KS3 FULL REPORT CRITERIA Subjects with shaded boxes do not give an assessment, homework or target in these areas. Attitude to Learning 1. Student is well motivated and is able to work effectively in a wide variety of situations with a minimum of direction. 2. Student is well motivated and is able to work effectively with support and guidance in a wide variety of situations. 3. Student is usually well motivated and usually works effectively with support and guidance in a variety of situations. 4. Student is sometimes well motivated and needs considerable direction in order to work effectively and stay on task. 5. Student is not well motivated and needs considerable support and guidance in order to work effectively. Student can be disruptive. 6. Student is not well motivated, needs considerable teacher input and control in order to work effectively and can be seriously disruptive. 7. Student has no motivation and even with considerable teacher input and support will not co-operate. 8. Student has no motivation and even with considerable teacher input and support will not co-operate and also disrupts preventing others in the class from learning. Organisation This reflects the pupils self-organisation and may include one some or all of the following essential items. Outstanding: always brings correct books, equipment, and materials, including homework. Good: usually brings correct books, equipment, and materials, including homework. Satisfactory: sometimes brings correct books, equipment, and materials, including homework. Unsatisfactory: rarely brings correct books, equipment, and materials, including homework. Homework Above Target: On Target: Below Target: the standard of homework indicates that their target will be exceeded. the standard of homework indicates that they will achieve their Target. the standard of homework indicates that they will not achieve their Target. Progress Towards ‘Progress Towards’ is an indication of the pupil achieving their target grade based on the evidence available to teachers to date. Above Target: On Target: Below Target: progress is above expectations relative to target grade progress is in line with expectations relative to target grade progress is below expectations relative to target grade Reason below target If a pupil’s progress towards target is reported as being below a code will appear in ‘Reason below target’. The codes are as follows: A– BC– E– P– WX– Progress is limited due to low attendance Poor behaviour inhibits learning Due to attendance at a college course means lessons have been missed Insufficient effort Poor planning and or organisation Working towards a challenging target –not a cause for concern Improvements needed in exam technique Target Grade The target grade is a GCSE grade it is formulated at the beginning of the Key Stage 3. These are primarily based on prior attainment. The targets are to be achieved by the end of the Key Stage 4. TARGET STATEMENT A target statement is included for each subject. Over the year subject staff would expect pupils to concentrate their effort on improving in the identified area. They will review pupil’s progress against this target during the year.