General knowledge about cardiovascular system

General knowledge about cardiovascular
5 Classes of Blood Vessels
1. Arteries:
carry blood away from heart
2. Arterioles:
Are smallest branches of arteries
5 Classes of Blood Vessels
3. Capillaries:
are smallest blood vessels
location of exchange between blood and
interstitial fluid
5 Classes of Blood Vessels
4. Venules:
collect blood from capillaries
5. Veins:
return blood to heart
The Largest Blood Vessels
• Attach to heart
• Pulmonary trunk:
– carries blood from right ventricle
– to pulmonary circulation
• Aorta:
– carries blood from left ventricle
– to systemic circulation
The Smallest Blood Vessels
• Capillaries
• Have small diameter and thin walls
• Chemicals and gases diffuse across
The Anatomy of Blood Vessels
• Arteries, veins, and capillaries
• Have different functions
• Have different structures
Structure of Vessel Walls
Arteries and Veins
• Walls have 3 layers:
– tunica intima
– tunica media
– tunica externa
The Tunica Intima
• Is the innermost layer
• Includes:
– the endothelial lining
– connective tissue layer
Internal Elastic Membrane
• In arteries, is a layer of elastic fibers in
outer margin of tunica intima
Tunica Media
• Is the middle layer
• Contains concentric sheets of smooth
muscle in loose connective tissue
• Binds to inner and outer layers
Tunica Media
• Exterman elastic membrane of the
tunica media:
– separates tunica media from tunica
Tunica Externa
• Is outer layer
• Contains connective tissue sheath
• Anchors vessel to adjacent tissues
Tunica Externa
• In arteries:
– contain collagen
– elastic fibers
• In veins:
– contain elastic fibers
– smooth muscle cells
Vasa Vasorum
• Small arteries and veins
• In walls of large arteries and veins
• Supply cells of tunica media and tunica
Arteries vs. Veins
• Arteries and veins run side-by-side
• Arteries have thicker walls and higher
blood pressure
• Collapsed artery has small, round
• Vein has a large, flat lumen
Arteries vs. Veins
• Vein lining contracts, artery lining does
• Artery lining folds
• Arteries more elastic
• Veins have valves
Arteries and Pressure
• Elasticity allows arteries to absorb
pressure waves that come with each
• Arteries change diameter
• Controlled by sympathetic division of
Structure of Blood Vessels
Figure 21-2
Artery Characteristics
• From heart to capillaries, arteries
– from elastic arteries
– to muscular arteries
– to arterioles
Elastic Arteries
• Also called conducting arteries
• Large vessels (e.g., pulmonary trunk
and aorta)
• Tunica media has many elastic fibers
and few muscle cells
• Elasticity evens out pulse force
Muscular Arteries
• Also called distribution arteries
• Are medium-sized (most arteries)
• Tunica media has many muscle cells
• Are small
• Have little or no tunica externa
• Have thin or incomplete tunica media
Artery Diameter
• Small muscular arteries and arterioles:
– changes with sympathetic or endocrine
– constricted arteries oppose blood flow
Resistance (R)
• The force opposing blood flow
• Resistance vessels:
– arterioles
• A bulge in an arterial wall
• Is caused by weak spot in elastic fibers
• Pressure may rupture vessel
• Are smallest vessels with thin walls
• Microscopic capillary networks
permeate all active tissues
Capillary Function
• Location of all exchange functions of
cardiovascular system
• Materials diffuse between blood and
interstitial fluid
Capillary Structure
• Endothelial tube, inside thin basal
• No tunica media
• No tunica externa
• Diameter is similar to red blood cell
Capillary Structure
Figure 21-4
2 Types of Capillaries
1. Continuous capillaries
2. Fenestrated capillaries
Continuous Capillaries
• Have complete endothelial lining
• Are found in all tissues except
epithelia and cartilage
Functions of
Continuous Capillaries
• Permit diffusion of:
– water
– small solutes
– Lipid-soluble materials
• Block:
– blood cells
– plasma proteins
Continuous Capillaries
• Are in CNS and thymus
• Have very restricted permeability
• e.g., the blood–brain barrier
Fenestrated Capillaries
