Contemporary Period: Themes of the 20th & 21st Centuries

The Contemporary Period
20th and 21st Centuries
General Themes of the Period
Adopted from lectures by Peter N. Stearns
new themes in the contemporary
The 20th and early-21st centuries are usually divided into three phases.
The years 1914–1945 were dominated by two world wars, the
Depression, disarray in Western society, stirrings in other societies,
and the force of new revolutions, particularly in the Soviet Union.
The years 1945–1990 were marked by a decline of Western Europe
in world affairs; this decline opened a transitional framework in
which the Soviet Union and the United States disputed world
dominance through the “Cold War”
III. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War,
we enter the third phase of the contemporary era, marked, perhaps,
by the emergence of the United States as “the world’s only
superpower,” along with some questions about how long that role
would last.
new themes in the contemporary
It is important to remember that the contemporary period
is still a recent one in world history; some of the details
have yet to be worked out, and some of the new themes
have yet to be fully established.
new themes in the contemporary
The dominant social class in most societies in 1914 was
still the landed aristocracy. By the early-21st century,
the aristocracy is almost gone, replaced by a new kind
of professional middle class.
This social class thinks of the world more in industrial
than in agricultural terms, more in urban terms than in
rural, and more in managerial structures than in terms
of private land ownership.
new themes in the contemporary
In 1900 or 1910, the world’s major political regimes were
predominantly monarchies or empires, but these systems are
largely gone in the early-21st century. The alternatives include
democracies, along with authoritarian regimes and communist
Empires fell because they could not sustain themselves against
the rising tide of nationalism and demands for independence;
this was the fate of the European colonial empires, AustriaHungary, the Ottoman Empire, and later, elements of the
Russian Empire.
Monarchies fell and were replaced with republics because they
were not supple enough to fit modern circumstances. In some
instances, monarchies fell victim to their association with
aristocratic and agricultural social systems.
new themes in the contemporary
Political change has been a key feature of the contemporary
period and has yielded an unprecedented interest in
democratic political forms.
The contemporary period, however, has produced a variety
of political impulses.
The early-21st century saw a wave of socialist victories in Latin
American elections.
The same thing may occur as democracies spread to other
parts of the world, particularly the Middle East.
The spread of democracy does not necessarily erase the need
to pay ongoing attention to global political complexity.
new themes in the contemporary
Gender relationships also seem to enter a new phase
in the contemporary era. Older systems of patriarchy
were modified by efforts to give women the vote,
improve their educational levels, and provide them
with some legal rights.
The gender system that would replace the patriarchal
system, however, has not been clearly defined. The new
system is not completely egalitarian and does not fully
address women’s economic role or the issue of male
violence against women.
new themes in the contemporary
During the 20th and early-21st centuries, change in gender relations took
certain clear directions.
Beginning principally after World War I in the United States, the
Soviet Union, Germany, Turkey, and other European countries,
voting rights for women were established.
In education, women gained ground during the 20th and, to date,
the 21st centuries. By the early-21st century, in an impressive variety
of societies, women began to gain majority ascendancy even in
higher education. Parity in education could be expected to translate
into greater job opportunities and political voice.
Women also gained a new measure of equality in consumerism,
participating in opportunities to buy things as a means of selfexpression.
new themes in the contemporary
The contemporary period offers a new set of
challenges to older cultural beliefs; these challenges
come from communism, a greater mass appeal of
nationalism, consumerism, and science.
In important ways these cultural options do not entirely
agree with one another.
By the early-21st century, these options had not fully
succeeded in displacing the old.
The cultural map of the contemporary period is
complicated; we cannot say for sure that the older
patterns have been vanquished.
new themes in the contemporary
Both world wars, apart from their global dimensions,
can be seen as a giant internal civil war within the
West. In this conflict, the West’s inability to maintain
its power position in the world accelerated as a result
of the economic, political, and population damage
Western societies inflicted on one another.
new themes in the
contemporary period
In the early-21st century, the West still possessed the greatest military
power in the world as a whole. But the capacity of the West to move
almost at will militarily had been curtailed by the second half of the 20th
One reason for this was that Western countries became less willing to
invest heavily in maintaining cutting-edge military technologies.
