Geology WebQuest Desiree Fernandez CTE 3.42 Rock Menu • Teachers • Introduction • Types of Rocks • Student Roles • Task and Process • Answer Form • Resource List • Quizzes • Rock Candy Activity • Rock Zone • Evaluation • Conclusion Overview • Grade/Subject: 2nd grade Science • Geology Experiment - A study of three main kinds of rocks: – IGNEOUS – SEDIMENTARY – METAMORPHIC Content Standards Earth’s Composition and Structure E2C Students understand that Earth materials include rocks, soils, and water. E5C Students understand that the features on the Earth’s surface are constantly changed by a combination of slow and rapid processes Essential Concepts, Skills, and Experiences 3.1 Investigate and describe how the Earth is composed of different kinds of materials. 3.2 Compare, test, measure, record, and describe observable properties of rocks and minerals. 3.3 Describe how the Earth is composed of different landforms. Introduction • Factoid: The whole Earth is surrounded by a crust of rock measuring from 15 to 40 miles (24 to 64 km) thick. What kinds of rocks are these?... Igneous • Igneous or “firemade” rocks come from molten rock, called magma, that lies underneath the Earth’s crust. • Magma that reaches the Earth’s surface is called lava. • Parts of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho were formed by immense flows of lava. • Two most common igneous rocks: Granite and Basalt. Sedimentary • Sedimentary rocks on the Earth’s surface are continually being broken up into small grains through… Weather Running Water Wind Glaciers Gravity • When sediment is piled, the weight of the upper layers press down with tremendous force. • Limestone and Conglomerate are sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic • Metamorphic rocks form as masses of magma push upward into the Earth’s crust. • Sedimentary or Igneous rocks nearby are heated and put under pressure. • Heat and pressure may change these rocks to metamorphic or “changed-form” rock. Example: Limestone is changed to marble. Shale is changed to slate. The Types of Rocks Have you ever wondered how different rocks are formed? In your journey, you will become a young Geologist through this WebQuest adventure. You will learn how different rocks are formed and understand the process of Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks! You will also know names of each type of rock! Student Roles (If working with a partner, take 2 roles each) • Gatherer – Responsible for gathering all materials needed for the activity and returning them. • Recorder – Records observations made by group and data collected. • Time/Task Keeper – Responsible for keeping all students on task and assures experience will be completed in a timely manner. • Presenter – Presents the groups findings and conclusion. Responsible for Retelling Task. Task and Process Task 1: Work with a partner or small group, and use the Internet to explore how the three main rocks are formed. Task 2: Use the Resource List to gather facts from different websites. Task 3: Use the form to record the facts. Task 4: Assess your knowledge by taking the quizzes. Task 5: Complete Rock-Candy Activity Task 6: Retelling task – Present your findings. Question/Answer Form Directions: They are the building blocks of our planet, but we rarely think about the rocks and minerals that we see every day. Start your Web hunt for the facts! Print this page to write your answers, or use a separate sheet of paper. Name:___________________________________ 1) The Earth is made of _____________________. 2) The three basic types of rocks that exist on the Earth are_______________________ ,______________________ , and____________________________. 3) Limestone contains _____________________________, which comes from ________________________. 4) The hardest stone in the world is _________________. 5) A geode is a __________________________________ . 6) Gems are a rare subgroup of _____________________. 7) Igneous rock forms when __________________________ _________________________________________________ . 8) Marble is a __________________ rock. 9) One type of Sedimentary rock is __________________. 10) Two most common Igneous rocks are _______________, and ___________________. Resource List Visit these websites for amazing information about rocks! These websites will give you the facts you need. Rock Cycle How rocks are formed Igneous Rock Rock Formation Sedimentary Rock Earth's Floor Metamorphic Rock Rocks for Kids Quizzes Rock Quiz ROCK ON… Explore and answer questions: Web Hunt Digging For Rocks 1) Grab a cup of dirt. 2) Use your tool to search for rocks. 3) Gather all your pieces…and ENJOY! (Be careful not to break a tooth!) ROCK CANDY Rock Zone Layers Puzzle Digging for Words Name that Rock Who am I? Rock game Evaluation You will be evaluated on cooperation and completion of each task. • • • • Did you use the websites to gather facts about rocks? Did you answer the questions and complete the form? Did you complete the Rock-Candy Activity? Is your presentation understandable? Conclusion Whoa! What a “rocky road”!! Did you enjoy being a Geologist and learning about rocks?... And you did it all through technology. Now that you have completed your tasks, you may enter the Rock Zone!...Oh yeah, and enjoy your “Rock-Candy”!