• Have pores in endothelial lining
• Permit rapid exchange of water and
larger solutes:
– between plasma and interstitial fluid
Fenestrated Capillaries
• Are found in:
choroid plexus
endocrine organs
intestinal tract
• Areas in:
bone marrow
endocrine organs
• Have gaps between adjacent
endothelial cells
• Permit free exchange:
– of water and large plasma proteins
– between blood and interstitial fluid
• Phagocytic cells monitor blood at
Capillary Networks
Figure 21-5
Capillaries Networks
• Capillary bed or capillary plexus
• Connect 1 arteriole and 1 venule
Thoroughfare Channels
• Direct capillary connections between
arterioles and venules
• Controlled by smooth muscle segments
• Multiple arteries that contribute to 1
capillary bed
• Allow circulation if 1 artery is blocked
• Arterial anastomosis:
– fusion of 2 collateral arteries
Arteriovenous Anastomoses
• Direct connections between arterioles
and venules
• Bypass the capillary bed
Capillary Sphincter
• Guards entrance to each capillary
• Opens and closes, causing capillary
blood to flow in pulses
• Collect blood from capillaries in tissues
and organs
• Return blood to heart
Veins vs. Arteries
• Are larger in diameter
• Have thinner walls
• Carry lower blood pressure
3 Vein Categories
1. Venules:
very small veins
collect blood from capillaries
3 Vein Categories
2. Medium-sized veins:
thin tunica media and few smooth
muscle cells
tunica externa with longitudinal bundles
of elastic fibers
3 Vein Categories
3. Large veins:
have all 3 tunica layers
thick tunica externa
thin tunica media
Valves in the Venous System
Figure 21-6
Vein Valves
• Folds of tunica intima
• Prevent blood from flowing backward
• Compression pushes blood toward
Venous Blood Distribution
• 1/3 of venous blood is in the large
venous networks of the liver, bone
marrow, and skin
Veins Response to Blood Loss
• Vasomotor centers stimulate
sympathetic nerves:
– systemic veins constrict (venoconstriction)
• veins in liver, skin and lungs redistribute
venous reserve
What are the principle
blood vessels and functional
characteristics of the
special circulation to the
brain, heart, and lungs?
Special Circulation
• Through organs with separate
mechanisms to control blood flow:
– brain
– heart
– lungs
Blood Flow to the Brain
• Is top priority
• Brain has high oxygen demand
• When peripheral vessel constrict,
cerebral vessels dilate, normalizing
blood flow
Heart Attack
• A blockage of coronary blood flow
• Can cause:
tissue damage
heart failure
Pulmonary Blood Pressure
• In pulmonary capillaries:
– is low to encourage reabsorption
• If capillary pressure rises:
– pulmonary edema occurs
Circulation Patterns
Figure 21-18
3 Distribution Patterns
1. Peripheral artery and vein
is the same on right and left, except
near the heart
3 Distribution Patterns
2. The same vessel:
may have different names in different
3 Distribution Patterns
3. Tissues and organs usually have
multiple arteries and veins:
vessels may be interconnected by
What are the major
arteries and veins of
the pulmonary circuit
and the areas they serve?
The Pulmonary Circuit
Figure 21-19
The Pulmonary Circuit (1 of 3)
1. Deoxygenated blood arrives at heart
from systemic circuit:
passes through right atrium and ventricle
enters pulmonary trunk
The Pulmonary Circuit (2 of 3)
2. At the lungs:
CO2 is removed
O2 is added
The Pulmonary Circuit (3 of 3)
3. Oxygenated blood:
returns to the heart
is distributed to systemic circuit
Pulmonary Vessels
• Pulmonary arteries:
– carry deoxygenated blood
• Pulmonary veins:
– carry oxygenated blood
Pulmonary Arteries
• Pulmonary trunk:
– branches to left and right pulmonary
• Pulmonary arteries:
– branch into pulmonary arterioles
• Pulmonary arterioles:
– branch into capillary networks that
surround alveoli
Pulmonary Veins
• Capillary networks around alveoli:
– join to form venules
• Venules:
– join to form 4 pulmonary veins
• Pulmonary veins:
– empty into left atrium
What are the major
arteries and veins of
the systemic circuit and
the areas they serve?