Several other parts of the world began to emphasize military tactics
that could stalemate the West’s advantage in conventional
armament—such as guerilla warfare in Vietnam or the resistance in
urban settings seen in Algeria and Iraq.
As individual countries gained independence and a measure of
economic success, they invested in military force. The West could still
defeat such countries, but doing so took much more planning and
economic commitment than previously
new themes in the contemporary
We also see decline in the West’s capacity to control most
of the rest of the world directly through colonies and
colonial administrations.
One key development in the contemporary period,
starting between the wars and accelerating after World
War II, was decolonization.
Western political and economic influence could
survive decolonization in some cases, but the world as
a whole saw a much reduced capacity of any single
civilization or society to dominate global politics.
new themes in the contemporary
In future centuries, people may see the
fundamental innovation of the contemporary period as the
beginning of humankind’s conquest of outer space.
In the early-21st century, however, space exploration has
not yet had a deep impact on human life or the patterns
of global societies.
new themes in the contemporary
The altered nature of war and military technology in the 21st
The two world wars introduced the concept of total war—the
mobilization of all the major resources of the key combatants, not
just armies and navies but the economy and civilians, as well.
World War II gave birth to the capability to end human existence
with nuclear weapons.
Among the new themes of the contemporary era were the
tightened organizational capacity in war, societies’ insistence on
total surrender as a result of their investment, and the threat of
devastating and fearsome new technology.
new themes in the contemporary
8. massive global population increase. This population
growth carries over into other features that begin to
reshape the world.
World population explosion encourages new patterns
of immigration, bringing together people from
different cultural backgrounds and leading to new
challenges in many societies.
Migrations into U.S. and, significantly, Western Europe
Population explosion also places unprecedented stress
on global environments.
new themes in the contemporary
9. the steady acceleration of communication and
transportation technologies.
Important developments here include radio, satellite
communications, the Internet, and air travel.
These technologies offer unprecedented opportunities and,
in some ways, pose unprecedented threats and challenges to
the identities of individual societies.
The accelerated movement of ideas, goods, and peoples,
sometimes referred to as globalization, is an indisputable
mark of the new period of world history.
World Economic Themes
The contemporary period continues elements inherited from the
Long 19th Century, but.
By the later-20th and early-21st centuries, we see what some
economists are calling the industrialization of the world. In
the late-20th century, about 20 percent of the world’s
population was actively involved in industrializing economies;
this number has jumped to 60 percent in the early-21st
The inequality of economic relationships among different
parts of the world is not gone, but by the 21st century the key
issues were not so much among regions as within them,
generated by the process of partial industrialization and
import substitution.
World Economic Themes
The world economy reveals both continuity and change in world
history between the Long 19th Century and the contemporary era.
One might think that the economy is an area where continuity
predominates; core economies and peripheries, for example, still
The term Third World, in some ways, seems to enshrine
continuity. Over time, this term came to refer to parts of the
world that were not industrialized and were vastly poorer than
the First World.
World Economic Themes
Core characteristics can still be identified in the 21st century in
much of Western Europe and the United States.
These societies still export expensive goods and import cheaper
goods, using trading companies based in the core.
They rely on wage labor and have, for the most part, stable
Their goods, however, have changed; they now export
professional services and many entertainment staples.
World Economic Themes
A few societies did not display core characteristics in terms of
export/import but managed to maintain fairly high standards of
living. These societies fit a semi-core definition.
Canada, for example, was a leading raw materials and food
supplier to the United States.
Australia, by the later-20th century, was the leading raw
materials supplier to Japan.
World Economic Themes
Peripheries were still characterized by relatively weak governments
and continued to export cheap goods, such as lower-level
manufactured products. Some of the locations of the periphery
Peripheral societies still existed in Latin America and Central
America, where cheap factory products and drugs were exported.
The key periphery during the contemporary period, however,
could be found in sub-Saharan Africa, where food supplies, raw
materials, and mining supplies were the predominant exports.
