The Challenge - Website Staff UI

Bringing Structure to Chaos
Challenges & Opportunities for
OnBase Higher Education Solutions
& Photos
Paper Documents
& Files
Electronic Documents
Video, &
Content Sources
for Chaos
Web Pages
Print Output
XML & Meta Data
Source: AIIM
#1 Challenge for Universities
• Harnessing Information Technology (IT)
• Most valuable information in universities:
– Documents
– Content
• 90% of university information in documents.
• Value of new Information Technologies (IT) to
manage content and documents.
• Ways value can be realized.
• Structure to understand this field.
• Call to action to revolutionize information
management at universities.
• Universities create more documents, collaboration
artifacts, emails, corporate records, and other
unstructured information than ever.
• Explosion of unstructured information — documents,
emails, rich media assets, and Web content —
results in chaos if universities cannot create, tag,
version, manage, and retain this information in a
consistent manner.
• Chaos leads to:
– frustrated university employees & students unable
to find the information they need to complete a
– increased risk exposure for the university from the
loss or misuse of intellectual property and
sensitive information;
– delivery of poor experiences as students,
administrators and educators don't get the
information they want or need.
• #1. Establish vision of the scope and potential
impact of Enterprise Content Management
(ECM) in a university.
– Implications for university IT managers
• #2. Understand technologies enabling new
ways to handle and process documents and
– Making infeasible functions & processes possible.
• #3. Create structure and vision for ECM at a
Scope & Importance of ECM in
Four Parts
Definition & Scope
Value from Documents & Content
Driving Forces
Opportunities & Challenges
#1. Definition & Scope
“ The technologies, tools, and methods used
to capture, manage, store, preserve, and
deliver content across an enterprise.”
(Source: AIIM International, 2003)
Source: AIIM
#2. Value from Documents &
• Improved management and communication of
concepts and ideas
• Upgraded, “re-engineered” basic business
• Leveraging organizational memory
#3. Driving Forces
• Universities are drowning in paper.
• Use Information Technology to manage all university
information in documents and data records
• Reduce: uncertainty, ambiguity and equivocality
• Enable traditional documents with richer media and
richer structure to support university communication
and information processing
• Improve productivity and organizational effectiveness
#4. Opportunities & Challenges
• Not meeting matriculation goals and timetables
• Losing prospective students due to delays in
communication, awards, etc.
• Running out of physical space or forcing costly
• Consuming valuable staff time on laborious tasks:
matching documents, fixing errors, doing redundant
data entry, etc.
• Draining IT resources tasked with getting or keeping
disconnected or difficult-to-connect systems “talking”
• Being out of compliance regarding file management
and security
• Diminishing the institutional prestige and competitive
profile of your college or university
Enterprise Content Management
from 3 Perspectives
• #1. Technology
• #2. Benefits
• #3. Responsibilities
• Underlying Infrastructure
• Document & Content Management
Underlying Infrastructure
Desktop workstations
Storage media
User friendly software
Operating systems
Document & Content Management
Capture & Creation
Storage and Organization
Compound Document Architecture
Distributed Storage
Integrating Documents and Databases
Retrieval & Synthesis
Transmission & Routing
Print & Display
• Document Management Functions
Source: AIIM
7 Values to Universities
• #1. Improving the publishing process
• #2. Supporting University processes
• #3. Supporting Communication among people
and groups
• #4. Improving Access to External Information
• #5. Creating & Maintaining Documentation
• #6. Maintaining University Records
• #7. Promoting Training & Education
7 Values to Universities
• #1. Improving the publishing process
Traditional Publishing Process:
Creation &
Re-engineered Publishing Process:
Creation &
Storage &
Printing &
7 Values to Universities
• #2. Supporting Organizational Processes
– Reduce physical space for handling of forms
– Faster routing of forms
– Managing/tracking of forms and overall workload
– Workflow systems for:
• Quality improvement processes
• Process re-engineering
University wide deployment, a department at a
Office of the Chancellor
Accounts Payable
Financial Aid
Undergraduate Admissions
Alumni Affairs
Graduate Admissions
Academic Units
Human Resources
7 Values to Universities
• #3. Supporting Communication among people
and groups
– Transfer knowledge and information throughout
– Reduce time for communication
7 Values to Universities
• #4. Improving Access to External Information
– Better access to time-critical information and
reference material
– Direct user access to on-line text databases
– Circulation of full text research papers
– On-line card catalogs
– Document reference & access services
7 Values to Universities
• #5. Creating & Maintaining Documents
– Maintain current version of documents to be
updated and accessed frequently by variety of
• Reports, manuals, drawings, reference material, multimedia and text formats
– Quicker access to documents
– More efficiency in the search process
– Simultaneous access by several people to the
most current version of the document
– Reduced cost of printing & distributing documents.
