Sept. 4, 2012 Do Now Objective(s) • Find your seat by color & 1. Introduction number 2. Demos & observations • Fill out the index card like the example Pd. ___ Seat Color/# _______ Name: Michel Skinner Called: “Mrs. Skinner” Fav. musician(s): Death Cab, Dashboard Hobbies/sports: Swimming, running, knitting Fun Fact: I have 3 cats; I’m a vegetarian Summer: Worked at science camp, went to Mexico & SC HW: None Sept.5, 2012 Do Now • Begin filling out the Self Evaluation Objective(s) 1. Classroom procedures 2. Lab safety HW: Get classroom procedures & lab safety signed by tomorrow Sept. 6, 2012 Do Now Objective(s) • Get out HW • Please take a copy of the scantron & put your name & period on it • Prop up folders for privacy 1. Pretest 2. Course expectations HW: Bring binder & composition book September 7, 2012 Do Now • Late HW?? • Grab a textbook from the cabinet & write your name in it. Objective(s) 1. Textbooks issued 2. Table of Contents 3. Go over Pretest HW: All materials by Monday September 10, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now What is the measurement below in cm (where arrow is pointed)? *copy in composition book End Objective(s) 1. Table Top Physics pgs. 1-3 *copy in composition book HW: Pg. 4 of Table Top Physics *copy in planner September 11, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • Get out HW! • What is the surface area of the box below? What is the volume? Objective(s) 1. Finish Table Top Physics pgs. 1-3 *copy in composition book 4 cm 6 cm *copy in composition book 3 cm End HW: None *copy in planner September 12, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • How would you measure the volume of a marble or a pencil? Objective(s) 1. Table Top Physics pgs. 5-7 2. Academic Integrity activity *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: pg.8 of Table Top Physics *copy in planner September 13, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • Get HW out! • What is mass? What are the units? How is it measured? *Bonus: How is it different from weight? *copy in composition book End Objective(s) 1. Mass & Density Activity *copy in composition book HW: Density Problems WS *copy in planner September 14, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • Will these float or sink?? Why? Objective(s) 1. Density Problems *copy in composition book HW: None *copy in composition book End *copy in planner September 17, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Get your comp books from the back. Why is using the metric system easier than English units? *copy in composition book End Objective(s) 1. Dimensional Analysis *copy in composition book HW: Metric conversion WS; Quiz Fri *copy in planner September 18, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) 1. Dimensional Analysis Word problems • Get out HW! • Convert the following: – 24.5 cm hm – 145 dL mL – 0.25 kg dag *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Read pgs. 11-16 & Do Qs 1-6 CS!; Quiz Fri *copy in planner September 19, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) • Pass book HW to the 1. Qs D.A word problems center of your table 2. Cricket Lab • Calculate how many days old Mrs. Skinner is if her bday is 6/28/80. Use conversion method & show work! *copy in composition book End *copy in composition book HW: Study for Quiz Fri *copy in planner September 20, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • 86 feet/min m/sec • Show work & units!! Objective(s) 1. Cricket Lab *copy in composition book HW: Study for Quiz Fri *copy in composition book End *copy in planner September 24, 2012 Do Now Objective(s) 1. Cricket Lab • None Today End HW: Cricket Lab due Wed. *copy in planner September 25, 2012 Do Now • When testing which detergent works the best, what are the variables? Control? Constants? Objective(s) 1. Scientific Method Notes *COPY HW: Sponge Bob WS *Copy in comp book End September 26, 2012 Do Now • Pass Lab reports & Spongebob WS to center of table. • Briefly describe the steps of the scientific method. (USE NOTES to help!!) *Copy in comp book End Objective(s) 1. Atoms Video w/questions *COPY HW: None September 27, 2012 Do Now • Describe the parts of an atom. What are the charges of each. Objective(s) 1. Notes on Atoms *COPY *Copy in comp book End HW: Atomic Math Challenge September 28, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • Get out HW! • Get out your composition book for your do now quiz Objective(s) 1. Do now quiz 2. Not so “Bohring” atoms *copy in composition book HW: Test Thursday! *copy in composition book End *copy in planner October 1, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • Grab a laptop & log in Objective(s) 1. Atom Builder *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Simpsons WS; Test Thursday! *copy in planner October 2, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • • • • Protons=12 Neutrons=12 Electrons=10 What element is this? What is the atomic #? Mass #? Charge? *copy in composition book End Objective(s) 1. Ch.3 Guided Reading 2. Finish Atom Builder *copy in composition book HW: Test Thursday! *copy in planner October 3, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • What is a charged atom called? When does this happen? What happens when an atom has a different number of neutrons? *copy in composition book End 1. 