Chase Shutt, Colby Shutt, Peyman Ali, Claudia Sauz, Lamoure Rolle, Dallin Crossley James Huntington, Carley Longhurst The Reunification Era 1860-1920 1845 Abolition in the West Indies ► 1849 California Gold Rush ► 1850 Federal Land Grants ► Investment Bankers ► 1850-60 1850-70 Slavery Truce ► Benefiting Rail Road Builders ► 1853 The Railway Begins ► 1856 Martin and Willie Handcart Companies ► 1857 Average White Income ► Agriculture ► 1859 Blacks Income ► J. Pierpont Morgan ► 1860-70 1860 Suspicious Activities in Railroad Construction ► Railroad Bonds ► Abraham Lincoln Elected ► Population (in thousands) ► Per Capita Deposits & Currency in Circulation ► Real Wages ► Cost of War VS Cost of Slaves ► Commodity Output ► Railroad Track Progress ► 1861 Central Pacific Railroad ► After Lincoln’s Election ► Financial Panic ► Value of Confederate and Union Money ► The Union Takes Control ► 1862 The Union Takes Control ► Greenback ► Railroad Construction Begins in the East ► Pacific Railway Act ► 1863-64 1863 Federal Naval Blockade ► The Union Takes Control ► The National Bank Act ► Draft Discontent and Mobs ► 1864 The Union Takes Control ► The Promotion of National Banks ► Value of Confederate Money in Trade ► Great Plains Track ► 1865 The Contraction Act of 1865 ► Prices VS Wages ► 1866 1867 1869 Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company v. Illinois ► National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry ► Public Credit Act ► The Transcontinental Railroad is Completed ► 1870-80 1870-90 1870 Railroad Monopolies ► Black Migration ► Immigration ► Death Rates ► Southern Revitalization in Transportation ► Productivity of the Railroad ► 1871-74 1871 1873 State Laws ► Land Grants ► Excess Capacity ► Credit Mobilier or America ► The Crime of ’73 ► The Timber-Culture Act of 1873 ► Construction Booms ► 1876 1877 European Stocks in Railroads ► Munn V. Illinois ► The Desert Land Act of 1877 ► New York to Chicago ► 1878 The Timber Stone Act of 1878 ► The Timber-Cutting Act of 1878 ► Bland-Allison Act ► 1879 1880-1920 1880 Eastern Trunk Line Association ► Immigration ► Value of Track ► Southern Transmountain Railroad ► 1884 1886 1887 1890 Coxey’s Army ► Throwing Bombs ► Act to Regulate Commerce ► Public Health ► Sherman Silver Purchase Law ► Social Savings ► Moving Forward ► 1891 Useable Timber ► General Revision Act of 1891 ► 1894 1900 Labor Day ► Gold Standard Act ► Creation of US Steel ► 1901 Bureau of Forestry ► 1902 No More Unions ► Reclamation Act of 1902 ► 1903 Child Labor Laws ► Act of Elkins ► 1906 1907 1908 1910 Hepburn Act ► The Panic of 1907 ► The Aldrich – Vreeland Act ► Child Labor ► Farmers to Manufacturers ► 1912 Anti-Union Contracts ► The Pujo Committee ► The National Monetary Commission ► The Federal Reserve Act ► 1913 1917 1920 Department of Labor ► Railroads are Nationalized ► Women in the Work Force ► Hours in a Week ► American Factory Workers ►