7 Values to Universities
• #6. Maintaining University Records
– Savings in storage space and ease of retrieval
– Reduced misfiling of important documents
– Better access and sharing over geographic areas
– Better version control
– Improved retention management
7 Values to Universities
• #7. Promoting Training & Education
– Teach and train people in the university
Roles & Responsibilities
of primary support departments
IS Department
Records Management
Office Management
Reprographics & Printing
Training & Education
Conclusion: Call to Action
Form a “Document/Content Council”
Form a Document/Content Technology Group
Prioritize Applications
Develop an ECM Plan
Revise Responsibilities
• 7,200+ customers
• Addressing needs of large & mid-tier enterprises
• Serving customers through OnBase Solution Providers
• OnBase® ECM solution
• Integrated, Scalable, Open, Configurable product
• Vertically-tailored applications driving process
efficiencies and improved service at lower unit costs
Solutions Focus
• Financial Services, Government, Healthcare,
Insurance, Higher Education & Manufacturing
• Back-Office and Compliance solutions
Service & Culture
• Customer service focus
• Unique corporate culture serving 650+ employees
What Can a University or College
Achieve with OnBase?
Real ROI and Real Strategic Advantage
• More than an electronic filing cabinet
• Flexible, configurable – easy to adapt for unique challenges
• Capture of documents from all sources
Electronic applications and forms, e.g., Common App
Scanned images
Direct fax receipt
E-mail integration
MS integration
• Flexible Integration options with SIS and other core business apps
– Non programmatic
• Partner who will supply results for <<Initial Department(s)>>
and a stable framework for future expansion
– All other departments may build on what <<Initial Department>>
puts in place
A Few OnBase Higher Education Clients
American Public University
Owens Community College
Boston University
Passaic County Community College
Bowling Green State University
Princeton University
Cape Fear Community College
Rice University
Carleton College
Stanford University
Case Western Reserve University
SUNY, Student Loans Servicing Center
Coastal Carolina University
Syracuse University
Columbia University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Contra Costa Community College District
The Ohio State University
Davidson County Community College
University of Alaska
Eastern Illinois University
University of California - Davis
Hartnell College
Indiana University
University of Colorado – Denver &
Indiana University Purdue University
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Monmouth University
University of Memphis
Norwich University
University of Texas, Dallas
Occidental College
University of Waterloo
Ohio University
West Shore Community College
Ohlone College
Yosemite Community College District
Analyst Recognition: Forrester
Source: Forrester Research, The Forrester Wave™: Content-Centric Applications Q1 2006,
March 29, 2006
The Magic Quadrant is copyrighted September
2007 by Gartner, Inc. and is reused with
permission. The Magic Quadrant is a graphical
representation of a marketplace at and for a
specific time period. It depicts Gartner's analysis
of how certain vendors measure against criteria
for that marketplace, as defined by Gartner.
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or
service depicted in the Magic Quadrant, and
does not advise technology users to select only
those vendors placed in the "Leaders" quadrant.
The Magic Quadrant is intended solely as a
research tool, and is not meant to be a specific
guide to action. Gartner disclaims all warranties,
express or implied, with respect to this research,
including any warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose.
