.. what is one piece of evidence from
each that would confirm this assumption?
Introduction8 Is the 17th Century the 1600’s, 1700’s, or 1800’s ?
9 The text states that 100 years after Columbus…. That much of the New World had
been transformed and that an ecological revolution occurred… what two things are
mentioned that alter the landscape? What two things are mentioned that affect the
natives? How many Africans have been forcibly brought? To do what?
10 But…what about North America?
11 What 3 European powers stake claim to parts of North America? Where? When?
England’s Imperial Stirrings
12 King Henry the VIII does what in the 1530’s ? which begins what?
13 Who comes to power in 1558 in England? With what Catholic Nation does a
Rivalry develop?
Elizabeth Energizes England
14 What were the twin goals of English Pirates (buccaneers) ? Who was the most
famous of these “Sea dogs?” What % profit does he make on his “adventures?”
15 What two English “Failures” take place in 1583 and 1585? The name Virginia
comes from where?
16 The defeat of Phillip II’s “Invincible Armada” by the English “protestant
wind”…has EFFECTS…that are tremendous… for Spain? For England (a red letter
17 Now on the way to becoming the hegemon of the world’s oceans after the defeat
of the Spanish Armada…England begins a golden age …what example from literature
is mentioned in the text ?
England on the Eve of Empire
18 As the 17th century begins in England the text mentions two specific areas of
change… what areas?
19 In the opening two paragraphs the text mentions significant population
growth…so much so that when economic depression hits the woolen trade and
enclosure begins… thousands of “footloose Farmers” take to the roads….where do
they go? And how do they survive? Where could some of these people migrate in
hope of a better existence? (inference)
20 Laws of Primogeniture (p.28)? - How does this influence the settling of the
21 What new type of business is created which allows people to pool their money in
an investment?…a forerunner of the modern _________________________?
22 Peace provides? Population Growth provided? Unemployment, Adventure, and
Religious Freedom provided ? Joint –Stock Companies provided ?
England Plants the Jamestown Seedling
23 The Virginia Company is what type of Company? The Main Purpose of this
company was what? It was intended to last how long?
24 The Virginia Company Charter **** - is a “significant document in American
History” …why? (guarantee) this guarantee is gradually extended to _______________
________________ _______________. Why is this so significant later?
25 Jamestown is founded near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay… (later shared with
Maryland…(making the two colonies Virginia and Maryland the Chesapeake
Colonies) How is the site described in the text in the context of “health?”
26 How many original settlers? All of what Gender?
27 Who initially saves Jamestown? What Rule does he issue? How do the natives
(Powhatans) treat the English?
28 Of the 400 settlers who make it to Jamestown by 1609 ….How many survive the
“starving time”? What do they eat….( 6 examples please) ?
29 in 1610 What action do the Jamestown colonists take in order to save
themselves? Who meets them? What order does he give? Who does he begin to
30 By 1625 (18 years after Jamestown’s founding nearly 8,000 people had
attempted to settle here… how many survived?
Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake
31 The native people were loosely united … in what came to be called the
_______________ ______________________?
32 De La Warr began using “Irish tactics” against the Powhatans…. Such as ? (4
33 What ends the 1st Anglo-Powhatan War? The 1st what in Virginia?
34 After a series of attacks by the natives that killed 347 settlers in 1622…The
Virginia Company issues new orders calling for what?
35 The 2nd Anglo-Powhatan war beginning in 1644 led to a peace in 1646 which
effectively does what? The ORIGINS OF THE LATER ____________________ _______________?
37 The 3 D’s ? explain how each functioned to doom the Indians?
The Indians New World
38 ******“The fate of the Powhatans foreshadowed the destinies of indigenous
peoples throughout the continent… Large scale European colonization disrupted
Native American Life on a vast scale, inducing unprecedented demographic and
cultural transformation….. changes: effect? Horses? Disease? Forced migration?
Trade? Firearms?
39 How was he Catawba nation formed? Where?
40 The Atlantic Economy brought havoc to the natives… most affecting which
geographic area? What advantages do the inland natives have? (3) What is different
about the “middle ground?”