Social Problems Study Guide Fall 2014 Instructor: ROSALES WEEK

Social Problems
Fall 2014
Study Guide
Instructor: ROSALES
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Sociological imagination (R)
 C. Write Mills (R)
 Karl Marx (R)
 Max Weber (R)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Six stages of social problems process model (L)
 Civil Rights Movement and the social problems process model (L)
 Objectivism (L)
 Subjectivism (L)
 Troubling issues case studies: Drunk driving (R)
 Definition of sociology (HR)
 Subdisciplines of sociology (HR)
 Value judgments (HR)
 Emile Durkheim (HR)
 Kai Erikson (HR)
 Karl Marx, means of production (HR)
 Concept of social structure (HR)
 Critical constructionism (HR)
 Conflict theory (HR)
 Symbolic interactionism (HR)
 Social constructionism (HR)
 Gramsci’s hegemony (HR)
 Media portrayals of criminality (R)
 Road dangers, main point (R)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Claims (L)
 Grounds (L)
 Conclusions (L)
 Claimsmakers (L)
 Resources (L)
 Rhetoric (L)
 Rhetorical recipe (L)
 Warrant (L)
 Piggybacking (L)
 Position issue (L)
 Valance issue (L)
 Audience (L)
L: Lecture GL: Guest lecture HR: Heiner reading R: Week’s reading/audio
Social Problems
Fall 2014
Study Guide
Instructor: ROSALES
Counterclaims (L)
Prevalence of lifestyle pharmaceutical drugs (R)
Development, history of pharmaceutical drugs (R)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Cultural resources (L)
 Insider claimsmakers, examples given (L)
 Outsider claimsmakers, examples given (L)
 Social movement, examples given (L)
 Social movement organization, examples given (L)
 Capitalism (HR)
 History of American intervention in Latin America (HR)
 Socialism (HR)
 Totalitarianism (HR)
 Democratic Socialism (HR)
 “Walmartization” (HR)
 Gini Index (HR)
 Percent of US population living in poverty (HR)
 Percent of US children who live in poverty (HR)
 Supplementary poverty formula (GL)
 Coining of “welfare queen” term (GL)
 Culture of poverty (GL)
 Social problems marketplace (L)
 Population studied by Ehrenreich (R)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Framing (L)
 Types of frames (L)
 Frame dispute (L)
 Diagnostic frames (L)
 Prognostic frames (L)
 Motivational frames (L)
 Constituents (L)
 Beneficiaries (L)
 Conscience constituents (L)
 Ownership (L)
 Opportunity structures (L)
 Political opportunities (L)
 Cultural opportunities (L)
 Resource mobilization (L)
 Master frames (L)
 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (R)
L: Lecture GL: Guest lecture HR: Heiner reading R: Week’s reading/audio
Social Problems
Fall 2014
Study Guide
Instructor: ROSALES
Dalton Conley (HR)
“Glass ceiling” (HR)
“Second shift” (HR)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Medicalization (L)
 Medical model (L)
 Biomedicalization (L)
 Bias (L)
 Media coverage (L)
 Primary claims (L)
 Arena (L)
 Landmark narrative (L)
 Secondary claims (L)
 Agenda setting (L)
 Importance of Ralph Nader’s book, Rachel Carson’s book (L)
 Problems of the family, examples (HR)
 Notion of the traditional family (HR)
 NYT “Ray Rice and his Rage” main findings (R)
 NPR “NFL Looks to…” main findings (R)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Population sampling problems (L)
 Sampling/survey instrument problems (L)
 Population (L)
 Representative sample (L)
 Sample (L)
 Sample survey (L)
 Focus group (L)
 Policymakers (L)
 Kingdon’s Policy Streams (L)
 Lobbyists (L)
 K Street (L)
 Policy domain, examples given (L)
 Homosexuality and the DSM (R) (L)
 Crime and deviance in historical perspective (HR)
 Social structure (HR)
 Culture (HR)
 Stonewall Riots (HR) (L)
 History of drug criminality in US (HR)
L: Lecture GL: Guest lecture HR: Heiner reading R: Week’s reading/audio
Social Problems
Fall 2014
Study Guide
Instructor: ROSALES
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Main findings in Bertrand and Mullainathan (R)(L)
 Main finding in Pager study (L)
 Main argument in Chauncey book (L)
 Main argument in Chauncey chapter (L) (R)
 Homosexuality and the APA (L)
 Importantance of AB 540 (GL)
 Number of undocumented in US (GL)
 Number of undocumented young adults/children in US (GL)
 Immigration reform social movement history, tactics (GL)
 Immigration Crisis media claims, reasons for its incorrect nature (R)
 Trends in apprehended undocumented minors (R)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Year first law protecting lab animals passed (GL)
 Animal Rights movement tactics, pros, cons (GL)
 Year first animal rights SMO founded (GL)
 Pet incident that made national news (GL)
 Animal cruelty throughout American history (GL)
 Turnspit (R)
 Turnspit role in APSCA (R)
 Main point of Evan’s paper (R)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Woman, publication date (L)
 Main point of Wollstonecraft book (L)
 Child abuse as a social problem timeline (L)
 Way of understanding race (GL)
 Percentage of Filipinos who intermarry, groups they intermarry (GL)
 Main point, research population of Goffman reading (R)
 Main point of Rosales reading (R) (L)
Definitions, concepts, people to know:
 Statistics regarding violence against women (L)
 Statistics regarding police violence (L)
 Claimsmaking, claimsmakers in Ferguson, Long Island, Cleveland (L)
 Frames used by activists regarding stalking (R)
 Timeline for stalking laws (R)
L: Lecture GL: Guest lecture HR: Heiner reading R: Week’s reading/audio