Source: Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise
Content Management, 2007
Date: September 2006
Authors: Karen Shegda, Kenneth Chin, Mark
Gilbert, Toby Bell, Debra Logan
#1. Case Study: Columbia University
#2. Case Study: Princeton University
#3. Case Study: Stanford University
#4. Undergraduate Admissions
#5. Alumni Relations & Development
#6. Registrar’s Office
#7. Financial Aid
Appendix #1: Columbia University
OnBase at Columbia
• First implementation in 2002
• University-wide enterprise license in March 2007
– Undergraduate Admissions
Financial Aid
Accounts Payable
Graduate School of Public Health
Graduate School of Journalism
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Appendix #1: Columbia University
The Project: Multiple Enrollment Areas
Undergraduate admissions & financial processing
Admissions review
Financial Aid review
Appendix #1: Columbia University
The Solution for Admissions & Advising
• “Assigns” appropriate officer based on citizenship,
program and alpha breakdown
• Officers conduct reviews from anywhere
• Provides instant access to exactly where applicants
are in the review process
• Automatically sorts on key information for officers
• Tracks INC files and notifies officers when new
documents arrive
• Automates “run through” process to proof decisions
before mailing
• Automates hand off of matriculated student files to
Academic Advising
• Automatically purges specific evaluation documents
from matriculated student file
Appendix #1: Columbia University
The Results
• In the 1st year, regular decision review completed
2 weeks early
• 21% increase in applications processed and
reviewed with the same number staff of members
Appendix #1: Columbia University
The Solution for Academic Advising
• Automatically scrubs and transfers matriculated student files
– Automatically “processes” deposited applicants are over to
advising during the summer
– Expunges review notes and evaluation form from the
applicant file
– “Moves” other documents to the advising section of the
system, which instantly updates security rights
• Provides advisors with access to applicant files from any
• Provides advisors with a student “profile” e-form and other
documents in the student file
• Enables advisors to add notes, e-mails and other documents to
the student file
Appendix #1: Columbia University
Graduate School of Public Health
The Project: Graduate Admissions Review
The Goal: One solution fitting 6 departments’
review requirements
– Faculty-driven review process
– Reviewers and committee members work online
Appendix #1: Columbia University
Graduate School of Public Health
The Challenges
• Rolling admissions process
• Applicants often apply to multiple programs
• Must accommodate a collaborative, 3-step review
– Coordinator Review
– Departmental Review
– Committee Review
Appendix #1: Columbia University
Graduate School of Public Health
The Solution for Graduate Admissions
Provides ability to “push” incomplete files to review
Provides ability to notify admissions of errors
Updates review results to Coordinator form
Allows simultaneous file access and review for
multiple reviewers
• Provides a single Admissions Review Queue:
• Simplifies setup and eases administration
• Enables hundreds of reviewers to see and access only
those files specifically assigned to them
Appendix #1: Columbia University
Graduate School of Public Health
The Solution for Graduate Admissions
• Gives departments instant access to
– Their pipelines
– Applicants-in-review
– Decisioned applicants
– Real-time reports
• Sends coordinator an evaluation form for complete
• Assigns reviewer(s)
• Notifies when new documents arrive
• Notifies when all reviews are complete
• And does more …
Appendix #2: Princeton University
• First implemented in 2002
• Current departments
– Office of the Treasurer
– President’s Office
– Library
– Research and Project Administration
• Office of Development
– 15 Billion Endowment
– All Development files stored in OnBase
• Existing historical files scanned
• All donor and prospect files
– Biographical
– Research
– Gifts
• Documentation available to officers on the road
• Specific Documentation shared outside the office with hundreds of users
• Access directly from Advance Windows to related parts of the file
• Ability to text search documents based on keywords
Appendix #2: Human Resources
• Dynamic foldering
• Easy to move documents around
– Different folder section
– Fix mis-filings
Automated input and routing of PDF / paper based forms
Notification of missing required documents
Storage and retrieval of HR and Benefits files
Automation of separation processing
Review / complete applications and route to the appropriate
department for review
Monitor departmental review progress
Notification of interview scheduling request from department
Ability to create Outlook tasks
Ability to create standardize interview questions sheets
Ability for departments to rank applicants
• Automation / tracking of new hire process
Appendix #3: Stanford University
The Project: Multiple Enrollment Departments
• Undergraduate Admissions
• Financial Aid
• Registrar’s Office
Appendix #3: Stanford University
The Solution for Undergraduate Admissions
• Transfers data & documents received via AY
• Automates routing and tracking of incoming
application documents
• Automates routing of ready-to-review files
• Pre-populates Evaluation Form with data from
• Provides real-time access to current test scores.
• Updates PeopleSoft document tracking with receipt
of documents
• Automates data updates from OnBase to PeopleSoft
Recruitment fields
Disability status
Diversity issues
Decision data
Appendix #3: Stanford University
The Results
• Reduction of manual data entry and possible
mistakes with ratings and decisions
• Readers receive applicant files weeks faster
• Ability for readers to see applicants in the pipeline
for their review territories
• Instant access to each applicant file regardless of
point in the process
• Ability to read outside the office
• Multiple users can view documents simultaneously
• Transfer of documents to Registrar’s Office at time
of matriculation
Appendix #4: Undergraduate
What document processing and file
review challenges are Undergraduate
Admissions departments facing?
Appendix #4: Undergraduate
Admissions Challenges
• Increasing applicant pool
• Growing competitive pressure
• Escalating service demands
• Understaffing
Appendix #4: What Can Undergraduate
Admissions Achieve with OnBase?
• Digitally store all incoming documents
– Electronic applications (e.g. Common App)
– E-mails
– Summary forms
• Handle increased applicant volume with the same staff
• Increase competitive advantage in finding and reaching
out to best fit applicants faster
• Automate the routing of files once complete
• Provide secure review of admissions package from
• And do more …
Appendix #4: What Can Undergraduate
Admissions Achieve with OnBase?
