Physical Property

Physical Properties
Physical Property :
Characteristic of a material that can be
observed or measured without changing the
composition of the substances in the material.
– Examples:
– Viscosity
– conductivity
– malleability
– hardness
– melting point
– boiling point
– density
Examples of Physical Properties
Viscosity –
Tendency of a liquid to
keep from flowing
Thick liquids  high
• Thin liquids  low
Examples of Physical Properties
Conductivity Ability to allow heat or electricity to flow
Materials that have a high conductivity, such
as metals, are called conductors.
• Good conductors of heat are usually also
good conductors of electricity.
Examples of Physical Properties
Malleability The ability of a solid to be hammered without
Most metals, such as gold, are malleable.
Solids that shatter when struck are brittle, not
An ice cube or piece of glass breaks into small pieces
when struck with a hammer.
Examples of Physical Properties
Hardness - resistance to scratching
One material can scratch another material if it is
harder than the other material.
• A kitchen knife can scratch a copper sheet
because stainless steel is harder than
• The material used to sharpen the knife
blade must be harder than stainless steel.
• Diamond is the hardest known material.
Examples of Physical Properties
Melting and Boiling Points Temperature at which material changes state
• Melting point (freezing is same temperature)
 Melting  solid to liquid
 Freezing  liquid to solid
Boiling point (condensing is same temperature)
 Boiling  liquid to gas
 Condensing  gas to liquid
Examples of Physical Properties
Density –
the ratio of the mass of a substance to its
volume (i.e. mass/volume)
Characteristic Property
• Density can be used to test the purity of a
• Silver has a density of 10.5 g/cm3. A coin with a
density of 9.9 g/cm3 is not made from silver, or
it contains substances in addition to silver.
Examples of Physical Properties
Physical properties are used to:
•Identify materials
•Choose materials for a specific purpose
•Separate the substances in mixtures.
Using Properties to Separate Mixtures
Filtration and distillation are
two common separation
Distillation – separates the
substances in a solution based
on their boiling points.
Examples: gasoline, moonshine
Recognizing Physical Changes
Physical change:
Substances in the material remain the same.
Some of the properties of a material change,
properties such as: Size, Shape, State of matter
(solid, liquid, or gas)
Examples include:
going from a liquid to a gas during boiling
Melting butter in a pan
Crumpling a piece of paper
Slicing a tomato
Some but not all physical changes can be
hair is a reversible change.
Cutting hair cannot be reversed.
Both are physical changes.
Chemical Properties
As a candle burns, its compounds combine with
oxygen in the air to form water and carbon
Chemical property –
ability to produce a change in the
composition of matter.
 Flammability
 Reactivity
Chemical Properties
A material’s ability to burn in the presence of
 Materials that burn can be used as fuel.
How readily a substance combines chemically
with other substances
Chemical Change
Rust forms when oxygen reacts with iron and water.
Rust is a brittle, reddish-brown compound. Because
iron is highly reactive, you would not choose iron to
make jewelry or coins.
Recognizing Chemical Change
chemical change occurs when a substance
reacts and forms one or more new
The color change in a banana peel is caused by
chemical changes that are taking place in the
cells of the banana.
Recognizing Chemical Change
 3 common types of evidence for a
chemical change:
•Change in color
•Production of a gas
•Formation of a precipitate.
Recognizing Chemical Change
Change in Color – a clue that a chemical
change may have produced at least one new
• A shiny silver bracelet that is exposed to air will
• As a match burns, it shrivels up and turns black.
• A new copper roof and an old copper roof have
different colors.
Recognizing Chemical Change
A new copper roof has a reddish color.
The green patina on an old copper roof
is a mixture of copper compounds.
Recognizing Chemical Change
Production of a Gas
+ Baking Soda  bubbles of carbon dioxide
form immediately.
A similar chemical change happens when you use
baking powder as an ingredient in a cake recipe.
 Bubbles of carbon dioxide expand and cause the
cake to rise.
Recognizing Chemical Change
Formation of a Precipitate
Precipitate – any solid that forms and separates
from a liquid mixture.
When an acid is added to milk, proteins in the milk
undergo a chemical change that causes them to stick
together in clumps and form a precipitate  cottage
Chemical Changes
Color change, a gas, or a precipitate DO
NOT guarantee that a chemical change has
taken place.
When an iron horseshoe is heated, its color
changes from gray to red, but the iron is still
iron. That means the change is physical, not
Chemical Changes
• Are different substances present after a change
takes place? If not, then the change is physical, not
Chemical change:
 composition of the matter changes.
You got something NEW
Physical change:
 composition of the matter stays same.