Although Africa had been colonized by the end of the Long
19th Century, it was only in the 20th century that its economy
was converted more fully to peripheral status by the operations
of colonial powers.
World Economic Themes
While continuity in world economic relationships exists, there are clear
beginnings of efforts to move away from this framework in several ways.
Beginning early in the 20th century, a number of societies saw
that the world economy was not working to their benefit; they
needed to establish their own market frameworks that would
release them from dependence on global economic
The first country that came to this realization was Russia, where
the doctrine of socialism under Stalin proclaimed that the Soviet
Union could industrialize without significant contact with the
rest of the world. Soviet economic growth, however, came at the
cost of low wages, social frustration, and environmental damage.
In the 1960s, China attempted a similar isolation. After the
Communist Revolution was completed in 1949, China’s
industrialization was meant to proceed in conjunction with the
Soviet Union’s. Later, however, China moved toward an even
more isolationist policy.
World Economic Themes
As World War II neared, Japanese attempts to establish
relationships with a colonial sphere in East and Southeast
Asia represented another effort at partial economic isolation.
Japan envisioned what it called the co-prosperity sphere, in
which a set of countries would trade with Japan in unequal
Nazi Germany, to some extent, also sought to separate itself
from the world economy. The goal was for Germany to set up
a colonial relationship with the agricultural regions of
Eastern Europe and, again, launch a mini-world economy in
which German industrial might was supported by cheap
exports from the Slavic hinterland.
This interlude is echoed even in the 21st century by small
cases of economic isolation, most notably in North Korea.
By the later-20th century, most of the societies that had tried
the go-it-alone policy had concluded that it was a mistake
and, one by one, rejoined the world economy.
World Economic Themes
The most striking shift in the contemporary period was the entry
into the core of Japan, followed by other parts of the Pacific Rim,
including South Korea and Taiwan.
This development modified the association of the core with the
West; thus, when we think about the relative decline of the
West, we must consider the fact that Western Europe’s
monopoly over core status was qualified by the addition of parts
of East Asia.
A second cultural zone was now capable of advanced
industrialization and participation in the core. Japan, South
Korea, and Taiwan imitated Western countries in many respects,
but they maintained a Confucian emphasis on group loyalty,
group values, collective decision-making, and close relationships
between the state and the private sector.
World Economic Themes
The more durable efforts to adjust to the world economy in ways that
complicate the core-periphery relationships fall into several categories.
The first method used to help countries climb out of
peripheralization was the policy of import substitution, initiated in
the 1920s.
Under this policy, the government, working with private
entrepreneurs, sets up production of some essential but less
sophisticated industrial products, such as textiles, automobiles,
and basic appliances; these products, then, no longer have to be
imported from the core.
This move does not totally break the core-periphery relationship, but
it reduces the importation of expensive items; import substitution is
also usually accompanied by protective tariffs.
The goods produced for import substitution were not necessarily
of as high quality as those produced by the core, but these
products satisfied part of local demand and reduced economic
World Economic Themes
Another method used to escape peripheralization was to seize on
one particular good that was either valuable or could be
produced in newly efficient ways and translated into exports; the
most obvious case in point here is Middle Eastern oil, initially a
peripheral product.
Once independence was achieved by major Middle Eastern
and North African nations after World War II, political
measures could be used to seize control of the oil and make
it a very profitable export.
Other products could be used, as well; Chile, for example,
by the 1970s and 1980s, was breaking out of the peripheral
trap by emphasizing vegetable and fruit production for U.S.
World Economic Themes
The third method to break out of peripheralization was to develop
a few sectors in which an economy could begin to compete with
the core—by exporting processed goods on a worldwide basis.
Brazil, for example, negotiated with the United States during World War II
for the provision of a modern steel industry in return for American use of
Brazilian observation posts.
By the 1990s and the early years of the 21st century, the big stories in
export sectors were, of course, China and India.
China became, almost literally, the workshop of the world. Wages were low
and workers were exploited, but the capacity to produce textiles, electronics,
gifts, and other basic goods pushes China toward core status.
India’s transformation involved less emphasis on global manufacturing and
more on the development of service industries.