The Reduction of Applicant Processing Time
• Automate import of electronic application
• Match pre-application documents
• Automate matching of incoming applications (online
and paper based) to documents already stored in
OnBase, facilitating timely folder completion
• Automate file assembly and forwarding to the
appropriate reviewer(s) on file completion in SIS
• Create electronic pull sheets populated with key
data elements from OnBase: Name, test scores,
GPA, VIP, Legacy, Athlete, Dev, etc.
Appendix #4: What Can Undergraduate
Admissions Achieve with OnBase?
A Strategic Advantage in the Review Process
• Provide Web-based access for reviewers from any secure
• Automate routing and sorting of files by athletic code, VIP,
GPA, class rank, region or any other data
• Slice-and-dice the applicant pool at the touch of a button
• Order reviews by CEEB code, class rank, GPA, etc. for easier
comparison of multiple applicants
• Instantly update files marked as Dev, VIP, etc. for rerouting,
additional reads, etc.
• Review on-the-fly the demographics of proposed admit pool
and make changes before loading final decisions to SIS
Enrollment Services - Barriers & Burdens
• Service slowdowns and decision delays caused by
manual, error-prone filing and processing
• Space constraints and staffing concerns stemming from
paper-reliant, labor-intensive processes
• Inability to target or keep pace with growth in
applications, services or departmental scope
• Difficulty coordinating information and activities across
multiple, often disconnected systems and processes
• Missed opportunities for timely, accurate academic
advising and for enhancing student service
• Difficulty monitoring and tracking process efficiency
Appendix #4: Customer Spotlight
How have colleges and universities
leveraged OnBase in Undergraduate
Admissions and what are their results?
Appendix #4: Case Western Reserve
The Project: Undergraduate Admissions
The Goal: Support aggressive 5-year plan
• Improve the University’s selectivity: Reduce 75%
admit rate to 35%
• Increase number of First-Year Undergraduate
applications from ~4,600 to 10,000
• Decrease Case’s discount rate by reducing reliance
on gift aid
• Slightly increase Case’s First-Year class size
Appendix #4: Case Western Reserve
The Challenges
• Manual, paper-based processes resulting in
lost/misplaced files, delays in decisions
• Bottlenecks in review processes and uneven
reading loads
• No way to prioritize completed file folders
• Outdated information systems with very little
document or Web integration
• No physical space and limited financial resources
for expansion
• Additional paper generated by printing electronic
Appendix #4: Case Western Reserve
The Solution for Undergraduate Admissions
• Replaces paper folders
• Processes incoming applicant documents
• Immediately, automatically updates SIS with receipt
of documents
• Automates routing of applicant files through review
• Automates routing of admitted applicants through
scholarship process
• Tracks/monitors time to complete review process
and productivity
• Facilitates online status checks for documents
required, documents received and decisions
Appendix #4: Case Western Reserve
The Results
• Experienced 60% increase in applications over 3
• File review completed by same number of
• Virtually eliminated overtime among processing
staff (saved four months’ temporary work)
• Decisions delivered faster
– almost two weeks ahead of schedule
– one month earlier than previous year
• Reduction in call volume: Applicants can instantly
view online which documents have been received
Appendix #5: Alumni Relations
and Development
Better Control and Access of Your Information = More $$$$
• Find a needle in a haystack in seconds
– Research funding sources for specific projects
– Answer the “call”
• Is everything really in the file?
Web and paper clippings, correspondence, gift agreements
Store call sheets
Related files
• Organize and optimize
– Better prepared to make the ask
– Easily create profiles
– Easily create/save/distribute research
• More done, faster with fewer resources
– Secure collaboration for gift agreements, contracts, etc.
– Remote access by road staff to constituent files
– Advance Integration
Appendix #6: Registrar’s Office
What document processing, file
management and student service
challenges are Registrar’s offices facing?
Appendix #6: Registrar’s Office
• Understaffing
• Mounds of paper
– Forms, forms, forms
– Volumes of transcripts and transfer credits
– Volumes of drop/add forms, course changes, transcript
requests, graduation petitions, etc.
• Barrages of phone inquiries
• Difficulty locating files and forms
• Time-consuming, error-prone SIS updating
• Difficulty sharing information with Academic Units
• Varying retention requirements and demands on
storage – lifetime for many documents
Appendix #6: What Can the Registrar’s Office
Achieve with OnBase?