2. 3. 4. Objective(s) Go over Spongebob WS Catch up day Study guide Brain pop (if time) *copy in composition book HW: Test tomorrow; Notebook check ready! *copy in planner October 9, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • What’s a mineral? How did Tim & Moby test minerals? Objective(s) 1. Mineral Notes *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Read pgs. 77-83 & Do Qs 1-7 CS, loose leaf *copy in planner paper October 10, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now • Pass HW to center of table • Describe the 5 characteristics of a mineral. Objective(s) 1. Mighty Minerals project *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Mighty Minerals project due Friday! *copy in planner October 11, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) 1. Finish Mineral notes • Even though they come from the earth, 2. Begin Mineral Mania why isn’t coal or cement considered a mineral? *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Mighty Minerals project due tomorrow! *copy in planner October 15, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) 1. Mineral Lab • How is fracture different from cleavage? *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Mineral packet due Wed.; Quiz Thurs.! *copy in planner October 16, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now -What are the two main groups of minerals? What is the difference between these groups? *copy in composition book End Objective(s) 1. Mineral Lab *copy in composition book HW: Mineral packet due tomorrow; Quiz Thurs.! *copy in planner October 17, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now -Get out HW! -Is H20 a mineral? If so when? (think about the 5 characteristics) *copy in composition book End Objective(s) 1. Finish Mineral Lab 2. Finish Mineral Mania 3. Review for Quiz *copy in composition book HW: Quiz tomorrowSTUDY!! *copy in planner October 18, 2012 *NO NOT NEED TO Do Now -Get pencils sharpened -Prop up folders -When done with quiz-turn over & read article quietly End COPY Objective(s) 1. Quiz 2. Read Article HW: None Directions: 1. Scan the article once-looking at pictures, titles, captionsthink about what you think the article will be about 2. Now read the article entirely. 3. Turn the article over & jot down a few main ideas (bullet info not complete sentences) on the back without looking back at the article. 4. Reread the article once more with a highlighter or pencil & jot notes in the margins, underline or highlight important information. 5. Get out your current event guidelines & a pencil. As you do each of the parts on loose leaf paper read that section of your current event guidelines carefully. October 19, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now -How is a summary different from paraphrasing? Objective(s) 1. Summarizing & paraphrasing 2. Practice current event *copy in composition book HW: None! *copy in composition book End *copy in planner October 22, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now -Get out rough draft & article from Friday Objective(s) 1. Current Event Practice Final draft *copy in composition book HW: None! *copy in composition book End *copy in planner October 23, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -How do you think 1. Brain pop- Rocks a rock is different 2. Rock Guided notes from a mineral? -Get out a piece of loose leaf & write *copy in composition book your name & the HW: Read Ch.5 & Do Qs HW at the top *copy in composition book End 1-6 on pg. 106 *copy in planner October 24, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Pass HW to center of table 1. Journey through the rock cycle -What are the 2 types of lava? Give 3 differences between them. What type of rock do they form? *copy in composition book End *copy in composition book HW: Igneous Rock SGDue Friday *copy in planner October 25, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Compare & contrast intrusive & extrusive rocks using a Venn diagram. 1. Rock Notes 2. Finish Comic strip 3. Work on SG *copy in composition book HW: Finish Igneous SG *copy in composition book End *copy in planner October 26, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out HW -Compare & contrast Igneous & metamorphic rocks. Give an example of each. *copy in composition book End 1. Rock Video w/Qs 2. Pet rock project *copy in composition book HW: Current Event due Nov. 1; Find rock for Pet rock project *copy in planner October 31, 2012 *NO NOT NEED TO Do Now -Begin reading the lab End COPY Objective(s) 1. Rock Lab-Igneous HW: Current Event due Friday; pet rock project due 11/8 November 1, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) 1. Rock Lab -What are the 3 types of sedimentary rocks? Give an example of each. *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Current Event due tomorrow!; Pet rock project *copy in planner November 5, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What are the 2 types of metamorphic rock? Give an example of each. 1. Rock LabMetamorphic *copy in composition book HW: Pet rock project due 11/8 *copy in composition book End *copy in planner November 7, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Sketch the rock