Welcome College of Business Mission Statement COB USFSP To educate current and future professionals in the effective management and ethical leadership of organizations. We engage in theoretical and practical research as well as provide service to both the University and external community. We meet the demands of our diverse student population by preparing them for an increasingly global environment with both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. 2 3 College Overview Undergraduate majors and minors in 7 fields 40 full-time and 14 part-time faculty members More than 2,000 students Ph.D faculty teach most students Smaller classes dominate A Global Top 100 School - Ranked 34th by Beyond Grey Pinstripes (a policy program of the Aspen Institute) for incorporating social and environmental issues into its academic programs 4 COB Strengths AACSB International Accreditation 5 Undergraduate Degrees Accounting Economics Finance Information Systems Int’l Business (minor only) Management Marketing 6 ACCOUNTING Separately accredited by AACSB Very high passage rate of CPA exam Public accounting Corporate accounting Federal Taxation Governmental accounting Nonprofit accounting 7 ACCOUNTING Superior rated accounting honor society, Beta Alpha Psi provides access to employers, community involvement, internships and social networking opportunities. Graduates have achieved high level positions as partners in large and small accounting firms, as controllers of large and mid-sized companies. 8 ACCOUNTING Programs offer: Bachelors degree Fifth year education credentialing for CPA education requirements MBA/CPA with forensic tracks Global experience, travel programs Social Responsibility & Corporate Reporting Ethics, regulatory & legal compliance Computer fraud, forensic accounting 9 Economics Economic analysis Public sector International agencies Federal, state, and local governments Policy analysis Planning Private sector Corporate support for long-term planning e.g., impact of expansions upon new areas 10 Economics program at USF St. Petersburg Emphasis on International Economics ---Basic International Economics course ---International Macroeconomics ---International Microeconomics ---Economics of Latin America Emphasis on Florida’s job market ---Health Economics, for example Questions: Tom Carter (727) 873-4893 cartert@mail.usf.edu Finance Banking Corporate finance Investment firms Insurance Real Estate Financial planning 12 Information Systems Software Designer/Developer System Administrator Business Analyst Software Implementation Database Administrator 13 Management Entry level management positions Public and private organizations Account Executive Operations Manager Human Resources Additional training needed to advance in any organization 14 Marketing Sales (e.g., Pharmaceutical companies) Marketing research (e.g., Nielson, Val Pak) Advertising Distribution New Product Development Getting goods to consumers efficiently Helping engineers and manufacturing personnel to build products people want Public Relations 15 Careers and Undergraduate Degrees Accounting Economics Finance Information Systems Int’l Business (minor only) Management Marketing 16 Education Outside the Classroom Business Education occurs in many locations Student organizations Study abroad programs Civic engagement with our local community 17 Student Organizations SBO: the Business Organization at USFSP! 18 Student Organizations E CLUB Announcing the Creation of a new student organization The ENTREPRENEURSHIP CLUB OF USF ST. PETERSBURG 19 Honor Societies Beta Gamma Sigma An honor society recognizing academic achievement in business students Only at institutions accredited by AACSB International 20 Honor Societies Beta Alpha Psi An honorary and professional organization that recognizes academic excellence in accounting. Provides a means for interaction and networking among students, faculty and accounting professionals. 21 Honor Societies Omicron Delta Epsilon An honorary organization recognizing scholastic attainment and outstanding achievements in economics. Establishes closer ties between students and faculty in economics within universities. 22 Educational Opportunities Global and Local 23 Study Abroad Intercultural Competence ASIA 24 Study Abroad Intercultural Competence Guatemala 25 Study Abroad Intercultural Competence Europe 26 Hosts: Study Abroad Dr. Martina Schmidt Germany 27 Local Civic Engagement Dr. Karin Braunsberger’s Marketing Management Problems class Developed a marketing campaign Promote awareness of the manatee/ warm water issue for the Florida Fish & Wildlife Research Inst. 28 Local Civic Engagement Dr. James Fellow and volunteers for VITA Free tax preparation for low- to moderateincome persons 29 Local Civic Engagement Dr. William Jackson and students discuss a Social Audit report conducted on a local firm Another class conducts small business assistance to local firms 30 INVEST FOR SUCCESS Result of Mayor’s Mentor & More program in partnership with Maximo and Sandaline Elementary Over 250 fourth grade students visited the College for a day Students played an investment game written and developed by one of our undergraduate students 31 Art in the PARC Student Business Organization (SBO) in conjunction with PARC A silent art auction, fundraiser Jewelry, pottery, paintings … Proceeds divided between PARC and SBO 32 Student Services Career counseling Internships Determining a major, career path Assistance securing an opportunity Other career activities Workshops on Resumes, Interviewing Career Fairs Company Information Sessions 33 New COB Building 34 Additional Information College of Business www.stpt.usf.edu/cob Program of Accountancy www.stpt.usf.edu/poa 35 Questions? 36