Major Systemic Arteries
Figure 21-20
The Systemic Circuit
• Contains 84% of blood volume
• Supplies entire body:
– except for pulmonary circuit
Arteries of the Chest
and Upper Limbs
Systemic Arteries
• Blood moves from left ventricle:
– into ascending aorta
• Coronary arteries:
– branch from aortic sinus
The Aorta
• The ascending aorta:
– rises from the left ventricle
– curves to form aortic arch
– turns downward to become descending
Branches of the Aortic Arch
• Deliver blood to head and neck:
– brachiocephalic trunk
– left common carotid artery
– left subclavian artery
The Brachiocephalic Trunk
• Branches to form:
– right subclavian artery
– right common carotid artery
The Subclavian Arteries
• Branches within thoracic cavity:
– internal thoracic artery
– vertebral artery
– thyrocervical trunk
The Subclavian Arteries
• Leaving the thoracic cavity:
– become axillary artery in arm
– and brachial artery distally
The Brachial Artery
• Divides at coronoid fossa of humerus:
– into radial artery and ulnar artery
Radial and Ulnar Arteries
• Fuse at wrist to form:
– superficial and deep palmar arches
– which supply digital arteries
Arteries of the Neck and Head
The Common Carotid Arteries
• Carry blood to head and neck
• Each common carotid divides into:
– external carotid artery
– internal carotid artery
The External Carotid
• Supplies structures of:
– neck
– lower jaw
– face
Arteries of the Brain
The Internal Carotid Artery
• Enters skull and divides into:
– opthalmic artery
– anterior cerebral artery
– middle cerebral artery
The Vertebral Arteries
• Also supply brain with blood supply
• Left and right vertebral arteries:
– arise from subclavian arteries
– enter cranium through foramen magnum
– fuse to form basilar artery
The Basilar Artery
• Branches to form posterior cerebral
• Posterior cerebral arteries:
– become posterior communicating arteries
• The cerebral arterial circle
– the internal carotid arteries
– and the basilar artery
Arteries of the Trunk
The Descending Aorta
• Is divided by diaphragm into:
– thoracic aorta
– abdominal aorta
Arteries of the Trunk
Branches of the Thoracic Aorta
• Are anatomically grouped into:
– visceral
– parietal
4 Visceral Branches
• Supply organs of the chest:
bronchial arteries
pericardial arteries
esophogeal arteries
mediastinal arteries
2 Parietal Branches
• Supply chest wall:
– intercostal arteries
– superior phrenic arteries
The Abdominal Aorta
• Divides at terminal segment of the
aorta into:
– left common iliac artery
– right common iliac artery
Branches of the Abdominal Aorta
• Unpaired branches:
– major branches to visceral organs
• Paired branches:
to body wall
urinary bladder
structures outside abdominopelvic cavity
Arteries of the
Abdominopelvic Organs
3 Unpaired Branches
of the Abdominal Aorta
• Celiac trunk, divides into:
– left gastric artery
– splenic artery
– common hepatic artery
• Superior mesenteric artery
• Left mesenteric artery
5 Paired Branches of
the Abdominal Aorta
Inferior phrenic arteries
Suprarenal arteries
Renal arteries
Gonadal arteries
Lumbar arteries
The Abdominal Aorta
• Divides to form:
– right and left common iliac arteries
– middle sacral artery
The Common Iliac Arteries
• Divide to form:
– internal iliac artery
– external iliac artery
Arteries of the Lower Limbs
The External Iliac Arteries
• Pass through abdominal wall
• Becomes femoral arteries
The Femoral Artery
• Branches to:
– deep femoral artery
• Becomes popliteal artery:
– posterior to knee
The Popliteal Artery
• Branches to form:
– posterior tibial artery
– anterior tibial artery
The Anterior Tibial Artery
• Becomes dorsalis pedis artery at the
The Posterior Tibial Artery
• Gives rise to the fibular artery
• Divides at ankle to form:
– medial and lateral plantar arteries
• Dorsal arch and plantar arch:
– supply distal foot and toes
Major Systemic Veins
Arteries and Veins
• Run side by side
• Branching patterns of peripheral veins
are more variable
Differences in Artery
and Vein Distribution
• In neck and limbs:
– 1 set of arteries (deep)
– 2 sets of veins (1 deep, 1 superficial)
• Venous system controls body
All Systemic Veins
• Drain into either:
– superior vena cava (SVC)
– or inferior vena cava (IVC)
Veins of the Head,
Neck, and Brain
The Superior Vena Cava (SVC)
• Receives blood from:
upper limbs
The Dural Sinuses
• Superficial cerebral veins and small
veins of the brain stem:
– empty into network of dural sinuses
5 Cerebral Sinuses
Superior and inferior sagittal sinuses
Petrosal sinuses
Occipital sinus
Left and right transverse sinuses
Straight sinus
Cerebral Veins
• Great cerebral vein:
– drains to straight sinus
• Other cerebral veins:
– drain to cavernous sinus
– which drains to petrosal sinus
The Left and Right
Transverse Sinuses
