Libraries and Government st Information in the 21 Century Hui Hua Chua U.S. & International Documents Librarian Michigan State University LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Government Information: Current Policy and Publication Environment Official documents and publications primarily online and often online only beginning in mid-1990s (US) UN, EU, GPO, individual agencies or regional agencies, Department of Energy, cross-agency or cross-organizational portals, private re-publishers. Better interfaces (sometimes): FDSys Open Data and Open Access World Bank’s Open Data Initiative President Obama’s Open Government Initiative NIH Public Access Policy (PubMedCentral) and Federal Research Public Access Act Bulk data GPO (CFR and FR in XML format) Carl Malamud’s LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Government Information: Current Policy and Publication Environment Open Data and Open Access (contd.) FOIA and (de)classified documents Government use of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies National Security Archive and other vendors FAS Project on Government Secrecy Wikileaks Internal business External communication and “publishing” E-government services for citizens Tax forms, Medicare Part D, FAFSA, LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Implications and Issues for Academic Libraries Greater direct access to current and future publications than ever before Authenticity, authentication and version control Larger number of entities involved in publishing government information: formats, interfaces, sustainability, permanent access Role of libraries and librarians Provision and services for e-government activities Opportunity for libraries and other entities to create more flexible, specialized tools with bulk data Depository programs in flux LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Government Information: Historical Collections Mass digitization Many players, many models, many scales United Nations, Government Printing Office, individual agencies (USDA, USAID, NOAA, etc) Google Books, Google-CIC/Hathi, Internet Archive Library consortia and individual libraries • TRAIL technical reports (GWLA), League of Nations (Northwestern) Commercial publishers and vendors • Serial Set, Hearings, FBIS, Congressional Record Cataloging historical publications LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Implications and issues for academic libraries Greater direct access to historical publications for users through better metadata or full text access Comprehensiveness? Permanent access and digital preservation of multiple formats Sustainability Why and when to buy vendor products? Many online copies and collections; fewer print copies and collections Depository programs in flux Integration with other resources Opportunities to create value added tools and services to support research and teaching. LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Government Information: Electronic Archiving Archiving born-digital publications and data Is it necessary? Many players, many models, many scales, many formats Library of Congress, NARA, GPO, IGO and agency publishers Internet Archive Library consortia and individual libraries UNT Cybercemetery, Chesapeake Project (Legal Information Archive), LOCKSS-DOCS, state libraries and state government information, digital deposit, OCLC and Archive-it! Vendor products LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Implications and issues for academic libraries Most problematic area. Comprehensiveness? Multiple formats? Authenticity? Permanent access and archiving? Sustainability? LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Government Information: Services Greater integration of government information services into general library services; Fewer government information specialists and departments reference and cataloging Government Information Online collaborative email and chat reference service for all users 2,254 sessions with the public (1/2010-4/2010); 6,939 in 2009; 5,779 in 2008 Partnership with GPO for promotion and support Training Government Information in the 21st Century (Gi21) grant to train nongovernment info. librarians E-government Librarianship Scholarship Program LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Implications and issues for academic libraries Need for government information specialists? Future training and education? Use of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 to deliver services and promote collections Integration with other resources and the creation of value-added services Changing user expectations and behavior LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 …looking for "job densities" of geographic areas---quantifying how many jobs are in a localized area, the Michigan Ave corridor in Lansing and East Lansing. His research topic is about locating a transitoriented business. - Graduate student (Urban Planning) …looking for historic Gini ratios by state for the years 1949 and 1959. - Faculty member (Economics) For consideration of installation of the Danish Salmonella control program in the US I needed a comparison of poultry farmers in Denmark and the US. - Graduate student (Food Science) LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 …a doctoral student writing a dissertation on the pianist/composer Mana-Zucca who appeared in the Congressional Record twice within one week in both houses according to a quote by Sen. Jacob Javits. …gathering statistics for an award that MSU Bikes is pursuing related to MSU being a “bike friendly community”. - MSU Staff I am trying to find a source that would list the Immigration Laws recently passed by the various State General Assemblies, that go (or in effect) this year. - News Librarian I've been asked to find out the number of US businesses (any size) that are owned by immigrants. - CNN News Librarian For a Summer Reading Program for all incoming freshmen they have chosen the book "The Ghost Map" by Steven Johnson about the Cholera epidemic in London in 1853. The coordinator is trying to include materials from ALL collections in the library. - Librarian creating exhibit LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 I am currently working on coding weight discrimination cases, and I am in search of information on the political affiliations of judges. - Graduate Student (Labor & Human Resources) …a research project on the "traceability of fresh produce". I am wondering about what is hot right now, what is expected to happen, and what …documents about U.S. technical regulations are already in assistance programs to place regarding if the event underdeveloped countries from 1950 of a 'recall of cherries', for to the present. Material that discusses the effectiveness of these programs instance, occurs. would be particularly welcome. - Undergraduate (Packaging) - Graduate student I was wondering about women working in the auto industry in the 1920's. - Undergraduate (Tier I Writing) Is there a place that aggregates all current funding opportunities for local governments looking for environmentally-focused funding? - Local govt employee LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010 Questions? pool/show/ LAMP @ MSU, May 22, 2010