Assessment Form Auxilary Services 2011

Assessment Form
Auxiliary Services
Student Commons
2010 - 2011
(Assessment Period)
June, 2011
(Date Submitted)
Assessment Form
________Food Services________
(Assessment Period)
_____June 3, 2011_______
(Date Submitted)
Submitted By: Carol Cooper, Director of Auxiliary Services
Elements of the Assessment Report
What is the goal or function of your office or service department?
To provide pleasant dining experiences while meeting diverse culinary needs and
emphasizing value for all customers.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
To propose new meal plans for Fall 2011 when the school moves to a semester calendar that
satisfies the college students concern about missing so many meals and one that UNCSA can
afford to offer.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
Yes, 300 and 175 meal plans have been established. Each meal plan comes with $150 in
bonus bucks each semester. The college student has that number of meals to use in a
semester. They don’t lose any meals.
A list of the different meal plans that the other UNC system schools offered were gathered.
A total number of meals for a semester seemed to be what most schools offered. This idea
was presented to the Food Service Committee for their approval. They fully supported the
total number of meals for a semester plan. The proposal was also shared with Student Artist
Association (SAA).
After the calendar was determined a set number of meals for each semester was
determined. Aramark enhanced the plans by allowing college students to receive a 4th meal
by getting the dinner meal exchange in the Pickle Jar even if they already eat dinner. The 300
& 175 meal plans were decided and presented again to the Food Service Committee and the
Information about the new meal plans was distributed on flyers, the web and shared at
Housing Sign-up.
No complaints or negative comments were received about the new plans. The students seem
to be excited about the new plans. More feedback will be available after the plans have been
utilized in 2011-2012.
An effective office/service department has more than one initiative going on during any
academic year. You may use the same format to report on additional goals.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
Finalize the plans for the café in the new library and develop a menu based on input from the
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted
your office or service department.
Initial meeting with current design company occurred in December 2009 to learn about
space in the new library for the café.
Worked with Aramark to determine what had been done at other Aramark accounts.
Reviewed pictures and drawings of various Aramark Java City cafés. Also discussed with
Aramark the cost for such a project.
In February 2011, the Director of Auxiliary Services and Director of Dining Services
visited UNCC and NCSU to tour several of their café type areas on their campuses.
Finishes and equipment specifications were gathered on this trip to develop a list of
equipment specs for the designers of the project to complete their design.
Discussed with the Food Service Committee and SGA the menu for the café to include
coffees, smoothies, pre-made salads & sandwiches and pastries. Developed a list of
equipment wanted in the café. The feedback was positive.
Researched specific equipment to give designers size and utility needs for each piece.
Also share with designers some preferred finishes for the café in hope they would fit
with the décor for library.
Reviewed new location by design firm in April 2011. Shared issues and concerns. The
design firm would reconfigure the layout in their next set of drawings. Waiting to view
The library café will hopefully fill the void for specifically D&P students who claim they
don’t have time to come to the Commons to eat. Many people who work in the
administration building don’t eat in the Commons so with this facility being closer, they
will decide to frequent this facility. The café may also be able to attract patrons before
and after performances in Performance Place and Watson Hall.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
Develop a plan to enhance the Dining Services website whether it be from internal or
external resources.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted
your office or service department.
Yes and no. Aramark does offer a program where they would manage Dining Services
website. Unfortunately there is a monthly charge for that service that UNCSA can’t
afford at this point.
Information about Dining Services on the website has been updated with new
Aramark’s Marketing Manager did create a Facebook page – NCSA Dining. UNCSA
Dining was taken. The page advertises items on the menu, special events and contests.
When Chick-fil-a was added to the Pickle Jar, customers were given a response they
could give the staff in the Pickle Jar to receive a free sandwich.
As UNCSA students don’t read the EFE, we will continue to seek out different avenues
and social networking resources to advertise Dining Services events.
Assessment Form
UNCSA Mail Center
(Assessment Period)
Submitted By:
May 30, 2011
(Date Submitted)
Elizabeth Spruill, Mail Center Supervisor
Elements of the Assessment Report
What is the goal or function of your office or service department?
To provide the campus community with reliable and professional mail services in a courteous,
timely and cost efficient manner.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
To train two new employees to run and fully operate the Mail Center on their own in the absence
of the supervisor.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
Yes, both new employees are trained to operate the Mail Center in the supervisors’ absence.
The Mail Associates opens the Mail Center promptly every day and prepares to receive mail.
They have become very efficient and confident in their abilities to operate the meter
machine, scanners, shipping programs, cash drawer and computer equipment. They have
been well trained in knowing their resources if encountering problems in the supervisor’s
Both employees are proficient with completing the ShipRequest forms for Pitney Bowes
Ascent software program. They are able to teach others the procedures using the forms in
order to ship FEDEX and UPS, thus saving UNCSA 28% in discounts.
The Mail Associates are shipping packages using Ascent software program without fail. Their
ability to shop for services to reduce costs and urgency has been thorough and decisive with
In the absence of the supervisor, the Mail Associates are able to run the day to day
operations with control and confidence. Customers on the mail routes and at the mail center
window are handled in the utmost professional manner according to various comments
made throughout the campus community.