cycle with the 3 types of rocks & the processes that change them from 1 to another. *copy in composition book End 1. Finish Rock Lab & Qs 2. Work on Pet Rock project *copy in composition book HW: Pet rock project due tomorrow! *copy in planner November 8, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out Projects -List the 3 main rock types, how they form & an example of each *copy in composition book End 1. Present Pet rock projects *copy in composition book HW: Rock Lab Questions *copy in planner November 9, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Take out your lab -List the igneous rocks that were FELSIC. What does that mean they contain a lot of? *copy in composition book End 1. Finish presenting 2. Go over Rock riddles *copy in composition book HW: Test Thursdayrocks & minerals *copy in planner November 12, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out Rock labs -Describe the stages of the formation of marble (use lab or book) *copy in composition book End 1. Mineral/Rock Dominoes review *copy in composition book HW: Rock Study guide due Wed.; Test Thursday-rocks & *copy in planner minerals November 13, 2012 *DO NOT need to copy Do Now -Get Dominoes & pick up where you left off End Objective(s) 1. Finish Mineral/Rock Dominoes review 2. Work on study guide HW: Rock Study guide due Wed.; Test Thursday-rocks & *copy in planner minerals November 14, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out study guides -Describe the igneous intrusions we learned about. *copy in composition book End 1. Test review *copy in composition book HW: Test tomorrowrocks & minerals-STUDY; Notebook check too! *copy in planner November 16, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -How did you study 1. Bill Nye-Earth’s Crust w/questions for the test? How long? Did you feel that you prepared enough? *copy in composition book HW: None *copy in composition book End *copy in planner November 19, 2012 *DO NOT need to copy Do Now -Begin reading Journey to the center of the Earth Objective(s) 1. Journey to the center of the earth Article with questions HW: None End *copy in planner November 26, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What do you know 1. Continental drift notes about continental drift? *copy in composition book HW: Plate Tectonic packet due Thurs. *copy in composition book End *copy in planner November 28, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What evidence did Wegner have to support his continental drift hypothesis? Why didn’t scientists believe him? *copy in composition book End 1. Continental puzzle activity 2. (time permitting) sea floor spreading *copy in composition book HW: Plate tectonics packet due tomorrow! *copy in planner November 29, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Pass in plate packets -What is sea floor spreading? What landform feature is associated with it? *copy in composition book End 1. Discovering Plate Boundaries *copy in composition book HW: Quiz Thurs. *copy in planner December 3, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -How did we classify 1. Plate tectonic notes different plate boundaries? 2. Work on Plate boundary activity *copy in composition book HW: Quiz Thurs. *copy in composition book End *copy in planner December 4, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Sketch the layers 1. Work on Plate tectonics activity of the earth & label. Use terms: outer core, mantle, inner core, crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere *copy in composition book End *copy in composition book HW: 17.3 packet; Quiz thurs.; *copy in planner December 5, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What are the 3 major boundary types? Name a landform feature of each. *copy in composition book End 1. Plate boundaries activity *copy in composition book HW: 17.3 packet due tomorrow; Quiz Thurs. on ch.17 *copy in planner December 7, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Pass in 17.3 HW 1. Volcano intro side 1 -Begin Volcano WS 2. Plate boundaries side 1 project *copy in composition book HW: None *copy in composition book End *copy in planner December 10, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What/how did you 1. Volcano Notes study for your quiz? What did you find most difficult about it? *copy in composition book HW: Volcano WS (from Friday) *copy in composition book End *copy in planner December 11, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out HW -Describe the differences between the 3 different volcanic cones. *copy in composition book End 1. Volcano Video 2. Present Posters *copy in composition book HW: None *copy in planner December 12, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Where are the 3 volcanic zones? 1. Volcano Tracking *copy in composition book HW: EQ WS due Fri *copy in composition book End *copy in planner December 13, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Where do most volcanoes occur? Why do you think that is? 1. Earthquake notes *copy in composition book HW: EQ WS due tomorrow; Test Thurs. *copy in composition book End *copy in planner December 14, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out HW -Compare and contrast the 3 types of seismic waves. 