• Converge to form sigmoid sinus:
– which leaves skull as internal jugular vein
Vertebral Veins
• Empty into brachiocephalic veins of
Superficial Veins of the Head
• Converge to form:
– temporal, facial, and maxillary veins
Veins of the Neck
• Temporal and maxillary veins:
– drain to external jugular vein
• Facial vein:
– drains to internal jugular vein
Veins of the Abdomen and Chest
Veins of the Hand
• Digital veins:
– empty into superficial and deep palmar
– which interconnect to form palmar venous
Superficial Veins of the Forearm
• Superficial arch empties into:
– cephalic vein
– median antebrachial vein
– median cubital vein
Deep Veins of the Forearm
• Deep palmar veins drain into:
– radial and ulnar veins
– which fuse above elbow to form brachial
The Brachial Vein
• Merges with basilic vein
• To become axillary vein
Veins of the Upper Arm
• Cephalic vein joins axillary vein:
– to form subclavian vein
The Subclavian Vein
• Merges with external and internal
jugular veins:
– to form brachiocephalic vein
– which enters thoracic cavity
Veins of the Thoracic Cavity
• Brachiocephalic vein receives blood
– vertebral vein
– internal thoracic vein
The Left and Right
Brachiocephalic Veins
• Merge to form the superior vena cava
Tributaries of the SVC
• Azygous vein and hemiazygous vein
which receive blood from:
– intercostal veins
– esophageal veins
– veins of other mediastinal structures
Tributaries of the
Superior Vena Cava
Tributaries of the
Inferior Vena Cava
The Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)
• Collects blood from organs inferior to
the diaphragm
Veins of the Lower Limbs
Veins of the Foot
• Capillaries of the sole:
– drain into a network of plantar veins
– which supply the plantar venous arch
The Plantar Network
• Drains into deep veins of leg:
– anterior tibial vein
– posterior tibial vein
– fibular vein
Deep Veins of the Leg
• Join to become popliteal vein:
– anterior tibial vein
– posterior tibial vein
– fibular vein
The Dorsal Venous Arch
• Collects blood from:
– superior surface of foot
– digital veins
The Dorsal Venous Arch
• Drains into 2 superficial veins:
1. great saphenous vein:
• which drains into femoral vein
2. small saphenous vein:
• which drains into popliteal vein
The Popliteal Vein
• Becomes the femoral vein
• At the femur
The Femoral Vein
• Before entering abdominal wall,
receives blood from:
– great saphenous vein
– deep femoral vein
– femoral circumflex vein
• Inside the pelvic cavity:
– becomes the external iliac vein
The External Iliac Veins
• Are joined by internal iliac veins:
– to form right and left common iliac veins
The Right and Left
Common Iliac Veins
• Merge to form the inferior vena cava
Veins of the Abdomen
6 Major Tributaries of the
Abdominal Inferior Vena Cava
Lumbar veins
Gonadal veins
Hepatic veins
Renal veins
Suprarenal veins
Phrenic veins
The Hepatic Portal System
The Hepatic Portal System
• Connects 2 capillary beds
• Delivers nutrient-laden blood:
– from capillaries of digestive organs
– to liver sinusoids for processing
5 Tributaries of the
Hepatic Portal Vein
1. Inferior mesenteric vein:
drains part of large intestine
2. Splenic vein:
drains spleen, part of stomach, and
3. Superior mesenteric vein:
drains part of stomach, small intestine,
and part of large intestine
5 Tributaries of the
Hepatic Portal Vein
4. Left and right gastric veins:
drains part of stomach
5. Cystic vein:
drains gallbladder
Blood Processed in Liver
• After processing in liver sinusoids,
blood collects in hepatic veins and
empties into inferior vena cava
Fetal Circulation
• Embryonic lungs and digestive tract
• Respiratory functions and nutrition
provided by placenta
Placental Blood Supply
Figure 21-33a
Placental Blood Supply
• Blood flows to the placenta:
– through a pair of umbilical arteries
– which arise from internal iliac arteries
– and enter umbilical cord
Placental Blood Return
• Blood returns from placenta:
– in a single umbilical vein
– which drains into ductus venosus
• Ductus venosus:
– empties into inferior vena cava
The Neonatal Heart
Figure 21-33b
Before Birth
• Fetal lungs are collapsed
• O2 provided by placental circulation
At Birth
• Newborn breathes air
• Lungs expand
• Pulmonary circulation provides O2
2 Fetal Pulmonary
Circulation Bypasses
1. Foramen ovale:
interatrial opening
covered by valve-like flap
directs blood from right to left atrium
2. Ductus arteriosus:
short vessel
connects pulmonary and aortic trunks
Cardiovascular Changes at Birth
• Pulmonary vessels expand
• Reduced resistance allows blood flow
• Rising O2 causes ductus arteriosus
• Rising left atrium pressure closes
foramen ovale
Cardiovascular Problems
Figure 21-34
Cardiovascular Problems
• Develop if proper circulatory changes
do not occur at birth