An effective office/service department has more than one initiative going on during any
academic year. You may use the same format to report on additional goals.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
To set up small informal training sessions for the departments by bringing them into the Mail
Center and showing them our operations. Hands-on training by showing them our process. It will
help to instruct them on how to save mailing and shipping costs.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
Yes, partially. Banner training has made it difficult for employees around campus to come to
a formal or informal training sessions. However, employees who come to the mail center are
always invited in and many get one-on-one training. The mail center has an ongoing goal to
train and update our customers.
Over the phone training takes place as a daily practice. Our ShipRequest software is common
practice around campus and less training or explanation is required. Oral and written
communications with the departments are important to help save costs and we pride
ourselves on those practices.
We consistently call or personally speak to our customers about new products such as the US
Postal Service “regional flat rate priority boxes” that became available in January, 2011.
Providing customers with new and better services are vital to our organization by saving
time, costs and gives our UNCSA community informed options so no one has to guess or
wonder how, when or where to ship.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
To set up a presort service that would allow us to discount for 1st class letters on a daily basis
without a piece count commitment.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
Upon discovery that presort houses will hold mail for days in order to gain extra zip codes for
the same area, thus gaining an extra few cents, we decided to place this goal on the back
burner. The risk of bills, checks or important mail being held for 3 or 4 days seems to be
imprudent for our business.
We will continue to check for updates on how presort houses do business because the
approximate savings of $.03 per letter is a good amount. However, the majority of
departments across campus already seem to be racing the clock to meet their deadlines.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
To automate package delivery services for students.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted
your office or service department.
Yes, the automation of package delivery services for students was initiated in January,
2011 and is a great success for our student body. Students have made such comments
as “this is so cool, I can wait to come down until I get an email!” and simple comments
such as “I love this new system!” and “the mail center is the talk of the campus”, all
very positive feedback.
As a result, the impact of delivery automation for student packages causes less time
each morning for an employee to write tracking numbers down verses scanning them
in a system with a click of a button.
U.S. Postal packages and important letters, checks, etc. without tracking numbers are
given a generic barcode and shelved in the mail center with a controllable ID along the
students’ name and mailbox number.
There are no chances of missing a tracking number with automation. It is recorded with
a scanner and stored in the system as both received and then delivered and stored in a
history file.
The students receive an email each time we scan in their package; therefore, they
don’t have to come to the Mail Center blindly looking for a package. Also, as a result of
our new notification through email, they read their school emails from others
departments as well. This new system serves more than originally intended.
With automation, we saved approximately 200 student worker hours. Writing up
student packages with long tedious tracking numbers took hours and unfortunately,
more human error which directly affected our budget.
Less time spent on writing up packages also means the Mail Associates are able to start
making their deliveries on a more regular schedule. Time is of the essence when mail is
Assessment Form
__________One Card Office__________
(Assessment Period)
Submitted By: Karen Waldo, One Card Manager
(Date Submitted)
Elements of the Assessment Report
What is the goal or function of your office or service department?
To provide superior and comprehensive service to all users of the identification, access and
prepaid flexible spending account card systems, and to deliver a competent system that will
integrate the multiple aspects of the student's life and satisfy the information and business needs
of service providers.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
 Have a Value Transfer Station (VTS) installed in Hanes Commons. The Commons has the more
liberal hours than the library. A second VTS in this location will offer another option for
students to make deposits to their One Card Pickle Dollars account. They will also be able to
check their balance.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
Yes - VTS was installed in the Mail Center Lobby and went online 10/14/10.
First deposit at the location was 10/14/2010 at 6:30 pm. Deposit was made before unit had
been advertised.
Deposits at One Card Office have decreased approximately 12%.
Deposits at Library VTS have decreased approximately 39%.
VTS deposits have doubled compared to last year .
80% of VTS deposits were made at the Commons VTS.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
 Have film students create a looping video that shows where and how the One Card is used. The
video would be run continuously during opening day to inform students and parents about the
card. The video would entertain and educate students and their parents while in line. The
overall goals of shortening the wait time in line for opening day, better informing students and
parents about the One Card, and replacing the One Card brochure in a more modern format will
be achieved by the video.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
The goal has not been achieved.
Several students have expressed interested and were provided with a very simple outline of
what was to be on the video.
The students were excited about the project concept but did not have the time devote to it
The video would show students at the various locations where they can use their One Cards
with an explanation of how to use it at that location.
A dramatic scene is to be included depicting a student losing their One Card and showing the
replacement procedure when the One Card office is close.
The introduction of redesigning the project to be a power point presentation has been made.
The interested students are currently reviewing the concept.
An effective office/service department has more than one initiative going on during any
academic year. You may use the same format to report on additional goals.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
 Contact NC State to finish surveying them and then compile the data from the 16 UNC schools.
The survey data will be organized to give an overall picture of what each school has in place for a
one card system and how they use it. The goal of this project is to share the information with the
other UNC schools, develop contacts to be used when needed and to better inform the UNCSA
administrators of the current and future issues the one card system will present.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
This goal has not been completed and will continue into next year.