1. Earthquake Web quest *copy in composition book HW: Test Thurs. *copy in composition book End *copy in planner December 17, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Contrast the 2 types 1. Wave that shook of scales that the Earth Video measure EQ activity. w/Qs *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Test Thursday on Plate tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes & notebook *copy in planner check December 18, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -How do seismologists find an earthquake’s epicenter? What is this called? 1. EQ Search Activity 2. Extra Credit opportunity *copy in composition book HW: Dominoes Test & NC Thurs. *copy in composition book End *copy in planner December 19, 2012 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What are the 3 types of faults and the stresses that they are associated with? Draw each. 1. Jeopardy Review *copy in composition book HW: Test & NC tomorrow *copy in composition book End *copy in planner January 4, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? Give an example of each (use HW or web quest) *copy in composition book End 1. Fossil fuels graphing 2. Finish Web quest *copy in composition book HW: Ch.25/26 packet due on Wed.; Current event due 1/23 *copy in planner January 7, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -If we’re going to run 1. Brain pop out of non renewable w/questions resources & they’re 2. Finish Fossil fuels bad for the graph &/or test environment why do corrections *copy in composition book we use them more than renewable? HW: pg. 2 of Ch.26 packet *copy in composition book End (packet due on Wed.); Current event due 1/23 *copy in planner January 8, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What are fossil fuels? What effect does burning them have? 1. Notes on Geologic History 2. Geologic time in a year *copy in composition book HW: pg. 3 of packet; Current event due 1/23 *copy in composition book End *copy in planner January 9, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Pass CH.25/26 packets to center of table -How is geologic time broken down? 1. Geologic Timeline *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: CH. 21 Study guide due Tues. Current event due 1/23 *copy in planner January 10, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out Geologic time line directions -When you’re done, come get conclusion Qs 1. Geologic Timeline *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Bring books tomorrow! CH. 21 Study guide due Tues. Current event due 1/23*copy in planner January 11, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out Geologic time line directions -When you’re done, come get conclusion Qs 1. Geologic Timeline *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Bring books Mon.! CH. 21 Study guide due Tues. Current event due *copy in planner 1/23 January 14, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Get out Geologic time scale conclusion Qs -Open up do now journals to your “notes” on geologic time. *copy in composition book End 1. Relative Time notes 2. Book activity *copy in composition book HW: Study guide due Tues. Current event due 1/23 *copy in planner January 15, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Pass HW to center of table -What does the term “relative” mean? How is this used with geologic time/dating? *copy in composition book End 1. Determining Relative Age 2. Go over Ch.25/26 packet *copy in composition book HW: Current event due 1/23 *copy in planner January 16, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Late HW? -What are the 3 unconformities and how do you tell them apart? 1. Absolute dating notes 2. Half Life lab *copy in composition book HW: Current event due 1/23 *copy in composition book End *copy in planner January 17, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What are 3 ways scientists date organisms or rock samples? 1. Handout study guide 2. Fossil Notes 3. Finish M&M Lab *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Bring in article tomorrow! Current event due 1/23 *copy in planner January 18, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -What are 3 types of 1. Study guide & fossils and how are essay questions they preserved? *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Current event due 1/23; Midterm 1/23 & 1/24 *copy in planner January 22, 2013 *copy in composition book Do Now Objective(s) -Differentiate between independent & dependent variables, control & constant. 