Separation and Isolation of Plant Constituents


Separation and Isolation of

Plant Constituents

Anna Drew

Plants -> chemicals

• Secondary metabolites

• (Primary metabolites

– sugars, amino acids etc

– essential functions eg absorbing water)

• Many functions

• (Until 1990s thought to be waste products)

• Growth

– Sensory devices – proteins in light-sensitive compounds

– Roots can detect nitrates and ammonium salts in soil

• Reproduction

– Produce chemicals to attract pollinators

• Protection

– Bioactive compounds that affect living cells

» Eg caterpillar eating leaf produce chemical to attract wasp

“Crude drugs”

• Dried plant parts used in medicinal preparations

• Complex mixtures of cells and chemicals

• Previously many used in form of alcoholic extracts


• Today pure isolated active principles used

• Not always possible:

• Difficult to separate – more economic to use extracts

• Unstable when isolated

• Active principles not known – activity thought from mixture

• Pharmacist needs basic knowledge of the ways in which drug plants can be extracted and tested for presence of active principles

• Quality assurance


• Dried powdered plant material

• Extracted with solvent

• by maceration or percolation

• Unwanted or insoluble material filtered off

• Extract concentrated

• to low volume under reduced pressure

– (minimum decomposition of thermolabile substances)

• Further purification

• to remove unwanted chemicals

– chlorophylls, pigments, fats, waxes, oils, resins, proteins, carbohydrates

• using one or more:

– partition between immiscible solvents (to separate un/wanted)

– selective precipitation by adding selected reagents

– chromatographic techniques or physical processes (crystallisation, distillation)


• … of isolated active principle via specific tests:

• melting point

• boiling point

• optical rotation

• chemical tests*

• chromatographic data (R f

, R t

• spectral data (UV, IR, MS) values)

• biological evaluation

Natural products

• Majority used medicinally are of following types:

• Alkaloids

• Glycosides

• Volatile oils

• Fixed oils

• Resins

• Tannins

• Polysaccharides


“The uniform percolation of a fluid through a column of finely divided substance, which selectively retards certain components of a mixture” (Martin)

- Mobile phase

Stationary phase

F1 = impelling force (hydrodynamic)

F2 = retarding force (molecular frictional forces)

More definitions

• Stationary phase:

– solid or liquid

– facilitates separation by selectively retarding the solute by:

• Adsorption (adsorption chromatography)

• Partition (partition chromatography)

• Mobile phase:

– Moving solvent flowing over stationary phase that takes solutes with it. Gas or liquid.

• Solid support:

– In partition chromatography stationary liquid must be held in position on an inert support material. This is solid support and is evenly coated with stationary liquid.

• Elution:

– When the separation of solutes is complete they are recovered from the stationary phase

(solid or liquid) by washing with suitable solvent.


• (1) Closed column chromatography

– stationary phase is packed inside a column

– mobile phase + solute flows through the column -> separation

– two forms according to mobile phase type

• Liquid chromatography

• Gas chromatography

• (2) Open column chromatography

(a) Paper chromatography

• sheet of paper is used to support the stationary phase

(b) Thin-layer chromatography

• adsorbent is spread evenly over the surface of a flat sheet of glass

Mechanisms of separation

• depends on distribution of solutes between mobile and stationary phase

• Adsorption: between liquid and solid phases

• Partition: between two liquids or gas/liquid phase

• distribution ratio:

• ratio of amount of solute retained in one phase to the amount in the other

– Adsorption coefficient (a)

– Partition coefficient (α)


– In a solid/liquid two phase system higher concentration of solute molecules will be found at the surface of the solid than in liquid phase

– Arises because of attraction between surface molecules of solid and molecules in liquid phase.

(1) Chemisorption

– Irreversible - chemical interaction between solute and solid surface

(2) Physical adsorption

– Reversible – electrostatic forces, dipole interactions, Van de Waal’s forces

• In a dilute solution adsorption of a solute may be described by the empirical

Freudlich equation:

x/m = kc

n x/m = amount adsorbed per unit weight of adsorbent k & n = constants c = concentration

• If x/m is plotted against concentration an isotherm is obtained:

• Equation holds

– at constant temperature

– over limited concentration range

• Assumptions

– no chemisorption occurs

– only a mono-layer is formed

– the number of active sites is constant and propertional to adsorbent weight

• However a solution is a binary system and

• preferential adsorption depends on

• solute-solvent interactions

• solute-solvent affinities for the adsorbent surface

• In fact a composite isotherm is produced

• both molecular species at solid surface

• If more than one solute present

• competition for active sites on adsorbent surface

• chromatographic separation not always predictable

• Freudlich equation only holds true for

• dilute solutions - concentration dependent adsorption

• At higher concentrations

• plateau obtained when all active sites are full

• adsorption is concentration independent

• AVOID in chromatography

• Chromatography

– only dilute solutions used

– on relatively weak adsorbents

– separation by physical adsorption

• Factors affecting adsorption

– govern migration of solute

– depend on relative strengths of following molecular interactions:

– solute – solute

– solute – solvent

– solvent – solvent

– solute and solvent affinities for active sites

– effect of molecules in adsorbed state


– If a solute in introduced into a system of two liquid phases and is soluble in both it will distribute itself between the phases according to its relative solubility in each

– Function of the nature of solvent and solute

– Ratio in which it distributes itself is the partition coefficient ( α)

• Constant at

– constant temperature

– over a limited range of concentration

α = c


/ c

B c

A and c

B are solute concentrations in solvents A and B

• Equation describes a partition isotherm

• Linear over a greater range of concentrations

• If more than one solute present

– (always the case in chromatography)

– distribution of each solute is independent of others

Ion exchange

• … consists of an insoluble matrix with chemically bound charged groups and mobile counter ions

• The counter ion reversibly exchanges with other ions of the same charge without any changes to the insoluble matrix:

• Separation of a mixed solute consists of binding all solute to matrix then recovering one bound species at a time

• Conditions (pH, ionic strength) required to liberate species are determined by electrical properties

Diffusion methods

• Molecular diffusion can be used to separate a mixed solute

• In absence of specific binding factors, the rate of diffusion of solute in a stabilising medium (semipermeable membrane, gel) depends on

• radius of solute molecule

• viscosity of medium

• temperature

• Can be considered to contain pores

• allows certain size molecules to diffuse through

• when washed through a column or along a thin film of gel with solvent larger molecules will move further

Electrophoretic mobilities

• Consider a zone of solute in a stabilising gel – will diffuse slowly to equilibrium

• In the absence of specific binding effects, movement can be directed by applying an electric potential across the gel

• Molecules acquire charges in aqueous solution and move according to:

• charge on the species

• electric retarding force due to counter-ion atmosphere

• viscous resistance of medium (giving different mobility)

• constants of the apparatus

Chromatography isotherms

• Mechanism of separation is never completely one of the following:

• Adsorption

• Partition

• Ion-exchange

• Diffusion

• Mixture of all –> “sorption” isotherms

• describes conditions encountered not process

Factors affecting migration:

[1] The adsorbent

• Classified into polar and non-polar types [->]

– Non-polar

» weak adsorbent forces – Van de Waal’s forces

– Polar

» stronger - dipole forces, hydrogen bonding between active site on solid surface and solute

• Strength of adsorbent modified by

– Particle size

» surface area – more active sites if smaller

– Moisture content

» higher with polar adsorbents (free moisture held by Hbonding)

» heating will drive off moisture

[A] Strong polar adsorbents

– low water content alumina

– Fullers Earth

– charcoal

– silicic acid

[B] Medium polar adsorbents

– high water content alumina

– silica gel

– magnesium hydroxide

– calcium carbonate

[C] Weak adsorbents

– Polar:

» sugar

» cellulose

» starch

– Non-polar:

» talc

» Kieselguhr and celite

• [2] Nature of solvent

– Graded by powers of elution [->]

• More polar the solvent greater eluting power

– in open-column chromatography pushed further

• Adsorption strongest from non-polar solvents in which solute is sparingly soluble

– solvent-solute affinity weak

– solute-adsorbent affinity strong

• Moderate or non-polar base solvent is chosen

– other solvents are added to increase or decrease Rfvalue according to nature of solutes to be separated

Light petroleum







Ethyl acetate






Acetic acid

[Trapps, 1940]

↓ eluting power increasing

[3] Structure of solute

[A] Molecular weight

• Non-polar adsorbents:

– adsorption increases (Rf-value ↓) with increased molecular weight [Traube’s Rule]

• Polar adsorbents:

– adsorption decreases with increased molecular weight

[Reverse Traube’s Rule]

– polar groupings between solute-adsorbent important

– side chain dilutes this

[B] Nature of constituent groups

• functional groups which H-bond

• dipole interactions

• ionised forms

– play major roles in determining solute migration

• Alkaloids - pKa of nitrogen group important

– bases of varying strengths

– ionise at different pH’s

• ionised form more strongly adsorbed than un-ionised form

• pH of solvents and stationary phase has to be controlled

– Some have more than one ionised form due to more than one basic group

• - > multi-spot formation

• Substituents groups modify effects of pKa and molecular weight on migration:


• R-OH

• R-NH2


• R-N(CH3)2

• R-NO2

• R-OCH3

• R-H

Polar – strong adsorbent affinity, low Rf

↓ active site affinities [Brookmann]

Non-polar – weak adsorbent, high Rf

• Unsaturation in a molecule -> lower Rf

• Eg aromatic rings – due to greater electron density associate with π orbital electrons in the ring