The survey has been emailed to the 17 UNC schools, including NC School of Science and
The original number of questions was 25 but has increased to 105 questions.
Several schools have been contacted via the telephone, asked the questions and then the
answers were recorded.
Some schools have requested that questions be added and the requests were honored.
The responses are compiled into a spreadsheet as they are received.
After the answers are compiled the survey is returned to the school so that their responses can
be checked by them .
The information that has been received was used for several projects at UNCSA.
The survey is an ongoing project that will be updated as needed by any of the UNC Schools.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
 Develop a plan for the installation of new One Card door access readers as UNCSA moves forward
to update a rapidly aging door access system primarily comprised of obsolete equipment
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
In May of 2010, funds became available to purchase 202 sets of door access reader
components to be used to replace the obsolete ones currently in use.
The components have been received and cataloged for easy disbursement and tracking when
the actual installation starts.
An architect and electrical designer were commissioned to provide an estimate of work that
would be needed to complete the installation and to include an estimate of cost.
The design team came on campus several times
One Card compiled and provided the design team with copies of all the maps, floor plans and
complete location list.
As One Card completed the 911 mapping project, the design team was provided updated
The design team has submitted designs of the campus based on the mapping provided by One
The design team has yet to provide a realistic estimate of work and cost.
One Card continues to contact the UNCSA university architect and the design team for updates
on the project.
Assessment Form
____Campus Store_____
2010 - 2011
(Assessment Period)
June, 2011
(Date Submitted)
Submitted By: Genell Hartman, Campus Store Manager
Elements of the Assessment Report
What is the goal or function of your office or service department?
To provide an excellent campus bookstore, designed and operated to contribute to education
and to support the goals of UNCSA. Our mission is to become an integral part of the School by
developing positive relationships with students, alumni, faculty, and administration and
campus guests by delivering superior customer service and conducting our business in
accordance with high ethical standards. The operation shall offer quality products and
services at competitive prices, be responsive to the needs of the campus, and remain
List one of self-supporting.
the goals you set for your office or service department for 10 -11:
Investigate the possibility of adding on-line sale capability to the Campus Store
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
As of this time, I am being told by IT that there is not a secure server to support on-line
sales. I will continue to work with IT to promote this idea as a resource to capture offcampus sales.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
Train new cashier for the Campus Store. This training will include daily
procedures along with additional responsibilities of accounts payable,
receiving of merchandise, inventory control and Courseworks.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
Yes, Sandra is fully trained to open and close the store which includes setting up cash
drawers, One Card & credit card wedge, closing out daily sales and making the deposit.
She restocks merchandise, checks inventory levels, and places orders when needed.
Sandra knows the procedures to receive merchandise and how to input inventory into the
POS systems.
She does input of textbook adoptions into Courseworks, places textbook orders and
proficient in textbook buyback.
There are other parts of Courseworks (account payable, inventory control, textbook
chargeback, invoice/ receiving voucher, creating buyback list, buyback
reports/reconciliations) that will be introduced in the coming year.
We are working toward Sandra knowing all aspects of campus store management.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
Create Facebook account for Campus Store. This will create an avenue for sales
notices, special events, new items and general information regarding the Campus
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
Yes, the Facebook page for the UNCSA Campus Store was created July 7, 2010 with basic
information about the store as well as a picture of the store front as the profile picture.
The page has 183 users with 113 of them monthly users.
Facebook was advertised in the August 2010 information sheet that was made available to
all students/parents.
The Campus Store posted an in-store “Find Us On Facebook” sign and employees wore
Facebook buttons during high school and college check-ins to market the page. The
establishment of the Facebook page was also shared in the Parent Support Organization
(PSO) newsletter for high school parents.
Facebook offers an opportunity for off campus customers to view items not on the Campus
Store website such as new merchandise and balloons.
Throughout the year, news was posted on the page such as textbook buyback information,
sales, and what is happening on campus, etc.
Announcements were posted encouraging customers to respond to a post on Facebook
about receiving a free candy bar. Only 1 person responded but plans are to enhance this
program in the future.
The store has developed a photo release form so that current students can model new
merchandise and have those pictures posted on the Facebook page. The students are
encouraged to tag their picture so it will show up on their personal Facebook page and
increase the marketing spectrum of the apparel.
While many others and departments have Facebook pages, the Campus Store currently has
the only Facebook link on the UNCSA website.
List one of the goals you set for your office or service department for 10-11:
Establish a Focus Group for the Campus Store to evaluate merchandise choices in
order to increase sales and interest in the store.
Did you achieve this goal? Report the achievement, how it was measured and how it impacted your
office or service department.
Somewhat - the Campus Store Manager met with the campus store Focus Group on
November 4, 2010. Unfortunately the students that agreed to be part of the group have a
very busy schedule and are not been able to commit their time.
The Campus Store Staff does constantly ask students, faculty & staff verbally for
suggestions of items that they would like in the store.
The Campus Store Manage did a Meet & Greet with the Student Government on January
13, 2011 asking for suggestions to improve the campus store.
Due to staff/faculty/student suggestions, the store is now offering more art supplies, snack
items, and a proud parent car magnet.