1. Study guide & essay questions *copy in composition book *copy in composition book End HW: Current event due 1/25; Midterm 1/23 & 1/24 *copy in planner January 23, 2013 DO NOT NEED TO COPY Do Now Objective(s) -Get out a book to read, & two #2 pencils sharpened, prop up privacy folders DO NOT NEED TO COPY End 1. Midterm Part 1 HW: Current event due Fri. 1/25; Midterm Part 2 prepare for ESSAYS! January 25, 2013 DO NOT NEED TO COPY Do Now Objective(s) -Staple rubric forward, 1. Notebook clean out summary/rxn, then article 2. Bill Nye (IN ORDER) & pass to Atmosphere center of table -Take out of NB: TOC, Energy webquest, fossil fuel graph & Half life lab End HW: None January 28, 2013 Do Now -Why is it so important that we have an atmosphere? (if you’re not sure, check your Bill Nye Qs) Objective(s) 1. Atmosphere Notes *copy in composition book End HW: Read pgs. 271-277 & Do Qs 1-5 on pg. 277 CS! January 29, 2013 Do Now -Get out HW Objective(s) -What is the atmosphere composed of and in what amounts? -Begin reading the lab carefully *copy in composition book End 1. % Oxygen Lab HW: Lab Qs January 30, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) 1.How did the water move 1. Finish Atmosphere up the test tube? notes 2.What did this water 2. Atmosphere represent? graphing 3. What gas was left in the test tube after the candle blew out? (reference your lab if you need HW: Greenhouse to) *copy in composition book End Effect reading & response January 31, 2013 Do Now -Get out HW (greenhouse summary) -What was the atmosphere made up of 4 billion years ago? What was the temperature like on the planet? *copy in composition book End Objective(s) 1. Finish Atmosphere graph 2. Begin Isobar lab HW: None February 1, 2013 Do Now -What are isobars? Explain 3 rules of drawing isobars on a map. Objective(s) 1. Isobar lab HW: None *copy in composition book End February 4, 2013 Do Now -Get out Isobar lab Objective(s) -How would you right the date and time that it is now on an isobar map? (look at part 2, #1 on isobar lab to help you!) *copy in composition book End 1. Isobar Lab Part 3 (15-20 min.) 2. How does air exert pressure HW: Finish Isobar Lab & Qs February 5, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Describe the layers of the atmosphere and how pressure changes within the layer. 1. How air exerts pressure activity HW: Atmosphere SG worksheet *copy in composition book End February 6, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -What do closely 1. Wind Notes spaced isobars mean 2. Pressure activity on a map? What does on laptops this usually result in? HW: Finish pressure activity (graphs) *copy in composition book End February 7, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Compare and 1. Heat Capacity Lab contrast sea breeze & land breeze. HW: Dominoes *copy in composition book End February 12, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Get out HW -Get out Dominoes -How does altitude affect pressure? 1. Go over Dominoes 2. Wind Web quest HW: Study for Quest tomorrow! *copy in composition book End February 13, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Late HW?? -Prop up folders & sharpen pencils for Quiz -Read QUIETLY End 1. Quiz 2. Temp conversion HW: Temp conversion WS if not completed in class February 14, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Name 4 rules of isobars. (use isobar lab if you’re not sure) 1. Planet in Peril Video w/Qs HW: None End February 20, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Get out a piece of loose leaf paper & write homework assignment at top -Put “Planet in Peril” in your table of contents (#12) End 1. Water in the Atmosphere Notes HW: Read pgs. 285-291 & Do Qs 1-5 February 21, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Get out HW -What is dew point? What forms at the dew point? 1. Dew Point & RH Lab Parts 1 & 2 HW: Dew Pt & RH WS End February 22, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Pass HW to center of table (rip off tables first) -Compare & contrast relative humidity and specific humidity. End 1. Finish Point & RH Lab Parts 1 & 2 2. Relative Humidity lab HW: None February 25, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -What happens (or doesn’t happen) if the dew point is equal to the air temperature (dry bulb)? What is the relative humidity when this is true? End 1. Finish Relative Humidity Part IV of lab 2. Relative humidity Worksheet HW: Relative Humidity WS & lab Qs February 26, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Get out Relative Humidity HW -How are relative humidity and dew point related? 1. Weather Notes 2. Study Jam 3. Lab Qs HW: Humidity, RH, DP WS End February 27, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Get out HW -How can knowing the dew point temp help find specific humidity? 1. Go over HW Qs 2. Interpreting surface maps HW: Read pgs. 299-304Reading quiz tomorrow (may take & use notes); End States quiz on states Fri.; February 28, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Get loose leaf paper & label it “reading Quiz”, get out any notes you took 1. Interpreting surface maps HW: Station Model WS; States quiz on states Fri.; End March 1, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Put everything away 1. Maps Quiz for your states quiz 2. Weather notes -When finished, work QUIETLY on finishing any unfinished packets or lab (i.e. Dew point lab or Interpreting surface maps packet) End HW: Unit Test on Weather Tues. 3/12 March 4, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Distinguish between a tropical depression, tropical storm & hurricane. 1. Hurricane Tracking Lab (turn in when done) 2. Relative humidity exercise (one more time!) HW: Unit Test on Weather Tues. 3/12 End March 5, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) 1. Brain pop -If you did not give 2. Finish Weather me your Hurricane notes tracking yesterday3. Relative humidity turn in now! exercise (one more time!) -What causes a hurricane to strengthen? Weaken? HW: Unit Test on Weather Tues. 3/12 End March 7, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Where are tornados most prevalent? Why do you think that is? 1. Paper pass backupdate TOC 2. Dominoes HW: Unit Test on Weather Tues. 3/12 End March 8, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -How does density affect heat capacity? 