Control and Consistency in File Management
Automate transfer and scrubbing of matriculated student files
Consolidate student folders
Automate student petitions
Initiate and capture all correspondence (word, e-mail)
Automate paper forms processing
– Save students time and effort in processing petitions for
graduation, drop/add forms (after the deadline), etc.
• Ease communication with academic areas
– File sharing
– Collaboration on student processes
• Flawlessly apply rules for records retention
Appendix #6: Customer Spotlight
How have colleges and universities
leveraged OnBase in the Registrar’s
Office and related areas, and what are
their results?
Appendix #6:
University of Colorado - Denver
The Project: Registrar’s Office
The Goals
• Update SIS (as system of record) accurately,
• Open better paths of communication with
academic units
• Increase turnaround times and service quality in
handling student inquiries, petitions, requests,
Appendix #6:
University of Colorado - Denver
The Challenge
• Supporting file management, forms processing
and interdepartmental routing/approval
for 2 campuses
enrolling 28,000+ students
in more than 100 programs-of-study
across 12 schools and colleges
Appendix #6:
University of Colorado - Denver
The Solution for the Registrar’s Office
• Provides ability to capture/route/prioritize incoming
documents based on status, term or other data
• Automates file completion and consolidation
• Replaces paper forms with online forms for
automated submittal and routing
– Graduation petitions
– Drop/Add after the deadline
– Requests for transcripts
• Automates communication and file sharing with
academic units for above processes
• Monitors and manages document retention
Appendix #6:
University of Colorado - Denver
The Results
• Enhanced the student experience by
– easing form submission
– streamlining approval processes
– providing staff with accurate, updated information when
responding to requests and inquiries
• Bolstered collaborative, cross-campus approaches
to student service
Appendix #7: Financial Aid
What document processing and file
review challenges are Financial Aid
departments facing?
Appendix #7: Financial Aid
• Increase in applications without increase in budget
• Costly reliance on overtime and temporary staff for
peak processing
• Difficulty locating/tracking verification documents
• Struggle to keep up with incoming e-mails and phone
• Manual processes resulting in packaging delays and
Appendix #7: What Can the Financial Aid
Office Achieve with OnBase?
Ease and Accuracy in Verifying/Awarding Aid
• SIS-integrated document retrieval & indexing
• Notify staff of new documents that arrive for inprocess students
• Automatically route completed files to appropriate
• Monitor and match “loose credentials” (pre-app
documents) when the application arrives
Appendix #7: Customer Spotlight
How have colleges and universities
leveraged OnBase in Financial Aid, and
what are their results?
Appendix #7: Monmouth University
The Project: Financial Aid Processing &
The Goal: Speed Service and Decision-Making
• Ensure immediate access to files
• Improve ability to respond to inquiries on the
initial call
Appendix #7: Monmouth University
The Challenges
• May to September seasonal spikes overwhelming
• Paper processes causing frequent misfiling,
provoking retrieval delays
Appendix #7: Monmouth University
The Solution for Financial Aid
• Provides “at a glance” summary of documents
• Monitors audit trail of documents in process
• Alerts counselors when new documents arrive
• Flexibly distributes files for reading
• Locates misfiled and duplicate records
Appendix #7: Monmouth University
The Results
• Eliminated back files waiting to be processed
• Files now available “on demand”
• Multiple staff can simultaneously access same file
from any location
• Office space regained
Appendix #7:
Case Western Reserve University
The Solution for Financial Aid
• Updates, routes and monitors incoming verification
• Updates SIS with arrival of incoming documents
• Enables financial aid application to update SIS
• Gives students instant online access to which
verification documents have been received
• Stores outgoing and incoming correspondence
directly into student file
• And does more …
Appendix #7:
Case Western Reserve University
The Solution for Financial Aid
• Facilitates processing of:
scholarships, including interaction with Foundation
student loans
student employment
• Enables real-time provisional awarding for both
students and applicants
• Automates routing of incoming appeals based on
Appendix #8: Graduate Admissions
What document processing and file
review challenges are Graduate
Admissions departments facing?
Appendix #8: Graduate Admissions
• Manual transfer of paper files to departments
• Tracking files that have been transferred to
• Lost / misplaced files
• Monitoring review progress and status
• Slow review process due to multiple reviewers
required for decisioning a file
Appendix #8: What Can Graduate Admissions
Achieve with OnBase?
Enhanced file tracking, completion, review
• Match application documents from all sources
• Automate the routing of files once complete
• Allow each application to be reviewed and tracked
• Provide Web-based online review system for
admissions and faculty
• Accommodate program-specific criteria
• Ensure program-specific review security