1970's Movies

1970’s Movies
Won Best Picture, Best Director, Best
Actor (George C. Scott) (7 Oscars)
 About General in WWII
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Love Story
 Ali MacGraw, Ryan O’Neal
Love Story
“Love means never having to say
you’re sorry.”- famous quote from
Wife dies young in
Movie, tearjerker film
The French Connection
 Won Best Picture, Best Director,
Best Actor (Gene Hackman)
 A Clockwork Orange
 Shaft
 Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood)
The French Connection
Cops, drug smuggling
 Ring with a French
 Connection
The Godfather
 Won Best Picture, Best Actor
(Marlon Brando)
 Deliverance (Burt Reynolds)
 Cabaret
 Won Best Director and Best Actress
(Liza Minnelli)
The Godfather
Leader of
Organized crime
Family transfers
Control to his son
The Sting (Paul Newman, Robert
Redford) Best Picture, Best Director
(7 Oscars)
 American Graffiti (George Lucas)
 The Exorcist
 The Way We Were (Barbra
Streisand, Robert Redford)
1930’s Chicago
 Con man seeks
Revenge for
Murdered partner
 Takes on criminal
The Exorcist
Landmark of
Horror films
 Girl possessed
 Cleric called in
As last hope
The Godfather, Part II (Al Pacino,
Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton) Won
Best Picture, Best Director
 Blazing Saddles (Mel Brooks, Gene
 Young Frankenstein (Mel Brooks,
Gene Wilder)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
(Best Picture, Best Director, Best
Actress Louis Fletcher, Best Actor
Jack Nicholson)
 Jaws (Steven Spielberg)
 Monty Python and the Holy Grail
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Randle P. McMurphy
 Playing crazy to
Avoid prison work
 Sent to state mental
hospital for eval
Great White starts to
Menace the people of
Beach community
“You'll never go in the
water again!”
Rocky (Best Picture, Best Director)
Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire,
Burgess Meredith
 All the President’s Men (Dustin
Hoffman, Robert Redford)
 Taxi Driver (Robert De Niro, Cybill
A small time boxer gets a once in a
lifetime chance to fight the
heavyweight champ in a
bout in which he strives to
go the distance for his
“His whole life was a
million-to-one shot.”
Taxi Driver
A mentally unstable
Vietnam war veteran
works as nighttime
taxi driver & has urge
to violently lash out.
“You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You
talkin' to me?”
Annie Hall (Woody Allen, Diane
Keaton) Best Picture, Best Director,
Best Actress
 The Goodbye Girl (Best Actor,
Richard Dreyfuss)
 Star Wars (George Lucas) Mark
Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher
Star Wars
Luke Skywalker leaves
his home planet, teams
up with other rebels, and
tries to save Princess
Leia from the evil
clutches of Darth Vader.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
(Steven Spielberg)
 Saturday Night Fever (John Travolta)
The Deer Hunter (Best Picture, Best
Director) Robert De Niro, Meryl
Streep, Christopher Walken
 Coming Home (Best Actress Jane
Fonda, Best Actor Jon Voight)
 Grease (John Travolta, Olivia
Superman (Christopher Reeve,
Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman)
 National Lampoon’s Animal House
(John Belushi, Donald Sutherland,
Tim Matheson)
An alien orphan is sent from
his dying planet to Earth,
where he grows up to become
his adoptive home's
first and greatest
Kramer vs Kramer (Best Picture,
Best Director, Best Actor Dustin
 Apocalypse Now (Marlon Brando,
Martin Sheen)
 Norma Rae (Sally Field- Best
Kramer vs Kramer
A just divorced man
must learn to care
for his son on his
own, and then must
fight in court to
keep custody of him
Norma Rae
A young single mother
and textile worker
agrees to help unionize
her mill despite the
problems and dangers