1. Adopt a City & Hurricane web quests HW: Unit Test on Weather Tues. 3/12 End March 11, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Why does a cold 1. Test review game drink “sweat” on a hot day? End HW: Unit Test on Weather tomorrow! STUDY!! March 12, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) Take the following things out of your notebook & put them IN ORDER behind your T.O.C. 1. 2. 3. 4. % oxygen lab Wind Web quest Dew pt/RH Lab Interpreting surface maps 5. RH exercises (class) 1. Test 2. QUIETLY finish hurricane web quest or Adopt a city & TURN IN! HW: If not done with #2 above-complete & turn in by FRIDAY!! End March 13, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -What do you remember about Ecology? List & describe 3 things, then compare with your neighbor. 1. 2. Ecology Video w/Qs Biology book pgs. 854-856 Qs 1-3 HW: Join fusion page End March 15, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Pass up HW 1. Lesson of the Kaibab -Web quests?? -What is the competitive exclusion principle? (use notes!) Why is it so? End HW: Join Fusion page Quiz on Ecology next Fri. March 18, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Late HW?? 1. Finish Ecology Notes How are scavengers different from decomposers? Give an example of each. End HW: Ecology Crossword puzzle; Join Fusion page Quiz on Ecology Fri. March 19, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Pass HW to center of table How are parasites different from predators? Give an example of each. End 1. Predation vs. Starvation 2. Battle at Krueger video & discussion HW: Post response on fusion page by Fri. Quiz on Ecology Fri. March 20, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -How do you think 1. Random Sampling scientists find out the Lab number of organisms in a population? End HW: Estimating populations WS Post response on fusion page by Fri.; Quiz Fri. March 21, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Pass HW to center of table -What are the 3 types of symbiosis? Give an example of each. End 1. Brain pop 2. Symbiosis around the room HW: Post response on fusion page by tomorrow; Quiz tomorrow! March 21, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -Put food web in 1. Quiz table of contents 2. Population dynamics -When done with graphs WS quiz, turn it over & work on the Population dynamics graphs WS HW: Pick out a current event End March 26, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) Describe cooperation and competition in an ecosystem. Give an example of each. Do they occur amongst the same species or different? End 1. Coral seas video w/questions HW: Find current event article; Current event due 4/4 *Copy in do now journal April 4, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) Current event 1. Go over TOC & assignment stapled in handed back this order: papers 1. Rubric 2. Biome Web quest 2. Summary/opinion 3. Article *Copy in do now journal Pass to center of table HW: Finish Biome web End *Copy in do now journal quest due tomorrow! *copy in plan book *Copy in do now journal April 5, 2013 Do Now -Late Current events? -Pass web quests to center of table -What are the 2 means of estimating a population? When are each used? End *Copy in do now journal Objective(s) 1. Mark & recapture Lab *Copy in do now journal HW: Test next Friday on Ecology! *copy in plan book *Copy in do now journal April 8, 2013 Do Now -Late Current events? -Sketch the water cycle & label the parts Objective(s) 1. 2. Biogeochemical Cycles Notes Mark & recapture Lab *Copy in do now journal End *Copy in do now journal HW: Cycles WS; Test Friday on Ecology! *copy in plan book *Copy in do now journal April 9, 2013 Do Now -Late Current events? -Get out HW!! -Why is nitrogen important and how do we get it? Objective(s) 1. 2. Nitrogen passport activity Finish Mark & recapture lab *Copy in do now journal End *Copy in do now journal HW: Dominoes; Test Friday on Ecology! *copy in plan book *Copy in do now journal April 11, 2013 Do Now -Get out dominoes! -What is succession? How is primary succession different from secondary succession? Give an example of each? End *Copy in do now journal Objective(s) 1. 2. Succession Web quest Finish going over Population dynamics packet *Copy in do now journal HW: Test Tues on Ecology! *copy in plan book *Copy in do now journal April 12, 2013 Do Now Objective(s) -What are the 3 types 1. of graphs we talked about? What factors effect them? 2. Finish going over Population dynamics packet Populations & succession WS *Copy in do now journal End *Copy in do now journal HW: Test Tues on Ecology! *copy in plan book *Copy in do now journal April 12, 2013 Do Now -What is the difference between density independent and density dependent limiting factors? Give an example of each. Objective(s) 1. Jeopardy review *Copy in do now journal End *Copy in do now journal HW: Test and notebook check tomorrow! *copy in plan book